Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Serpent ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )
Tobias's DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter series. Though I would LOVE to *coughs* "own" Hermione for my own "use" *cackles evilly*
Belle's DISCLAIMER: I still do not own Harry Potter….and I take no responsibility for any inappropriate remarks made by Tobias about HP characters.
Tobias's Note (T/N): Nothing new from me. `Cept I would like to see Belle in some witch's robes. *grins and winks at her*
Belle's Note (B/N): Keep me out of your twisted fantasies Tobias *inching away from him as she laughs*.
The Second Serpent
By Belle & Tobias
Chapter 2
I heard my mug crack as my hands tightened around it. The Death Eaters apparated away, their meeting apparently over. I had to get back to Hogwarts and warn the others. As I walked outside, and made my way out of town, so I could take off, I realized I couldn't very well go up to anyone and tell them. First of all, me being alive and well after all this time may raise too many questions and problems. Voldemort's heir was only doing what he wanted because I was supposed to be dead. I had to make sure he KEPT on thinking I was dead. Only two people could know I was back, and one of them had to think it was only a dream………
I turned the page in my book, fully aware of Ron's chocolate eyes gazing at me.
"Not tonight," I stated, not even looking at him as I turned the page.
"I'm not after that," he stated, trying to sound hurt, but I knew better.
"What then?" I asked as I marked my page and looked at him. He smiled and pulled the book away.
"I want to cuddle with my fiancé," he replied before turning off the light and pulling me close. I sighed and shook my head before rolling over and letting him pull my back against his chest.
"Really, I swear Ron," I teased as I turned my head back and kissed him. "Today was stressful enough and tomorrow I have to get the third years through their practicle with the boggart." He snickered.
"Tell me all the good fears," he chuckled as he kissed my neck before we settled down to sleep.
I heard a noise and quickly got out of bed, I felt strange as I quickly hopped down the stairs. Only I wasn't in our apartments, I was back in the Gryiffindor common room. I looked behind me to see the stairs up to the girls' dormitory. I heard a noise and I quickly turned around, my wand ready to face whatever had summoned me here.
"Who's there? Show yourself," I demanded, standing tall and proud, Ron and I had restarted the dueling club years ago, so I was not a defensless witch.
"Hermione…" a voice whispered and my eyes widened as I looked over at the stairs to the boys' dormitory. He stepped out of the shadows, not the child I had known, this was the man he should have been. His hair was still unruly but it looked smashing on him. His eyes were even more vibrant, green as the most lush spring foliage. The glasses were different, but you could have had a blindfold on him and I'd still recognize him. I found my eyes moving over that ever familiar scar, the one that was featured in many of the pictures in Ron and my compartments.
"Harry?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled that `damn it, she caught me' smile that he and Ron had developed over our friendship. "It is you! You're back! You've come back to all of us!" I ran over towards him but he started shaking his head.
"Oh, I'm sorry Hermione." I said. She looked puzzled and I sighed. "I'm not really here. This is all a dream."
"A dream?" she said, puzzled. I nodded.
"Yes, a dream. Why do you think we're in the dorms? Why not in your room?" I said. I hope she believed me. I've always found it hard to lie to her, but I've gotten better at it over the past thirteen years.
"Oh. So you're some kind of warning then? Like you were sent from heaven?" she said timidly. I smiled softly. That was my Hermione.
Part of my heart cried out in agony, Harry was dead, he was contacting me from beyond the grave. Damn him and taking all those Divination courses, probably gave him the edge on talking to others from the grave…took him long enough to get to me.
"So, you're a warning, Harry. Tell me, what's so important that it called you from the grave to contact me?" I asked as I looked at him, trying to piece him with my teacher's gaze. He looked at me and sighed.
"The heir of Voldemort has come to Hogwarts," he said and I felt as if I had been hit in the abdomen.
"No!" I hissed as I looked at him.
"Yes, Hermione, and it gets worse, he's already found the Chamber of Secrets," Harry said and I looked at him in shock.
"What can we do?" I asked and he looked at me.
"Warn Dumbledore and the teachers, whoever this heir is, he's looking to take over Hogwarts," he said and I shook my head.
"I'll do my best, Harry," I said and I looked up to see him leaving. Could I let him go without telling him? Couldn't he give me more to work on than that?
"Harry." She said softly. I turned my back on her and clenched my fist.
"That's all I've been allowed to tell you." I lied. "Give Ron my best. Tell him I miss him."
"Harry. I……..we……what I mean is Ron and I are getting married." She said. I swallowed, forcing the next few words out.
"Oh? I'm happy for you guys." I began to pull away from her mind, letting the mental image of the dorms fade.
"Harry!" she cried. I cringed at the last words I projected into her mind.
"Good bye, Hermione."
I woke up with a start, Ron was snoring and I shook my head, I still felt the affects of the dream and I quickly got up, pulling on an over-robe. I looked back to see Ron make a face as he rolled onto the warm spot left by my body, he sighed happily as he hugged my pillow and I quickly headed out into the hallway. I used every secret passage I knew of to get to Dumbledore quicker. I knocked on the gargoyle's head and its mouth opened.
"Yes?" Albus' sleepy voice came through.
"Headmaster, I must talk to you, I've had a dream," I whispered into the gargoyle's ear.
"Really now, was it a good one?" he asked and I rolled my eyes, he loved toying with Ron and I.
"No, Albus, it was about Harry, he had a warning for us," I said and the gargoyle practically leaped out of the way and I rushed up the stairway into his office. He stood there and looked at me as he indicated a chair.
"Please, Hermione, sit, let us discuss this dream," he said and I nodded as I took my seat across from him. "You say it was Harry." I nodded.
"Professor, I…it was more than a dream. Harry was grown, a man, not the boy that vanished all those years ago," I said as I clasped my hands together, rubbing them to make sure to myself this was real. "We were standing in the Gryffindor common room, I entered through the stairs to the girls' dormitory and he entered from the stairs to the boys'. We met around the middle and he told me that the Heir of Slytherin, Lord Voldemort's child, is here. Also, he told me that the heir has already found the Chamber of Secrets and we should be on the lookout." I looked up at him. Dumbledore's eyes gave nothing away, but as always they seemed to know something I did not.
"I see, how do you feel about this?" he asked and I hugged myself.
"This was more than a normal dream," I said as I looked at him, he seemed to be hiding a smile.
"Why would you say that?" he asked.
"It was because Harry was grown. In all of my dreams with Harry, he's always been as I last saw him. Ron and I as well are back to being 15 again," I stated. "This time he was an adult, I've tried to picture him as an adult and failed everytime before, this time though…this time he was no longer a boy but a man." Dumbledore nodded.
"Then I believe we should take his warning to heart, it may or may not have been Harry, but he did warn us against a threat that could be real," Dumbledore said. "You better head back to bed, I hear you have a tough practicle tomorrow and you'll need your sleep." I nodded.
"Thank you, Headmaster," I said and he smiled.
"You know you can call me Albus now," he said as he always did.
"I know," I said as I always did. "But you'll always be the Headmaster to me." I smiled and headed down to my room where Ron was waiting.
"Professor." I said quietly, stepping out of the shadows. Dumbledore calmly turned around in his chair, smiling a bit.
"Ah, Harry. I trust you were here for Ms. Granger's details of a dream she had tonight?" Dumbledore said, waving a hand at the seat Hermione had vacated when she went back to bed.
"I'm sure you know I contacted her. Everything I told her was the truth Professor." I said, and Dumbledore waved a hand at me.
"You are no longer a student here, Harry. In fact, you are by far my superior in magics now, so I would prefer if you call me Albus. Now I assume it was you who took care of that spider in the woods, am I correct?" he asked. I nodded.
"Yes, sir."
"So, we now have a severe problem. Two students know of your existence, and we now have Voldemort's heir to now contend with." He said.
"I plan on sealing up the Chamber of Secrets over the night. No one will be able to get in or out. The opening in the bathroom will not even work. I will seal it, by magic and stone." I stated, firmly. Dumbledore (Albus, I reminded myself) nodded smiling.
"I was going to ask you too, Harry, but I am also having concerns about your well being these past years. Why did you not come to me, or any of your friends after your duel with Voldemort?" Albus asked. I looked away.
"That is a story I would like to keep for myself. As for where I've been, I've been working with a nice land scaping and lawn care company in Australia and New Zealand. A Jaki Reynolds has been my foreman. She's a witch but they have no knowledge of me there."
"I see." A pause. "If they have no knowledge of you then how did you come to learn about the Death Eaters dying and the Dark Mark becoming active again?" Damn, he's good.
"I heard about Ron and Hermione's wedding."
"Ah." Another pause. "Will you be here on the grounds?"
"Yes, sir. There's an abandoned shack deep inside the Forbidden Forest. Not even Hagrid goes that deep in."
"I know of it." He stood. "It's good to have to you back." I stood to shake his hand but instead found myself in a tight hug.
"It's good to have you back my boy. I trust you will stay and reveal yourself after this is all over with?"
I couldn't answer. Albus looked at me with sad eyes as I pulled out of the hug and leaped out the window.
I sighed as I walked through the shops with Mother, we had been shoping for hours now and I had lots of work to complete at Hogwarts before the term was over.
"Mother, I like the veil we have already, why do you want to change it?" I asked and suddenly I got my answer.
"Ah, there's my daughter-to-be!" Mrs. Weasley cried as she ran up to us in her Muggle clothing that Mother had bought her.
"I invited Mrs. Weasley to help plan the wedding, especially since Ginny had such a lovely wedding," Mother explained. "She said the viel you had was nice but she had seen a few others in this shop that you might want to look at as well."
"Oh, lovely," I managed to say through my gritted teeth.
So went the rest of the wedding plans, Mother and I would decide, then Mrs. Weasley would `help', then I would get behind in my work. I was so prepared to the wedding simply because Ron's mother was driving me to madness and my own was pushing me beyond. Of course I found a way to get back at them. I pushed Ron into asking Hagrid to be the Best Man, of course both our mothers began to panic after that, it was good they had that sense. I managed to get Professor Snape agree to usher, that would scare most of the guests and Snape actually looked pleased with having that job. I had to get a few more laughs in and begged Minerva to be one of my bridesmaids, she absolutely refused to be my Maid of Honor, but she would be a bridesmaid. It was actually more fun to mix up the wedding party than plan the wedding itself. Ron of course, spent most of his time avoiding both our mothers, especially since his mother wanted to talk to him about when we were going to be giving her grandchildren. She even went so far as the threaten to curse us with a spell that would keep us from using contraceptive spells. Ron and I both began to avoid her after that.
I had been watching Hogwarts for the past month. Jamie and Harry were in good spirits, joyously spreading the story of how they had faced the spider and used thunder spells to kill it. It seems that in my time away, the four houses had come to some sort of truce, well, Slytherin and Gryffendor mainly. People were constantly coming and going from Hogwarts as Hermione and her mother (who seemed to annoy Ron to no end with her constant visits, much to my delight) worked endlessly on the wedding. During one of my weekly chats with Dumbledore, he mentioned that the wedding was to be held outside, and the anti-apparition charms would be lifted for that day in June.
June. And on my birthday no less. I sighed and watched Hagrid laughing and playing with the students. Hagrid the best man. I mumbled an invisibility charm on myself and flew around the school. I caught sight of Professor McGonagall, one of the bride's maids. I sighed and flew up to the owlry. I looked at the owls, suddenly missing Hedwig.
As if I summoned her by my mind, hedwig flew down onto a perch infront of me. She hooted angrily, and I smiled to myself. I should have realized brids could still smell me. I took off the charm and wheld out my left arm. Hedwig hooted and nuzzled my cheek. She was a sorry sight. She was molting, and her white feathers were turning a dark gray. She was still well fed but looked tired. My Hedwig was getting old.
"Hey girl. Looks like Hermione has been taking care of you." I said. She hooted softly and I smiled.
"I can understand you now girl. I may not be able to talk to you like I can snakes but I can undertsnad what yous ay. I'm sorry you feel upset I left you for so long. I also know you've been trying to find me for a long time but I hide myself with an owl masking charm. I still have it on, but I think I can take it off for you." I said, and she hooted for a bit.
"Of course. I want you to come back with me girl." I said. I placed my hand on her head and focused. I felt her body begin to churn and shape. I opened my eyes and smiled at her. I had learned this spell from a holy man in the Switzerland mountains. Hedwig was now physically one year old again. She seemed pleased and "hooted" as much.
"Let's go." I said and took to the air. Hedwig flew beside me. I heard a loud gasp and saw Hermione below, watching us. I hope she would just believe she was having a vision. After all, Hedwig was young and flying again. I flew off to my cabin with Hedwig by my side. I really hoped I could stop Voldemort's heir. I learned never to put anything past any one. Especially a Slytherin………..
I blinked as I looked up at the sky, it wasn't possible, not at all. Yet Harry was still flying mid-air with Hedwig by his side. I blinked, not only was Harry an adult, but Hedwig was young again. What was wrong with me! I shook my head and rushed up to the Owlry.
"Hedwig! Hedwig!" I cried and I rushed to her usual perch next to Pig. The tiny owl looked at me and I looked at him. "Pig, did you see Hedwig leave with Harry?" He looked at me and make the cooing noise he did whenever he was given attention and I was hit by the still zealious mini-owl. "Why did I bother asking, you never give replies anyway." I petted the owl. I didn't know if what I had seen was a vision or not, but I had a feeling I wouldn't be seeing Hedwig again…not till the next time I saw Harry.
"So nothing more is happening today, Albus. I do wish you would tell us what makes you think Voldemort's heir has come to Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said. I was listening on top of the faculty tower as a faculty meeting was taking place. Hedwig was beside me, looking for her next meal.
"I am sure it will be revealed soon, Minerva. Now-"
Suddenly, the tower rocked beneath me, as I saw Gryffendor tower's windows explode outward in flame.
"The students!" I heard Hermione cry. I blasted off the roof as the teachers ran down the steps. I hope I wasn't too late!
I grabbed Ron's broom out of the closet, he had been planning on flying after class today. I jumped on and flew off, I had gotten better at flying since I had joined the Quidditch team sixth year in memory of Harry. I was just a chaser but I did well enough on a broom and I was at the scene in seconds.
"Can anyone hear me?" I cried as I entered the tower. "Extinguesho!" I began to magic away fires as fast as I could. "Is anyone here?" I watched as a figure stumbled out and I grabbed the third year. Maggie Moonrin was her name and she looked shocked.
"Maggie! Maggie, hold onto me," I instructed her as I heard the other teachers arrive and begin to put out the fires, dragging other students out.
"Professor Granger…" she whispered and I looked at her.
"Yes Maggie?" I asked as I got her clear of the activity.
"It was an angel, Professor, an angel came and saved me…" she said. "…an angel with the most beautiful green eyes…" with that Maggie fainted and I looked up out the nearest window. It couldn't have been….could it?