Fan Fiction ❯ What lies beneath the beast of heart ❯ The beast emerges ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The cold wind swept across the village like the howl of a demon enraged and in pain. The villagers had locked their houses tightly for the long winter night. A lone rider rides up on a black stallion, hooves beating on the rain soaked cobblestones. Echoes of the hoof beats ring through the frost bitten air like a signal of oncoming doom. The rider stops in front of the local inn and dismounts, slender legs lifting and pushing off the creatures back in one fluid motion. The hooded figure steps into the inn after releasing the horse into the stable boys care. The figure steps through the doorway casually hand on the hilt of a hidden dagger for safety. The manager greets the person at the door.

"Evening would ye like a room or ye just after a meal?" The manager inquires the stranger looking them up and down warily. "Just a room" the figure lifts a pale slender hand and removes the hood of the moss green cloak to reveal what lies underneath. An eleven woman with hair as white and silver as the moon stands there her emerald green eyes like the scales of the healthiest dragon. Her skin is pale and milky like the finest milk made her skin soft even by the looks of it. Her hair lies to her knees and is decorated by golden charms, which are laced into her long hair. The manager stares at her dumbstruck by her beauty then his eyes travel down her lithe form to the dagger she revealed to him. He shakes himself out of his daze and stares back into her lethal green eyes.

"We have a room Miss I think you'll find it to your liking." The manager leads her to a room up the stairs in the corner through the bar. A few men stare at her as she passes but return to their sake quick enough for her liking. She nods to the man as they reach the door and her lets her enter, pressed against the door as far as he can go. She steps past him not even the hem of her cloak touching him surveying the room with careful deliberation she finds it suitable for her liking. "Will there be anything else Miss?" The manager fidgets under her icy glare as she turns her eyes to him. "No that will be all, I will pay at sunrise for the room." She replies and waits for him to leave.

The manager looks like he wants to protest but under her icy stare he nods and leaves her to her affairs. She walks to the ebony framed window and opens it slowly and looks out at the pale moon. She smiles a bit and takes in a sharp breath tasting the rain on the wind. She walks to her bed and lays down not bothering to remove her clothes or her dagger from the sheath at her side. She covers herself up and stretches out a bit before she turns on her side and soon she is fast asleep. Outside among the crows and rats on the roof a demon sits and waits listening to her breathing pattern waiting for it to lull into the sweet sleep he wants. When he hears the pattern he desired he crawls to the edge of the roof and slips down a rope he has tied to the base of the chimney. He slides down it and to her open window and into it landing with a soft almost silent thud.

She stirs a bit but she did not wake instead she yawns and turns to the other side and sleeps on her eyes shut and her breath deep and calm. He walks to her slowly and takes out a damp cloth once he is close enough he leans over and clamps his hand on her throat and lifts her off the bed and presses the cloth to her mouth. She did not have time for even the smallest cry of alarm. She struggles wildly trying to break free but to no success she soon slows and her eyes flutter a bit. She then falls against him her eyes shut she is in a sound but drugged sleep she will not wake for hours yet.

He picks her up and carries her to the window and jumps out of it and smirks a bit as he walks to his horse and mounts with her in front of him. He rides hard into the night and soon arrives at a castle high above a thick dense forest atop a high mountain. He rides up the winding path and gets to the stables of the castle and dismounts with her. He puts his horse in the stable then carries her up the stairs into the halls of the castle. It was dark and damp here the candles that lit the halls were hardly enough to chase away the shadows. She is laid upon a bed covered in silk a fire roaring in the hearth as he removes his cloak and looks at her. The room was the best in the castle since most were so out of shape the beds were molded and falling apart and the windows were broke. This castle had stood empty for several decades only vampires live here now.

He was one of them but has been named their lord so he had the castle mostly to himself though he captured a few mortal girls here and there. Making them his slaves to over look the castle and make sure it did not fall into a much worse disrepair then it is already. He looks her over and smirks bearing his fangs, which glisten in the light of the fire.

She wakes a few hours after this and sits up slowly looking around and holding her head she felt as if she had to many drinks. She notices the room and looks around hastily she knows this is not the room she was in last and she can sense some one near. A hand reaches out of the shadows behind her but in a blink of an eye her hand is clenched around its wrist. She holds it tightly and looks over her shoulder the vampire that had taken her was standing there a pleased smirk on his lips.

"I see you are awake my sweet little kitten." He says this with a hint of a purr almost as if he was trying to be seductive.

She looks at him as if he was the vilest thing that the earth had ever harbored she twists his wrist with a sickening jolt and lets it go. It was now broken in more then four places but he did not mind he just shrugs it of and moves his hand it heals with a few pops and crunching noises that made her sick in the stomach. "I see I was right as to what you are vile demon."

This makes him laugh a sadistic type of laugh as he runs a gloved hand over her skin along the jawbone and he holds her chin making her look into his almost red tinted eyes.

"Now that is no way to talk to your new master slave." He holds her chin tighter almost breaking the bone causing her to show a slight wince.

"I am no ones slave nor am I their willing toy I do not obey like a dog and I will not lay down and play dead for you or your friends." She says this with a hint of a snarl her lips curling back a bit to bear her teeth in an angry fashion a threat of sorts.

This only causes him to laugh harder and he grabs her by the shoulders and lifts her up a bit so her chest is pressed to his he tilts her head back forcefully. Then he brings his cold lips to her warm fresh ones and steals a kiss from the wild thing held captive below him. She takes in a sharp breath feeling his dead icy cold lips freezing her own and she tries to pull away only to find he has been playing with her and was to much stronger then her. She makes a few muffled protests about this treatment but soon she just lays still and lets him there was no sense in fighting a battle that she would lose horribly.

When she stills he parts from the kiss and looks down at her almost softly he smiles a little like a quirk in his upper lip and runs a hand across her cheek gently. "So beautiful, in all my tormented years on this earth never have a seen such forsaken beauty bestowed upon a mortal. He leans down and kisses her but unlike the first stolen kiss this one was gentle and almost loving.

She growls a bit and tries to pull away her eyes fixed in a glare her brows arched angrily as she is forced to kiss him again but she did not bite knowing what the blood of such a demon as this could do to her. She squirms under him trying to struggle free but he holds her down by her arms and rests his arms on her chest the more she struggles the harder he presses down making it harder to breath.

Soon she can hardly take one single shallow breath and her head starts to swim so she stops fighting and he loosens up so she can breathe once more. She pants for breath when he parts the kiss and glares at him with a feral growl she was very angry with all this. He smirks and shakes his head slowly "Ah ah that is no way to treat your master." He hits her hard across the jaw and she winces with a small cry of pain as her lip starts to bleed.

He sees the red tear drop flowing from her sweet bruised lips and licks his lips hungrily how he wanted to taste this sweet woman this precious gem he had watched for years. He leans down slowly ready to lick the sweet droplet from her jewel like lips..

A/N Hahha I leave you all on the edge^^ if you wish to k now what happens next please review this and tell me what you think of it so far