Fan Fiction ❯ Warriors 3 Sunrise made from the Warrior book series ❯ Information Granted ( Chapter 2 )
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Information granted
Chapter 2
Cheetahfur stared at the raggedy cat. “Yes there are other cats here. Some are rogues and some are housecats like us. But you never can tell and well they are vicious cats.” warned Mike stomping his paw nervously. “If there are other cats here how come we haven’t seen any?” asked Fawnheart flickering her feather shaped tail.Chapter 2
Hawkfur glared at Mike waiting for more answers. Rainpaw, Amberpaw, and Tigerpaw stood silently beside Cheetahfur. “We only hear their annoying racket at night. It is worse then a bundle of newborn kits.” spat Sniper.
“So they only are out at night.” growled Hawkfur. His claws unsheathed eagerly. “I just can’t wait.”
“Can’t wait for what Hawkfur?” asked Fawnheart strictly. “I haven’t fought for a while so this will be like an easy challenge like a apprentice. Rainpaw dropped her glare at Mike then stared wickedly at Hawkfur. Amberpaw and Tigerpaw eyes followed.
“Oh, but the rogue cats on the street hate other cats and fight more every day. There has been dead male rogue bodies lying on the ground for that very reason. A lot of cats can’t just find a mate so when ever there is a pair of two cats a male and a female. A rogue will even try to waste it’s life just to be able to try to kill the other male and well most rogues actually win.” growled Mike.
Ravenheart flinched then stared at her paws away from all the other cats. “I am not afraid of a few rogues.” spat Rainpaw, her fur bristling. “I will be fine as well.” snorted Fawnheart unsheathing her claws. Ravenheart nodded. What was she so afraid of? She had been so quiet the whole time. Is she afraid we will never get home. Cheetahfur shuddered at the thought of never returning home again.
Sniper nodded. “I guess I could take you to the forest.” he muttered. “I only lay about the rooftop all day anyway.” he meowed humorously. “Ok let’s go right this minute.” growled Ravenheart, her fur tingling with excitement. “Yes let’s not wait a minute here.” groaned Amberpaw shuffling to her paws.
“Ok then goodbye friends,” purred Mike as the black cat padded over to a doghouse. “What is that thing.” hissed Tigerpaw fretfully. “No worries the dog here died a long time ago.” snarled Sniper.
The apprentices padded along each other. Tigerpaw and Amberpaw pressed close as before. Rainpaw huddled beside Amberpaw and Fawnheart. Cheetahfur sighed. Since they had been here the apprentice have grown psychically as much as mentally. Rainpaw, Amberpaw, and Tigerpaw have all grown in to fine warriors, and as soon as they return they probably will become a warrior. Cheetahfur froze. What about the other two apprentices Ruddypaw, and Sierrapaw? Would they have become warriors already. Cheetahfur shook his head then padded up to where Hawkfur and Fawnheart were.
“So do you actually trust this old cat.” whispered Hawkfur glaring wickedly. “I don’t think I do.” growled Rainpaw giving both the two cats stern looks. The white apprentice was almost as big as Fawnheart. She was no doubt the size of a warrior.
Cheetahfur gazed at the ground. Small grass buds grew under his toes. “I hate that we aren’t home yet. Those Island cats are going to pay.” spat Tigerpaw violently.
“No they have never been in these parts before and besides they told us there was a Twoleg place here.” growled Rainpaw swiping her paw at the older apprentice. “Too slow apprentice.” growled Tigerpaw humorously. “Oh you would know wouldn’t you.” laughed Rainpaw flicking her tail angrily.
Sniper paused then followed the eight cats. “So we should be careful at night for it takes two days to get to the forest. If we use the whole day and the night today, we will probably be there by sunrise.” purred the tom. Blood still leaked out of Rainpaw’s sleek shoulder.
She growled at Sniper, her claws unsheathed incase he struck her once more. Cheetahfur brushed past the other cats to walk beside Sniper. “Mike told me your name is Cheetahfur.” meowed the brown tabby. “Yes it is I have had that name since I have become a warrior, for before that I was called Cheetahpaw.” meowed Cheetahfur.
“Cheetahpaw?” echoed Sniper confused.
“Never mind beside its not like you have to know what I mean.” laughed Cheetahfur.
Sniper nodded then looked away. “We have to look out for a long haired she-cat.” he hissed looking around the house filled area. “I thought we only had to look out for male rogues.” spat Tigerpaw.
“Yah, well this she-cat attacks only for fun and besides she will launch an attack at day as well as night, her name is Fluffy.” he spat.
“Oh, Fluffy is a very scary name.” laughed Hawkfur his hackles rose at the sound of an unfamiliar yowl.
“Sniper how you doing.” mewed a large ginger tom who ran over toward Cheetahfur and Sniper. The cat halted.
“Whoa who are all these cats?” asked the startled tom, his voice squeaked like a kit. “Oh hello Blaze, this cats want me to show them to the forest. “You mean the forest with the wildcats in it.” stammered Blaze looking eagerly at the eight cats.
“If you need help getting there, I can of course help you.” mewed Blaze. Sniper nodded then padded along the hard rocky surface. “What will happen if we do come along a stray cat though.” hissed the ginger tom.
“Don’t worry we can take care of ourselves.” spat Ravenheart. “I’m not worrying.” hissed Blaze.
The ginger tom sat down, his eyes weary of the other cats attentions. “Sniper did Mike find all these scrap of fur.” snapped Blaze looking away from Cheetahfur. “Yes so what if he did ask him.” spat Amberpaw, her claws unsheathed as if to protect Mike from his threats.
“I was asking Sniper!” yowled Blaze cringing at Amberpaw. “I’ve never seen you before. Who are you?”
Amberpaw staggered then mewed “I am Amberpaw. Blaze store blankly at the dark ginger she-cat. “Amberpaw?” chuckled Blaze stiffening.
“Yes Amberpaw. If you have something to say. Say it!” yowled Tigerpaw shifting to her side. Amberpaw pressed against him comfortingly.
“Well?” Blaze?” What are you doing here for it isn’t night yet.” groaned the dark brown tabby tom. “I woke to see you and these cats jumping out of the fence. Are they rogues?” asked Blaze staring at the eight cats.
“No we certainly aren’t.” growled Fawnheart also unsheathing her claws.