Fan Fiction ❯ The Secret of the Always ❯ Dogfight ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7

Tii'jan awoke to find that the craft was in the air and Nemesis was in the copilot seat next to another person. He propped up on his elbows and listened to their conversation. Nemesis was the first he heard.

"So you've been freelance all these years? I find that hard to believe with you, Aive. You usually stay with the same partner." Nemesis obviously knew the person.

"Yeah. Ever since we had our little falling out, I've just floated around hiring out my piloting skills to anyone who would pay for them. Anyway, what've you been up to, Nemesis?" The voice was definitely female, though Tii'jan couldn't tell from where he was sitting. He could only see the back of the top of her head and she was wearing a flight helmet that covered her hair.

"Well, I've just been helping in the little crime wars going on in Giklon. My latest job was with Krag, but he was assassinated, as you've probably heard. Unfortunately, I ended up losing my pay for the job because of it. Now, why did you come here?" Tii'jan was anxious to hear this. He barely remembered hearing the ship strafe the enemy, then land next to them.

Aire turned her head so Tii'jan could see part of her face. "It's really a long story, but you can say I was hired to come here. Mr. Macraw, you're awake!" she said, finally noticing him. "Do you need anything?"

Tii'jan took a moment to search her face. She was very pretty; her skin was unblemished and she had beautiful blonde hair. Her eyes were a pale grey. She smiled at him and he felt very reassured… but of what he did not know. "Mr. Macraw?" she said again.

Tii'jan jolted back to reality. "No, I'm fine thank you," he said. Nemesis swiveled his seat around and pointed to the staff.

"Are you going to tell us more about that thing now, Tii'jan?" He sounded anxious and just a little bit skeptical as to what good it would do them.

"Yes, Nemesis. This staff houses the crystal known as the eternal flame. Its energy has the power to melt absolutely anything its user commands. As long as the crystal remains intact, it will never lose its power. You see, it was created by the four most powerful magi of the Greywing Elves, a group of wizards so powerful that none ever dared challenge them in battle. Their four Mage Lords as they were known banded their powers to create objects of divine power, such as this staff. There were five objects in total: the Eternal Flame, the Thunder Blade, the Frost Lance, the Gust Knife, and the Shadow Katana. We now have two of these."

"You mean this sword is the Thunder Blade?" Nemesis looked down at the sheath laying next to him.

"Yes, Nemesis. And now we have the Eternal Flame. We're getting well ahead of the Enemy."

Nemesis looked slightly shocked. "What? Who are the Enemy?"

Tii'jan stood and stumbled over to a seat behind the pilot. "The Enemy is an entity too evil to describe. It attempted to smite the world of all life once in ages past, but was stopped by the Greywings. The five items were instrumental in stopping his wrath, as were the five dieties. These, which each correspond with one of the magic items, are The Always of Magic, The Balrog of Flame, The Wyrm of Ice, The Nymph of Wind and The Lich of the Shadow. They were charged in ages of old to protect the Greywings and assist them in their battle against darkness. Unfortunately the dieties were only spirits and their powers could only be harnessed if called upon with powerful Magic. Thus, the five objects were created. Now, we must reach the site where The Always was found and thaw it out. It is our only hope to defeat the Enemy again." Just as Nemesis was about to ask another question, Aire yelled.

"Strap in, guys, we've got bogeys incoming!" Nemesis leaned over to look at the radar. Indeed, three enemy speeders were approaching fast from the direction of the mountain base. Nemesis looked out the rear viewport and confirmed it. They were smaller than Aire's speeder, but faster and looked well armed. Aire went evasive as the buzzers began firing at them. A fast starboard bank threw Nemesis nearly out of his seat and caused Tii'jan to clutch the back of the pilot seat. Aire then yelled over the roar of the engines. "Nemesis! Get in the rear gunner's seat and try to swat them away!" Nemesis rushed back and opened the door to the gunner station. It was small and cramped, but Nemesis squeezed in, sat down and put his hands on the controls. The LCD read 600 bullets remaining. Nemesis smirked. More than enough, he thought.

He opened fire at the pursuers, causing them to scatter from the rapid spray of bullets. One swept in on the left while the other two went right. Nemesis knew the tactic: have the pair draw fire while the single one strafes the other side. Nemesis opened up on the single one and caught him off guard, quickly puncturing the cockpit and killing the pilot. The other two dropped behind and began firing. Aire pulled left to avoid and Nemesis had to correct his aim. He fired back, grazing one and forcing it below them where he pounded through the engines, igniting them and causing the speeder to explode. Then, the third one came in right behind and opened fire, launching rockets straight for him. Nemesis fired, trying to knock them away and got about half of them. Aire then banked to the left again and he followed them as they swung around to track them. Nemesis continued to fire at the missiles. One by one they were knocked out of the sky in Nemesis' spray. Unfortunately one made it through.