Fan Fiction ❯ The Second Serpent ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )
Tobias's DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter series. Though I do own certain pictures that can be found at *grins*
Belle's DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter series either. And Toby's been declared Harmless by the Board of Psychiatry….sorry, I can't get rid of him.
The Second Serpent
By Belle & Tobias
Chapter 4
I cursed and kicked out both my legs, sending the spider flying back into the woods. I leaped to me feet, hearing gasps behind me. I had to act quickly! I could kill them all, but I knew they were just victims of Voldemort's heir. I spread my arms out, focusing. I closed my eyes as I concentrated on the spell. I had performed it many times before but never on this grand of a scale. I snapped my eyes open and slammed my hands together.
"Gaiga Watalla!" I cried. The ground before me shot upward, a giant wall of earth forming. I spread my hands before me and made as if to push the wall. It exploded foreword, forming a dome over the forest. I then thrust my hands downward, causing the dome to seal it self. I collapsed to one knee, panting. The spell itself was difficult alone; by magnifying it was even trickier. I shook my head and forced myself to stand. I had to find Arggog and remove the spell controlling him. I could still feel my earth spell, draining me as it stood there. I focused and forced myself to fly. I flew over the dome and cast another spell, a spell revealer. To my shock, I fell from the sky after I cast the spell, landing on the dirt done. I could hear the spiders banging on the dirt, clawing at it. I didn't have much time. I looked at the dirt. I could see the soft green glow of my own spell on the dome, and just below, a red glow that seemed to be slowly climbing the dome towards me. It must be Arggog. I slowly climbed towards him, and waved my hand at him, focusing.
"Retracto." I gasped. I saw the red glow vanish, and the spiders stopped. I focused again, and retuned myself with the earth spell. I forced the dirt to slowly come back. I rode on it, as it un-covered the forest. It sank back into place, and I lay on the grass, panting. Hagrid was speaking with a spider, which then ran off. My eyes were closing, and I couldn't keep the open. I was so tired………..
The last thing I heard before I fell asleep was footsteps.
I stared at Harry in shock, my wand slipping from my fingers as I fell to my knees beside him. I reached out slowly, as if I expected to be electrocuted at the merest touch. I took a deep breath and placed my fingers against his forehead. He was real. It was really Harry. I blinked as I stared at him.
"Dear God," I whispered as I pulled the bangs away to stare at that famous scar. "It's really you."
"Hermione!" Ron cried and then stopped suddenly when he realized who we were looking at. "No…it's not possible!" Ron was suddenly beside me looking at Harry.
"Ron, we need to get him to Poppy," I whispered and he nodded, I picked up my wand and cast a levitation spell on Harry, lifting him into the air so that my hand rested on his shoulder.
"I don't believe it," Ron whispered as he stood on the other side of Harry. "It's really him."
"I know."
"After all these years."
"I know."
"What are we going to do?"
"That, I don't know."
"Help me get his shirt off."
"What for?"
"I need to check and see if he's been hurt in another way."
"Poppy, I assure you all Harry needs is sleep."
"He just returned form the dead, Albus! I NEED to check him over!"
"I have been alive for the past thirteen years. I am perfectly fine." I said, opening my eyes. I saw Madam Pomffery glaring at me and Albus had an amused look on his face.
"Ah, Harry. You had us worried for bit." He said. I shifted uncomfortably in the bed and sat up.
"I just over taxed myself. That spell wasn't meant for such a grandiose scale." I said. I heard voices outside the hospital wing doors. I glanced at the doors and saw my glasses nearby. I picked them up and put them on, swing out of bed.
"Are you sure you can walk so soon, Mr. Potter?" Poppy asked. I smiled and stood, feeling my muscles tighten and then relax. I smirked at her shocked expression.
"In the past hour, Mr. Weasley has managed to call his sister and Mr. Longbottom's families and had them arrive. They are all waiting for you, along with a few surprises." Albus said, as I put my socks and boots back on. I grabbed my cloak and put it on. I sighed and looked at the door.
"Might as well get it over with." I muttered and followed Albus into the hall.
"Harry!" Ron cried as Harry entered the hall. I looked over at Draco and grabbed his arm behind Ginny's back as we headed in and I looked at him.
"What do you want, Granger?" he demanded and I gave him a stern look.
"That's Professor Granger, Mister Malfoy, I expect you to be civil….not for me, but for Ginny and your daughter," I stated as I gave him a look. He glared at me before nodding and I returned to my seat beside Ron.
"So, Malfoy, you married Ginny?" I asked over dinner. He faltered a bit and he smiled at Ginny before turning to me.
"Yes, Potter, I did. And before you start on me like her brothers do, I love her. End of story." He said, picking up his cup. I frowned a bit to my self and put some steak into my mouth. As I ate, I watched closely. Ginny seemed to be a bit more boisterous than I remember, and Neville seemed quieter, and less accident-prone. I frowned as I caught a look exchanged by Neville's wife, Georgia, and Malfoy. They knew something………
I looked at Hermione and saw her flush. I felt a tingle in the back of my head, the same one I had when I was younger and saw her looking at me. She turned back to Ron and began talking to him. I shook my head. Things had changed all right. We were no longer the trio. Now it was just a duet and Harry Potter……….
I continued to talk to Ron about possible explanations for how Harry survived, but the whole time I felt tremendous guilt. I had been staring at Harry, like some teenage girl who gets to be in the same room as some idol singer or movie actor. I watched as Ron got up to talk to Ginny and I blushed more as I thought about what I was thinking. I had been imagining how Harry would look without his shirt, the scars that he might have acquired. I blushed more and quickly got up. I looked at Ron and smiled, he knew I was going up to Gryffindor tower to think, like I usually did.
The cool wind cleared my head as I looked out into the early night sky.
"Hermione?" a familiar voice asked and I looked back to see Harry standing there looking shocked to see me. I turned from him and took a deep breath.
"Hello Harry," I said, trying to keep my voice steady. I looked up to see Hedwig fly down with a hoot. "So you DID leave with her."
"Yes, I hope you don't mind," he said and I shook my head.
"No, Hedwig was yours and she's obviously being taken care of," I said as I reached out and stroked her chin. "I don't know what to say Harry, not to you or about where you've been. Just know that I'm glad to have you back with us. Back home." I turned and walked across the tower.
"So, how are things between you and Ron?" I asked, sitting on the tower. Hedwig was on my shoulder as Hermione sat next to me.
"Good. I assume you heard about the wedding?" she asked, biting her lip.
"How could I not?" I asked, a bit peevishly. Then I sighed.
"Oh." She paused. "Will you come Harry?"
I could practically feel the tension slam down between us.
"Sure." I forced out, keeping my voice neutral. "I think it'd be fun."
I looked at Harry, he was a gorgeous man, but he was handsome. I thought of all our years together and I bit back a sob as I hugged him.
"Thank you Harry," I sobbed as I hugged him. "We've missed you so much, now having you back. It's like a dream." He wrapped his arms around me holding me to him as I cried.
"It's okay Hermione," he whispered. It felt so nice to be in his warm arms, the strength and power protecting me.
"I've missed you so much," I sobbed. "I searched for you every day till classes started! Even then I sent out owls constantly, spending as much time as I could trying to find you!" I hugged him tight and I could feel his head resting on mine as I sobbed. "I…I never got to tell you…" I bit my tongue before I said anything to him but he pulled back and forced me to look at him.
"What? What did you want to tell me?" he said as he smiled. "You could tell me now." I looked at him and then down.
"I…I wanted to tell you…that…that I loved you," I blurted out and then I looked into his green eyes. "I fell in love with you during that horrible year and when…when you vanished I thought I'd never get a chance to tell you." The look on his face was too much and I kissed him, sending all the fears, longings, and pain I had felt when he vanished. Our hands explored and for a moment I lost myself in sensations. Then a face came to me and I shoved Harry away.
"Hermione?" he asked confused and I shook my head.
"No…we can't go back," I said as I quickly straightened up. "We have to move on and I have. I have Ron and I love him deeply. I love you too, Harry, but Ron was there. I'm sorry." I sobbed as I ran to the nearest passageway and rushed to my chambers.
"Harry! Fancy a game of chess?" Ron asked. I laughed sheepishly. I was just on top of Gryffindor tower, almost snogged with his fiancé, and then he invites me to a game of chess?
"Sure." Aw, what the hell.
I stood in the cold shower until I heard Ron come home and I quickly turned on the heat as I finished washing my hair. I began to brush my teeth as I stood in front of the mirror in my bathrobe with a towel on the top of my head.
"I can't believe it," he said as he looked at me. "He's really back and I can still beat him in chess." I smiled as I finally got the last of Harry's taste out of my mouth, not that I was happy about it.
"I know Ron, I wonder if we can start back up where we ended," I said more to myself than Ron and I screamed as my fiancé grabbed me and began spinning me.
"I should bloody well hope that we can if we all still feel the same way about each other!" he cried and I nearly froze in shock, did Ron suspect my feelings towards Harry. "You love me, I love you, and we both missed Harry. We should be able to pick up, if not where we left off but close enough." I smiled at him, half out of relief and half genuine.
"I suppose you're right on that one Ron," I hugged him and kissed him with all the love I had for him. "I hope you're right too."
The next day turned out to be far worse than the day before. Reporters from everywhere were trying to get into Hogwarts. I roamed the halls, looking for any signs of trouble. Students parted and stared at me in awe, and teachers were almost as bad. Flitwick tackled me and burst into tears. Hagrid, he couldn't stop crying. I could still hear him from the Great Hall at lunch. Then came the question I had been dreading. No asked me it directly but I still heard it.
"How can Harry Potter cast spells with no wand?" I cringed every time I heard it, and hurried away before they could ask me. I froze when a student hurried up, gave me a note, and then ran away. I unrolled the parchment and my heart sank.
Please come to my office at once. We need to discuss your magical abilities.
PS: The password is Buffy Lives.
I sighed.
"Albus, I really hope you know what you're doing," I said as I entered the room, Ron, Remus, and Mr. Weasley were already there. "I was writing up the assignments for finals, I wanted to be done by dinner." Ron smiled as he got up and Mr. Weasley offered me his seat and I gave him a look. That family wanted me producing more redheaded grandchildren for them to spoil.
"Don't worry Hermione, you'll get your finals done just like every year, besides this meeting will be far more interesting than grades," Albus' eyes sparkled with mischief and I looked at my colleges and nodded as I sat down calmly.
"Albus, I-" I said, opening the door. I was shocked to see Remus, Hermione, Ron, and Mr. Weasley there.
"Harry, please come in." Albus said, gesturing to a chair. "I changed the password to Buffy Lives, because your resurrection reminds me of an American muggle show I am an avid fan of." He said, and his eyes twinkled. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Now that the tension has broken, I am sure you are wondering why Minister Weasley is here. Upon your disappearance, Mr. Weasley was called for and received a vote of no confidence in Mr. Fudge. I myself nominated him for Minister, and Wizengot therefore appointed him the position." Albus said. I grinned at Mr. Weasley who grinned back.
"Now, the time has come to reveal to your friends, exactly why you are able to do things other wizards cannot and why you speak a different language when casting spells, other than Latin." He said. I swallowed, and stood, unbuttoning my shirt. I slowly took it off and heard Hermione gasp.
Across my chest, it appears as if two identical wands have been tattooed onto my chest. Only if you ran your hand over them would you feel the real wood texture of them.
"This is the reason why I disappeared, and that I can do the things I can do." I said. I closed my eyes and forced the next words out.
"I merged with my wand and Voldemort's. I also absorbed his knowledge and memories, as well as all the spells he cast on himself to gain his power, which combined with my own. I have become a Dark Lord."