Fan Fiction ❯ The Tale of Maxwell, The Zero ❯ The Guild of ZEROS ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2
The Guild of Zeros
Maxwell awoke to a burning sensation on his arm. The bush he had hidden under was burning, as well as the rest of the town. His arm was alight.
“FUH HUH HUH HUK!” Maxwell screamed, trying to pat out his arm, and only spreading it to his other hand. “DAMNIT!” he screamed, and he rolled around. He rolled down the field, and out of the area. He then rolled into a burning fence, and then saw a puddle. Unfortunately, this was a puddle of gasoline, and he only lit that all on fire.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” he screamed, and threw his burning clothes away, except for his mage hat which was fire proof.
He started to walk up the path toward his house. “Okay, I'll get new clothes, and run out. Fuck family, fuck friends, I'M ESCAPING THIS HELL HOLE!” he screamed to himself, and as he walked he saw dead bodies. He bent over one, and scored a new suit of clothing.
He passed the bridge, and went over to his house. There, in the mud, was his father. Dead. He, However is a dumb ass, and didn't know this.
“Dad?” he said, poking him with a stick. “Hellooooo?” he said, poking him harder with the stick. “DAD!” he screamed, and impaled his father's dead body through the side. “OH SHIT!” he said, and took a step back.
“'Ere `e is!” a bandit said, pointing to Maxwell. The bandit's eyes glowed in the darkness.
“Don't worry, I think he's dead…” Max said, referring to his father.
“GET THE KID!” a bandit said, and he lunged at Maxwell with a large club.
(Here I bet you think Maze steps in. He doesn't. Really, it's much less heroic…)
The bandit kicked Maxwell in the jewels, and then stepped on his body. The bandit then began to beat Maxwell into a pulp with the club.
“BITCH!” Maxwell said, rolling out of the way. “RAH!” he said, flipping, and pulling the stick out of his father's dead body. He landed in a battle pose, and charged at the bandit.
Their sticks collided, and Maxwell's snapped. The bandit's club then hit him in the side of the head. He fell over, and landed in a puddle of mud.
“OY! Ye'r dead, kid!” The bandit said, raising his club over his head. Maxwell got up, and faced the bandit.
The bandit swung his club at Maxwell, and it flew out of his hand. The bandit, confused, took out a knife.
Maxwell's eyes turned a bright bluish color and were filled with his mana. He stuck out his hand, and a drop of blood flew from his head to his hand. As it hit, it became a large sword, and he stuck it in front of himself.
“THAS' IT!” The bandit said in fear. Maxwell swung the sword at the man, and struck his face, cutting down his left eye.
Maxwell then throws the sword through his leg, and severs it. The blade bursted into blue particles, and Maxwell's eyes returned to normal. He looks t the bandit who now had regained his club, and used it as a cane. He raises his sword to kill Maxwell, and is struck by lightning.
“That was close boy!” Maze said, walking up to Maxwell, and stepping over the unconsus bandit, who killed Maxwell's father.
“What happened?” Maxwell said, dazed. “I got hit on the head, and he then… I don't remember, but then you came!” Maxwell said.
“I saved your life boy! Your father was killed, and after you were knocked out, I took out my blade, and struck him down…” Maze said, swinging his sword around.
“Who are you?”
“Call me Maze.”
“Lets leave here…” Maze said, leading Maxwell to the bridge area. Max took one look at the Bandit's face. The scar, and those eyes… he would remember forever…
_________________________________________________________________ _______
“Where are we?” Max said to Maze.
“We're at the Hero's Guild. I think you'll make a crappy hero, but we're in need of new student- WAIT! You're not disgusted? Vomiting?”
“No, why?”
“Nope, really, I was hiding in a bush, and passed out while that happened…”
“You impaled your father's dead body!”
“Oh yeah… well, that's not the first time…”
“My god boy!” Maze said, “Avo, help my decision…”
“Come on, Mr. Maze!” Max said, walking up to the door.
They entered the Guild. The Guild was very nice, and decorated well. There was a large map of Albion in the center of it.
“AH! Maze, good to see you!” The Guildmaster said, doing a very complicated handshake with Maze.
Maxwell looked around the room, and saw the stat pool. Wondering what it was, he stepped into it.
“NO! BOY GET OUT OF THERE!” The Guildmaster screamed, running after him, but he was stopped as Maxwell was overtaken by the power.
“Go get him, Guildmaster!” Maze said, confused.
“ I can't! If one interferes with one in the stat pool, they both will die!” The Guildmaster said, “And I don't want to die!”
Inside the pool, Maxwell floated around in darkness. He opened his eyes, and a face appeared in front of him.
“What is it you desire most?” the face said and tablets appeared in between them, each with a label, “Power? Magic? Guile-“
“OOH! Guile! What's that?” Max said, poking the tablet.
“Guile it is!” the face said, and looked at his points. “How did you get this many points! YOU HAVE JUST ENOUGH TO MASTER THIS!” The face said.
“Oh! That's what those were for! I collected them!”
There was a flash, and Maxwell stood in the stat pool, his eyes glowing green. The green left like a mist, and he stepped out.
“Hey, what's `Guile?'” Maxwell asked them.
“Why must you know?” The Guildmaster snapped at him.
“The face in there said I mastered it, and I did…” Max said, pointing to the pool.
“MAZE!” The Guildmaster said, in shock.
“Guildmaster?” Maze asked, turning to talk with him.
“How the hell did this boy do that?” The Guildmaster asked.
“I don't know. He must have had some experience from before I found him in that raid…”
“YOU FOUND HIM IN A RAID?!” The Guildmaster asked, in shock.
“Yes. Oakvale.” Maze said.
“Alright, whatever, but—SOME?” The Guildmaster asked, “I already don't like this boy…”
“Don't worry, I think he's from… the bloodline…” Maze said, pointing to him.
“Him?” The Guildmaster said, and he looked at Maxwell, who had his finger deep into his nose. He smiled at the Guildmaster, and he turned again. “I doubt it.”
“Just train him, old man.”
“FINE!” The Guildmaster said, and he turned again.
“We'll let you stay here. You'll be bunking with Whisper. She's just as young as you. Now go to bed.”