Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Surprise! ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]


Rae woke up the next morning and wondered what happened to Ben and if he beat up that guy or got beat up himself. (Maybe I should go visit him…. Ben was so brave when he saved me from that perverted guy. Rae thought as she stretched her arms). She then got dressed and ran to her kitchen to get something to eat quickly. After she ate she went running to where Ben lived and knocked on the door she waited a few minutes and then Ben answered.

"Hi Ben are you ok from yesterday?" Rae asked as she looked at Ben.

"Yeah I'm ok. Why did you come so early? I was still sleeping when I heard your knocking it. Woke me up." Ben said.

"Oh I'm so sorry for that I just wanted to see if your ok. It looks like you have a cut on your lip." Rae said as she touched his lip.

"Yeah it's ok. It's just a little cut." Ben said as he looked at Rae. Rae then hugged him.

"Why are you hugging me Rae?!?" Ben asked with a confused look on his face. Rae just looked up at him and smiled.

"Thank you for helping me the other day!" Rae said as she tightly hugged him. He started to blush.

"It was nothing Rae. I would of done that if I saw any girl introuble like that." Ben answered.

"Your such a gentleman!" Rae said as she smiled at him.

"Uh… I guess!" Ben said with a smile.

"Do you want to go out some where today?" Rae asked Ben.

"Well… I wasn't really planning on doing anything today. Except maybe going on a mission if we're called on one today. If you want you can come in my home and watch tv or something. I still haven't had breakfast." Ben answered.

"Sure I would love to!!" Rae said as she smiled and walked past Ben into his home. Ben then slid the door shut.



Messa felt nervous as she found out that she was a week pregnant.(How am I going to tell Zak? What is he going to say. Wait we're not even married yet!! Messa thought and grew more worried) She paced back and forth in the living room waiting for Zak to wake up so she could try to tell him.

"He should be fine with it. I mean his two sisters have children already… So he shouldn't mind." Messa said out loud to herself. The phone suddenly rang Messa ran to go pick it up and then answered it.

"Hi! Oh I didn't expect you to call! She did? Oh that's great! Is it a boy or a girl? A boy wow you finally have a son now! His names Dimond that's so cute! I'll come down and visit her and the baby later! Ok bye bye!" Messa said happily as she talked to Joey on the phone. (Maybe I should tell Zak that news before I tell him about me being pregnant. Messa sat and thought) Zak then sleepily walked into the room rubbing his eye's as he walked.

"Oh Zak I have great news to tell you!" Messa excitedly told him.

"Ok what is it?" Zak asked as he stretched his arms.

"Jess had a baby and it's a boy! His name is Dimond! I told Joey that we would go down there to visit them later. Is that ok?" Messa asked.

"That's great! I have a little nephew now!" Zak said with a goofy smile. Messa just jumped to her feet and hugged him because he looked so adorable.

"Is there anything else you need to tell me? " Zak asked as he hugged her back.

"Yes actually. I wanted to tell you that…. I'm pregnant… SURPRISE!!!" Messa said nervously, as she looked up at Zak's face to see his expression. Zak just stood there with a blank expression on his face. Messa looked at him and just blinked for a minute. She then noticed he wasn't moving so she tapped him and he fell right over onto the ground and didn't move.

"I guess you weren't ready for that…" Messa said with her finger in her mouth. 20 minutes later Messa just sat there looking at Zak. Who hasn't moved an inch since she told him she was pregnant.

"What???!?!?" Zak finally responded as he laid there.

"I'm sorry… Maybe I shouldn't of told you." Messa said sadly. Zak then got up and sat next to Messa and put his hand on her shoulder.

"No don't be sorry. It's just a surprise that's all!" Zak said with an awkward smile and his eye was twitching.

"Uh… Zak your eye is twitching. Usually that doesn't mean it was a good surprise." Messa said as she looked at him strangely.

"No it does mean that! It's just we have to get married before you have the baby!" Zak said still with an awkward look on his face.

"Ok well we're not getting married until you get that weird look off your face!" Messa giggled.

"Ok. I'm going to go take a shower and get dressed." Zak said, as Messa nodded and he walked into the bedroom.



Silverstar was watching her nieces Jewels, Tifa, Kat as their parents were at the medical bay because Jess had their baby brother Dimond.

"Kat!!! Stop climbing on the counter!! No coffee for you!! Tifa!! Let go of those CD's they are not Frisbee's!! Jewels stop playing in my clothes!!" Silverstar yelled as she ran around the room trying to stop the three children. She then went over to the counter and just grabbed Kat so she couldn't get her coffee.

"I need that coffee a lot more then you Kat!" Silverstar said as she was out of breath. Suddenly Ryo and Koru started crying in their cribs Silverstar rushed to them and rocked their cribs with her foot. As she was holding Kat while Kat was wiggling in her arms trying to break free.

"I'm only 19 I can't handle all these children!!" Silverstar said as her head was spinning.(Maybe I should call someone to help me baby-sit these children. But who? Oh I have an idea. Silverstar thought) Silverstar then put Kat in Koru and Ryo's play pin so she couldn't get out. And then walked over to the phone to call Rae. Silverstar waited as the phone rang but Rae didn't answer. (Where could that girl be… Hmm who else would be free to help baby-sit… Silverstar thought) She then noticed that Kat was climbing out of the crib so she pushed Kat's little head and Kat fell on her butt and started to cry. Silverstar then started to call Desty.

"Hi Desty!! I need help… Could you come over and help me baby-sit?" Silverstar asked.

"Ok then see you in awhile then!" Silverstar said happily as she hang up the phone.

"FINALLY SOME ONE TO HELP!!!" Silverstar yelled. She then grabbed Tifa and Jewels and put them in the playpen with Kat.

"Me and Tifa are taller then the play pen why are we here?" Jewels wondered as she looked up at Silverstar with a confused look on her face.

"Because you are all bad hyper children." Silverstar explained. Tifa started to cry from Silverstars comment about them all.

"You're a meanie head… You wade my sissy cry." Kat said as she glared at Silverstar. Silverstar stuck her tongue out at Kat. Jewels then grabbed Silverstars hair which was hanging inside to crib and pulled on it and started to laugh.

"OOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!! You little…." Silverstar was cut off when she heard a knock on the door. She then grabbed Jewels and carried her with her since Jewels wouldn't let go of her hair.

"Hi Silverstar! Oh hi Jewels you have the most adorable pigtails!" Desty greeted her and Jewels.

"Your nice!! I like you better then Silverstar!!" Jewels said as she let go of Silverstars hair and reached for Desty. Desty then took Jewels in her arms.

"Hi Desty come in!" Silverstar said as she moved and Desty walked in.

"Jewels is such a good child." Desty said with a smile as Jewels hugged her. Jewels then turned to Silverstar and stuck her tongue out at her.

"Yeah she's just a little angel… The others are in the play pen." Silverstar said as she glared at Jewels.

"I don't see them there…" Desty said as she looked at the play pen.

"They probably ran away because Silverstar beats us and is really mean!" Jewels said with her eye's all teary eyed. As she tried to get Silverstar introuble. Desty looked at Silverstar with a you better not be look on her face.

"That's not true!!" Silverstar said to defend herself.

"Well then you better find them while I make lunch! Do you want to be my little helper Jewels?" Desty said as she smiled at Jewels.

"Yeah!!" Jewels said excitedly. Silverstar went to search for Tifa and Kat. She looked in all the rooms but didn't find them. Desty then opened a cupboard where the coffee and sugar was and saw Tifa and Kat eating pure sugar and coffee grains.

"Oh my that can make you both really sick!" Desty said as she got the two children out of the cupboard and put them into their seats at the table.

"Now you both be good girls while me and Jewels make lunch. Ok?" Desty asked the two children nicely. Kat nodded happily.

"Yay lunch!!" Tifa yelled with her arms up in the air. Silverstar then went running in the kitchen when she heard Tifa's voice.

"There you both are!!!" Silverstar said as she pointed at the children.

"Silverstar you really need to child proof these cupboards it's very dangerous for little children. If I had children I would of made the place child proof while I was pregnant so everything would be ready and safe." Desty explained. As she and Jewels continued to make lunch.

"Ok…" Silverstar said with a confused look on her face. Silverstar then grabbed two baby bottles and went to feed Koru and Ryo their lunch. Desty set the table with little Jewels helping her. Tifa and Kat started eating as they sat the food down. Silverstar then walked into the room after feeding her 2month old babies and went to sit down. Tifa moved her plate away from Silverstar and gave her a look. Desty and Jewels then sat down to eat as Silverstar already started to eat her food. Jewels then flicked her pea's at Silverstar as Desty wasn't looking. Silverstar got pissed off and started to flick pea's at Jewels and hit her in and eye and Jewels started to cry.

"SILVERSTAR!!! How could you do that to a child?!?!?" Desty said after she saw what Silverstar did.

"She started it!!" Silverstar said as she pointed at Jewels. Desty put her arms around Jewels and tried to comfort her.

"So what you're an adult!! You should be more mature! And I did not see her do anything to you I just saw you hit her with the pea in the eye!! I'm taking these children home with me because your not responsible enough to watch them." Desty argued with Silverstar.

"Good take them their little brats anywase!" Silverstar yelled back at Desty. Desty then picked up Kat and grabbed Tifa by the wrist and walked out of Silverstars home as Jewels followed.

"I'm glad that's over with!" Silverstar said as she went to lay back on the couch and relax while watching tv.