Fan Fiction ❯ Where Dreams Become Reality! ❯ -The First Dream- ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


A/N: Welllllllll I live. But I have recently been playing Kingdom Hearts again and am currently drooling over 20+ pics of KH2 of Riku and Sora. This story is kinda based off an rp I'm doing right now… at least part of it is. -nods- btw gps stands for gold points. I can easily be found hanging out in yahoo chat rooms. Hollow Bastion Slave Trade Market and Inn is based off an rp room that kicks ass…. Hence forth the reason I started this fic that and Steve my master. Soooo if you ever see me hanging around in the rp world feel free to drop a pm. RP name Sora, Steve's slave.


Disclaimer: I own the plot and everything around it. Steve helped with whatever came from our rp. But no I don't own KH.


A clink of keys caused a boy with light brown hair and deep blue eyes to look up from where he was currently sitting. He groaned inwardly noticing it was just the Keeper of this particular slavery. Hollow Bastion Slave Trade Market and Inn was famous for its never ending slave sales. That and everyone just seemed to love to be there. How ever most of its occupants namely the slaves weren't all that happy to be there. The Keeper paused on his daily routine of walking the `Cages' as the slaves put it to turn and looks at the aforementioned slave.


"You, you have been sold. Get up!" The boy ignored him and pretended to let a dumb ass look cross his face, although any one who saw it immediately knew the look was calling them the dumb ass. The Keeper opened the door and dragged him out by the collar around his neck. After being led down several corridors and out into the market part of H.B. they stopped. The boy just blinked at the sunlight and winced, it had been a while since he had been in the sun. It was all because of that day, the day when he attacked a buyer.




Tugging and hissing like a wild cat the boy yanked and pulled on his chains. At every chance he got he either kicked, spit or bit his handler. He was sick of being treated like a damn pet. The moment they stopped walking he began trying to escape again. Hell no one wanted to be a slave by choice. "How much for him?" A voice broke through the boys thoughts and he snapped his head up. "100 gps" The handler replied automatically, the voice returned his gaze to the boy in front of him.


"What's your name slave?" instead of replying he just spit into his face. "He says Sora." The handler replied with a smirk, "He needs training." As soon as the words were out of the handler's mouth Sora was on the prospective buyer scratching and punching him. Pretty much after Sora finished beating the shit out of the buyer he was grabbed by his handler and thrown into the cage. And there he sat for the next two days.




Sora looked around nervously, wondering who it was that bought him. He looked like he was ready to pounce and kill at any moment. The second he laid eyes on a tall boy standing next to a man that seemed to resemble him greatly all feelings of death and destruction left his mind. He was awe struck by entrancing aqua eyes and long silver hair. However he kept his `I'm gonna kill you when I get the chance' look.


Riku looked up at his uncle and yawned, he was bored and this place sure as hell wasn't making him feel like having fun any time soon. In fact he felt like beating the crap out of something. `I can't believe people sell other people.' He rolled his eyes and yawned again. Just then something caught his eye; he turned and looked at a cute boy wearing a collar around his neck along with the chains on his hands. The look on the boys face alone made him smile, in fact he looked like the boy that beat the crap outta his uncle that last time they were here. `So why are we back here?' it took him a few seconds to remember what his uncle said last night. `That's right; I'm supposed to get my first slave today or something. Whatever….'


He followed his uncle Sephiroth over to the boy in chains, and groaned. `I swear Seph is doing this to me on fucking purpose.' He had been looking the boy over silently commenting on how his body had a slight tan, to how cute it looked when his eyes were saying something other than what his face spoke. "Seph can we just hurry up and leave I wanna go home." Sephiroth just looked down at his nephew, he quirked an eyebrow silently questioning his thoughts. "You can go wait outside if you want." Riku shook his head, "No I wanna see if he beats the shit out of you again." Sephiroth snorted and looked away, "He surprised me….won't happen again."


Sora looked at the two coming closer to him, the older one still had a slight scratch from where he got him. A smirk graced his face that was until he saw Riku. He narrowed his eyes as instant hate began to fill his body. At least he thought it was hate, it was wasn't it? He shook his head to free himself from the thoughts clawing at his mind just in time to see his `leash' be handed over to the older man. "Be careful he bites." With his last words said the handler took outta there like a bat outta hell. "Well well well lets get your new toy home Riku." Sora looked up at the older man and hissed angrily, "let me go." The only answer he got was blackness taking over his mind.


Riku looked at the boy as he sagged to the ground and reached out to him but pulled his hand back and let him hit the floor. Sephiroth noticed this and smiled a bit, `so Riku does hold some sort of interest in this boy. I figured as much the first time when he kept watching him. I even risked being killed by that fucker for him.' He sighed, he loved his nephew to no ends and he knew he had to help him out some how. After all his mother was no exception to love at all. She constantly threw girls at Riku's feet, how ever Sephiroth knew that Riku couldn't possibly be into girls and he was set out to prove himself right. "Your gonna have to carry him to the car." Sephiroth called back to his nephew as he took off walking quickly. Riku looked down at the boys still form and frowned picking him up to follow.


Once back at home Riku sighed and set Sora down on the couch, a few minutes later Sora began to awaken. He looked up at Riku and realizing that his hands were free he leapt at him snarling. Sephiroth chose that moment to enter the room followed closely by a tall blonde with blue eyes and his trade mark scar on his right cheek. "Gee not here for long and already he's trying to tear Riku's clothes off." Sephiroth chuckled to Cloud as Cloud just pulled Sephiroth into an embrace, "Actually it looks more like he's trying to kill him."


Riku fought back hitting Sora fiercely and knocking him off him. He got up and glared down at him from above, "You little shit! How dare you attack me! Your gonna fucking pay for that shit head of a stunt you just pulled. Get the fuck up and go find my silver chain." Sora got up and glared equally back at him, even though he was slightly shorter than Riku he knew he would lose any fight against him. He just looked over at the wall and stood there. Riku raised his hand to hit Sora again and snarled his demand once more, "DO IT NOW!" Sora blinked and looked at Riku's angry face knowing that all the redness in his cheeks wasn't just anger. He blinked again and looked closer he was blushing like hell. Sora just rolled his eyes and started to look around not wanting to be on the receiving end of Riku again.


After looking what felt like hours but was really only 15min. he found the chain. He took it back to Riku and threw it at him, and then did a double take. Riku had just stepped out of the shower and was looking at Sora wickedly through his green eyes. Sora stood there a blush creeping up his cheeks. "Like what you see or something?" Riku snapped playfully. His uncles had left the house leaving him alone with how did they put it, `toy'. Sora slowly nodded and looked down at the floor. "Hmmm…. I want you to kiss me?" He continued to look at Sora wondering just how far he could get the boy to go and merely because he was curious. Sora looked up and growled "Why the fuck would I do something like that."


Before Sora could have a chance to move Riku pounced him, he was growling at Sora. "Because I'm the master and you're supposed to do what I say. Now kiss me." Sora sighed and kissed Riku quickly but found that he wasn't able to pull away. Riku shocked that Sora kissed him began to feel confused. He was only playing with the new boy and granted it was fun to scare him but, the kiss felt so nice. Soon he found himself in a war of the tongues and in pure bliss. He shivered as Sora began to kiss his jaw line and nip at his neck slightly. Sora began to purr and mewl at Riku's touches as Riku began to move and give caresses back. After what felt like eternity Sora stood in front of Riku's eyes completely naked. Riku groaned and dragged Sora towards his bed; he tossed him onto the huge king sized bed and climbed on top of him. He kissed Sora's neck and began to trail his kisses downwards. Sora whimpered as Riku ran his fingers in circles on his stomach. "Ri..Ri..Riku?" Riku just looked at him and then moved down lower, trailing kisses down. He stopped just short of Sora's…..


"Work it Make it Do it Makes us Harder, Better Faster, Stronger More than hour, Hour Never Ever After Work is Over Work it Make it Do it Makes us Harder, Better Faster, Stronger

Work it Harder Make it Better
Do it faster Makes us Stronger
More than Ever Hour After
Our Work is Never Over}

(Repeat Chorus 13x)

Work it Harder
Do it faster
More than Ever
Our Work is Never Over

Work it Harder Make it Better
Do it faster Makes us Stronger

More than Ever Hour After
Our Work is Never Over

Riku opened his eyes and moaned, he glared at his alarm clock which was currently playing Daft Punk's `Harder Better Faster Stronger'. `Gods why did I have to have such a vivid dream. Those eyes, hair, and that body…. I sound like a fuckin school girl.' "School SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He got up and threw the covers back grabbing a pair of baggy black pants he paused and looked into the mirror. There was the mornings problem. His boxers had white spots all over it not to mention his hard on. "I need a god dammned cold shower and a new pair of boxers"

A/N Yes I am cruel… anyways… I will update rather quickly… as long as I keep reading really nice Riku/Sora ficcys. Tee-hee!!! So review my lovelies and once I have a few the next chappie will be up. ^_^