Fan Fiction ❯ Treasure ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Chapter Three

"Get up, Nankyo!" Furious, Takara made a third attempt to wake the prince. "Stop annoying me and get up already - I swear I'm going to use water next!"


Glaring at the pile of blankets on the bed and the figure buried somewhere beneath them, Takara huffed in frustration. "Why do you insist on doing this every morning? You would think that today of all days you could cooperate."

He stood in silence for a moment, before suddenly smiling. Bending slightly, he grasped the blanket in his hands and yanked.

"By the Dragons! That's cold! Storms Taka, you said water was next!" Nankyokukai snapped, glaring at his secretary through messy strands of ocean blue hair.

"I lied."

"Hmph, you're going to pay for that," the prince clambered from his bed and stalked naked toward his massive closet. "Is everything ready?"

"Of course. We have only to show up at the docks. I thought we would eat breakfast at that inn by the harbor you like so much. I made arrangements for it yesterday; the captain and Raiden will meet us. We are due there in about two hours. We would have had more time, if you had risen when I first woke you."

"And where, pray tell, is the fun in that?" Nankyo said offhandedly as he secured his dark blue robes with a cream colored sash. Finished, he strolled to his dresser and snatched up a brush. "I honestly think I prefer my hair this way; I wish I'd done it sooner, I would have been able to sleep in a whole two hours on most days."

"Indeed. Are you going out like that, Nankyo?"

"No, though I doubt anyone that may be out at this hideous hour would pay me any attention. But part of the reason for leaving today is to avoid unwanted attention, so better safe than sorry I suppose. Wait until we reach the gates, I'll cast a glamour then," Nankyokukai yawned.

Preparations completed a few minutes later, the two men made short work of exiting the castle. Exiting from the servants' door, they paused just outside the carved stone gates protecting the palace from unwanted visitors.

"Alright, here we go. I think just a simple one will suffice, I'm too tired to cast a full glamour," Nankyo yawned again, then closed his eyes. Holding a lock of his hair in one hand, he held the other in front of his face. His lips moved almost soundlessly, only bits of his chanting were audible in the early morning air. His chanting continued uninterrupted for a minute or two, Takara stood silently by. As the chanting died, the prince's hair seemed to alter in color, shifting from an ocean blue to a mint green.

Opening his eyes, the prince smirked, "Good enough?" He waited as Takara nodded. "Then let's get going. I wouldn't want to keep our escorts waiting too long, and this glamour is only good for about an hour."

Pulling up a scarf to protect his own head from the early morning chill, Takara sighed softly and followed Nankyo out into the streets.

They walked in silence, footsteps gradually falling into time. Their steps seemed especially loud in the eerie quiet of the dark morning. Passing through an intersection, they turned at the sound of new footsteps. Coming toward them from their right was an elderly man, his head down.

His head was bare, and he wore a short robe rather than the more common long ones worn by Takara and Nankyokukai. He also carried a peculiar looking bag.

Takara looked at the old man, then looked at the prince. Receiving a nod, he called out, "Good morning, Sir. What purpose has a Healer out and about at this hour?"

The old man looked up, startled. He apparently had not noticed the two men standing in the intersection. As Nankyokukai and Takara approached him, the reason for it became clear. The man looked to be on the verge of tears. "Sir, what troubles you?"

"Forgive me, my Lords." The man bowed in apology, "I am just returning from a birthing."

Takara spoke softly, "I see. Did it not go well, then? How are the mother and her new child?"

The healer's face twisted further in misery. "The mother is doing well, given the circumstances…"

Silent until now, the prince's voice was suddenly very sharp. "What circumstances? What of the child?"

The old man looked up at him, "I think you already know. She gave birth to "cursed" children. I tried to convince her it was merely a stupid superstition…but you know how peasants are…"

Takara grimaced and shook his head, "I had thought that superstition was dying finally."

Nankyokukai looked away, cursing fluidly beneath his breath. "The second born was killed then?"

"…Yes, my lord. It was. The parents insisted on burying it themselves."

"I am sorry you had to start your morning in so gruesome a manner, Sir Healer. May the Three Storms look more favorably upon you," Nankyo's voice was low, his words barely audible. He turned and walked away.

Takara rest a hand on the old man's shoulder in an attempt to offer comfort, "You tried to prevent it, take heart in that. Know that his Highness Prince Nankyokukai works to put a stop to the practice once and for all."

The man managed a weak smile, "It is good to hear that one of the Royals cares. The old rumor is true, then?"

"Perhaps. May the Three Storms favor you," Takara nodded a farewell and turned, darting on quick feet after the prince.

"Prince, slow down please. If you keep this pace up, we'll get there on time."

Nankyokukai slowed his pace, looking back to smirk at his secretary, "Taka, did you just encourage one of my bad habits?"

"If it will calm you down, yes." Takara took his arm, and forced the prince to stop. "There's nothing you could have done."

"I'm fine, Taka." Nankyo grasped the hand gripping his arm, holding it for the barest second before removing it, "Now come on, I know how eager you are to see you're lover."

Takara glared, "He's not my lover!"


"Shut up."

Nankyo only laughed and resumed walking, this time at a much more leisurely pace. "So you admit it's a possibility? I really can't wait until the day you have to thank me for renting you to him. I do believe this is funnier than that time I kissed you. Do you remember that?"

"I'd almost managed to forget, thanks so much Nankyo. There are still people that think we're lovers, thanks to your stupid stunt."

"Well, it got rid of that lecher didn't it? You're never properly grateful for my favors. You should work on that."

"Shut up."

Nankyokukai laughed, but Takara's practiced ears recognized the forced tone in it.

"There's the Inn, Prince."

The prince looked thoughtful, "We haven't been here in a long while, have we? I guess we've been too busy, how sad." Nankyokukai stepped forward, pushing open the weather-beaten door and stepping quietly inside. Takara stepped in behind him, closing the door softly.

Nankyokukai stepped through the lobby into the dining area - a brief glance located two men already seated at a table near the window. "Come on Taka, I think he's getting restless."

Raiden shook his head as the two men approached, "You are late, but I hear that's a habit of yours prince. Good morning. Did you sleep well Taka?" This last he said with a grin. Reaching out, he snagged the secretary by the wrist, jerking him over to take the seat next to the merchant.

The prince laughed at the look on his secretary's face, gracefully taking the seat beside the silent captain. " Good morning to you both."

"Your hair is interesting, Highness. I like the length, if you don't my saying so, but I do not much care for the color." Raiden was still grinning, throwing an arm around the shoulders of the grumbling secretary beside him.

"I like the length myself, and the color should fade shortly. Now, let us eat. I'm afraid I did not each much for dinner last night."

At that Takara looked as if he might speak, but a shake of the prince's head stopped him. Shifting, he instead glared over at Raiden, who smiled back unrepentant. "Remove your arm."

"Why? I like it where it is."

Takara moved to tell Raiden exactly what he thought, but before he could the captain spoke up from the opposite side of the table, "Enough, Shima. It's too early in the morning for your games. Save it for the ship."

Raiden laughed, "Alright, alright." Removing his arm, he held it up to call over a sleepy looking waiter. The four placed their orders, and ate in silence when the food came.

"The Fuujin? What a creative name for a ship," Nankyokukai's voice was dry.

Kindan frowned, "It's named for the local deity of Arashi Island."

"I know who Fuujin is."

The captain's frown deepened, "We bought it from a retiring merchant."

"A fine purchase, I must say. One of my best." Raiden looked smug.

The group was in the captain's quarters, gathered around the desk situated at the back of the room. The room was luxurious, yet more evidence of Raiden's successful business. "So tell us, Captain, what is the plan? I trusted you with the finer points of the trip, I would hear them now," the prince looked at Kindan, who said nothing.

Raiden spoke up instead, "The first half of the journey is actually rather easy. We make a similar trip rather frequently. Look here - the nation of Pozhar is roughly a month away; we tend to pick up gems and fine wool there. We'll stop there to pick up most of our long-lasting supplies. Afterwards we travel another two months, until we reach Sanhoshi Island, which is our home.

"Your home? You live out in the middle of the ocean?"

"What do you call living here?" Raiden smiled, "But yes, we find that when it's time for a break, far from civilization is the best way to enjoy it. I found the island a while ago, and Kindan here joined me about four years ago. We've even built up a small community, as our men bring their families and all there to live. You'll like it, Taka."

Takara said nothing.

"After that the hard part begins. We have roughly three months of sailing to the location you gave us, once we leave Sanhoshi. From what you've said, there's no way to restock once we reach it. So we'll do what we can in the way of fresh water, but basically we turn right around once you've left the tribute or gift or whatever. So that's six months of almost uninterrupted travel."

"I am impressed, gentleman. You sound like you've got it well under control."

"I have a question, Highness. Why did you insist on leaving this morning, when everyone else thinks we are leaving a week from now?" Kindan asked curiously.

"To cause problems, of course. This will ruin my father's secretive measures quite nicely." Nankyokukai smirked at the captain. "You do not like my answer."

The captain frowned back at him, "No, I do not. I find nothing amusing about going out of your way simply to upset people. It's reprehensible behavior in anyone, but especially a prince. I am only doing this because Shimano agreed to it, not because I want to play escort to a spoiled, trouble making prince."

The prince's voice was cool, "You do it because you're well paid. Now if you'll excuse me, I believe it's getting stuffy in here." Nankyokukai turned and left the cabin. The door closed quietly behind him.

Raiden turned to face his friend, "Kindan! Would you please control your temper? I know you don't like the man, but a job is a job."

"Of course, boss."

"Don't give me that. If you're well aware the prince likes to be difficult, you shouldn't play into his hands as you did just now."

"What in the dragons' names is that supposed to mean? Neither of you know anything about him, why don't you just shut up!" Takara's temper snapped.

Kindan snorted, "Why are you defending him? The things that are said about him are seldom kind. And did he or did he not trade you for passage? Not to mention his positively vile behavior this morning, he wasn't even sorry for being late. Honestly, we get up well before dawn and he can't even deign to be on time. That's no one worth defending, I don't know why--"

"Exactly," The secretaries voice was ice, "You. Don't. Know. Yes, he traded me off. Yes, I'm mad at him for it. But you know nothing about the situation, nothing at all."

Raiden frowned over at the raging secretary, stepping closer to try and soothe him, "Would you calm down? Why are you so upset?"

"Do you know why we were late this morning?" Takara narrowed his eyes up at the merchant, before rounding on the seated captain.

"Because he's always late?" Kindan's tone was scathing.

"No. In fact, Nankyo is only ever late for engagements with his family. All other appointments are exactly on time, barring problems beyond his control. Or did neither of you notice that he was waiting for you the day we gave you those new medallions you're wearing?"

The two men looked at each other, then looked away.

"And just so we're clear, gentlemen, I'll tell you something that you don't deserve to hear. We were late this morning because we ran into a troubled Healer. He had recently left the home of a woman who had given birth to twins. The parents insisted on killing the second, as per the custom for such "cursed children." That's why he was "vile" this morning. Does that meet with your approval, gentlemen? Then I am going back to bed. Don't even think of touching me." This last was said to Raiden, who was still trying to approach the raging secretary. He turned to leave.

"Stop a minute would you? You and I are staying in here. Go lay down there." He pointed to the bed against the far wall. "I won't touch you alright, I'm not suicidal." Raiden cast a glance at his friend, who had turned to stare out the windows.

Kindan sighed, "I'm going to check on things outside. Hopefully we'll be underway soon." He exited the cabin, but stopped short once outside. The prince stood just to his left, looking out over the water. He opened his mouth to say something - anything, but Nankyokukai spoke first.

"So, Captain. When are we leaving? I'm getting impatient." Nankyokukai's gaze remained on the water.

Kindan stared a moment, not sure whether he should be annoyed or not. "We can't leave until the wind changes. An easterly wind is of no use to us. You'll just have to learn patience."

"Hardly. Is that all that's keeping us here?" The prince looked over at him, and smirked. "Fetch Takara for me." Nankyokukai climbed the few steps to the helm. A few minutes later, the captain, Raiden and Takara joined him.

"Captain, tell your men to make ready." Nankyokukai stood still a moment, eyes closed. A heartbeat later, his lips began to move. He began to chant, quietly at first but growing in volume. It began as a murmur and grew to a near shout. As he chanted, he lifted his right arm, the finger spread wide. As the chanting reached its peak, the wind slowed, nearly stopping. Then it began to change directions.

Nankyokukai barely heard as the captain began shouting order; it seemed to come from far away. His chanting tapered off, and he opened his eyes. "Ugh, I haven't done that for a while. Taka, take me to my cabin."

Takara moved to walk alongside the prince, whose steps lacked their usual grace. Once the secretary reached out to steady him. Behind them Raiden and Kindan watched in silence.

"I'm thinking, Shima, that I may have made a slight mistake."

Raiden rubbed his forehead with his fingers, grimacing. "I think we made a major mistake. I had no idea you were that contemptuous of the Prince, though. You should have said something sooner."

"I did not expect him to irk me quite so much. Normally I have no problem ignoring his kind."

"I have to admit it was startling to see you lashing out like that. But try to calm down, eh? It's going to be an even longer journey if the two of you can't get along." Raiden groaned, "Not to mention you've helped me undo all the work I put in trying to get Taka to mellow."

"Hey, don't blame that one on me. You set yourself up for it the minute you insisted on taking him as payment. That's your own fault. But I was rather surprised myself; I didn't realize he was such a firecracker. If that's how he acts every time someone bad mouths the prince, it's no wonder there are rumors about them being lovers."

"I highly doubt that's true," but Raiden was frowning. "I don't think he would sell off a lover - current or former - just for passage."

"Well, it's not like it matters now. Get to bed. All three of you were up way too early; you look exhausted. Besides, now is the perfect time to make your apologies and possibly get him back to 'mellow.'"

"And what of your apologies?" Raiden looked over at his friend.

"…I'll make them eventually. I get the distinct impression, however, that they're not expected."

"You're not asleep? I thought you wanted to rest."

"I can't sleep."

Raiden stared in silence at the figure sprawled in the desk chair with his arms folded neatly before him. Takara was staring at the desk, but his eyes were unfocused. "You are nervous about the journey? There is no reason to be, at least not for quite some time."

"The journey is not the source of my worry, though it has to do with it. What does it matter to you anyway?" Takara looked up, his earlier anger still clouding his face.

Raiden sighed, attempting again to sooth away his own headache. "I came to apologize. Kindan and I were out of line - we should not have spoken of the prince as we did, especially in your presence."

"No, you should not have. But you are hardly the first to do so."

"You have to at least concede he brings it upon himself. I still am sorry."

Takara glared half-heartedly up at the merchant, "I concede nothing, but I will accept your apology."

Raiden frowned, lost in thought as Takara continued to stare at nothing at the desk. He wasn't entirely sure his apology had been accepted. Moving toward a small cabinet, he spent a few minutes fixing a tonic to ease his headache. Finished, he turned back toward the desk, "You should drink something Taka, it will help you sleep." Raiden stopped short.

Taka's head had fallen to rest on his arms, and his eyes were closed. "Taka?" Silence answered him. Raiden smiled softly, "Can't sleep, eh? I wonder if you are a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper."

Moving around the desk, Raiden carefully lifted the secretary from the chair. Takara's eyes opened slightly, and he stared vaguely up at Raiden. "C'mon, to bed with you."

"I'm…fine…" was the sleepy response.

Laughing quietly, Raiden guided the secretary to the bed, removing his boots and settling him in. He ran his fingers through sea green hair, a sad smile suddenly overtaking his face. "A heavy sleeper, eh? I guess you had to have something in common with him. I wish it hadn't been this though."