Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Survivors ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


*It's been over two weeks since Jewels has been at the Boe corporations base.*

Messa heard the alarm she knew Zak would be going to the psi sector before going above ground. (Maybe I should go and see if Zak is ok before he leaves the docking bay. I haven't seen him for almost over a week now. He's been acting so strange. Messa thought) Messa left for the psi sector to wait at the docking bay for him. The hope team members rushed down the halls as they heard the alarm. They all met up in the command room and turned to the screen. As they looked at the screen they saw people running around in one of the ruin cities. Joey and Go-chan, Zak, Angel, Rae were there Jess was back home because of being two months pregnant.

"There are survivors up on the surface. Your fuckin mission is to get them the hell out of there and bring them down here. Joey, Go-chan I want you to keep a close eye on Rae since it's her first time out there. Now your all dismissed!" Commander Victor said as he looked at all of them.

"Yes Sir!!" the team instantly saluted as they answered. They all then ran to the docking bay there Zak saw Messa and stopped in his tracks. The others got into there suits. Zak then walked over to Messa.

"Messa what are you doing here?" Zak asked with a confused look on his face.

" I was just worried about you. I haven't seen you for almost over a week." Messa said with sadness in her voice.

"Why? Doesn't it mean that I'm healthy when I don't see you in the medical bay?" Zak said with a laugh.

"No it's not that really. I just… I missed seeing you there." Messa said as she blushed.

"You did?!?! I thought I was a bother to you. So that's why I didn't visit you." Zak said as he blushed and walked even closer to Messa. He then put his hands on her shoulder and then moved in closer to Messa. Messa felt so nervous as she felt his body against hers. He then leaned his head down towards hers and closed his eye's. Messa then closed her eye's as she put her hands on his chest. They were just about to kiss when Angel screamed at Zak to hurry up and get suited up. And Messa, Zak opened there eye's and moved away from each other. The whole hope team was waiting for Zak in the elevator.

"YOU CAN DO THAT LATER!!! WE HAVE PEOPLE TO SAVE!!!" Angel screamed at the top of her lungs at Zak. Zak glared at Angel but then looked back at Messa.

"I'm sorry Messa I have to go. I'll meet you later?" Zak said as he continued to blush.

"Sure. I mite be off work by the time you get back so meet me at my home k?" Messa said with a smile. Zak nodded and ran off. He turned back as he was running and waved back at Messa. She then waved back at him of course Zak ran into a big metal machine from not looking where he was going and fell to the ground. Messa was about to run over to him but then he just jumped to his feet and smiled. (She probably thinks I'm such an idiot. Zak thought as sweat went down his face) He then got into the elevator with the rest of the team. They all just looked at him Zak just looked at him with a confused look on his face.

"Hey Romeo! You forgot to put on your suit!" Angel said and then laughed at Zak.

"Grr… I'll be right back." Zak mumbled and then suited up he then met up with his team. This time they went above ground. They quickly ran towards where the survivors were last spotted. Rae was so excited because of this being her first mission as a hope team member. (This is so cool it was well worth the training Rae thought) She then thought about all of the broken bones, bruises, bloody lips and other injuries she got from Piper's training and then sighed. She then ran into Zak because she wasn't paying attention to where she was going.

"Hey!! Why did you stop like that?!?!?" Rae asked as she backed away from Zak.

"Because we were ordered to." Zak sighed as he looked down at Rae. Rae looked around and noticed that everyone stopped.

"Now lets split up! Go-chan you go with Rae, Zak you go with Angel." Joey said, they all nodded at Joey and went off . Joey then quickly ran into some ruins of a building. (The survivors mite know where the Boe Corporation is…. Joey thought as he searched). Angel then ran ahead of Zak .

"Angel!! We're supposed to be looking together! We won't find them if we're not thorough when we search." Zak complained.

"Whatever… I think if we're fast we'll find them faster." Angel said to Zak.

"You don't like me very much do you?" Zak asked, she then stopped in her tracks.

"Actually I don't like you at all! Your so annoying!" Angel replied. Zak just sighed at Angels remark. Angel then started to run again. Zak continued to follow her but wasn't thinking straight because his thoughts were on Messa.


Meanwhile Go-chan and Rae:

"Rae you look over in that room I'll be right over here. Just yell if you need anything!" Go-chan ordered as she searched.

"Ok Go-chan!" Rae replied as she ran into the other room. She saw that it was dark and started to feel creped out. (I sure hope there are no demons in here.. Rae thought as she felt nervous) She then spotted a board that was laying on the ground. (Hmm maybe there's a hole under it and that where the people hide and live. Rae thought) She walked over to the board and lifted it up. Just as she looked and saw what was under there she screamed. Go-chan then quickly ran into the room and looked at Rae.

"What is it Rae?!?!?" Go-chan asked as she looked at her. Rae then pointed at a skeleton of a person.

"Oh Rae your going to see a lot of those up here. Don't worry about it." Go-chan said as she patted Rae's back.


Meanwhile Joey:

He searched all around the place starting to lose hope on finding the survivors when he heard voices. He then quietly walked into the other room and saw the survivors.

"Hi. Don't be afraid I'm here to help with." Joey said trying not to scare the people who have never seen a mecha before.

"What are you?!?!? What do you mean?" The guy spoke as he had his family behind him.

"I'm a normal person. I'm just in a protective suit so that I can fight demons. I've come with the rest of my team to save you and your family. We live underground in a base where the demons can't find us and can't penetrate through." Joey explained the best he could.

"That's great we won't have to live in fear anymore." The guy excitedly said to his family. They all looked so happy and hugged each other.

"I have a question for you. Have you seen where the demons come from?" Joey asked wanting to know where his daughter was.

"Yes…" The guy said as he turned back towards Joey. The man looked very sad.

"I know where it is. They took my oldest daughter 10 years ago. I followed them and found out where they went. But the place is like a fortress and I had no chance of getting her back. It's a few miles away it's in the middle of a deep canyon." The guy explained. (That's how it was so well hidden Joey thought)

"Thank you. I'm going to call me other team members and their going to take you and your family home." Joey said as he pushed a button on his wrist. Suddenly Go-chan, Rae appeared behind Joey.

"Oh yay the survivors!!" Rae said happily.

"Want me and Rae to take them back to the base?" Go-chan questioned as she looked at Joey.

"Where's Zak and Angel?!?" Joey said with concern.

"I don't know I haven't seen them. Do you want me to go find them? Or do you want me to take care of the survivors?" Go-chan asked.

"Sure you and Rae can take care of the survivors I'll go look for Zak and Angel." Joey said as he left the room.

"Sir do you want to go first or your wife? Rae you get the two children." Go-chan said as she looked at the guy. Rae quickly grabbed the two children in each hands and started off towards the base.

"Take my wife first." The guy said as he looked at his wife. She then quickly hugged him and then Go-chan grabbed her and headed towards the base.


Meanwhile Angel and Zak:

"Angel!!" Zak yelled as he saw the digger claw through her shoulder and slam her into a wall. Angel was screaming in agony from the pain. Zak got up from the ground and was about to attack but then Joey zoomed into the room.

"What happened?!?" Joey said as he saw Angel all bloody and on the ground screaming in pain. While the digger licked the blood off of it's claws.

"This digger sneaked up on us!" Zak said as he kept his eye on the digger with his blades out ready to slice it.

"Take her back to base Zak!! I'll take care of the digger!" Joey ordered Zak. Zak put his blades back in his metal boots and then grabbed Angel. Of course she then bickered at him for not paying attention and for touching her wound. He quickly ran out of the room and back towards the base. The digger then jumped at Joey but he dodged it's attack. Joey then punched the digger and ripped out it's intestines.

"There now I can do more important things." Joey said as he went in search of the Boe Corporations base.


Meanwhile at the base:

Go-chan and Rae happily watched as they saw the whole family reunited in the docking bay.

"There will be people coming to help find you a place to live down here. " Go-chan explained to the family.

"Thank you so much for helping us!" The guy said.

"No problem!" Go-chan said and smiled. Rae and Go-chan then went to get out of their suits.

"Did you have fun on your first mission?" Go-chan asked Rae.

"Yep! Except for that freaky skeleton I found." Rae replied with a grossed out face Go-chan laughed at the young girl's comment and expression.

"Rae are you hungry?" Go-chan asked Rae.

"After all of that of course I am!!" Rae said as she smiled. Rae and Go-chan then went to go get something to eat at the cafeteria. Suddenly Zak came down from the elevator holding Angel who was now passed out from blood loss. The medical teams rushed to him and took Angel on a stretcher. Zak then got out of his suit and felt exhausted. He just sat there for a minute holding his helmet and just looking at it while thinking to himself about what to do next about Messa.



Joey finally found the canyon he then looked down it. He couldn't see the bottom from where he was it just looked black. He then saw a small trail down so he started down it. 2 hours later he arrived at the bottom and saw the huge building. He saw demons and camera's almost everywhere. He then saw an air vent which was close to the canyon wall and not near a camera. So Joey climbed onto the canyon wall and pulled off the air vent cover. He then crawled into the air vent he then looked through every room he went by in the air vent. He stopped as he heard a little girl crying.

"Jewels…" Joey whispered to himself. He then headed towards the girls cries and saw Jewels curled up into a ball crying it looked like she was in some kind of cell. He then pulled the air vent cover into the air vent and jumped down.

"Daddy!!!" Jewels said as she wiped her tears and ran to him. He quickly picked her up.

"Don't worry Jewels I'm going to take you home now." Joey said as he put her up in the air vent and then got in himself. The camera in the room caught everything.

"Sir it looks like Joseph has come and is saving his daughter!" Sirus said to Kriedler as he watched the tape.

"Let them go. Your doctors did get most of the information from her tests right? We know where there at now. It's just a matter of time." Kriedler smirked as he replied.

"Yes sir…" Sirus answered. Meanwhile Joey jumped out of the air vent with Jewels in his arms and ran to the trail up the canyon.

"Did mumsy miss me?" Jewels asked.

"Of course she did Jewels. We all missed you. Ohyeah your going to have a new baby brother or sister in 7 months!" Joey explained to Jewels. She looked so happy as she heard that everyone missed her. (I guess they do love me! Jewels thought happily)

"Yay a new brother or sister!" Jewels said happily. Jewels was just happy to be out of that place.4 hours later Joey and Jewels arrived at the base. He then quickly took her home after he got out of his suit.

"Mumsy mumsy!!!!" Jewels screamed as her father carried her into the room. Jess then dropped the dishes she was cleaning in to the sink and ran over to Jewels and Joey.

"Jewels!!!" Jess squealed as she grabbed Jewels out of Joeys arms and hugged her tightly.

"I missed you mumsy!" Jewels said as she hugged her mommy. Jess noticed how thin and weak Jewels looked.

"My poor baby!!" Jess cried as she continued to hug and hold Jewels.

"I'm hungry!" Jewels said as she looked at her mother.

"I'll go make you something to eat right now!!" Jess said happily as she sat Jewels at the table and started cooking up a storm.

"Thank you so much sweety for getting her. Are you hungry also?" Jess asked Joey as she looked at him.

"Your welcome sweety and yep!" Joey said as he nodded.



Zak nervously walked to Messa's door. He tried to think what to say without sounding like an idiot. (Hmm maybe I should just say hi and ask her how she's doing! Yeah that's what I'll say. Zak thought) He then knocked on her door. It then slid open and before Zak could speak Messa jumped out and wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. Zak's face turned red and eye's widened from surprise. He then loosened up and kissed her back as he put his arms around her waste. She then moved backwards pulling Zak inside with her and the door slid closed behind him.