Fan Fiction ❯ What If..... ❯ Identity Revealed ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Authors note: Jewels helped me with this chapter thank you so much Jewels ^_^!

Identity revealed:

Joey slowly woke up the last thing he could remember was an explosion and being thrown into a wall from the force of it. He looked around and realized that he was laying on a metal table and was tied up. His mecha armor wasn't on him anymore.

"What the hell!?!?" Joey said out loud. (Dammit I must have been past out for hours from the explosion. I'll get the fuck out of here some how. Joey angrily thought) Joey continued to look around the room and noticed a doctor going over what looked like some charts. The doctor looked familiar and some how this room seemed oddly familiar to him. He then started to see images flashing in his head. They were of him as a child. Joey saw men talking he was with another child but he couldn't see the other child's face. He then had flashes of being on a metal table like the one he was on now. There were men surrounding him with needles and mechanical devices. Joey couldn't remember who the men where just that they were doctors. But he had no clue who the other child was. He heard a doctors name called Tremor.

Joey then snapped out of his flash back and the doctor then looked at Joey noticing that he was now conscious. The doctor then walked over to a communicator by a large computer system.

"The Subject is awake Sirus do you want to talk to him now?" Doctor Tremor said as he spoke to Sirus through the communicator. A few minutes later Sirus walked into the room and looked at Joey.

"So your Joseph…" Sirus said as he walked up to Joeys bed. Joey wondered how the hell that he knew his name.

"You must be Sirus.." Joey replied as he glared up at the man.

"How do you know my name?" Sirus asked.

"I over heard the conversation you had with the doctor. How is it that you know my name?" Joey wondered.

"Everyone knows your name here well anyone of any importants at least." Sirus spoke as though he knew everything about him.

"What the hell are you talking about?!??" Joey asked angrily wanting to know what the hell was going on.

"You don't remember? Well I guess you were young at the time.." Sirus said as he thought to himself. This just pissed Joey off more.

"Remember what?!?!?" Joey continued to question. Just then a man walked in the room. Joey looked in shock as he looked at the man. The man looked exactly like him. (How could that man look exactly like me?!?!? Joey wondered and was totally confused by everything)

"You came from the Boe Corporation." Sirus smirked as he spoke. (What? The Boe Corporation? How could that be?!?! Why didn't Commander Victor tell me the truth?!? Joey thought to himself and became more confused) Sirus then looked over and saw Ian.

"So this is him…" Ian said as he looked down at Joey.

"A clone?!?!!!" Joey exclaimed as he looked at Ian.

"No he's not a clone. He's your twin Ian." Sirus explained as he looked back at Joey.

"What?!?!" Joey let out and was confused, shocked by everything he was hearing. As he thought he remembered his flash backs the boy that was going through everything with him was in fact Ian. (Ian is my brother… Then who is my father and Mother?!?!? Joey continued to think)

"It seems that he doesn't remember anything about when he lived here." Sirus told Ian as he looked over at him.

"Heh that doesn't surprise me. So you're my brother… Our father wanted me to do a lot of research on you since he had that tracking device implanted on your wife. Of course I don't think you know about that either." Ian said with a cocky attitude as he looked at Joey.

"What? What did you do to my wife?!?!?" Joey yelled at Ian.

"Hey bro calm down I didn't do anything to her the doctors did. It's a locating device she can't even feel it in her body. I'm going to go visit where you live I'm not sure if I'm leaving today or tomorrow that's up to our father. You on the other hand have to stay here for training or brain washing I'm not to sure about that since I don't really care." Ian continued on with his cocky attitude.

"You better stay the fuck away from my family!! Who's our father?!?" Joey snapped angrily at Ian.

"You have a bad attitude bro I'm just helping you out. I mean what will your wife think if you don't come home soon? And our father is Kriedler the head of the Boe Corporation so you should be proud. I'm also giving your government what they gave to us earlier. They destroy our base we destroy theirs it's only fare." Ian smirked as he explained to his brother.

"I'll KILL YOU if you touch my wife and children!!! Of course you are the kind of cocky son of a bitch person to be proud of a psycho!!" Joey yelled angrily at Ian as he glared at him like he wanted to jump up and tear him apart.

"Bro all I'm doing is being nice and helping you out and this is how you treat me? Oh it hurts me so bad." Ian sarcastically commented to piss his brother off even more.

"I'm sorry to interrupt but you should go speak with your father now Ian." Sirus told Ian.

"Ok well then I guess I'm off I'll see you later Bro." Ian said with a smirk and then punched Joey in his face causing his nose to bleed and then turned and left the room. Joey was moving in his restraints trying to get out. Joey really wanted to kill Ian and was infuriated by what he said and did to him. (Once I get out of here I'm going to kill that cocky son of a bitch!!!!!! Joey thought angrily to himself)

Ian walks into his fathers conference room and looks up at his father.

"Father when do you want me to go fulfill my mission?" Ian asked.

"Now is the best time if we wait too long they mite think it's suspicious why it took you or should I say Joseph so long to get back home. You need to wear his armor and the copy of his uniform you must not let anyone see your tattoo of our companies logo or they'll figure it out and don't do anything to make yourself seem suspicious to them. Contact me once you get there. " Kriedler said as he looked down at his son from his chair.

"Yes sir!" Ian saluted and then went off to get ready for his mission.


Meanwhile at the underground city:

Jess watched Jewels who was still asleep but now on her bed. Tifa was in the other room with Kat playing with their toys.

"Jewels please wake up…" Jess said as she feared that Jewels was in a coma. And she was still worried about Joey also. Luckily Julo was in the other room taking care of Dimond. Go-chan walked into Jewels room and saw Jess.

"Jess are you ok? She still isn't awake?" Go-chan said with great concern.

"No I'm sure what's wrong with her." Jess sighed as she looked up at her sis.

"Maybe she's just really tired. I'll watch her for you but Commander Victor wants you to fill out a paper report about the mission." Go-chan informed her.

"What? Now? So he can say how I screwed everything up some how? " Jess said as she became stressed out from everything.

"We all know he's an asshole and he has not feelings. But sadly we have to do as he says. You better go before he kicks you off the hope team. Don't worry I'll take care of her." Go-chan said as she sat next to Jewels.

"Ok.. I'll be back once I get the papers to fill out." Jess said as she sat up and left. She quickly left her home to go the command room. A few minutes later she made it to the command room.

"I'm here Sir." Jess said as she saluted.

"Finally you decided to get off your ass! Your so damn lazy! Here's your paper work." Commander Victor pointed to fifty papers on his desk.

"Grr… Thanks a lot sir." Jess said as she grabbed the papers and quickly left before she had to hear him talk again. ( I hate that guy so damn much!! Jess thought) She then finally returned home and set all the papers on the coffee table.

"Jess I really need to get home now it's getting late. Dimonds asleep he should be fine for the night." Julo explained as she came out of Dimonds room.

"Sure Julo could you also tell Go-chan she can go home now also if she wants?" Jess asked Julo.

"Sure!" Julo answered and then turned to go tell Go-chan.

"Go-chan Jess says you can go home if you want now. I'm going home myself now so I'll see you later." Julo said as she turned to leave for her home. Go-chan then came out to the living room to talk to Jess.

"Are you sure it's ok for me to leave?" Go-chan asked with concern.

"Sure I have Tifa and Kat to be my little helpers." Jess said with a smile.

"Ok well then I'll see you later then." Go-chan said as she grabbed her coat.

"K bye-bye Sis!" Jess said as she waved to her sis. Go-chan then smiled and left. (I wish I wasn't stuck doing all this damn paper work… Grr.. I hate Victor.. Jess thought as she became frustrated by all her work) Tifa ran into the living room with Kat following behind her.

"Mumsy is Jewels up yet?" Tifa asked as Kat just looked up at her mother also wanting to know the answer. Jess stopped what she was doing and looked up at Tifa and Kat.

"Jewels is still asleep. I think it's best to just let her rest." Jess sighed as she looked at their little faces look sad.

"Aww ok Mumsy." Tifa replied as she and Kat started to walk to their room.

"If you want you can sleep in her room and look after her for me. Since you both should be in bed by now." Jess said as she looked at them. They stopped in their tracks.

"We'll take good care of her!! " Tifa and Kat both squealed they then ran into Jewels room. They both then put covers on the floor to sleep next to Jewels bed.

"Tomorrow if she's not awake we're going to have to heal her! " Tifa said all seriously, Kat nodded in reply as she got under the covers and hugged her little teddy bear.


Meanwhile at the Psi Sector:

"Zak I think we should go and get Joey for Jess!" Go-chan explained her idea.

"That's why you had me come here? But what if he's on his way back right now?" Zak asked.

"Well…" Go-chan started to speak but was interrupted.

"Hi Go-chan, Hi Zak! I was just finishing up helping Rae's wounds is anyone else hurt? " Messa asked as she looked at them.

"I don't think so well besides the cuts and bruises Piper and Angel got but then I think you or the other nurses helped them already. When Joey gets back he mite be injured." Go-chan answered.

"Oh ok well remember to tell me when he comes in if he's injured. Also what time will you be home by Zak?" Messa said.

"Early!" Zak said with a goofy smile.

"Ok." Messa smiled back at Zak and then gave him a kiss before she left to go back to the medical bay. After Messa left Go-chan and Zak went over to the elevator to go up to get Joey. But suddenly the elevator went up on it's own with out them getting on it.

"Huh?!?!?" Both Go-chan and Zak let out from being puzzled. Then they saw some one on it as it came down as it got closer they realized it was Joey.

"Joey your alive!" Go-chan said happily knowing that Jess will be so happy about the news.

"I told you he would come on his own sis!" Zak told his sister with a I know it all face.

"Oh well who cares he's back and that's all that matters!" Go-chan said as she looked at Zak. The elevator then stopped Ian looked at the two who were staring at him happily. (Hmm that must be Go-chan and Zak Jess' sister and brother. Ian thought to himself) Ian smiled back at them to make it look like he was Joey and not someone else.

"We're so glad your back! Jess will be so happy! Are you hurt?" Go-chan exclaimed as she looked at him.

"I'm fine I was unharmed by the blast. But I feel tired so I'm going to go home now." Ian answered while trying not to get into a big conversation. Zak thought it was odd that he wasn't hurt at all or even dirty Zak looked at Go-chan to see if she thought it was strange but she just looked fine with it.

"Oh ok yeah I bet you are. Well I guess we'll see you tomorrow then." Go-chan said trying not to keep him for to long so he could get back to Jess.

"Well by Joey." Zak said still having an uneasy feeling about him but not sure why. Ian then quickly took off Joeys armor and left to go to where Joeys home is. As Ian walked down the halls he looked around to see all the rooms he studied about at his base. Everything was in exact detail to how he studied it in the research papers and building documents that Simon and Vladimir found when they were here. He then saw the door that was Joeys home. Ian then knocked on the door. Jess looked up from her paper work once again. (Now who could that be at this late at night? Jess thought) She put her pen down and went to answer the door.

Jess went to hit the button for the door when suddenly Ian went through the door.

"J…" Jess was cut off by Ian kissing her while pushing her against the wall behind her pinning her arms. Jess' eye's opened wide in surprise as she was caught off guard. He then moved his lips away from Jess' and looked at her.

"Sweety are you ok?!?!" Jess said while thinking Joey was acting weird.

"I'm just excited that's all. I missed you." Ian said as he removed his hands from her wrists and started to unzip her uniform down to her belly button, and started to kiss down her neck.

"I guess so!" Jess said as she blushed. Ian smirked and picked up Jess carrying her into the bedroom threw her on the bed.

"Sweety are you sure your ok? Your acting a little strange. And I really need to get some paper work done for commander victor and you know how much he hates me. He'll probably fire me if I turn them in late. " Jess said as she looked at him as he crawled over her body. She tried to get up but Ian forced her back down each time she tried.

"Don't worry about it honey… I'll give him the papers tomorrow morning for you." Ian said as he smirked and continued to kiss her. He then moved her uniforms sleeves off of her shoulders and arms exposing her entire upper body.

"I guess…. I don't know though…" Jess said as she looked into his eyes. Ian noticed that Jess was very concerned by how he was acting and mite figure out he wasn't Joey.

" I love you." Ian said trying to say something to ease her mind.

"I love you too sweety!!" Jess said as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. (He must just be stressed from everything or something. That's all. Jess thought)