Fan Fiction ❯ Whirs tha Faygo?! ❯ So it Begins... ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Whirs tha Faygo?!

By Dreizehn Kakashi


March 27 2005




~*~*~*~ *~*~

Dedicated to:

the Butterfly, Joseph Bruce(Violent J),Rob Bruce(Jumpsteady),Joey Utsler(Shaggy 2 Dope),James Spaniolo(Jamie Madrox), Paul Methric(Monoxide Child)...know what? This is dedicated to EVERYBODY at Psychopathic Records! MAD CLOWN LOVE TO YA NINJAS!


Also dedicated to:

the 6 Joker’s cards, Shangri-la, and all the Juggalos, Juggalettes, Ninjas, Killas ect, in the world. Mad cLoWn love to you all as well. Remember: “We Belong.”


I’m broke, okay. I don’t own anything. All the charaters in this fic are REAL PEOPLE.(All the main charaters anyway.) Faygo(TM) ain’t mine, Hatchetman© belongs to Shaggy, and other stuff is proporty of its respectable owners.

So it begins...

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Joseph Bruce, or better known as Violent J, ran his fingers thru his spiky hair and sighed as he read over the lyrics for his, and his group members, newest song. “ more time...” He rubbed his eyes and looked at the clock beside the desk he was sitting at. The digital face read 1:45 am, but J couldn’t tell because the red numbers blurred togather with his fatigue. “Damn it...” He rubbed his eyes more vigorously and accidently poked his pupil. “AH-SHIT!” He held his palm over his injured eye and seethed. From somewhere to his right, bed sheets rustled and a sleepy voice peeled thru the night air. “Whathahell J? Keepit down willya?” It was one of his best Juggalo homies, Joey Utsler, better known as Shaggy 2 Dope. J removed his hand and peered into a nearby mirror to get a look at his wounded eye. “The fuck I’ll “keep it down”. I’ve been reading thru these fuckin papers for 7 hours Shaggs! 7! YU TRY THAT, WHY DON’T Ya! The only thing keepin’ me awake is my muthafuckin’ Faygo!” He was refering to a 4-day old Cherry flavored Faygo that sat to his left, that was flat as hell.

Shaggy slowly sat up and scratched between his dreadlocks. “Hey, shut the hell up or you’ll wake Bones and Monoxide...and you of all people know how pissy they get when they get woke up at, eh...” He glanced at the clock. “1 fuckin’ o’clock in the morning.” There was a pause. “Wait a- What tha fuck am I doing up?! Peshaaa...Im going back to bed...” He plowed back into his blankets and pulled them over his head. J sighed and got up. He walked over to his homie’s bed and ripped the blankets off him. “No-the-fuck-way your leaving me like this. Get up and help me, man!” There was a moments silence, then J added, “...Or Ill chop off your beloved nutsack, and you’ll be “Stretch Nuts” no more...” Shaggy sighed and sat on the edge of his bed. “Okay, okay. Your desperate. Ill help. But you OWE me.” J sneered. “Whateva...”

They both trudged over to the desk and J sat back in his swivel chair and Shaggy pulled up another chair and sat down beside him , rubbing the sleep out of his dark eyes. “Okay. What tha fuck are we doing, now?” J shoved a stack of papers into Shaggy’s chest. “Read ‘em and weep, homie..” Shaggy groaned. “Fuck, J....Do I havta? I mean, can’t this wait till tommorow?” He gestured towards the papers. “At least we’ll have Bones’ and Monoxide’s help!” J sighed and ran his fingers thru his hair. “Yea, I guess...” Shaggy slapped his homie on the back. “Okay then, lets go back to bed.”; and without word Shaggy Dope slid back beneath his covers and dozed off immediatly.

J, himself, had gotten up and removed his black and red Hatchetman jersey,a gift from his brother, Jumpsteady, and his dark jeans, tossed them across the chair Shaggy had occupied moments before; he slipped into his own bed, and nestled himself between the sheets, clothed in a white wife-beater, and black boxers with red kiss marks all over. A gift from Shaggy as an inside joke. J chuckled as he slipped slowly into subconciousness. ~Shaggs, you dumb fuck...can’t resist a good joke can ya? Thats why you’re my homie...I owe you alright...~ He recalled a wild party that he and the rest of the Psychopathic family had attended, at which Shaggy had put a lampshade on his head, and sung the theme song from “Jimmy Neutron”. ~Yu were drunk as a bitch...I really need to develop those pictures...hehhehheh...~ With that delightful image etched in his mind, J soon fell asleep, and dreamed of neden hoes, Shangri-la, and faygo showers.


I guess thats the end of Chapter one...I might add sumthin’ else, if I can find the time. Remember, Im lazy, so it might take 3 to 4 weeks for chapter two to be planned out...