Fan Fiction ❯ The Silver Hand Saga ❯ *Prologue to The Silver Hand Saga* ( Prologue )
Alright, here's the deal… I really have no idea about any type of Japanese martial arts. If I happen to offend anyone by disrespecting their Dojo or whatnot, I'm sorry, it was unintentional. Secondly all of this is completely made up. To the best of my knowledge there is no Yoshuro School of Taetaiken martial arts. Also to the best of my knowledge there isn't any Taetaiken martial arts at all. I have no knowledge of Japanese style martial arts, in fact I only have limited knowledge of Tae Kwon Do which I learned from a child based Dojo that I attended for two years. Now the semi-legal stuff… Yeah… I own all of this… INCLUDING YOU IF YOU'RE READING IT! HAHAHA! *Maniacal laughter slowly fades*
P.S. The author would like you to know that he doesn't actually own you, casue that would be weird… and he's been locked away… so don't worry about him eating you or anything
--------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------*Prologue to The Silver Hand Saga*
Written by: BizarreChaos
"Given the choice between a life of immeasurable wealth and the bustle of city life, or a life of solitude in the country, which would you pick?" asked the grizzled old Japanese man, who was already losing his patience.
"You can't be serious!?" complained the bronze haired young man. "That is so clichéd! It sounds like it's coming from some old, old, old kung-fu movie… How can you get away with this kind of crap old man?"
"Please my son," begged the man, "I'm just doing my job… although this may be a `clichéd' question, it was written by the council of elders. And they are far older than your `old, old, old kung-fu movies'. Well the council that made the rules is… excepting that their dead."
"Yeah, yeah may they find rest with their ancestors in their after-life. I get the picture." Sarcastically interjected the brash youth. "So basically, I guess that given the choice I would pick the country life. The simple life always did attract us philosophical types. And not that I'm a hick, but I don't mind the out doors, and… (now giving his most played up and comical redneck accent) `the Big City scares me'."
"Training this boy will be a nightmare…" thought the old man in dread. "By most standards, and if you were most students," the old man now addressed James, the bronze haired young man, "you would not be invited to join the Dojo. You are brash, reckless, a smart-ass, sarcastic, annoying, you lack ALL discipline…" and here he sighed heavily, "but you also have more potential than anyone I've ever seen… The induction ceremony will be in three days." He added in a pleading tone, "Please be ready, please?"
"Come on old man… as long as you've know me I've always been ready. Now I've got to go home and do some homework, I'm days behind in Math." James left the room chuckling to himself. Yoshuro was right; he was a smart-ass, one-hundred percent.
--------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------End Prologue
So… sadly, that's it… kind of short I know. And kind of poor too huh? I guess it's also a bit clichéd too… Well this is the first of my writings that I've ever posted so… be as harsh as you want, just make sure you review it. It will get better as well as include some action in later chapters (next chapter for a bit). Also it will earn it's rating sooner or later, so if you think that this `G' rated portion is anything to base the story off of, your sadly mistaken. (Don't worry though, it will only be `R' material at most, mostly `PG-13')