Fan Fiction ❯ Warriors 3 Sunrise made from the Warrior book series ❯ Hiding your feelings ( Chapter 8 )
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Hiding your feelings
Chapter 8
He looked around him, his flanks heaved in air. Not a sound made him flinch for there was not a sound in hearing distance. A few paw steps made him go into a crouch.Chapter 8
A familiar white pelt made him look up. “Oh, there you are Cheetahfur.” meowed the apprentice. He still backed away from her, afraid of what would happen if she saw the look on his face. Rainpaw padded toward him. “You have to say something, Cheetahfur.” meowed Rainpaw stomping on his tail. “You cannot hide in the dark and pretend something never happened.” she spat.
“You like everyone else need time to get over her death.” she growled her claws unsheathed and sheathed over and over again. “Rainpaw you don’t understand.” growled Cheetahfur. “But you need to hide your feelings.” he growled back.
Rainpaw flinched. “What do you mean?”
“I mean the fact that every cat seems to have been there at her death and witnessed her demise. But we didn’t. Maybe it would’ve been best if we had stayed here then you would already have become a warrior.” he meowed guilt fully.
Rainpaw stomped her front paw. “You don’t get it do you. I made the decision on going, I was an apprentice then but I have grown older. I am no kit anymore, and so are you.” she growled defensively.
“What do you mean?” he asked blocking his view from her. “You have acted confident and brave all throughout the time we visited the Tundra and the Twolegs. You have been the only reason that some of us are still alive. And I refuse to believe you will give up just because our leader has died. Eventually even you and I will die, it is how life is.” meowed Rainpaw. “If you are going to give up then give up already, but for as long as I knew you to me you were better then that.” she spat.
Cheetahfur got to his paws, he didn’t understand why she was so upset yet he understood the pressured she was having from also being away so long.
“I know how you feel Rainpaw but I mean, too hide what you really feel toward this situation is not right.” he growled.
Rainpaw snorted. “I am not hiding my feelings you stupid furball. That is just how everyone else shows theirs by saying their goodbyes in a prayer.” she swiftly mewed.
“What?” growled Cheetahfur confused.
“You have to understand Cheetahfur.” purred Rainpaw. He took a deep breath. “Alright I’ll come.” he growled following the white apprentice. “He felt guilt no matter what Rainpaw said to change it. Not nothing in the world could make him feel better for what happened while his disappearance. But the comfort he felt was no where to be seen.
The words that Rainpaw had said echoed in his mind. What had she meant by the long speeches she said? Cheetahfur shook his head. Through all the troubles he had been through he never felt better with anyone but Rainpaw.
He shrugged his shoulders trying to become calm once more. “I’m sorry Rainpaw but I just got mad that’s all.” he meowed quietly.
“Oh, no one’s mad at you Cheetahfur it is just the way you acted to those apprentices that made them so upset.” she meowed. Her voice sounded calm.
“You mean the apprentices are mad at me?” asked Cheetahfur still feeling guilty. “The apprentices aren’t mad at you but they think you acted quite odd for a warrior.” laughed Rainpaw.
The golden tom halted, his fur bristled. “What is wrong?” laughed Rainpaw stopping as well.
“I smell the scent of Windclan all over these trees.” he growled dashing after the scent into a large weed. “What in Starclan?” spat Rainpaw following him to see three cats at the edge of the river. “Windclan cats.” growled the white apprentice.
Cheetahfur unsheathed his claws. Rainpaw did the same as he did. “We have to chase them out of our territory.” she spat. “No they would end up fighting and we would be outnumbered.” meowed Cheetahfur, his hackles rising. “We are outnumbered by one.” he spat.
“Hey, I know him.” growled Rainpaw pointing her muzzle at the gray tom. Cheetahfur realized the tom was the aggressive Windclan cat they had traveled with, the one that had befriended them, it was Swiftclaw.
“That’s Swiftclaw, that cat is Eaglepelt, and that one is Auburntail.” growled Rainpaw. Cheetahfur knew that the ginger tom most had been Auburntail. “Ok we’ll try to chase them, but we might end up fighting.” growled Cheetahfur. He griped the ground under his toes, his claws scraped the ground.
Eaglepelt tilted his ears. “I think I smell Riverclan cats.” growled the tom, his golden tail flicking impatiently. Swiftclaw flinched then sniffed the air then opened his mouth to taste the air.
His eyes flared. “I’ll volunteer at finding those cats.” purred Swiftclaw padded right toward them.
“Why that.” growled Rainpaw ducking deeper into the weeds. Cheetahfur stood his ground and was surprised that the dark gray tom went around the weeds.
“What in Starclan are you doing?” spat the tom surprising Cheetahfur behind him. “What do you mean?” hissed Rainpaw jumping onto him. “Rainpaw, what do are you three doing here?” asked Cheetahfur also pinning him down with his front legs.
“That is something I can’t tell you.” growled Swiftclaw flipping Rainpaw off of him. Rainpaw fell to the ground in a loud thump. “How dare you mangy fleabag.” Rainpaw growled throwing herself at Swiftclaw. “I thought you were my friend.” she added.
Swiftclaw threw her off of him. “I am no friend of an enemy.” he spat. Cheetahfur jumped at him. “You are no friend of us either then.” hissed Cheetahfur leaping onto the smaller tom.
“Swiftclaw!” yowled Eaglepelt clawing at Cheetahfur. Cheetahfur fell to the ground, beside Rainpaw. “Your outnumbered.” laughed Auburntail rising his unsheathed paw to make a final blow.
“No you are.” spat a small ginger apprentice throwing herself at Auburntail. “Cedarpaw, Silverstorm, Deerpaw thank Starclan you came.” purred Rainpaw pushing to her paws.
The Windclan cats ran away from the Riverclan cats and then vanished out of sight.