Fan Fiction ❯ When Two Sourcerers Meet:A Da n00blar and Raven Lemon ❯ When Two Sourcerers Mett ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer:Once again I don't own Teen Titans cuz if I did there would be no Cyborg, more Robin, more of Beast Boy and Ravens joke, nudity, cussing, blood, and references to video games and anime.

Ok so here's the second story in my collection of fans, friends, and my characters having sex with Teen Titans characters. Today is a story starring mine and my IM Bud Da n00blars characters. Anyway This is a two-parter story, in this first part Da Noob gets some leg in this, courtesy of that short, grey little beauty Raven. Fucker requested that he be first out of the both of us to. But later after like two or three stories I get to bang out Starfire. (lucky me ^____^) Well here's the play-by-play, Da Noobie and I are two super powered teens looking for jobs as Teen Titans. Do N00blars power is controlling fire. You know shootin' fire balls and such, and a really good drum player. And I'm a super powered wrestler, trained by Shawn Michaels, and I'm really good at the guitar. Well in this Starfire and Raven become really impressed with us when they witness us fight in an initiation, and over time they become more impressed with us as they witness more of our fighting abilities, our musical abilities, the things we have in common with them, and of course are physiques and devilish good looks, they can't help but fall in love with us. The summary may suck but the story kicks at least I hope it will!
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When Two Sorcerers Meet:A Da n00blar and Raven Lemon

It seemed like just another lazy day in Titans Tower, Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg were playing Mario Kart Double Dash while Starfire watched them, while Raven sat in a chair reading one of her various, title less books. cyborg said "man will you drive faster so I can hit Robin with a shell!" (a knock off of a WWE promo where the Dudley Boyz are playing MK:DD) Beast Boy replied "I'm going as fast as I can here, Diddy Kong isn't exactly the fastest around" Robin said "you guys are wasting your time, nobody can beat Luigi and Yoshi!" Starfire clapped "yay look at how fast you are driving Robin." Just then the doorbell rang, which in Titans Tower chimed like an old school bell. Ravens eyes peered over her book and she said "would somebody get that." The others were to absorbed in the game to hear her or the door bell. She lowered her book as the bell rang another four times "hello somebodies at the door, are any of you going to answer it" they still didn't hear her. The chime was becoming more and more annoying, Ravens sighed and closed her book and walked over to a television screen near the door that led to the elevator. She brought it to face level and turned it on "hello welcome to Teen Titans tower, this is Raven, what do you want?" A tall male, about as tall as Starfire stood in front of the camera, he wore baggy black jeans with red stripes, four thin red belts (like the pants Kane wears), a sleeveless black shirt, red cape with a broad white stripe, black gloves, slightly tanned skin, brown eyes, and red hair. He said "yo baby what's happenin'?!" Raven gasped at the way he talked to her, nobody in their right mind would call her baby or talk to her like that, although she did seem to like it when he called her baby." Listen, me and my pal here were thinkin' about joinin' up with you..." another male forcefully pushed him aside saying "man move it, your makin' us look like idiots!" He looked about as Beast Boy, he had brunette hair that reached neck length, a black shirt with a silver religious cross that had the acronym "HBK Jr." in the middle, an oversized vest with a pattern of three silver circles and one line of red circles in a pattern, taped wrists, a pair of tight black pants with silver broken heart patterns on them, and he carried a guitar on his back. He said "sorry my friends here can get kinda weird whenever he's around a babe that he likes, sorry" Raven found that a little surprising, they hadn't even met and he already had feelings for her. "Well anyway" continued the short male "we would like to see if we could join up with the Teen Titans and help defend the world from evil, do you think we could speak with your leader?" Raven said "hold on, I'll get him." Raven walked over to the group, and she mentally froze the game. Cyborg said in protest "what the, what happened to the game?" Raven said "I froze it." Beast Boy asked "why" Robin said "yeah and I was just about to cross the finish line to." Raven said "as if winning that stupid race would mean anything, we've got some people here who want to talk to you Robin." "oh what do they want" said Robin. "They want to join the Teen titans. The team eagerly walked over to the monitor, Robin brought it to eye level and said "hello this is Robin, you guys wanted to discuss becoming members of the Teen Titans?" The red headed male was on screen this time "hey bird boy what's up" the small male pushed him aside again and said "take your pills already!" Starfire thought as she caught a glimpse of the smaller male "oh my, he's adorable." The small male said "the two of us are looking to join you guys, is there any kind of initiation process we need to go through?" Robin responded "just one minute we'll be right down."

The Titans went down the elevator into a large, spacious lobby that took up almost all of the first floor. Robin sat at a desk that was at the far from the entrance of the immense room while the Titans stood in back of him, he pressed a button on the desk and the opening of the immense doors in the hallway could be heard, as well as foot steps. The two teens opened, the door to the large room and walked up to the desk. The larger male appeared to be more calmer than he was outside, Starfire and Raven lowered their heads to hide their blushes from them. Robin said, pulling out a small pile of papers "ok so the both of you wanna join the Teen Titans?" They said in unison "yup" "what are your names?" The tall male said "my names Da N00blar" and the small male said "and I'm Adam Hyonic." (hypersonic combined) Robin said "and you know about us?" Da Nooblar said "yeah of course." Robin continued "hmmm and your ages?" "14" said Adam "15" said Da N00blar. Robin flipped to the second piece of paper and said "and your powers?" "I control fire" said Da Nooblar. "I'm super strong, and I know a ton of wrestling moves that along with my strength hurt more then regular wrestling moves, oh yeah and I was trained by Shawn Michaels." Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy lunged forward nearly knocking over the desk "Shawn Michaels?!?!" "Yeah, HBK taught me everything I know." Beast Boy said "how did the Shawn Michaels teach you wrestling?" "well it went like this..." started Adam, but he was cut off by Da N00blar "spare them the story man, we came here to join up with them, not give 'em your life story." Adam nodded "oh yeah, lets keep going with the initiation" Robin said "right" and they all went back to normal positions. He read from the papers "are you two willing to put your lives on the line to protect the people, and uphold truth, justice..." Cyborg cut in "not to mention a teens right to pizza" "and the right to party to" said Beast Boy. Adam, and Da Nooblar said "of course" "we've made a goal in our life to defeat all evil sources by any means necessary" said Adam. "Yeah we've made it our life duty to uphold peace, not to mention the awesomeness of being a teenager." Robin said "cool, you guys seem pretty qualified. Hey Star, Raven, you guys want to add anything?" They both said in nervous unison "what, no!" Adam, and Da N00blar jerked back at the odd volume of their voices. Da Nooblar said "whoa, what's with the babes?!" "Don't know" whispered Adam "you think they're weird or somethin'? Maybe we ought to steer clear of them." Da N00blar whispered "hell no, once these pills wear off I'll be all over both of 'em." Adam, yelled into his ear "hell no you jerk, stay away from the tall one!" They both heard his voice echo through the immense room, they turned to the Titans, they were all looking at Adam wide-eyed, Starfire was blushing so hard, her face was the exact same color as Mickey Mouses shorts. Adam was equally red, he scrambled to find a way out of this, his face was as red as Starfires as he stammered "uhh...stay away from the tall one! Yeah uhh Da N00blar has to stay away from a tall cold one because the stuff in beer is the only thing that can douse his flames. Isn't that right dude?" Da Nooblar said "uhh I guess"

Robin said "uh ok, well anyway you guys seem pretty qualified to join, we just need to see you in action. Cyborg you get in there and test their powers." Cyborg objected "why do I always have to test the newbies?" Robin said "cuz you're the biggest, the strongest, besides me, the hardest to knock down, plus you're the best at taunting people." Beast Boy said "now get in there already I want to see you get your ass whooped by these new guys." Cyborg said "hey if anyone’s gonna be gettin' their ass kicked its these two." Raven said, with her head still lowered "yes I'd like to see how are future team mates can handle battle." Starfire said "yes I would enjoy seeing their fighting skills." Cyborg stepped up and said "ok you two newbies you'll be fighting me in one-on-one matches so who's up first?" Da Nooblar said "I'am." Adam said "yeah you go first, I gotta stretch for a while." He ran to the side with the rest of the Titans while Da N00blar and Cybrog remained in the middle of the room. Da Nooblar said "all right, lets get goin'" he grabbed his cape and tossed it aside. Raven blushed at the site of his well muscled body, he had very muscular arms with quite a few slash scars on each arm, and a flame tattoo on his left deltoid.

"All right and.....begin" yelled Robin. Cyborg ran at Da N00blar, his fist drawn in the air. Da N00blar flicked his left thumb against his index finger and his thumb sparked and caught fire. Than his whole hand was encased in fire. Cyborg tried to punch him but Da N00blar dodged it and delivered an uppercut to Cyborgs jaw with his fire hand. Cyborg gets knocked back from the force, he lands on his feet. Rubbing his jaw, Cyborg said "damn man you hit hard" Da N00blar said "thanks, the flames of Idahoculeas give my strength a super boost" (Aqua Teen Hunger Force reference) "flames of what" "it's way too complicated to explain, now are we gonna fight or what?!" Cyborg grinned "oh don't worry I'm just getting started." The two ran into each other and started contact fighting. Da N00blar had sort of the upper edge, he was a lot faster and he was pushing him back. Robin said as Cyborg and Da N00blar fought "wow he's fast" "yup" said Adam doing stretches "he becomes really quick and strong whenever he's powered up." Cyborg, who was trying his hardest to block against Da N00blars storm of punches, luckily he found an opening and went for it. He punched Da N00blar in the stomach, sending him flying up to the ceiling. Cyborg grinned "ha now I gotcha" and prepared the sonic cannon. The bystanders, except Adam gasped as it appeared Da N00blar was unconscious in the air. Raven was the most worried, it looked like he would be blasted to death. Cyborg fired his cannon, upward toward the dead looking Da N00blar. The bystanders gasped as the beam inched closer and closer, Adam smirked and said "don't worry, he's just playin' possum. And (snaps) just like that Da N00blar sprang back to life and flung to the left, missing the beam completely. They all watched as the beam continued to fly into oblivion, and as Da N00blar floated in the air. "What you can fly" said a stunned and worried Cyborg. "Of course" said Da N00blar "now get ready to feel the heat Ryu Fire Ball Blitz!" His hands sprout two balls of fire and he flew down toward Cyborg. Cyborg started firing spheres of energy to try and fend him off but Da N00blar retaliated by firing his own fire balls to stop them. Beast Boy said "sweet we could use another flier on the team. Please let him win" Adam said "of course he's gonna win, this dude doesn't stand a snow balls chance in hell of beating my buddy."

Cyborg was becoming more frantic as Da N00blar destroyed every energy ball he shot at him. Da N00blar came close enough that he punched Cyborg right square in the jaw, nearly knocking out some teeth. Cyborg countered with a punch, to which Da N00blar dodged. He continued to attempt landing a punch but Da N00blar dodged them every time while in the air. He yelled in aggravation "hold still will ya" he tried one more punch but Da N00blar dodged and spun around to his back and kicked him right in the back of the head. Cyborg nearly fell over, the hit was unbelievably painful. Da N00blar jumped and landed farther back. Cyborg said, extremely aggravated "all right no more mister nice guy" he fired his sonic cannon again. Da N00blar said "I got something for ya" he put his hands together "palm flamethrower!" He fired an equally large beam of fire at the sonic laser, and the two become in a pushing fight. (I forget what its called, its not tug-o-war) Both Cyborg and Da N00blar strained to beat one another. Both apply all their strength, Da N00blar gives a huge blast of fire, overcoming Cyborgs beam and incinerating him. As the smoke cleared Cyborg is left with little black burn marks on his body but since he's got no skin it's not all that bad. The bystanders clapped as it appeared Da N00blar had the upper hand. Cyborg shook off the dust and joined in the clapping. he said "whoa your good, nobodies ever beaten me like that." Robin said "way to go Da N00blar your in" Adam said "way to go buddy" Beast Boy said "All right dude" Starfire said "I'm very happy for you friend" and Raven said "yes good job." Da Nooblar said, while breathing heavily "huff puff thanks guys. But I still got one thing to do." Cyborg said "and what's dat?" "my finisher!" Cyborg said "what?" Da N00blar came flying at Cyborg, Cyborg brought up his guard, preparing for the worst. Just as Da N00blar came close he disappeared then reappeared behind Cyborg, kicking him. He disappeared and reappeared in front, kicking him again. He repeated that four more times then landed and flicked his right thumb, igniting his right hand. He than came running up to Cyborg who was still recovering from the kicks. Everyone could only see a flash as Da N00blar slashed right through Cyborg and yelled "red flame of...", leaving a huge red slash of energy on his right shoulder. Just as he appeared behind Cyborg he yelled "pain!!" (Ultimate Muscle reference) Five seconds after the attack Cyborg collapsed as the Slash dissipated. The four titans eyes were literally wide as plates and their jaws hung down to the tile floor, Da N00blar turned to them and smirked in a way that only Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z) could pull off. He said in a cocky fashion as his hand returned to normal "and that's why it's called....the red flame of pain!"

Eventually Cyborg woke up and Adam had his match and won it (sorry but due to the length of this fic I can't give Adams fight. Now settle down, don't get your panties in a bunch. In the Adam/Starfire sequel I will put the fight as well as Adam/Starfire romance and of course the lemon), thanks to his expanse knowledge of wrestling moves and holds and of course his finishing move, Sweet Chin Rock. (a remake of Shawn Michaels finishing move, Sweet Chin Music) They were now in the living room of Titans Tower finishing up the initiation. Robin was reading from the papers "and so, because of your qualities we the Teen Titans..." "Cyborg" "Beast Boy" "Starfire" "Raven" "..and Robin have given you..." "Adam Hyonic" "Da N00Blar" "...the privilege to become full fledged members of the Teen Titans, teen super hero organization will you accept this invitation?" "Yup" said Adam and Da N00blar in unison. "cool uhh... Starfire give them their communicators. Starfire walked up and handed them two Teen Titan communicators "we now consider you guys honorary Teen Titans. Contratulations!" "All right were in" yelled Da N00blar "yes I can't believe it were actual Teen Titans" shouted Adam and they both started jumping up and down gleefully. Robin said "and now I can quit reading from these papers" Cyborg said "great now I got some more game partners even though they beat the hell outta me" Beast Boy said "great, more dudes I can play tricks on, this is awesome!" Raven said "great as if there weren't enough idiots on this team already [thinking] although I'd like to get to know that Da N00blar." Starfire said "I'am very happy for you friends [thinking] perhaps I shall get better acquainted with Adam.

The celebration went on for about seventeen seconds before it died out and an awkward pause rung. Adam said "uhh now what?" Da N00blar said "the celebrations lost its luster." Raven said "now that this idiotic display is through I'm going to read some more" she walked back to the chair she was sitting in and resumed reading her book. Starfire said "what shall we do to pass time?" Cyborg said "you two wanna play a game, or are you chicken?" Da N00blar said "us? Chicken?! Hell no, I roast and eat chickens bigger than you for lunch?!" Beast Boy said "what game do you wanna play?" Adam said "how 'bout a fighting game, I got some pretty sweet titles" He went to one of his gym bags and pulled out various titles "I got Dragon Ball Z:Boudokai 1 and 2, Super Smash Bros:Melee, Soul Calibur 2, Virtua Fighter 4, Megaman:The Power Battles, Power Stone, Sonic Battle as well as a game boy player, and my personal fav. WWE Smackdown:Here Comes the Pain." (in my mind, these are the best fighting titles on the market) Robin said "your pick since you’re the new guys" Adam said before Da N00blar could say anything "ok, Here Comes the Pain it is" they proceeded to walk over to the couch, load up the game and play. Cyborg said "I played Smackdown:Shut Your Mouth a million times, I'm a pro at these kinda games." Adam said "well just see how big a pro you are when you, Robin, and Beast Boy go against me in a 3-on-1 match." Starfire said, worriedly "but Adam are you sure that is wise, you will be on your own with Robin, Cyborg and Beast Boy on a single team on a single team." Adam turned to her and said "Starfire, trust me I can handle three guys at once in a wrestling game and in real life. Don't worry I can handle it." She took his word for it and nodded. Da N00blar said "it probably isn't wise for the three of you to go against my pal here, he can beat the crap out of you without even breakin' a sweat."

An hour passed and in that time Adam had literally wasted Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy in "Here Comes the Pain." He had gone off to the kitchen with Starfire who was really impressed with the fact that he took on three people at once. Raven peered over her book, she saw Da N00blar and Cyborg having a one-on-one match on "Here Comes the Pain" Cyborg was a black man, with dread locks, white wrestling underwear, and white boots and he was named Booker T. Da N00blar was playing a very large man, almost too big for a normal human, he had a very disfigured, scary looking face, and he wore black tights that looked like they had numerous cuts, black boots, a black wrist band on one hand, and a black glove on the other, he was called Kane. (I would imagine the titans favorite wrestlers are Robin-Kurt Angle, or Rob Van Dam. Beast Boy-Brian "Spanky" Kendrick, or the Hurricane. Cyborg-Booker T. Starfire-doesn't understand wrestling. Raven-thinks it's fake and stupid) They were pretty evenly matched....that is until Da N00blar accidently pressed the R2-button on the Playstation 2 controller. (if you played Here Comes The Pain than you know R1 is the finishing move) This gave Cyborg the opportunity to deliver his finisher. Cyborgs character ran across to the left ropes while Da N00blars stood haunched over, Cyborgs character used the ropes like a spring to launch himself back toward Da N00blar. Cyborgs character jumped up, kicking, his leg caught on the crook of his neck and as Cyborgs character fell to the canvas, Da N00blars characters head came down to, and he lay down flat on the mat. Cyborgs character pinned Da N00blar, Raven lowered her book and looked on, inwardly worried. The virtual referee counted "1...2...3" the bell dinged, signaling the end of the match. Cyborg got up and started dancing around and pointing to Da N00blar, who looked really disappointed and saying shit like "ha ha how do you like 'dat" "whoohooo I'm the man" "you lost, hows it feel?" Raven expected Da N00blar to get up and argue with Cyborg, whine about how the game was unfair or something stupid like that, or beg for a rematch like Beast Boy would normally do but what he did do was quite the opposite he just sighed and said "whatever, you won fair and square thats all there is to it, my games a little rusty anyway since I've been on the road with Adam for a long time. Oh well maybe we could play again some other time, but I gotta go and paint my room. He disappeared down the hallway leaving an amazed Cyborg as well as an amazed Raven. Cyborg ran after him screaming "wait aren't you gonna piss and moan, whats the fun of beating you if you don't cry about losing. Come on please cry...." a bright red flash and explosion emitted from the hallway as well as the sound of a giant thud. Raven was more than amazed, she was astounded. Despite the way he acted earlier he just acted very mature, and like a real man unlike the ways Beast Boy and Cyborg acted half the time. It was actually pretty cool. Raven decided that was enough for today so she decided to turn in.

Five days later Adam and Da N00blar had become considered as a part of the Teen Titan family. They had already fought in a few battles, showing off their awesome powers as well as teamwork, such as their team attacks like "Poetry in Motion" (Hardy Boyz move), "3-D-D" (Dudley Boyz 3-D remake), the "Slam Drop Omega" (remake of the Hardy Boyz Event Omega) and of course their ultimate finisher the Flaming Sweet Chin Explosion. They had also become great friends with the boys and Adam and Starfire secretly fell in love with each other but Da N00blar and Ravens relationship wasn't going so fast. Da N00blar didn't really know, he sort of liked her but from the stories he had heard about her he was a little skeptical since she couldn't have any feelings, and that most likely included romance. Raven woke up at 5:00 in the morning, she was hoping to get some meditation in the living room for a few hours before everybody woke up. She put on her suit, cape, and walked out into the living room. She saw something that astounded her, Da N00blar was levitating right in the middle of the room, cross legged, and humming lightly while meditating. She slowly crept up to him making sure not to break his concentration, she could hear his humming grow louder. She said "uh...Da N00blar?" He opened one eye and said "oh Raven, good morning" he stopped floating and stood on his feet. Raven asked "what are you doing up so early" "I came out to meditate" Raven raised an eyebrow in curiosity "you meditate?" "Yup" responded Da N00blar "it helps clear a channel in my mind, and by providing an empty space in my mind I open myself to the elements around me, helping me build up my mental and physical sorcery powers. Raven was amazed by his knowledge. She said, trying to find a way to continue this conversation "umm uhh, you’re a sorcerer, what type of sorcery do you practice, I practice darkness." Da N00blar held up his hand and it caught fire "fire of course" Raven said, keeping her head down and trying to hide her blush "oh uh of course." The awkward silence reared its ugly head again, Raven broke it after several minutes by saying "umm do you mind if I join you?" There was no response, she asked again, no response, she asked one more time, still no response. She looked up and was met by an extremely anxious and eerily happy looking Da N00blar.

Raven asked worriedly "umm Da N00blar are you....okay" she said incredibly loud and eager "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee of course I'm fine, never been better!!!!!!!!" Raven put her finger to her lip "shhhh Da N00blar be quiet everyone’s sleeping." He yelled again "ahh I don't care honey bunch cuz I want the world to know that I luv' you!!" Raven froze could it actually be true or was this weird change of attitude messing with his brain. She wanted to run away and find Adam and see if he could help Da N00blar. But before she could fly off he grabbed her cape and spun her around into a tight hug. She blushed, and looked at him in fear as he smiled a creepy smile at her. She cried while trying to pry herself out of his grip but it was really hard since he was a lot stronger than her "Da N00blar let me go this instant!" He said in response, and knocking over her hood "aww c'mon Ravey wavey don't you want a big, strong, good lookin' super stud like me?" Raven shuddered "I...I" "kiss me" "what?!" Da N00blar smiled even wider "kissy kissy." He than tried to plant one on her lips but Raven tried to push him back but it was really hard since she secretly wanted to succumbed to it. She yelled as he was less than an inch away from her face "NO!!" Just as she said no, a plate left on the coffee table became encased in a black bubble with thin white lines and it careened toward Da N00blar and smashed against his head. He let go of Raven and stumbled back while she fell on her ass. He than started running around and holding his head while screaming in pain. Raven thought "what’s happened to him, he acted calm just a few minutes ago. Wait a minute..." she remembered three days ago when she was first talking to Da N00blar and Adam. [flashback state] Adam pushes Da N00blar aside and says "take your pills already!" [exits flashback] "Thats it" thought Raven "he's mentally challenged, I gotta give him those pills before he does something dangerous." She looked around the room as Da N00blar continued to yell in pain and drip blood all over the floor. Luckily she spotted them sitting on a table across the room. She used her powers to bring it to her and she chased Da N00blar as he still ran around. She finally caught him and pushed him down and sat on top of him so he wouldn't be able to escape. He said "oh you wanna shag now, right here? Sweet!" (sort of a Austin Powers reference) Raven practically ripped open the top and nearly got her hand caught in the bottle trying to take one out. Finally she took out a capsule and shoved it in his mouth and rubbed his throat. "Come on swallow it" she pleaded, he swallowed the pill and instantly returned to normal.

Da N00blar sat up and while rubbing his head he asked "oh man what happened" Raven was both relieved and inwardly joyful that he returned to normal. Da N00blar said "I guess the pill from yesterday wore off, thanks Raven I don't know what I would've done in my mental state" "your welcome Da N00blar" was her response. They sat for a little while longer until Da N00blar said "could you get off me, your about to bust my ribs." Raven remembered the position they were in and quickly got off of him. Da N00blar followed, and fixed his clothes which had gotten messed up during his wild pandemonium. While fixing his cape he asked "did I do anything strange when I was in my mental state?" Raven looked down, she was afraid to tell him what he said and what he tried to do so she blurted out "you said you loved me and tried to kiss me!" Da N00blar froze, could it have possibly happened, his mental problem had taken over his feelings in the past but never like this. He had said he loved a girl he barely even knew but sorta liked. Frantically he said "no no it aint true I don't love you, I don't even like you. I mean I do like you but as a friend. You see I have this weird condition with my brain that makes me turn ballistic and out of control and whenever it happens I start saying stupid shit and stuff that isn't true, ya understand?" Raven nodded "I....understand I'm just glad that your back to normal. That seemed really strong and these pills are unlike any kind I've ever seen. How are they able to make whatever it is that causes you to act weird subside?" Da N00blar said "I really don't like talkin' about it." Raven shrugged and said "Oh well now shall we resume meditation? Da N00blar nodded and they went back to meditating. Da N00blar could hardly concentrate though, all he could think about was Raven and what he said "I love you" he thought, "I don't know, do I love her, I barely even know who she is. Maybe I oughta get to know her a little more and see what she's interested in." Raven also couldn't concentrate she was having wild thoughts about Da N00blar, was it true about what he said did he actually love her, it was still very unclear to both of them.

It had been a week since the pill incident and Da N00blar was trying to decide whether he should try his best at getting to know Raven. Beast Boy had told him that Raven hates receiving visitors or anyone coming remotely near her room but Da N00blar was determined to find out whether they'd be compatible or not as a couple or not since he was actually starting to like Raven differently. He walked to her room and banged on the door. It slowly slid open revealing half of Ravens face she said "what do you want?" Da N00blar said "hey Raven you wanna hang out err something, maybe we could talk?" Raven said "no" she was about to close her door but Da N00blar stopped her and said "come on you hardly come out of there, just talk to me as long as were gonna be teammates I want to get to know you better." She said "you can wait out there all day if you want but I don't want to talk to anybody" and with that she shut the door in his face. Da N00blar shrugged his shoulders "all right fine I will wait out here" he sat against the wall across from her door. Raven kept her door cracked open so she could watch him. Over the course of one hour Da N00blar didn't move from that single spot, it was really hard to concentrate on anything knowing he was out there, waiting for her. It felt kind of strange to Raven knowing that someone wanted to talk with her that badly. She caved in, walking out she said "all right Da N00blar if you want to talk to me that badly than lets get it over with." "Cool" said Da N00blar and they walked into her room. Da N00blar sat in a chair while Raven sat on her bed, she asked "well lets get this over with" "ok ok umm..." said Da N00blar he couldn't think of what to start with so he started out with a basic question. "So what’s your childhood like, you remember your parents, your mom or your dad?" Raven snapped "no I don't even want to think about my childhood, I hate my father!" Her eyes glowed a demonic red, and she exposed her really scary fangs. Da N00blar was about to piss himself, she looked scary as hell, he quickly said "ok ok I'm sorry I'm sorry." She returned to normal and said "sorry I just have issues with my father and childhood issues that I don't like to discuss." Da N00blar said "it's ok I had childhood problems to, well anyway I gotta say nice set up here" he surveyed the room. Raven nodded "thanks I decorated it myself" "I saw a bookcase coming in you like to read?" Raven nodded "I love to read, I read all the time." Da N00blar said "I like to read to, its helps to read or meditate after I take one of my pills. Emptying my mind lets them go to work way faster." "What books do you like to read?" "I'm a Tom Clancy kinda guy, his books helped inspire me to be a super hero." Raven chuckled "I've read a couple Tom Clancy books, seems more like a males book." Da N00blar said "so do you do anything besides read and meditate, you ever play games?" Raven said "no, Robin got me to play Super Ninja Fury (see Teen Titans Go #1) once but that was to keep Starfire from hugging me..." "what is she gay" said Da N00blar "no" said Raven "at least since Adam came around it proved to me that she wasn't homosexual" Da N00blar said "so you noticed" "Are you kidding, I'm not stupid I've seen those two flirting and constantly spending time with each other. They're acting like two immature, love struck children."

"Your right Raven, he's never taken to a girl before quite like Starfire. It's sweet. And I never ever thought you were stupid." "Huh" "even when I first met you, you looked like and you are the smartest girl I've ever met." "Really thanks" said Raven, blushing "I mean the last couple girlfriends I had were nothing but blonde bimbos and friggin chicks who couldn't even tell me what the fourth planet from the sun is. Hey have you ever had a boyfriend?" Raven shook her head "no I havn't "why not" "it's another thing I don't want to talk about." "Oh well ok. Anyway do you listen to music?" "Yeah" "what bands do you like, I like hmm....lets see Good Charlotte, Linkin Park, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Black Sabbath, Kiss, Monster Magnet, Nickelback, Three Doors Down, and of course Danzig." "Really" said Raven "those are some of my favorite bands to" "no kidding" "uh huh" "sweet." They sat in silence for a few seconds, trying to find another question for one another, Raven asked "what’s that tattoo on your left arm" "Oh you mean the flame of Idahoculeas?" He moved his cape so she could see it "it's the symbol of my power, I got it when I was just a kid, whatcha think of it?" Raven said "umm very...nice, how did you get such a muscular body?" Da N00blar said "I work out, plus before Adam and I came we were both a super duo." "You two have worked together before" "yeah we were together for like two years, we were totally cool and well no where we lived. They called us Teen Titans Underground." "Teen Titans Underground" said an unimpressed Raven. "It was all we could come up with" said Da N00blar. They continued to talk, getting more and more deeper into each others minds, they had talked about their favorite animes, favorite episode of the Teen Titans cartoon, their favorite hang-outs, (I wonder where Raven would like hanging out) they both even managed to pull out past stories about themselves. It was late by the time they were running out of subjects "...and than when we got to the hospital, Adams leg was like so busted you could've ripped it off with one small tug." "Ohh" said Raven "so he's actually wrestled, but the way he beat Cyborg in his try out match, how could he possibly get hurt?" "Well whenever Adam wrestles he has to keep his power down so much that he doesn't knock a guys head off with one clothesline." Raven looked at the alarm clock sitting next to her bed, she said "wow we've been talking all afternoon." "Does that bother you" asked Da N00blar. Raven said "no, its been...good that I've had someone to talk to, I've never really opened to anyone quite like you Da N00blar." "Really but what about Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, and Beast Boy?" "They don't really understand me..." "well that’s cuz you don't open up to them" said Da N00blar. "Huh" asked Raven "It was easy for you to open up to me and talk, just do the same with them. Trust me if their loyal friends like I know they are they won't laugh at you or make fun of you. Well see ya."

Da N00blar left Raven in her room to think, she thought "he could be right, I have shunned myself from Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy for no reason, its unfair to me and them. Perhaps I should talk with them sometime." She began thinking of ways to be a better friend while Da N00blar was happily walking through the tower. He thought "oh right, I didn't know we had so much in common, this is awesome! I've never met a girl like her she's smart, she’s she's hot as hell, she's strong, and she's cool, way better than any of the girls I've dated. I gotta tell Adam about this." He ran to the gym where he found Adam teaching Robin wrestling holds in the ring, (after Adams match with Cyborg he put his portable ring in the gym) while Starfire observed them, well he could tell she was mostly observing Adam. Da N00blar said "hey Adam!" Adam and Robin stopped, he came to the ropes and said "huff puff huff hey Da Noobie what’s up?" "I gotta tell you something" "huff okay" he turned so his back was against the ropes and flipped out, Da N00blar led him into the hall way. Adam said "you keep practicing running against the ropes Robin." "Ok" he said and started doing the drill. Starfire was curios as to what Adam and Da N00blar were talking about so she crept up to the doorway and listened. Da N00blar said "dude I just figured it out I love Raven, she's unlike any girl I've ever met, she's awesome man." Adam said "that’s great man, glad you guys are hittin' it off." "Well we're not exactly hitting it off I'm not sure if she even likes me yet. For all I know she hates my guts." "Aww come on" said Adam "you guys are so cool together you just gotta wait awhile. I mean spend some time with her, get to know her a little more, do some romantic things for her, you know give her that fiery charm that you got."

Da N00blar nodded "yeah your right Adam, thanks, it's no wonder they call you the Heart Break Kid Jr." Starfire giggled lightly. Da N00blar said "so you hit it off yet with Starfire?" "Huh?" thought Starfire, she began to listen more intently. "I don't know I like her....actually I really like her, she's the most amazing girl I've ever seen." Starfire gasped and she continued to listen in. "Do you think you'll do it with her?" "No dude I'm not lookin' to score anytime soon but finding a girlfriend or at least a girl who likes me like that" "what are you talkin' about tons of chicks like you." "Yeah but their just fans [sigh] if only I could find a girl who truly liked me." Starfire frowned and thought that that’s how she kind of is. She had learned about love and affection while on Earth, and had even had a crush on Robin for awhile but sadly it quickly faded. People did really like her and she had great friends but nobody truly loved her. Da N00blar patted his best friends shoulder "well do you think Starfire likes you" "I don't know" "well just wait and see, follow that advice you gave me, remember you’re the Heart Break Kid." "I'm the second one dude." "Yeah well...whatever."

Over the course of two monthes Da N00blar decided to finally take his friends advice. Him and Raven spent a lot of time together, they had traded techniques, shared secrets, went places together, hung out together, and pretty much bonded every chance they could. Da N00blar had even thought of asking Raven out on a date but he chickened out at the last minute. He had also begun having deeper and deeper thoughts about Raven, like images of those soft plenary lips, her velvet-like thighs, and of course her breasts, he had spent many a time jerking off, as well as burning his dick to the thoughts of squeezing and sucking on them. The Titans decided after beating Slade for about the millionth time they would spent a night on the town, they were at the warehouse dance club by the bay (same one in "Sisters")Robin, Cyborg, and Beast Boy were of course dancing with just about every girl they could find, Adam and Starfire were both dancing, and doing quite well to, during one song everybody in the club moved out of the way, giving them some room to rock out. Da N00blar shook his head and smiled while he sat at the bar as his friend and the girl he was going crazy for were dancing like nuts. He said "he he and I thought Randy Orton was supposed to be the lady killer hmm...." he hadn't danced at all that night, he wanted to ask Raven but she disappeared before he could ask, tons of girls asked him to dance but he said no to every one of them, he only had eyes for Raven. Raven however was hiding behind a bunch of crates, she wanted to dance, especially with Da N00blar but she was afraid that she would look like a fool in front of all those people. As the song completed Adam and Starfire took a bow, and everybody clapped and cheered for them. The DJ said "you go dudes, well now were gonna...." a bunch of sparks started flying out of his equipment "whoa, oh boy, damn this old system it keeps breakin' on me!" He started hitting it with a hammer but more and more sparks started to fly out, eventually the whole thing caught fire. People started running frantically, screaming as the flames spread all over the place. Robin yelled over every bodies screams "Titans we gotta do something!" "Yeah but what" said Beast Boy."I got it, Cyborg, Beast Boy, Starfire, Raven and I will try to control the crowd. Adam, Da N00blar can the both of you find a way to put out those flames?" They both nodded "okay now Teen Titans go!"

They went off to do their jobs, Robin, Starfire, Cyborg, Raven, and Beast Boy were trying to herd the crowd toward the exit while Adam and Da N00blar tried to find something to douse the flames. Da N00blar said "what do we got on hand" "we only got soda and beer" said Adam. Just then he spotted a couple hoses "hey lets hook up those hoses to the taps and spray those flames." "Right." They attached the hoses to the bear and soda taps and sprayed the flames, slowly shortening them. Soon they were able to completely douse the fire. Afterward people started to come back in, they all seemed disappointed beside the fact that they all survived without getting injured, they said "oh man parties over" "music gone, this blows" "I was just about to score to" "shit lets just go home" and some people started leaving. Adam whispered "hey uhh you brought your drums?" "Yeah the portable one, why?" "What do you say we rock these dudes socks off, Teen Titans Underground style" "I like the way you think" said Da N00blar. They quickly dashed out the back and came back in with their instruments. Adam grabbed a microphone and said to the people "hey where you all going" the people who were walking out stopped and turned to them. Adam said "As my good pal Robin said in episode one 'Final Exam' this isn't over, until we say it is." People walked back onto the dance floor. Adam said "what song should we play?" Da N00blar looked out into the crowd and found Raven in the back "lets do 'the End of Everything'" "uhh isn't that the theme to that douchebag Raven, he sucks, the only time he was remotely good was back in WCW." Da N00blar said "yeah but Ravens out there and I wanted to do a song for her." Adam smiled and nodded "oh I got ya" He said into the microphone "okay everybody me and my bud here are gonna play the song "the End of Everything." Everyone cheered and roared. Da N00blar said "and this ladies and gents is my dedication to the Teen Titan, Raven. She's uhh in the back, shine a spotlight on her.

The spotlight started shining down on different people, Da N00blar said "uhh no farther back, farther, more right, there, now to the left, no no to the right now, no dammit slowly to the left, jeez what do we got a friggin' monkey working the spotlight? Lock it, now slowly to the right and....okay right there. There she is." The spot light shone brightly on Raven, she shielded her eyes because of the overall brightness. Da N00blar said "hey dim it down man your gonna blind her, jeez it’s a monkies ass working the spotlight. Well anyway this song is dedicated to you Raven, okay Adam lets hit it!" They started playing.

Adam:[crow calls]
You will not waste my time
I will do anything
I want to anyway
This will be the end of everything that you know
I know we're killing for the raven so here we go
Don't even try to hold me down
Watch me
Be afraid
This is the way that it is
Get ready here I come
Dropping down on you
Don't want and try to run
And when I'm finished with you
Watch me
Be afraid
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
I do not fear
Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one
I do not fear
Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid
You will not waste my time
I will do anything
I want to anyway
This will be the end of everything that you know
I know we're killing for the raven so here we go
Don't even try to hold me down
Watch me
Be afraid
This is the way that it is
Get ready here I come
Dropping down on you
Don't want and try to run
And when I'm finished with you
Watch me
Be afraid
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
I do not fear
Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one
I do not fear
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
I do not fear
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
I do not fear
Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)
(Have you ever been afraid of someone?
I've never been afraid of no one)

The people in the building roared and cheered, the whole building practically shook. Da N00blar looked in the back and found Raven smiling and clapping. Da N00blar came off the stage, fought off zealous fans and made his way to Raven. He said "So uhh what did you think?" Raven said "a command performance Da N00blar" "thanks, say this is getting crowded, you want to go somewhere...private?" "I guess" said Raven "the others'll be busy for awhile." "Yeah Adams got a couple more songs everybody wants him to play so shall we?" "Yes" said Raven. They exited through the front door and flew over the dock for awhile. They found a little pier on the for end, covered from the main area by boxes and crates. They landed and sat very close to each other on the edge of the pier looking at the scenery, it was the cliche full moon in a cloudless night sky, shining over pristine blue water. Raven said "ahh...the moon is so beautiful" Da N00blar said "yeah it is, but it doesn't compare to you" "huh?" He gingerly pulled down her hood and rubbed her cheek with his hand. Raven blushed as his gloved hand slowly ran against her face. She put her hand against his and said, blushing "thanks." They sat in silence for a few minutes until Da N00blar said "hey uhh you disappeared when we got in the club I wanted to ask if you wanted to dance with me." "Dancing is pointless, there was no need for me to do it with anybody. Plus people would laugh at me, not that I care" replied Raven. "Oh said Da N00blar "sorry you feel like that cuz I wouldn't laugh at you and if anybody did I would fry them." "Well uhh it doesn't matter we left." Da N00blar rose up "I got a tape player with me, and a tape you uh want to dance?" He extended her hand, inviting her to dance with him. She extended her hand to his and he helped her up and pulled her close to him, Raven was now blushing profusely, Da N00blar was also. Da N00blar pulled out a medium sized tape player and set it up on a crate and pressed the random button, not caring what song played. The two set themselves up as the song started, they stuck their arms out, Da N00blar had to lower his since he was taller than Raven, he put his hand on her hip while she put hers around his neck. The song was a slow one, "Dream Weaver" by. Gary Wright.

[I've just closed my eyes again
Climbed aboard the dream weaver train
Driver take away my worries of today
And leave tomorrow behind]

They danced slowly to the song, it felt so surreal to both of them, being in each others arms made them both feel....happy. Raven felt secure, she felt happy, happier than she had ever been in her life. This boy....this man, Da N00blar, a fire sorcerer with a dark past much like hers was slow dancing with her and there was nothing and nobody around to ruin such a perfect moment.

[Ooh dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh dream weaver
I believe we can reach the morning light
Fly me high through the starry skies
Maybe to an astral plane
Cross the highways of fantasy
Help me to forget today's pain]

Da N00blar was also felt an odd feeling as he danced with Raven, for once he knew no pain, no agony, no violence, just this one amazing chick whom he didn't know actually liked him.

[Ooh dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh dream weaver
I believe we can reach the morning light]

[Though the dawn may be coming soon
There still may be some time
Fly me away to the bright side of the moon
And meet me on the other side]

Raven looked up, he looked at her, he smiled at her and she smiled back. Raven buried her head in his warm chest (not his powers causing that) and shut her eyes. She felt like going to sleep right there she felt perfect just at peace with herself. Da N00blar pulled her closer, he never wanted to let Raven go, she was the most awesome, perfect girl he had ever seen in his life. Neither one of them wanted this moment to end.

[Ooh dream weaver
I believe you can get me through the night
Ooh dream weaver
I believe we can reach the morning light
Dream Weaver
Dreeeeeeam Weaver]

As the song ended, they both stopped and stood there, still very close to each other. Raven looked up and said "Da N00blar...." he said " Raven...." Silence rung between them, only the gentle lapping of the waves against the dock and the wind against their capes could be heard. They both closed their eyes and leaned in to kiss. The kiss between the two lasted several minutes, neither one of them had regretted the kiss, together, in an instant they had finally admitted their secret feelings for each other, their love had been realized. Da N00blar reluctantly broke the kiss,he pulled away from Raven, she looked at him questioningly. He blushed "uh Raven I'm...." she put her finger against his lip and said "shh...don't worry about it Da N00blar because I feel the same way to" "You mean" she nodded "uh huh, I love you." She pulled him in for another kiss, Da N00blar hadn't expected this since he was going to say he was sorry instead of "I love you" but hey that was the way he felt about her. They continued to kiss until Raven broke it and said "lets go home." Da N00blar grabbed his tape player and they flew back to Titans Tower. When they got back they found it deserted. Da N00blar said "hmm must still be back at the club." Raven yawned "whatever I'm tired, I'm going to bed." Da N00blar swept her off her feet and said "lemme carry you" he started running through the tower to her room. Raven worriedly said "please don't drop me." He responded "don't worry I won't." They eventually made it to Ravens room, they went inside and Da N00blar carefully set Raven down on her bed. She said as he pulled the covers over her "umm thanks and thanks for the night Da N00blar." He said "no problem, guess I'll be turning in to, g'night" "good night" and he walked out and back to his room.

Both teens tried to get to sleep but couldn't, their heads were going wild with thoughts about one another. Da N00blar ly stretched out on his bed, thoughts (mostly perverted thoughts) about Raven flowing through his mind. He woke from his dreams and sat up, the felt his brow drenched in sweat. "Oh man, why can't I sleep? It's because of her, I keep on dreaming of her.....and me doin' it. I need something to calm me down, I know I'll play my drums for a while that always calms me down." He walked over and sat in his drum set and began to play. Raven however was also having difficulty sleeping, she kept on having this weird dream of Da N00blar forcefully fucking her doggie style, she could hear him and her moaning so vividly, and she was imagining the feeling of the experience, it was...unbelievable." Raven woke with a gasp as she felt herself climaxing, she sat up and said "oh what a weird dream" she than heard a bunch of thuds as objects in her room crashed to the ground. She said, rubbing sweat from her forehead "maybe I should go have a talk with Da N00blar" she got out of bed and walked down the hallway to his room. When at the door she could hear the quick banging of drums, she banged on the door, seeking entrance into the chamber. Da N00blar faintly heard the knocking and said "come in." The door slid open and Raven strutted in, she looked around the room, it was quite a nice set up. The walls were painted like flames, the trim was red, most of the wall was yellow, and orange curved like flames and the remaining wall was painted black. He had a decent sized twin bed below the rooms one window with a red comforter, black sheets, and red pillow cases. Next to it was a wood night stand with a lamp, a phone, and a picture of him, Adam, and three other people (the Teen Titans Underground). The wall adjacent to that had his drum set, a nice stereo system, and an ass load of cds piled on top of it. Across from that wall was a small bath room, next to that was a book case filled with tons of books, and next to that was a walk in closet. It was fairly clean with traces of clothes found on the floor.

Da N00blar said "oh Raven, I thought you went to sleep." She said "I was having some trouble getting to sleep" Da N00blar walked out of his set and walked up to her and said "oh well me to, you want to talk?" "Yes" nodded Raven. They sat in silence on the edge of his bed, they turned their heads away from each other, concealing their blushes. Da N00blar said "you asked about my past one time, remember?" Raven nodded. Da N00blar said "well I guess I should tell you about myself, you'll be the only one who knows about me besides Adam and the Teen Titans Underground." "Okay." Da N00blar sighed "I'm not really a human" Raven gasped "but I thought you said you were a human, perhaps not a regular one but a human." Da N00blar shook his head "no, I'm not even from this galaxy. I'm a fire demon of the planet Verdis. I was the offspring of the fire god Idahoculeas, he was pretty much the planets troublemaker. Like all his offspring I was to create mischief and havoc on the planet but after trying a lot of times I found I hate doing bad things. So I requested that I stop doing bad things to the people of my planet but Idahoculeas refused so I decided to run away. Half way through the galaxy his cronies finally tracked me down. I tried to fight them but I was to weak in my current state so I escaped to the nearest planet I could find...Earth. Knowing that they would probably kill me I changed into my spirit mode and hid in a womans body. I had to reverse my growth back to the first stage of life, so in latence terms the woman became pregent with me. Eventually she had given birth to me and I was the proud son of Atsuko and Unichiro Sodomuche, two japanese people living in America. (its sort of like Kurama from Yu Yu Hakushos story) When I was born I had the flame tattoo on my arm, it's not a tattoo, its actually a mark burned into the skin of the Idahoculeas offspring, it symbolizes our power. Anyway they called me Daisuke, and me and my parents were a happy family, I pretty much lived a normal earth kids life. They could tell however that I was no ordinary kid until they saw me set fire to a leaf just by flicking my thumb against it Also they knew I had a knack for the drums when I picked up a pair of drum sticks and started banging on a little xylophone toy. We lived happily until I turned three. You see the energy emitted from the solar systems sun caused a tumor to form on my brain, that totally took over my mind, it destroyed my self conscious, messed up my brain activity, I had no control over what I did. I was like some sort of maniac three-year-old." Raven asked "but could they remove the tumor" Da N00blar said "no, it's so imbedded in my brain that removing it could kill me, and even if they did get rid of it another one would grow back."

Da N00blar continued "luckily my parents were scientists who were working on a cure to hopefully cure everybody with mental problems. They were creating a vaccine that would target the messed up area of a persons head and fix it, therefore the person would no longer have any problems and would be able to function as normal people. They had only gotten to the point where they could temporarily cure someone of mental problems, I tried it out first and it actually worked. I was totally normal but the effect would only last for a day. They put the serum in the form of a pill and made a life times supply for me. I was a totally normal boy from there on...until that day." "Why what happened asked a very interested Raven. Da N00blar took another deep breath "when I was 11 I came home from school and found my home a total mess, I panicked and headed to my parents lab, only to find them dead on the floor in a bloody mess. My father was already dead, and I found my mother barely alive, clinging to life. I rushed over to her and said 'mom, mom are you ok?' She said weakly 'Daisuke your alive' and than I said, holding her 'mom please hang on, I'll get you a doctor' I was determined to keep her alive but she said 'no Daisuke I don't have much time to live' 'no mom don't say that I don't want you to die I don't want to be alone!' She said 'Daisuke you won't be alone, I'll always be with you.' I was frantic to find out what happened I asked 'who did this to you' and she said 'it was a man he claimed to be called Idahoculeas.' I was so surprised and filled with rage I thought 'no it couldn't be, he couldn't...' I said 'mom he's looking for me I have to find him and kill him, I can't let him do this.' she said 'now Daisuke don't let rage consume you, we taught you that revenge is never the right answer, you must be strong' 'I know' I responded 'but I can't live with the fact that your leaving me I can't stand it!' I cried onto her shoulder, not wanting to let go. She hugged me as I cried and sung my favorite old bedtime song 'in the morning when you wake up, open your eyes to a new day, look around at the gifts you've got, you've been so lucky along the way' I sung to 'time to finish what you've begun, have the faith, you're the one, throw your hat high - up to the sun' 'now you face the greatest test, use the lessons that you've learned, your goal is to be the best, and claim the prize that you've earned' 'ever since you were a young man, you've kept your eye on the master plan, to reach for the top - and touch the sky' 'it' your wings...and fly....' and that's when she died, right in my arms. I set her down, as her blood stained my hands and my clothes. I decided it was time to strike on my own I gave my parents a proper burial in the backyard, I fixed up the house, left and became a drifter. I had decided to use my powers for the good of all people, I made my own costume, everything you see me in, I made myself. I became the hero of my town for over two years until I met Adam, another boy gifted with super powers. We decided to ban together and with more friends we became the Teen Titans Dark, and that was it."

He turned and was met by Raven, totally ready to cry like a waterfall, she lunged forward and hugged him, crying into his stomach "oh Da N00blar" she cried, her voice muffled by his stomach and the crashing of objects "I know exactly how you feel." Da N00blar said surprised " do" he pulled her from his gut and brought her face up to eye level "tell me about it" Raven said "no I can't" Da N00blar said "please I have to know, I gotta know, please Raven." She could see the pleading look in his eyes and decided he was the right person to reveal her deepest, darkest secret to. "Ok" said Raven. (now I didn't read the original TT so I don't know "a lot" about Raven history, but since this is a fan fic I can do whatever I want, I could even make Raven a guy if I felt like it) "I was born on the planet Azarath" "Oh that’s just a few light years away from mine." "Ahem...I was born under my father Trigon, the lord of the Damned. He enjoyed nothing but torturing and killing people. I hated it, and he hated me because I couldn't hurt anybody and because I was his daughter instead of his son." "What about your mother?" "She was killed by my father" oh" "soon I escaped here to Earth but I was cursed, cursed with the inability to have feelings." "You mean you can't feel emotions" "No I can it's just the results could be catastrophic, you see my powers are controlled by my emotions if I feel anything my powers take over me." "So you mean you can't feel anything?" "Yes" replied Raven, ready to break out into tears "I can't feel any emotions because I'm afraid I'll hurt somebody." she then broke out into tears "I can't feel anything, I can't [sniff] feel anger, [sniff] I can't feel sadness, I can't [sniff] show happiness, I can't even feel love. It isn't [sniff] fair, nobody knows the pain and suffering I go through to keep my emotions in check. They're the reason why I can't get close to people, because if I express happiness they could get seriously hurt, why? Why does this have to happen to me, nobody understands me, and worst of all nobody loves me!" She burst into tears, things were flying every which way in Da N00blars room but he could care less.

Da N00blar gently grabbed Raven by her shoulders and brought her up to meet his gaze. He cleared away her tears and said with a stern look "Raven....I understand what you have to go through believe me, and believe this there are people who love you. Robin, Starfire, Beast Boy, Cyborg, Adam, and me. Don't ever question that. You'll never be alone as long as I'm here, I'll stay by your side forever, I LOVE YOU RAVEN." He pulled her into a tight embrace showing her that he would never let her go. Raven smiled and hugged Da N00blar back, she said "thank you that really means a lot to me" everything in the room that was floating fell. Da N00blar asked "uhh Raven" "yeah" "uhh I was wondering....I know were kind of young and both of us are well you know, but I just wanted to want it." Raven smiled and nodded "yes." Da N00blar smiled "swee..." before he could finish Raven planted a huge kiss on his lips. His tongue snaked out and he began seeking entrance into Ravens mouth, all the while getting a taste of her lips. Raven opened her mouth allowing him in, Da N00blar gladly excepted the invitation and dove right in. They fell down to his bed, Raven being on top of Da N00blar, they kicked off their shoes and socks as their tongues continued to wrestle in each others mouths. Raven broke the kiss, a stream of spit connecting between them and she said "lets see what you have to offer big boy.

Raven sat on his chest and unzipped the fly of his jeans, releasing his erect dick from its first confinement. She slowly ran her finger along the hill protruding from his black and red boxers which caused Da N00blars breathing rate to increase and start to moan. She said " lets see" she unbuttoned his boxers and his full erection sprang into view "oh my" thought Raven he was a nice eight and a half inches but the strangest thing was there was quite a few burn marks in separate places on his dick. Raven turned around and asked "hey Da N00blar why are there so many burn marks, here?" Da N00blar stuttered "I umm you see umm it was like uhh you see I was thinkin' of you a couple times and I..." Raven chuckled, she felt like laughing her ass off, it was so funny "ha ha ha you burnt yourself masturbating?" Da N00blar said defensively "well sometimes a guys gotta relieve a friggin hard on plus I can't control my powers when I get excited." Ravens laughs died to small chuckles "he he he, well I guess I'll just have to heal those scars for you. She bent down back to his dick, and shoved her ass in his face. Da N00blar moved his head so he could get a better view of the action but it was to no avail. He couldn't see but he could feel Ravens hands swiftly and skillfully moving around his dick, touching and hitting every spot that droze him nuts, while doing so she healed the burn marks a little

Da N00blar cringed and moaned as Ravens hands moved around and jerked his dick at a medium pace. She turned around and said "now for what heals the most" she licked around the head before coming down on his dick. Da N00blar moaned and banged hard on his bed as Raven bobbed her head up and down, her tongue vibrated around the shaft" Da N00blar was in another world, he could actually feel it when his dick touched the back of her throat. His will gave in, he ripped the croth of her suit as well as her panties and immediately attack her cunt. (sweet, sixty-nine) Raven moaned as his tongue penetrated her opening, she could also feel his temperature increase in both his dick and his tounge. (this time its his powers) Her moans caused an arousing moan to escape from Da N00blar which caused a moan from Raven. (you get where I'm going with this, it's like the water and rock cycle) They both licked and sucked away at their genitalia, Da N00blar found Ravens clit and licked around there which caused Raven to moan in remarkable ectasy. Her moans were like candy to Da N00blar since it provided an awesome vibration on his dick. It didn't take long for either one to climax, they both came into each others mouthes, totally soaking one another in their cum. Da N00blar thought as he swallowed her cum "hey it tastes kinda like salt water taffy." "Mmmm, delicious" thought raven. Raven turned around so she could meet his gaze, Raven asked "did you enjoy that, and look I healed the burns on your penis." Da N00blar turned his head so he could see his dick, he was astounded, all the burn marks were gone, it was covered in Ravens saliva making it glisen like a hunk of gold and he could swear his dick had grown half an inch. He said "whoa you are good, and did you make my dick grow?" Raven nodded "you bet."

They both positioned themselves so Da N00blar was on top of Raven, his dick positioned at her entrance he said "you ready Raven" she said "I've been waiting for this since the first time I met you" Da N00blar thrust his dick inside Raven. Raven howled in pain as he broke through her hymen, the pain felt like having your body bent in places its not supposed to be in, only worse. Da N00blar silenced her screams by kissing her and saying "Raven, Raven, you want me to stop?" She said between her gridded teeth and tightly balled fists "no keep going" he continued to trust in and out, gradually taking away the pain from Raven and increasing his speed. Raven moaned and groaned as that same speed he used during his first fight with cyborg was being applied here, it was really erotic. It was also very erotic for Da N00blar, her pussy was so tigtht and wet it was driving him over the edge. Da N00blar quivered "ahh Raven I'm gonna blow!" Raven said "ahhh more Da N00blar I'm close to ahhh!" They simotaneously cummed, soaking the bedding and themselves in cum.

The two lovers were practically through, as well as Da N00blars room, everything was either broken or on the floor but Raven felt she had to do one more thing, and that was make her earlier dream come alive. She got up on her hands and knees and waved her ass in front of an extremely tired Da N00blar. She said "say how about we try this position." Da N00blar could've conked out right there but he was so friggin aroused from Raven he had to do it. He rammed his dick in her pussy, and started fucking her dog style. (first time I ever did this, in a fic) Raven leaned against the headboard of his bed for support and moaned as he quickly thrusted in and out of her. Da N00blar pumped as hard as he could, his energy was being drained away quickly. He could still give the best he could with the little energy he had. They continued to fuck that way, enjoying every pleasure evoking stroke the two could give one another. Da N00blar felt himself running on zero. He yelled "Raven I can't last much longer, I'm through." She said "No Da N00blar I'm so close, here use some of my energy" she put her hands against his which were holding her by her hips and transferred the energy she had into him. With this new burst of energy Da N00blar fucked her harder and faster, bringing them both close to the edge again. Raven yelled as she felt her orgasm reach its max "ahhh Da N00blar don't stop, ahh I'm cumming!!!!!" He shouted to and they both finally came for the last time that night. Both were exausted they flopped down on Da Nooblars bed, Raven smiled "Da N00blar thank you, you've given me a new view of life on Earth, and you've made me realize that no matter what happens there are always people who will help me, thank you." He chuckled and kissed her nose "no problem Raven, I did it because I love you" she smiled back, they kissed for the final time that night and went to sleep.

[The End]
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Ahhh phew that was long as hell, the biggest story I ever made but it was worth it. Look for another story coming next month.