Fan Fiction ❯ Weeping Willow Creek Char. Intro chapters. ❯ Murdoc And Maru ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

CHAPTER ONE ----- Murdoc And Maru

"Now you listen to me, young lady! You are going to school today and that's final!!" Jane yelled to her 16 year old daughter Maru.

"But Jane! You know I don't have to go to that school if I don't want to! It's supposed to 'enrich my educational quest!" Now, if you just want me to be a mindless drone like all the other kids..." Maru explained.

"Shut you mouth!" Jane yelled impatiently. "You know damn well that's NOT the way it works, Maru!"

Just then Kari walked in and asked what was going on. Jane tried not to act so angry around young Kari, and just took a deep breath and called for a family meeting in the dining room ASAP.

Maru was so mad that she grabbed her twin sister Murdoc's arm and they ran off to school. Jane, Dick, and the others kids had their family meeting, only realizing half way through that Murdoc and Maru weren't there.

"Where are those girls?! How can we have a proper family meeting without them? I swear, they do this just to break up this family!!" said Jane.

"Jane, dear, honey, sweety, they are just having a hard time fitting in. If you want, I'll talk to them when they come back." said Dick, the father.


"Murdoc, what class do you want to do first?" asked Maru.

"Well, I'm going to finish my latest computer virus in computers. How about you?" asked Murdoc.

"I was thinking about biology, so I could pretend my frog was Jane. However I won't do science without you, so I'll release my anger through art." replied Maru.

"Okay then. I'll get you when I'm done." Murdoc said while walking away.

After school the girls decided to go home because they are so tired, mainly from lack of food and iron. But little did they know that their father was waiting for them with his little black book and pencil in hand....

"Hello, girls. I fixed you up some milk and cookies in my office. I think we should talk since you so unfortunately missed our family meeting earlier today." Dick said in his usual calm, rational tone of voice.

Dick put one hand on each girl's back and led them into his office. Murdoc and Maru sat down and began munching on Dick's bowl of Teddy Grams.

"Now..." said Dick, crossing his legs and opening up his notebook. "Why did you two run away today?"

"Jane told me to go to school, so I did. No psychological explanation there, Dick." Maru said in a bitchy manner.

"Aw, she's just bitchy 'cause she doesn't have enough iron, dad." said Murdoc when she saw the offended look on Dick's face.

"Girls. You and this family used to be so close, with your brothers and sisters I mean. I don't understand what happened." Dick said.

"We all grew up and went our separate ways" explained Maru, shoving three more Teddy Grams in her mouth.

Dick reached up to his bookshelf to consult on of his psychology books, but Murdoc stopped him.

"Dad, we're fine. We are just a little cranky today. We will apologize to mom." she said.

"I know your lying. You just do this to get..." Dick was saying.

He was interuppted by Shika, who burst in crying.

"What's wrong, Shika?"

"We'll just leave you and Shika alone now, Dick." Maru said.

"No, wait-" began Dick, but the girls had already left and were off to their room.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" Maru questioned, slamming the door shut behind her.

"Last time I checked he's our father..." Murdoc replied.

Maru folded her arms across her chest and glared at Murdoc.

"Hey. You've been sucking ass to him lately, Murdoc. What's wrong with you?" she said.

"Nothing! It's all a facad you know...and one YOU keep messing up! We just have to play him right and he'll leave us alone!" explained Murdoc.

"Well, he caught onto your scheme today," observed Maru

"Yeah. I'll have to be more careful, he's getting smarter..."

They laughed about this last comment and decided, since they were so tired, that they would have a nap....a few hours later, they were awaken by a knocking on their door.

"Girls? Sorry to barge in on you while you're napping, but your father said that you have something to tell me..." It was their mother, Jane. Adorned in her police officer's outfit with a Time Hortons coffee and a tray holding two chocolate milks, which Murdoc and Maru gratefully took.

"Oh, yeah." Murdoc said, opening the package to her straw and sticking it in the carton. "We just wanted to say we were sorry for earlier."

Maru glared at Murdoc but held her tounge.

"Oh. That's very nice, girls. Now, I know you two don't like eating supper with us, but we're ordering pizza tonight.?"

"No, thanks." they said as they shut the door behind their mother and went back to sleep.