Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ The Girl with no name ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The Girl with no name:

"Let's get out of here.." Jess said as she picked up the little girl. And she started to run out of the room but as soon as she got out she was surrounded by a bunch of soldiers.

"Get the hell out of my way!" Jess yelled at the soldiers. They then moved creating a path which a guy Jess never has seen before walked up to her.

"What are you doing with my property. That is for lab research. Give it back." The lab official said. The soldiers looked at the official and was wondering what he was talking about since they've never heard of such an experiment.

"What the hell are you talking about? She's not some sort of property she's a little girl and obviously doesn't belong to you. And maybe I should call you an it because you couldn't possible be a man. If you want to fight I will!" Jess argued and put the girl behind her. The girl clung onto Jess's skirt. Jess noticed that one of the soldiers was a friend of her's from school named MarronZ. MarronZ looked concerned and wondered if what they were doing was right.

"Sir? Are you doing experiments on this girl?" MarronZ asked as she looked at the official. The rest of the soldiers just stood there.

"Soldier it's not your place to ask questions. Your just supposed to do as I say." The Lab Official snapped. Jess just stood their looking at the two.

"Go Fuck off sir! I'm going to tell the president what illegal thing's your doing. So if I was you I would let the girl and Jess go. And one more thing you have to be the stupidest male I have ever met and worked for." MarronZ yelled as she turned to leave and as she left she flicked off the the lab official. She then summoned the rest of the soldiers and they followed her.

"Grrr.. You have not seen the last of me.." The Lab Official walked up to Jess as he said that and then turned and left. Jess then picked up the little girl again and brought her to her home.

"This is where you'll be staying from now on! I hope you like it you have two other sisters. Their names are Jewels and Kat. Hmm... What is your name?" Jess said to the girl as she put her down.

"I'm #5!" The girl looked up and smiled at Jess. Jess looked very confused.

"That's not a name dear that's a number that the stupid lab people called you. Is there a name that you like that you want to be called?" Jess asked as she looked at the small girl who was jumping in her coat which was huge to the little girl.

"Umm.... Dog!!" The girl screamed.

"Uh that's an animal not a name. Jess is a real name, Jennifer, Kat, Jewels, Diamond, Crystal.... Names like that!" Jess said as she closed her eye's as she smiled.

"Hmm.... Tifa!! I want Tifa as a name!" Tifa shouted.

"Ok then you'll be Tifa! Welcome to my family. Of course I'm not sure what your father will think." Jess wondered out loud. Tifa looked at Jess with a worried look on her face.

"He's not going to stab me with sharp things and hurt me with shocking thingy's will he?" Tifa looked scared and sad as she spoke. She went down on her knee's and hugged Tifa. Tifa hugged Jess back.

"No he would never do any of that. Is that what those doctors did?" Jess questioned.

"Yeah they did even worse things too..." Tifa said as tears went down her eye's.

"Now that will never happen again and I'll protect you. And now only good happy things will happen." Jess smiled at Tifa as she spoke.

"YAY!!!!" Tifa shouted as she jumped up and down.

"Hmm we should give you some of Jewels old clothes. How old are you Tifa?" Jess asked as she started to go into the other room where the children's rooms were.

"I'm.. six!!" Tifa said as she held up 6 fingers showing Jess.

"Awww that's so cute! You are a year younger then my oldest daughter." Jess said with a smile and pulled out Jewels old outfit.

"There why don't you try that on." Jess told Tifa. Tifa nodded and went to put it on and then came out of the other room wearing the outfit.

"Awww you look so cute Tifa!" Jess told Tifa when suddenly the door in the main room opened.

"Honey I'm home." Joey said as he walked into the main room holding little Kat in his arms and holding Jewels wrist.

"Tifa you stay here I'll come get you after I explain everything to them k?" Jess explained.

"No I don't want to be alone I'm scared!" Tifa cried.

"Aww ok! This will be a shock to them!" Jess said as she picked up Tifa. She then went into the main room.

"Sweety I have something to tell you and show you!" Jess said while feeling nervous. Joey looked at the little girl in Jess' arms and was in shock.

"Oh my god you had a kid a few years ago secretly with some one else? HOW COULD YOU!!" Joey yelled. Jess started to laugh at Joey remarks.

"No you idiot! She's not my real child it's just a coincidence that she looks a lot like me! I found her in a secret lab and saved her from it and now she's going to be our daughter!" Jess explained the best she could. And put Tifa down Jewels looked at the little girl who was around her age. But was jealous of Tifa because her mom gave the girl her clothes. And was spending a lot of time with her.

"Oh.. Well why couldn't you consult me before doing something?" Joey asked.

"I'm sorry sweety. But she need my help and I had to threaten a lab official guy and he threatened me that he would be back so I have to protect her!" Jess explained more to the story.

"What?!?! SO now your putting your whole family endanger?" Joey argued.

"I never thought of that but the girl still needs a family and help." Jess said as she went up to Joey.

"Please!!" Jess gave Joey the cute eye's as she whined.

"No!" And stop it with the cute eye's!" Joey tried to sound serious but couldn't help but smile. He then sighed as he looked at his wife.

"Fine. Just don't go picking up children from no where again." Joey told Jess as she instantly hugged him and Kat felt smooshed since she was still in his arms.

"YAY!!" Tifa squealed. Jewels crossed her little arms and went into he room.

"SHE'S NOT STAYING IN MY ROOM!!" Jewels screamed from her room. Tifa's eye's got watery.

"SHE HATES ME!!!!" Tifa cried, Jess then picked up Tifa and headed towards Kats room. And Joey followed carrying Kat.

"It's ok! Jewels has been very mean lately I think it's from her friends. Anywase you can stay in Kat's room. Kat is afraid of the dark and being alone anywase so she'll like the company." Jess explained to Tifa and put her on the extra bed next to Kat's bed with the crib side's. Joey put Kat in her crib sided bed. And Jess and Joey left to the main room.

"I'm not afaid of the wark or being awone! I'm bave like my daddy! I'm fearwess! What wever that means." Kat talked in her baby voice.

"Ok... Watch out for the scary doctor people they stick you with things when you sleep!" Tifa said as she looked at Kat.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kat screamed at the top of her lungs. Jess and Joey ran into the room looking all around the place.

"What? What?!?!?" Jess and Joey both said instantly.

"Scary woctor people they going to stick'ums me!!" Kat cried as she put her covers over her mouth.

"Who said that?" Jess asked. Kat then pointed at Tifa.

"What? What did I do?" Tifa wondered.

"Tifa you can't tell Kat scary things she's only 4." Jess said to Tifa as she sat at the edge of her bed.

"But she said she was brave and it's the truth!" Tifa explained Kat then started crying and screaming again from hearing that it's the truth.

"Kat it's not true don't worry about it and go to sleep!" Jess tried to calm Kat down. Jess whispered to Tifa never to talk about that in front of Kat ever again and Tifa nodded.

"Now you both be good and go to sleep me and your father are in the other room." Jess said as she walked to the doorway. The children nodded and Jess and Joey went into the main room.

"So did you have fun killing demons today?" Jess said with an attitude.

"Honey just because you weren't picked today doesn't mean you can take it out on me." Joey said as he sighed.

"I'm sorry I just hate that Victor hates me so much and likes to insult or upset me at any chance he gets. Your lucky he likes you so damn much." Jess said sounding upset.

"He did raise me. If it wasn't for him I would of still been in the orphanage." Joey explained.

"I know." Jess sighed and put her arm around Joey and leaned her head against him.

"I love you Sweety!" Jess said as she looked at Joey.

"I love you too Honey!" Joey replied and they kissed each other. He then slyly looked at her and picked up Jess and carried her into their bedroom, Joey then gently laid Jess onto the bed. He then removed his clothes, Jess then sat up and unzipped her uniform and took it off and threw it on the other side of the bed. She then gave Joey a playful look as he climbed onto the bed. And went above her body as she put her arms around his neck and started to playfully lick his earlobe. She blushed as she felt one of his hands on her breast.

The next morning:
Jess woke up noticing that Joey had already left and took the children the their day care.

"I wish he would wake me when he gets up!" Jess said to herself and then got up to get dressed. She then heard a knock on the door after she was dressed. She went to the door and opened it.

"Hi Sis!!" Ben exclaimed as he saw his big sister.

"Benny! Come in! Gosh your now 17 it's been so long since I've seen you. Of course it's been so long since I've seen our parents also! You got my message then?" Jess said as she hugged her little brother. And he stepped inside her home.

"Yep! Where's Tifa? That is her name right?" Ben asked.

"Yeah! I hope this doesn't bother your studies. I know how you want to be a soldier so being a body guard for Tifa is good practice! She's at the day care right now. Could you go there and keep an eye on her?" Jess explained.

"Sure I'll go right now! Bye!" Ben said as he quickly left.

"Bye!" Jess waved as she saw her brother off. But then remembered something. (I have to go get Rae and show her around some more Jess thought to herself) With that thought she went off to Rae's.