Fan Fiction ❯ When is it ......? ❯ Welcome to Hell ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I own all of these characters so please do not steak them

I have no good sense of humor so don't expect any good jokes.

"God damn it!" yelled Lou as she fell unceremonially on her face. She was the new kid in the "holding pin" or hell as most called it. About the time she slammed against the floor was about the time a rough hand grabbed her and yanked her up hard. As she was held by her shoulder, three feet of the ground did she come face to face with her holder. " tell me something dumb-ass, what is so bad that you seemed to yell and to take thy lords name in vain."
Lou looked slightly shell-shocked before she replied " I fell sir. Somebody tripped me, sir." Her answer didn't seem to impress her holder. "SOMEBODY TRIPPED YOU AND SO WHAT THAT MADE IT OKAY TO TAKE THY LORDS NAME IN VAIN?" he dropped her as he continued his little speech.

"Listen up you scum, I don't give a rat's ass what happens but if I ever hear you say god damn it again it'll be 30 days in the barracks for you. Also this is for all you newbies, I don't like you. You were sent here because you are filth, nothing. And you will always be nothing that is unless you can become a productive member of society but in till that day you are mine. I am god. My word is final. You have 30 fucking minuets till lights out so scram." And with that the man walked off.

A boy of about 17 came over and helped Lou up. " Your lucky, normally he would have given you a week just for having to hear you say that." Said the boy.

Lou shook her head " I sure as hell don't fell lucky. Thanks I'm Lou." The boy smiled at that " I'm Ezekiel, but people around here call me Zeke." Lou shook his hand before replying " nice to meet you Zeke. So shall we?" she motioned towards the door and Zeke nodded "yes let's."

Zeke was a very good-looking guy. He had long slightly wavy dark brown hair. His skin was slightly leathery from all of the tanning he had had. He was about 6'4" making Lou feel even shorter since she was only 5'4". Lou also noticed that he was slightly slim but extremely well muscled. Yet not to muscled.

"How long have you been here Lou?" Zeke questioned. Lou dryly laughed before she answered " five hours and its only getting worst." Zeke nodded in agreement. "So where were you before you came here?" Zeke eyed her reaction to this question. " Streets. I was a street rat before I came here." She said coldly.

Zeke could tell immediately that she was hiding something but what. "So how did they catch you?" Lou slightly scoffed at the question "they didn't catch me, they've been trying to do that for years. No a `concerned' friend at the hospital did." "Hospital?" Zeke asked with a raised eyebrow. " yeah, I was shot three times and had a bad infection."

Zeke wasn't surprised by these most of the kids here were caught when they went to the hospital for something or another. Though most weren't there because they had been shot. " So tell me something, why were you shot?" Lou turned her head to look at him closely. He was asking way to many questions for comfort. So she just shrugged and walked into her room/cell which she just so happened to share with Zeke and 48 other kids.

"So was that an I-don't-know-shrug or an I'm-not-going-to-answer one?" Zeke asked slightly amused as he watched her flop down on her hard as a brick but softer than the floor mattress. "Oh yeah baby. Now this is what I call luxurious."

Zeke couldn't help the amused laughed that escaped him. " You're good probably one of the best I've seen." Lou turned over to look at him "At what lying down?" she asked sarcastically. Zeke shook his head " No at changing the subject."

" Well you know what, jack, I have had a very long week and this is the best bed I have ever seen so if you don't mind…" she said as she quickly got comfortable on her back. "well actually…" "I don't give a fucking rats ass if you do or if you don't so don't even try it."

If Lou had opened her eyes at that very moment she would have seen a very shocked Zeke standing at the side of her bed. No one, especially not a newbie, had ever talked to him like that. Suddenly he heard the lights out call and then he was engulfed in a thick pitch-black darkness.

He was used to the darkness the only problem was that the room had been rearranged so he had no clue where things were. Suddenly he felt an hand grab his arm. "What the fuck?" "You were standing there like a lost child and besides I know they rearranged the room?" snapped a voice that sounded like Lou's. "Lou?" "No it's your mother of course it is?"

"Tell me where your bed is, I know where the beds are placed since I helped them do it." She stated slightly annoyed. She heard a nervous chuckle and she groaned. "there are 40 beds and …" "50 kids" Zeke stated absently. Now it was Lou's turned to be shocked. " And let me guessed on a normal day there's never an empty bed." "Yep."

Zeke heard Lou groan. He couldn't see why she was groaning it wasn't unusual for most of the kids to share beds especially the newbies. " most newbies have to share beds any way so…" Zeke trailed off. "Oh I know it's just that… oh never mind you take the bed and I'll take the floor.

Zeke never knew any one who would be willing to take to the floor instead of sharing a bed, but the tone in her voice told him that she was in no mood to argue so he took the bed and she took the floor.

Yeah I am done with chapter one please R&R and I'll try to update soon

Ciao for now….