Fan Fiction ❯ White sky ❯ Clouded sky; a malevolent storm. ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

“Wake up.....” A tranquil voice says slowly to a women lying in an improvised bed of straw, while her broken equipment lies next to her. The voice emanates from a figure cloaked in a snow white robe. The robe covers him completely and brushes the ground as he walks away toward a fire he had created moments ago. The area surrounding them was a very small cave with one opening that let in light and a blistering cold from the outside world. The robed man sits down and hangs his head in front of the fire peacefully.
`She's been asleep for two days now...and that's only the time I've been here. Sooner or later her body will die from mal nutrition...I'm not sure I want to be here when that happens. Three more days...that's all I can afford to waste.'
A divine voice enters into his head, speaking slowly to him. “I have waited countless years, a few more days will hurt no one. Stay with her until the end, there is always hope for her and she will need your guidance to leave this place.” He smiles slightly in response `As always you are right me' lady.' He sighs and closes his eyes to rest.
Some time passes before the woman awakes. She immediately jolts out of the bed, throwing the sheets off her. She has dawned a lose fitting white t-shirt with various patches of dried blood and light chain mail leggings. Moving her long black hair out of her face she takes a quick survey of the area and inspects her equipment. “What happened? This'll take far too long to repair!” Scowling, she glares at the sleeping man and grabs a hold of her dagger. She walks quietly over to him and then quickly pierces his back with her blade, causing a dark red to engulf the white of his robe. Digging it deeply into his back, she twists it quickly making him scream in pain before she removes it and runs out the opening in the cave. She emerges into a vast expanse of white, the searing cold rips at her skin while snow pelts her face. Reluctantly she returns back into the cave to find the man she had previously stabbed in the same position save for being completely on his stomach. “You better not be dead. Because if you are I'll make sure no one will ever find your body.” The woman says coldly. The robe ruzzels for a bit before the man looks up at her moving the hood to expose one of his eyes. He says as kindly as he can; hiding his slight sarcasm. “Oh, do not allow me to prevent you from leaving. Your free to do so when ever you wish.” `There's something strange with his, it must be the lighting in here.' She puts a foot on his back and slowly applies pressure. “Don't fuck with me smart ass. Listen and listen good, I need to reach Mzahnch and your going to escort me there. GOT IT!?!” He grits his teeth through the pain, saying slowly. “Do not over exert yourself, your body has not adjusted to the rise in altitude and your only opening your wounds again. Your in no shape to leave just yet.” She kicks him a final time before laying down on the hay before looking her self over.
`Damnit...he's right. I don't remember getting at lest half of these cuts...must have lost consciousness outside of town...I can't remember exactly what happened before though. Well, this changes nothing; I still have to reach Mzahnch.' After the assessment of her position the woman closes here eyes but is interrupted by the bleeding man's voice again. Still lying motionless he says slightly muffled. “There are some hares at the entrance, if your hungry.” She gets up and grabs one of the dead animals and eats it slowly. “The name's Isano” He was surprised she volunteered the information though he only thought it was proper if he returned the favor. “My name is Masa” “No one asked you!” Isano snaps. She sighs impatiently. “We leave tomorrow morning.” With that final comment she closes her eyes and is soon asleep clutching her dagger.
Masa russels under his robe again, placing his hands over the wound, slowing allowing magical energy to flow into the gash causing it to scab over. `Tomorrow? Strange, its barely mid morning today.'
A heavenly voice speaks softly. `Masa, wake up. You need to leave now, while this Isano person is asleep.' Masa groggily opens an eye wondering why his been was so hard and cold, when he smells the strong order of blood. “Oh...” He sits up and lays his back against the cave wall. “The fires burned out...” He whispers quietly to himself. `Masa? Are you all right?' He closes his eyes. `Yes, though I do not believe I can proceed directly to the site of your reconstruction. I am deeply sorry me lady.' The voice gains an annoyed aspect. `You will not be able to do anything if you die here. Masa, leave this place.' He gathers some logs and tries to rekindle the fire. `If I leave the woman will surely die. I will lead her to the nearest town then I'm afraid I must set off for Mzahnch. Regardless if my father's falx is what she is seeking, I'll need it for when you walk the earth once more.' `Very well.' A small sigh escapes his mouth as he stands weakly. Fashioning his hood that let only his eyes be seen, the same type that are used in desert equipment, he walks over to her bed. “It is morning. I was told we were to set off today.” Isano instantly jolts to life and jumps out of bed. Standing still for a moment she recalls what happened the night before and relaxes slightly. She equips her silver plate mail although it has a large crack down the side it will still keep her somewhat warm. “Turn around, I want you to stay in front of me.” He does as she says and they proceed out of the cave.
They advance through endless fields of blinding white snow. `I wonder how far we are from Mzahnch. As soon as he takes me to a town and I no longer need him. I can finish what I started yesterday. Its to risky to allow him to live...I can't afford to leave a trail of where I've been.' She sighs and rests her hand close by her dagger as they walk.
Masa looks up into the cloud bloated sky. `Me' lady, how far until I can let her go.' The goddess answers back. `Any time about now. I must warn you that you should be ready for a fight. I do not trust this careful.' He nods to himself before stopping in the snow to face her. “Keep walking. I'll count to three-“ He interrupts her by throwing a compass at her head which she avoids quickly. “Keep heading south and you'll reach the small town of Hlormaren soon, well...good bye.” And with that he runs off through the blizzard quickly diapering into the white fog. “Damnit.” Isano growls but doesn't pursue, although she wouldn't show it, she was all ready winded from the lighter oxygen amount in the mountains and getting lost now spelled death. `You won't get away with this Masa' “I'LL KILL YOU!!”
The outskirts of Redaynia
Masa had been walking for what seemed an eternity through the colorless wall of broken ice. He had not encountered a single soul along the way though until recently he could still hear the faint yells of Isano. `Its not my concern if she ever reaches shouldn't be.' <What are you feeling apologetic for? She wanted your death.> `Me lady, I am stronger then her. I had nothing to fear, it seems I was only concerned with my own ambitions.' <Do not dwell on what could have been.> `...yes me lady.' After walking into the town a ways he observed a beggar girl huddled for warmth on the side of the road. Masa deduced that she couldn't have been over 13, she was wearing nothing more then rags. He stops in front of her and waits until she looks up at him. “Little girl....get up” He says in a soft voice. The child looks down and pulls her legs in closer. “I will only ask once more, arise and follow me. I will acquire a meal for you today.” <She fears you; your face is still concealed under your garments. Do not expect everyone to openly accept generosity.> `Me lady, she has no coin and starving as well; fear is a luxury that she simply can not afford.' <Forcing people to do the right thing may bring you comfort, though it is also a practice of the gravest evils.> He smirks at last comment then smiles warmly. `Thank you, me lady. Your guidance will save us all.' “I'm sorry little one, if you are content here then that is where you should remain. However,” he kneels down and hands her two bottles filed with spices. “-You still deserve my hospitality. These are spices from the lands of Spain. You may wish to barter them here, where you will receive a meal of meat at best though if you travel east the exchange rate will be far more favorable.” The child keeps her head down while grabbing the bottles and nods quietly after his explanation. Masa stands up and starts slowly walking away. His smile fades as he walks. <Do not be depressed, that is merely the nature of man. Regardless of how generous or kind you attempt to be, they will rarely return the gesture. Keep in mind that a true gift is given without expectation.>
`Of course...'
After almost circling the settlement twice, Isano travels inside the snow stained palisade walls. “I can't believe this!” She barks out. Despite her chattering teeth, she calmly enters a tavern; doing the best she can to hide how cold she truly was. The first floor of the building was where all the patrons eat; thick with the smell of salted rations and wine. She proceeds to casually take a chair adjacent to a wall. Tilting her head back she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes endeavoring to go to sleep, even if it was just for a while. Several hours pass, and the owner walks downstairs he advances towards the women in armor. “Miss.? Its well past nightfall, unless you have something to barter I won't let you stay here.” He kept his voice calm and low trying to gently wake her as to avoid any unnecessary violence. `What is this fool babbling about? If he wont go away, then I'll merely silence him.' Isano's eyes open slowly before she glares at the tavern owner. “Leave me now.” The keeper takes a quick breath before saying. “We have other knights here if you will not comply.” The last part made Isano smile malevolently. Quickly reaching for her dagger she leaps toward him stabbing him through the throat. In one motion she pushes him to the ground and removes her knife. “There won't be another guests for long, I'll make sure of that.”
No other sound was heard from the tavern, despite gargled breaths of blood filled lungs. As the final fatality ceases motion, Isano wipes off her blade on the rapidly diminishing dry portion of the victim's shirt and lays down on a recently vacant bed. `It's better this way: so much quieter.'