Fan Fiction ❯ The Strengths of life ❯ Pizza ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Alright.. usually I eat it raw, but your puny human Stomach can't handle that. So, What am I to do…” Morge looked at the two stakes he had pulled from the freezer.
“I can cook.” The girl said, sitting at the edge of the kitchen, her light brown hair falling into her eyes.
“So can I.” He replied, Getting out a skillet and observing it like an ancient artifact. “Maybe we'll grill.”
“You have a grill?” She said, cocking her eyebrows suspiciously.
“This IS America, Girl.” Morge replied, grabbing the chair to take her outside, then thought better of it. “You like Pizza?”
“Duh. And Quit calling me girl. My name is Ona.” She Said in a frustrated tone. Morge choked back laughter. “What?”
“In my language, Ona means `Nothing at all'” He laughed.
“I like Thin crust Pepperoni.” She ignored his statement.
“Okay, Nothing. Let me call up my friends at the pizza place.” He laughed. Ona kicked him as he walked by.
“Shut up, Beastie!” She yelled at him as he walked out of the room.
“You wanted Cheese pizza, right?” He replied, walking in the room “Because that's what I ordered.”
“Beast.” She Practically growled at him.
“I was going to untie you. Oh well. You'll have to eat like that.” More smiled wickedly. He was having fun.
“Untie me, please.” She said in a weak voice. Morge heard her, but he cupped his hand around his ear. “Untie me, please.”
“Okay, Ona.” He Put Emphasis on her name, as if making a point. He reached down and untied her, not too carefully. “Don't Try to run because I throw knives. If that happens, you better pray I aim for a vital organ or you'll just have to suffer until I feel like getting to you.”
“I won't run.” Ona Replied. He finished untying her and she stood up. She lifted her foot to kick him, but Morge had anticipated this. He dodged and grabbed her foot and lifted her up until he was looking at her face.
“Nice Try, Ona.” He Said straight into her face, smiling, showing her all of the sharp `Beastie' teeth in his head. “Don't try it again, babe.”
He dropped her. Didn't bother to tie her up. Then he went to answer the door. He unlocked it, smiling. He paid the man, and took the pizza. Locked the door again, put the key back on the leather band around his neck. He then handed the pizza to Ona.
“I want to go home.” She whispered. Morge looked at her, No emotion on his face, then shook his head as he walked out of the room.
Morge watched her eat, while tearing into his own Venison. She was on her Second piece, and was slowing down considerably. She then focused on him.
“That's really disturbing.” She proclaimed, after a brief silence. Morge raised his eyebrows as he tore another chunk of meat off.
“What is?” He asked after swallowing. She glanced at the Raw, Bloody meat in his hands, then at the blood dripping off his maw.
“That. How you eat. What you eat.” She answered him, putting down her own food. “It's enough to make me sick.”
“The food you eat is enough to make me sick. Everything that was nature, that was healthy, natural. Turned into that.” Morge looked at the pizza, looking disgusted. “Drowned in grease, Preservatives. It's Disgusting.”
Morge took another bite of his meal, glaring at Ona as he did so. She furiously took another bite from her pizza. Both of them continued until their meal was finished.
“What…Full of grease?” He snapped, going to get another piece of beef. She stared at him as he walked away, and noticed a playful swish of his wolven tail.
“Well. Maybe you should learn to cook, and then I could eat food. Orrr you could let me cook” She smiled, as he turned and shook his head.
“Yes. I'm going to untie you and let you handle a hot metal pan. No suck luck, nothing.” He replied, sarcastically, saying the translation of her name pointedly.
“Well. Then get fruit. Go to the store. You can leave me tied up.” She tried again.
“I'm not leaving you alone.”
“I need to eat something other than pizza”
“The place serves salads and buffalo wings”
Ona sat with her arms crossed, defeated. She gave a heavy sigh and stared daggers at Morge.
“Fine, asshole.