Fan Fiction ❯ The Strengths of life ❯ Hot Topic ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“No. He's not mine.” A gruff male voice said, sharp and uncaring.
“But he shares your blood-” A soft female voice started.
“Don't give me that! Look at him! He has nothing of me. He is a Wolfen, Not a human.” The man said, pointing at a small child.
“I am not a human, and you can love me.” She said a defiant edge in her voice.
“But he will never be able to mask his Wolfen. Give him to Maeka” the man said softly.
“He will not fit in.”
“He will never fit in. He bears a curse we gave to him, one of his lineage.”
Morge woke up abruptly, shaking the rest of the dream out of his head. The only memory of his parents. He had tried finding his mother from the memory of her voice, but everything is distorted when you change. Maeka had been his only family. A mentor, more like. It had been before the humans had accepted that his race existed.
He got up and looked around and walked to his fridge, finding his half-finished dinner from last night, smelling even better this morning, grabbing it and snacking, he looked around trying to see if there was any evidence of that man. Nothing, no scent was left, and it was too late to hear anything. So he looked at his white erase board, and surprisingly there was nothing. His first free day since… Well, a very long time. He pulled on a pair of worn jeans and a hoodie, pocketed some cash, and then walked to the bus stop, closing his eyes and smelling the trails left by humans. A few women, and the garbage men, and a child and their dog. Not a lot. He got there with relatively few strange looks. He must of looked funny though walking barefoot erm…paw…
He got off at the mall. It had been awhile since he had been around that much noise and it startled him, but he adjusted. Smells rushed in, Pretzels, ice-cream, little kids, Teenagers, collage students to name a few. He sneezed, and began to walk around, when he saw an interesting store. Hot Topic. Wow. He walked inside, and it was dark, and he was surprised to see a Wolfen working the cash register, he was about to talk to her when some one grabbed him, spinning him around.
“Hello.” It was the man from last night. -How did he find me?-
“Hi.” Morge called down quickly, slowing his drumming heart. “Where's my money?”
He was smacked quite hard for that, oddly enough on the nose. Morge sneezed and looked at him oddly, opening his mouth to question when he was cut off.
“Don't ever talk to some one like that. It's rude.” The voice said and he smiled, handing him the five thousand dollars, in cash to him. “Now, if you want more I want you to kidnap a girl. But to get to her you must kill her roommate. Ten-thousand. Here's the address.” A piece of paper was shoved in Morge's hand.
“But I don't-” But the man had gone before he could protest. He had never kidnapped before. Didn't sound too hard. He looked at the female Wolfen one last time before he walked out of the store, staring at the red streaks in her otherwards black fur.