Fan Fiction ❯ When Killer Chickens Attack ❯ Prologue

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Chapter Title: Status: Story Complete Work In Progress Chapter File Name: Chapter file is missing
Chapter #: Prologue Epilogue One-Shot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chapter Summary: Me:I don't own beyblade just my plot and OC. This is my first fic plus I'm new, so please don't kill me. This takes place after the Russian Tournaments. Kai's POV It was the same old thing like every other day, we got up for work except Tyson who was to lazy to get a job. Kenny trying to find a job on Dizzi. Serena and I the first to get up, even though we didn't go to work till an hour after the others."Ray! Hurry up! I've been out here an hour already."Serena said shaking her head exasperatedly. "Use the other bathroom"Ray yelled through the door. "I can't Hilary is taking forever in there, even though she doesn't go to work",Serena yelled back. "Hold on I can't find my comb, plus I don't understand, you don't go to work for an hour an a half,"Ray said. Serena didn't reply all she did was smirk at me and hold up a black comb. "I think I know why,"I said snatching the comb from her. "Hey give it back,"she said desperately trying to grab the comb but failing.I sighed,"Pathetic."she stook her tongue out at me. I knocked on the bathroom door. Ray opened it"Yeah?"he said puzzled. "Here's your comb," I said handing it to him."Thanks but I don't need it any more'" he said slipping it into his pocket for safety from Serena. He exited the bathroom. "Finally,"Serena said sarcastically. When she went in she quickly came out. "Ray get your ass over here! Now!,"She screamed."Yes?,"he said hiding behind me. "Get out from behind Kai I don't want to get any blood on him,"she said pist off. I only raised an eyebrow and quickly moved away."You used MY hair brush?,"she said looking like she was about to burst."It was payback for taking my comb, I know how much you hate it when people use your brush,"Ray said with a chuckle. He shouldn't have said that, he had just wrote his own death sentence. "Why you little...,"Serena said angrily."Little?Look in the mirror lately?,"Ray chimed. iIjust shook my head he was a goner. She launched on him causing them both to fall on the floor. Serena was trying to choke Ray which wasn't neccisary he was going to laugh himself to death. They finally stopped rolling around the floor to find themselves in an awkward position. They both blushed deep scarlet and got off each other. For some reason I felt a wave of jealousy, which I quickly shook off, Serena was my only true friend nothing more.Ray looked at his watch,"Damn,I gotta go,"he said heading out the door of our house we all shared. "Coffee?,"asked Serena beaming. I nodded my agreement. Me:I know it's not that good but it will get better. *Mob with pitch forks and torches enter* Me:O.o How the hell did you guys get in here? Mob:Don't ask, long story Me:O.k. Bye! Reveiw please! Hide Chapter: Yes Add a Chapter ( step 2 of 2 )       [ Story Manager ]

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