Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Kidnapped ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Jewels woke up in the early morning and went to her parents room and saw that Tifa and Kat was sleeping in the room with them because they had nightmares in the night. (They love them more then me Jewels thought to herself) She started to cry and ran out of her home and started to wonder down the halls. She then wondered to the docking bay. (Maybe I should go up above ground. I wonder what it looks like above there Jewels thought to herself) She saw her Auntie Go-chan messing with her suit. So she snuck by to the elevator and pushed the button. Go-chan looked up and saw that the platform was moving and saw Jewels on it.

"JEWELS!!! STOP!!!" Go-chan jumped up and ran to the platform but was too late to jump on it. Go-chan then got out her digital wrist phone and called Jess as she suited up. Jess got up after still being sleepy and noticed that the kids and Joey can sleep through anything. She then grabbed the phone.

"Yes who it is?" Jess yawned as she asked.

"JESS this is an emergency Jewels came to the psi sector and went above ground!!!" Go-chan said panickly. Jess jumped up after hearing what Go-chan said and got dressed and left for the docking bay. Go-chan already went ahead and went up the elevator to go after Jewels as soon as she got up she saw Jewels running towards the ruins of a city.

"JEWELS!!! STOP!!!" Go-chan screamed as she ran after the child. Jewels heard Go-chan but continued to run. The Boe corporation's camera's caught Jewels in one of the old buildings of the city and Go-chan also.

At the Boe corporation:

"Sir our camera's are picking up two life forms and there human. A little girl and a hope team member… Wait there's another hope team member also. The hope team members are female. What should we do Mr. Kriedler?" Sirus asked. Sirus is Kriedlers right hand man and most trusted.

"Hmm…. Bring them here we can never have enough experiment subjects. And there's one I've been wanting to try for along time." Kriedler announced as he sat in his chair. Sirus summoned the guards and they released there more intelligent demons to kidnap the girls. Suddenly Go-chan looked behind her and saw Jess but something was behind Jess.

"Jess look out!!" Go-chan yelled as a demon jumped at Jess. Jess turned to look behind her but tripped and the demon flew over her head and into a wall and was stunned for a minute. They then heard a scream from Jewels and saw that a demon grabbed her.

"JEWELS!!!" Jess and Go-chan instantly screamed. Go-chan went after the demon that had Jewels but it was faster then her. Jess got up to her knee's and was in a crawling position still getting up from the ground when saw the demon that tried to grab her and it was ready to pounce.

"Shit! " Jess said as she saw it jump at her. She then fell back and put her legs up. The demon then flung over her but it grabbed her with it's long arms and she went flying with it. Jess was smacked into the ground and loss consciousness. The demon then picked her up to take her to the Boe corporations base. A demon suddenly came out of the ground in front of Go-chan and she ran into it and fell back.

"I don't have time for this!!" Go-chan yelled at the demon and then quickly crawled between it's legs to get away from it but it grabbed her by her leg and hung her upside down.

"Ahh! This isn't good!" Go-chan said as the blood was rushing to her head. The demon smacked her in the back of the head knocking her unconscious and carried her away.
At the base:

"Sirus which one do you want us to use for the implant device?" evil doctor asked as he looked at the girls who were chained to the wall. Sirus walked by the unconscious girls and looked at them all.

"I think this one is good for the device. What is her information? " Sirus said as he put his hand on Jess' chin holding up her face. A lab researcher looked at the computer checking her DNA to find out about her file and ID.

"Her name is Jessica Janeba. She's married to Joseph Janeba." The researcher told Sirus.

"Let me see." Sirus said as he looked at the ID images on the computer.

"So that's him… It's very interesting that we happened to kidnap his wife… She's definitely the perfect subject for this one. We'll figure out a place for the others after you finish the operation." Sirus chuckled. Two guards then unchained Jess and carried her into an operating room. Two hours later the operation was done.

"Was it a success doctor?" Sirus asked as he looked at Jess passed out on the operating table.

"Yes it was. We also found out that she's pregnant also. What do you want us to do?" The doctor replied. Sirus thought for a moment.

"Don't do anything else with her. That way when we let them get her back. They won't think anything's out of the ordinary. Mr. Kriedler will be very pleased with your work." Sirus explained. A soldier ran into the room who looked panicky.

"Sir!! One's escaped!!" Soldier exclaimed as he saluted.

"What? What the hell were you thinking! You should have been watching her!" Sirus snapped at the soldier.

"That's it I'm tired of your stupidity." Sirus said as he shot the soldier in the head.


Go-chan quickly ran from room to room. She then saw a bunch of doctors leave a room. So she went into it to see if she could gather any information. She then saw it was a lab and had all kinds of test tubes. She then saw a big glass container and walked over to it. (I wonder what's in there. Go-chan wondered) She then put her face up to the glass when suddenly a creature jumped at the glass.

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" Go-chan screamed as she flew back from the glass screen. She then noticed it was a small little goblin creature. (Hmm maybe I should take this thing back with me to the base Go-chan thought) Go-chan then pressed a button and the glass went up and She put her hands out to catch it.

"Come on little guy!" Go-chan said to the little goblin. It then jumped on her head.

"Um ok…." Go-chan blinked as she spoke, and then ran out of the room to find some way to escape. Suddenly an alarm went off. The little goblin hid in Go-chans hair as soldiers surrounded her.

"So you all want a piece of me?!?! I can take you all on!!!" Go-chan said proudly but then all the soldiers started to laugh at her. So she punched the soldier in front of her breaking his nose and then dodging another soldiers punch and elbowing him in the back. She then kicked at a soldier but he caught her leg and threw her on the ground pinning her and then knocked her out. Jess then woke up from feeling water falling on her. She then noticed that she was hanging in the air chained up to a wooden post and noticed that she was outside in the rain at the ruins of some city.

"W… What happened? Why am I here?" Jess thought out loud to herself as she looked around she then felt pain from her side.(Why is my side hurting? Jess wondered as she hung there)

Meanwhile at the underground facility:

Joey walked into the command room after looking all over the different sectors of the base.

"She must of gone outside. She has to be up there some where. We need to do a scan up there." Joey told the technicians.

"Yes Sir." The technician responded as he started the scan. The monitor started to show different places of the earth above ground. It stopped when it found Jess hanging on the wooden post.

"JESS!!" Joey screamed as he saw Jess hanging there.

"I'll summon Zak and Angel to help." The technician told Joey.

"I'm not going to wait. I'm going to get her now!" Joey argued as he ran to the docking bay. In no time he was up above ground rushing to where Jess was.