Fan Fiction ❯ When the Past Comes Back ❯ Interlude On School Grounds ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
When the Past Comes Back
Chapter 1
by Kasey Sanada and Madame Ruby

"Ken-kun!" Nikolas Chang sighed as he got no response. "Kami-sama, I'm not in the mood for this today..." That was the last time Nikolas EVER gave his boyfriend Fanta. "Ken-kun!"
Ken Jezaire smothered a soft giggle as he continued to stay hidden in the tree just above Nikolas. 'Is he in for a surprise,' Ken thought gleefully as he jumped down. "NIKKI-KUN!"
Nikolas looked up at the voice. "Nan.... ACK!!" He fell backwards into the grass, suddenly having a lapful of Ken. "Kenichi! Kuso, don't scare me like that!"
A cute scowl appeared on Ken's face. "Don't call me that, Nikki-kun!" he complained, pouting.
"Then don't call me..." Nikolas sighed, giving up. "Oh, what's the point? You'll call me that anyway." Folding his hands under his head, he looked at the auburn haired sixteen year old. "So, you mind telling me why you jumped down on me?"
Ken smirked slightly, taking the older boy slightly aback. "Oh, nothing really." He leaned forward until their noses barely touched. "You just look really yummy in your uniform."
Nikolas looked down at the blue school uniform he was wearing. "But I wear this everyday."
Ken blinked before giving out a loud whine. "Oh for cryin' out loud, you dun know when I'm trying to seduce ya, do.... GAH!" Ken let out a cry of surprise when Nikolas rolled over, now making HIM the one on the bottom. "Nikki-kun, what're you doin'!?!"
Nikolas smirked as he leaned down to nuzzle Ken's neck, nipping it softly. "I'm seducing you, what does it look like?"
Ken giggled, but it came out a little husker than usual. "I was wonderin' when you were gonna to take the hint, Nikki-kun," he whispered, tangling his fingers in Nikolas' raven hair, letting out a soft gasp when Nikolas nipped him a little harder.
"I really hate it when you call me that," he murmured as he began to unbutton Ken's shirt.
"Na... Nikki-kun, d'you really think this is the place...?" the auburn-haired boy whined, squirming slightly under his boyfriend's touch.
"You didn't say that when we were making out in Adrianne's room, did you?" Nikolas shruddered at the memory. Adrianne was so furious with him, she made him and Ken eat her horrid cooking for a week. It didn't bother him too much, as he already had an iron stomach from years of eating it, but Ken was sick for a month afterwards.
Ken paled considerably. "How was I s'posed to know she'd make us eat her food? Tha's not gonna happen again, Nikki-kun! 'Sides, we're at SCHOOL!" he whined before continuing with a muttered "Anyone could walk up on us..."
An evil smirk appeared on the raven haired boy's face. "That's what's exciting about it, Kenichi-chan. ANYONE could walk up on us...."
Ken merely whined, but didn't protest any further as Nikolas brushed his thumbs over his nipples. Gasping slightly and leaning into the touch, the Jezaire boy completely forgot about the fact that he'd most likely be expelled if a teacher caught the two like this. Ah, well, it was a small price to pay....
Nikolas leaned over Ken and brushed his lips against the younger boy's. "So, since you're so afraid we'll be caught, I guess you want me to stop, don't you?" he said, starting to move away.
"Iie! Nikki-kun, please don't!" the small boy said, grabbing hold of Nikolas' collar and pulling him back down with surprising strength.
Nikolas quickly covered up his surprise, chuckling softly. "Well, since you asked so nicely..." He covered Ken's mouth with his own in a kiss, flicking his tongue over the pouting lips.
Obediently parting his mouth open, Ken let the other boy completely dominate him. Why bother trying to be on top? It felt so good to be uke, though he wouldn't mind experimenting once or twice...
Nikolas felt his pants tighten uncomfortably as Ken completely surrendered beneath him. Moving his hands down Ken's stomach, he stopped at the front of his pants and began to undo them. The other boy merely lifted his hips and gave Nikolas more room to take the offending garments off.
Now with only his boxer shorts covering his lower half, Ken was brought back to reality a little bit when he felt the slightly wet grass under his legs. As Nikolas began to tug down the constraining clothes, a voice snapped them out of their daze.
Nikolas groaned as he looked over his shoulder, pissed off that they were being interrupted. "What have I said about saying my middle name in public, Adrianne?"
Adrianne Yashima crossed her arms, glaring back at him. "I don't give a shit at the moment. You better just be glad that it was me that caught you two going at it, and not one of the teachers.'
Ken looked up at Nikolas, a confused look on his face. "Ichigo? Strawberry?" the boy started giggling uncontrollably. "Is that why you never told me?"
Nikolas began to growl. "Adrianne Sakura Yashima.... I'm going to kill you!!"
Adrianne began laughing. "Not with that bulge in your pants you aren't. You MIGHT be able to poke an eye out...."
"NA~ Adrianne, leave Nikki-kun alone! I was the one tryin' t'seduce him in the first place!" Ken whined, squirming out from underneath his boyfriend and pulling his pants back up.
"Well, maybe next time Kenichi-kun, you might want to pick a better time to do it!" Adrianne giggled, turning and running back to class, knowing what was going to happen next.
"ADRIANNE!" Ken yelled, starting after the girl before a tug on his hair prevented him from going any further. "Nikolas! Lemme go!"
Nikolas smiled slightly. "Let it go Ken. We'll get her back later," pulling the smaller boy back up against him, he wrapped his arms around the auburn haired teenagaer. "Anyway, we better get back to class, ne?"
"Class? What's class?" Sparkling emerald eyes looked up at Nikolas, a mischievious glint suggesting something that the two would much rather be doing instead of attending school.
Nikolas started to lean down to kiss him when a terrified scream startled them. "What the..."
"Nikki-kun, that was Adrianne's voice. What d'ya think is goin' on?" he asked worriedly. He didn't have very good experiences with hearing a girl scream like that, and he didn't ever want to hear the sound again.
Nikolas threw Ken's shirt at him. "Put this on and stay here!" Leaving Ken where he was, Nikolas ran towards the voice, having a sickening feeling what was going to be there when he arrived there.

MR: *giggles and huggles her Kenichi-chan* isn't he just adorable?
Kasey: (nods) Hai! This is what happens when we have to much sugar! (glomps Nikolas)
Nikolas: Kami-sama, what did we do to deserve you two?
Ken: na, Nikki-kun, they made us...
Nikolas: (groans and covers his face with his hands)
Kasey: Anyway minna-chan! Tell us what you think of our original fanfic!
MR: *nodnod* yeah! R&R!

Chapter One completed on November 13, 2004