Fan Fiction ❯ Unexpected Feelings 2 ❯ Slutty Escape ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My eyes fluttered open again and I was still strapped down and feeling the side effects of the shock treatment. Gizmo was at the console in the room. The back of the monitor was facing me, so I couldn't see what he was doing but I could tell he was typing pretty fast. I tried to change but I was just too tired. Gizmo looked up at me and chuckled.

"Its no use. You're too weak. And if you do manage to escape there's no was out of the room. No vents and that door and sealed shut and multi layered adamantium. Can't be broken."

"Uhgh….why am I here?"

"Cuz our employer wants you to be."



"But why would he want me? He's usually after Robin."

"I don't know why either. All I know is that we were to keep you held here"

"You won't get away with this!"

"Go to sleep"

Gizmo pressed the button on his remote and I was electrocuted out of consciousness. When I finally woke back up Jinx was lying back in the chair that Gizmo was in previously. She was playing with a ball of energy, tossing it up into the air and then catching it. I decided not to say anything to her this time. I leaned back on the surface and tried to think of a way out. Hours passed and Jinx finally stood up. She threw the ball into my chest and once again I was knocked out of consciousness. My eyes opened again and Mammoth was standing mainly because he was too big for the chair. He was reading a magazine but my eyes were too blurry to make out what it was.

Over the next few days the three mercs cycled through their shifts. Before they left they would knock me out and when I awoke the next one would arrive. Instead of yelling my head off like I usually would I tried a different approach. I studied them. Gizmo would be busy on the computer most of the time, I noticed he rose the chair extra high so he could see the computer and me at the same time. Jinx would play with her spells, and Mammoth would either sleep or read his magazine. Hard to believe Mammoth was literate. As the days progressed I picked up on more. Also my eyes had come back into focus. For a few days I counted down the seconds to see just hoe long each one of them stayed and I had eventually managed to get a working time clock in my head.

There are 60 seconds in a minute. And there are 60 minuets in an hour. Damn I suck in math. That would be…. 216,000 seconds in an hour. Now there are 24 hours in a day. 216,000 times 24, that's…5,184,000 seconds in a day!

I assumed Gizmo had the first shift and decided to count off from there. After counting off from each of them I came to the conclusion that each of them had eight hours shifts which came to 1,728,000 seconds for each of them. IF I were going to try and escape I would have to do it before they knocked me out.

My observations didn't stop there either. I had to know what each of them were doing on each of their shifts. When Gizmo was on the computer I could see distorted images in his eyeballs. As more days progressed I came to the conclusion that he was ogling naked women. As for Jinx she did nothing but play with her spells. Between the two of them there was no way to escape. But my chance arose within Mammoth. I was finally able to make out the magazine he was reading as Playgirl.

Playgirl? Isn't that like a Playboy for women? Yeah…it's the one with all the naked me- ah-ha! Mammoth is gay! This could work to my advantage. He's not that smart so if I seduce him right before he is supposed to knock me out then Gizmo will have opened the door. I can change and find a way out of this hellhole. But I would be cheating on Robin…. Argh! He would do the same thing! They haven't found me so I guess I'll have to get out of here by myself.

Another couple of cycles had passed and I had gathered enough energy to escape. I decided it would be today that I would escape. All through Gizmo's shift I began thinking of effective ways to seduce Mammoth. I was confident it would work. All the while I kept my mental clock going.

For the past three days I had pretended to be asleep so they wouldn't knock me out and drain my power. I closed my eyes about a minute and a half until his shift changed. I heard Gizmo stand and I heard his footsteps echo on the floor.

"Hmm…he's been sleeping a lot lately…"

I heard the adamantium doors slide open and close all within a minute. I kept my eyes closed all through Jinx's shift to keep up the masquerade. When she left and Mammoth entered I opened my eyes and gave a fake yawn. I would have to wait until about seven minuets before his shift was over.

My mental clock rang and I knew it was now or never. I cleared my throat put on an adorable face and my most seductive voice.

"Hey….did anyone ever tell you just how…sexy you are?"

Mammoth looked up but didn't say a word/

"Yeah. I've always wanted a big, strong man. You seem to be everything I've been looking for."

Mammoth tried to hide his slight smile.

"Can I ask you something?"

Mammoth looked up again put down his magazine and nodded yes.

"Are you a virgin?"

He nodded "no".

"I didn't think so. Such a sexy man like you. I bet the guys can't keep their hands off of you."

Mammoth smiled slightly and I knew my plan was working.

"I bet you're huge…"

Mammoth's smile only got bigger and I knew I would have to take it to the next level.

"Can I see? Pwease…"

Mammoth chuckled and stood up he reached into his pants and took out his large member. He was easily a foot long.

"Oh god! I would love to suck that hard, long, thick cock…"

Mammoth's member grew erect. I didn't have a ruler but he had grown to about fourteen inches and was about as thick as a beer can. I wondered if I could handle all of that. HE walked over to the computer and tapped a few keys. My bindings released and I fell to the floor. Mammoth stood in front of the door and pointed to his erect cock. I stood up and walked seductively over to him. He was so tall I didn't even have to get on my knees. I took him into my hand and ran my tongue up and down the enormous shaft. He groaned loudly and thew his head back. I stared straight into the slit of his penis and opened my mouth as wide as it could possibly go. I was able to take him into my mouth. There was a little room left so my teeth wouldn't scrape against his member. I began sliding my mouth up and down along his shaft. He ran his fingers through my hair and pushed me up and down on his enormous length. I gagged a little as he pushed me too far.

Oh god. Please forgive me Robin. I only did it so I could get to you.

My clock indicated we only had 10 seconds left. I continued my blowjob counting down the seconds.

5…4…3…2..1 ..0

The door behind Mammoth began opening, a cold mist escaping. Mammoth's eyes popped out of his eyes in surprise. I bit down on him hard. I tasted blood in my mouth and let go. Mammoth cried out in unimaginable pain. At that point I morphed into a Leopard and tackled the shocked Gizmo. He fell to the ground and I dashed out of the still opening doorway. I could hear Mammoths cries as I ran down the hall. Soon his cries were replaced with an alarm. I saw Jinx crash through a wall in front of me. The ceiling above me began to crumble and I jumped out of the way just in time. I morphed into a black cat and pounced on Jinx. I clawed at her face furiously and she threw me off and began clutching her wounds.

"Black cats are the worst luck." I remarked with a laugh as I changed into a Jaguar and continued down the hall. I came to a staircase and began pouncing up the flights of stairs. I reached the door at the top and I found myself at the docks. I took a moment to take in my surroundings then morphed into an eagle and soared off towards the Tower.

As saw the tower coming closer I decided to land on my baby's window. As I neared the window I saw something that shocked me. My eyes widened and I changed back into myself. I fell from the sky, tears running down my face.

Why? Why? WHY!?