Fan Fiction ❯ Why? ❯ Why? ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thoughts of pure hope
Why live?
Why live for a person who comes home every night drunk and doesn't care?
Why fight the inevitable fight with death for someone who hates your guts?
Why didn't I do it when I had the chance?
Why didn't I swallow the pills and stop this all?
Why live so the one who gave me life can make me feel like shit?
Why live for a hateful family?
Why live for a dad who is never here?
Why live for a mother who is ether at work or drunk due to an ex?
Why live for a sister who hates me and takes the few things I treasure?
Why bother?
Why bother with a class full of dictators?
Why bother with boys who tell me each and every day that im ugly?
Why bother with friends who will all turn there backs to me when they get the chance?
Why bother with a school where im hated and ridiculed?
Why hold my head up high and fight the war at home and school?
Why try?
Why? I have nothing left no one who cares for me only people who hate me!
I will tell you why because I can!
Because I will fight till the bitter end and show them all wrong!
But is that why I fight for revenge?
That is not a way to live!
But then again it is better that I take the pain instead of someone else!
That is why I fight to protect the people that hate me from there own wrath!
Sometimes I wonder why?
Why help them when they have hurt me so?
They treat me so badly and expect me to just brush it off and forget!
I will not forget there word will haunt me for all eternity!
And I will haunt them for just as long!
So I ask you this why?
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Pure hope: before you go all nuts thinking I am a crazy person who belongs away form her family think again I rote this just off the top of my head one night when I was bored I don't really live like this and I don't live for revenge so there :P ok well please review and if anyone reviews saying `it will be ok' or `you are crazy' DON'T!!!!