Fan Fiction ❯ Whiplash ❯ Whiplash ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes: Hey guys, how ya doin'? It's me again, and I'm back with another story, I know it took forever but I had a HUGE writers block. Thanks to all you peeps who stuck with my Artirion story (and especially Kinsha your reviews gave me valuable input) till the end and I'm going to need more feed back for this story so keep reviewing. Oh and by the way all my stories are totally independent of each other, so even though Raven died in one of my last Epilogues she is still alive in this story and there was never any person named Artirion, kinda like what the feds said about Area 51. Ohhhhhh, and one more thing, anyone who enjoys this story owes a debt of gratitude to Omega_Red9 Without whom's review this story would never have been published.
The day was dreary, it was raining and foggy and there was Starfire walking through the dismal streets of Jump City. This had to have been one of the oddest days in her life, she knows what she's thinking of is wrong but she can't help it. It all started two days ago, with that one earth-shattering battle, and that one heart shattering bad guy.
~~Three days prior~~
Robin: Titans trouble!
Cyborg: Again, when will those little HIVE brats learn?
Starfire: They are stubborn that is certain.
There they are the fabled Teen Titans standing in their youthful unsplendor, it's ten PM and they have been called, still dressed in their nightclothes, to the command center of there T shaped home to respond to an alert in the middle of the city
Robin: Not the HIVE this time, it's Red X!
Raven: What's he after? More Xinothium?
Robin: No, he's in the tech sector, Titans Go!
The titans all rush to their rooms and in about a minute they are down in the garage. Cyborg takes the T-car and Robin hops on his motorcycle, BB transforms into a hawk and Starfire and Raven just fly. In any case they were there in about five minutes, and when they go there X was gone. The weird part was on the wall of the store there was a W carved into the wall in a fashion that was a throwback to the Zorro TV show of the 60's.
Cyborg: What's that?
Starfire: It appears to be a sign, but from who?
Raven: Those are whip marks.
Robin: How do you know?
Raven: Look at them, they're rough and jagged, they were done from a distance and by a pro.
Robin: Split up, we need to find X, we'll meet back at the tower if no one finds him and do some analysis.
The Titans search is fruitless, so they return to the tower to check some case files but they find nothing to link anyone to the crime, no prints no nothing. The only thing that is certain is X wasn't alone in that building, he either had a partner or someone kicked the crap outta him. Either way there was nothing that could be done. On the other side of town a dark figure with a half orange mask speaks into the shadows.
Figure: Did you get him?
Suddenly there is a crack and Red X flies into view and falls face down. Everyone can see he's seriously hurt, the figure's only visible eye narrows.
Figure: Excellent, you skills are far more impressive than I thought.
Suddenly a silky voice floats from the shadows; we can't see anything of the figure the voice belongs to.
Voice: Thank you, do you have my payment?
Figure: I do. *With a flick of his hand a large duffle bag flies over his shoulder, a black gloved hand is ready and waiting to catch it.
Voice: This feels heavier than usual.
Figure: That's because there is a down payment in there also.
Voice: *Extremely interested* Really, what for?
The scene fades out and so does there conversation.
Starfire is in her room, last night was trying, to say the least. They were up till almost three AM trying to find a lead on what happened to Red X. She finally decides it's time to haul herself out of bed. So she gets up stretches, and goes into her bathroom to take her shower. When she emerges she finds a note on her bed, it appears to be from Robin. She knows that he really wanted to make them work, but she just couldn't stand his “all work no play” nature. So she pulled on a clean pair of her purple clothes, and heads down to the weight room. Upon entering she finds Cyborg beating the shit of the punching bag. She walks over to her own weight lifting gizmo and starts her workout.
Cyborg: Hey, Star.
Starfire: Hi………………ugh………… ..Cyborg.
Cyborg: Are you okay, that's about twice as much weight you usually use.
Starfire: I'm………….Fine………..Friend… 230;……….Cyborg.
Having finished her one hundred pushes, she places the weights in their rack, and sits up. She looks directly at Cyborg and asks him a question that's been bugging her for awhile.
Starfire: Cyborg, do you think I did the right thing, dumping Robin I mean.
Upon hearing her question, Cyborg stops punching the bag and thinks for a few minutes.
Cyborg: What do you think, Star?
Starfire: *She looks at her feet* I am unsure; I know Robin has great feelings for me, but I just don't like him in that manner.
Cyborg: Then there's your answer, you should never try to trick yourself into thinking you feel something because someone else feels it.
Starfire looks up at Cyborg and her big smile returns.
Starfire: Thank you, Cyborg.
Cyborg: No problem, Star. *The alarm starts going off* Let's go!
They run from the weight room and hurry to the command room to find out what the trouble is. Upon their arrival the trouble was evident, there were fireworks going off in the middle of the city, raining fiery shards of shrapnel on the people below.
Robin: Titans Go!
The titans run from their home, with a slight feeling of déjà vu, to meet the attacker. When they reach the point of the pandemonium they are met with what would be an odd sight. A man is standing in a skin tight red suit; he was skinny but not un-muscled, kinda like Robin. His unmasked face showed two deep ocean blue eyes, and a flowing of long dark brown hair that was not long enough to be girly but definitely more than you usually see. At each of his sides and in both of his hands were two long mean looking whips, which he swung with painful accuracy.
Robin: Who are you?!?
Man: Well, that depends on who you are, my enemies know me as Death, though for now you can know me as Whiplash Bounty Hunter Extraordinaire. *He gives a gentlemanly bow, and Starfire can already feel the heat rise in her face*
Robin: Well, Whiplash, your hurting people. So you can call us your jailors.
Whiplash: Cocky little man aren't you, I think you need to be put in your place.
He swings one of his whips and there is a loud crack, accented by BB falling to the ground screaming his hands on his face. Raven and Cyborg run to his side but can't get him to move his hands; Whiplash is standing and watching with amused interest. When Cyborg finally grabs BB's wrists and pulls his hands away he immediately wishes he hadn't for the sight was not pretty. When you look at the bottom of BB's face it's okay but when you look in his eyes you see a gash on his nose that is level with his eyes, and both of the pupils in his eyes have been ripped out, all three spots are gushing blood and it's quite apparent that he's blind.
Bb: Ohh, god, I can't see!! Someone, please, help me.
Raven: *Feeling a Tear come to her eye* It's okay BB you'll be okay. *She turns to Whiplash* BASTARD!!!! *She rushes at Whiplash and he splits the stomach of her leotard leaving a streak of blood before she can even get within fifteen feet of him*
BB: Raven! What's going on! Someone tell me what happened to Raven!
Whiplash: Well, I think I'll take her first, *He wraps the whip around Raven's ankle and pulls her toward him, catching her he slings her over his shoulder.* Ta Ta Titans, better luck next time *Then with a crack of his whip and a flash of white light he is gone.
Starfire: What happened where did he go?
Robin: I don't know.
The Titans help BB back to the Tower and stop the bleeding from his eyes, but without Raven's powers there is no way he'll use his natural eyes, he's totally blind.
Cyborg: *Light bulb flashes over his head* Hey, BB, I've been working on these glasses for a long time, they link directly into your brain and send out sonic pulses that will act as sight. You won't be able to see colors or shadows, but you will be able to see things in an outline, that way you won't walk into anything. (Think DareDevil)
Cyborg: They can be removed, I think.
Robin who is not in the mood to listen to they arguing decides to take a hand.
Robin: Which would you rather BB, blindness or these things digging into your head?
BB: Well, when we get Raven back, she can restore my eyes, I'll wait for her.
Robin: I think that's a good idea, but you will not leave the tower, understood?
BB: Sure.
Starfire is sitting in the rec room/ command center brooding, she is some kinda angry at Whiplash for what he did to BB and for taking Raven, but somehow she can't bring herself to hate him. She didn't know what it was, by all accounts she should be so angry she would rip both his heads off and throw them into a black hole, instead her anger was ebbing off to be replaced by a strange emotion when she thought of his devil smile. What she would do she had no idea. Across town again there is a meeting of evildoers, the first is of course Whiplash, and the other is the man with the mask again. They are standing in what appears to be a machine shop but it has been transformed into the masked man's evil lair, complete with throne.
Man: *Watching Re-plays of the battle* Your show was quite impressive; I think I liked the part where you blinded BB the most.
Whiplash: Yeah, I figure the less of them I had to fight the better, so do you have them?
Man: You have Raven?
Whiplash cracks his whip and it throws Raven to the man's feet.
Man: Very good. *He takes out a bottle, and gives it to Whiplash*
Whiplash: Thank you.
Later that night Whiplash swings into his hovel on a special swing that only one who was trained with a whip could use, when he lays down the whips he breaths out a sigh of relief. He had his bottle and he was on his way to defeating the titans, yes, life was good. There was only one snag, that wonderfully beautiful girl with the emeralds eyes; he can't get her out of his mind. So, he decides to practice his skills, he sets up about fifty candles, sits down on his favorite chair and starts whipping the flames from the wicks. He practices for about two hours before something odd happens, his hand starts shaking violently.
Whiplash: Ohh, c'mon. *He stumbles over to the table where his bottle was sitting; he pulled open the lid and roughly shoved a pill into his mouth. After a few seconds the shaking begins to slow and finally stops.
Whiplash: What does it always start when I'm thinking? *He picks up his whip again and hangs it on a hook. His practice is over for the night. Tomorrow he would think on what to do.
The next day was dismal, it was cloudy and overcast. Starfire woke as she had ever sense she had found her friends, happy and upbeat. However, today their something was different, she wasn't happy and upbeat. She was laden with doubts and uncertainty. She goes into her bathroom and takes her shower but this doesn't cheer her. When she goes down to breakfast she finds the other titans in the midst if a heated argument about what to do about whiplash. Not feeling like joining in she walks from the tower into the building torrent to sort out her feelings and find her true heart.
Author's notes~ Okay dudes I know that this chapter was short, well I haven't been getting the brain explosions that I had during my last fic. The next chap. will be out a soon as I write it and for all you Starfire lovers, both verbally and literally, don't be to angry cause she's going down the less that happy path in the next few chapters, bye for now. Ohh one more thing, you remember Kinsha who Mentioned at the beginning, read her story “Songs of the Mind, A Raven's Thoughts, Poems of Birds, and For Always and For Ever” wonderfully written.