Fan Fiction ❯ Warriors 4 Storm of Hearts ❯ The horizon ( Chapter 1 )
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The horizon
Chapter 1
Rainstorm padded through the wet weeds, her white fur seemed to stain as she felt the strong breezes of the new coming storm. “Can’t you just tell me already?” asked the spotted golden warrior behind her, Cheetahfur. She stopped, her claws making a long streak in the ground. “If I tell you know it won’t be a surprise now will it?” she laughed padding away toward a small pond. “Besides we’re almost there.” she added flicking him with her tail. “If you tell me now I’ll still act surprised.” teased Cheetahfur.Chapter 1
“Ha ha, very funny.” she growled jumping over the pond. “Come on you furball we’ll be there in a second.” she purred.
“Ok.” he growled back nudging her with his muzzle. “Stop it.” she growled pushing him back. “Why don’t you make me.” he teased backing away from her. “Ok.” she laughed. “ Then be my guest.” he growled running at her. She dodged his blow and found herself on top of him.
“I win, now come on.” she growled jumping off of him and onto her paws. He nodded as he followed her farther away from Riverclan territory. “Where are we going? I have never been this far out of our territory.” he hissed seeing the large wooden log in front of a small lake. A sunrise shined into his eyes.
“See that horizon.” she purred staring peacefully at the rising sun. “Come on.” she added jumping onto the log. He rolled his eyes as he followed her onto the log. Her fur seemed to shine as she allowed him to go before him. “Well what do you see?” she asked him as they stopped at the top of the log. Trees surrounded the lake, but the sunrise made the skies look ablaze. She put her head in a deep gaze, as if she had never been hurt before. “Well?” she echoed.
Cheetahfur took a deep breath. His eyes steered away from the horizon. “It’s just like at the mountain.” he meowed. Rainstorm gave him a serious look. “Are you serious? Well look, harder.” she growled giving him a shove.
He turned to face the rigid sunrise once more. “What?” he growled. “I want to get out of this place, it isn’t in our territory line.” he spat violently. Rainstorm leaped onto him, her claws still sheathed. “Do you feel anything being here? With me?” she asked.
He got to his feet as she fell off of him. He looked offended, but she coaxed him. “Well do you, that’s all I’m going to ask you and well if you don’t know.” she meowed stomping the ground with her paw.
Cheetahfur nodded. “Was this what you wanted to ask me?” Cheetahfur asked looking at Rainstorm then the sunrise. “I think I get what you are trying to say.” he grinned.
“Oh really.”
“Yes.” snapped Cheetahfur. His tail flicked off and on. “The horizon means our freedom.” he purred. Rainstorm gave a slight nod. “You aren’t right, Cheetahfur, you are not right.” she sighed.
The golden spotted warrior stiffened as if he thought he had offended her. “You are not right.” she echoed once more. He nodded as he pawed at the ground.
Rainstorm gave way to her foot and fell to the ground. “Maybe you aren’t ready to say it.” she meowed. “But when you are ready to tell me when you know, I will know as well.” she added. “I don’t understand.” he shook his head and took a step closer to her.
“Oh, Cheetahfur, when it is the right time you will understand.” she added. “Come on, lets go before someone suspects something.” she growled. Thoughts went through her mind. What happened to the dead warrior. Did any cats suspect her as the killer for leaving the Gathering early. Then she remembered the thing Cheetahfur had told her before they had left. “I thought you were in trouble Rainstorm.” his voice echoed in her mind. Was he even suspecting it was her.
Her claws unsheathed as she ran freely in the field, no snow or mountains in her wake. She was surprised that Cheetahfur had picked up speed to be beside her. As she tumbled toward the camp, she halted. “I think it would be best to make the other cats believe we were hunting” she meowed. “Come on!”
Cheetahfur followed her, his paws were silent in the bright light of the sunrise. A bush covered her from the sight of a ground squirrel ahead of her. As she crept forth to spring, Cheetahfur raced forth and gripped it’s tail in his jaws then with great force hit it against the ground.
Blood dripped from it’s shattered head. Rainstorm looked unpleasantly. “Torturer.” she snorted seeing him bury the ground squirrel. “Hey I thought he should pay for being overweight.” growled Cheetahfur teasingly.
“Yah, yah sure you did, it’s more likely you were showing off to me well two can play that game.” she snarled lounging herself at a small finch in the air. As she pushed off against a small oak tree, she found herself in the air unsheathing her claws in a finch.
Cheetahfur stared awkwardly on the game awaiting her to fall to the ground. “Today I will not tell you how to catch this baby.” she purred dropping to the ground with a finch gripped tightly in her jaws. “Wow, I could never do that.” Cheetahfur dramatically joked. “Ok let’s just see it.” she snapped angrily. “Try me.” he meowed challengely. “ Try and kill a hawk.” she purred now amused. “By sunset.” she added digging up the broken headed squirrel.
“I will bring these back but you. You will be catching me a hawk.” she growled. “ Got it.” he promised flicking his tail as he stalked off into the distance eagerly.