Fan Fiction ❯ Why Me? ❯ STUPID PIXIES! STUPID TOOKSHOT! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapters are all fixed, well, spell-checked anyway...

Disclaimer: If I owned Zelda, would you think I'd be this poor? I need to borrow from people just so I can pay back other people!


Why Me?



Turning around, Megan noticed something bright was floating in front of her face. Doing what she was good at, she fell on her ass and screamed.

"AHHHHH! Floating light bulbs!" Megan screamed and heard Link in the background.

"Oh no, not now."


"AHHHHH!" Megan screamed and fell back but then again yelled when she fell into the smirking Bandaid boy's arms. "AHHHHH!" She jumped up and looked at Link who had a pained expression on his face. But jumped again when she heard a new voice which sounded pretty squeaky to her.

"Oh Link! I thought I'd never find you! When we got separated in the field, I though I'd never see you ever again!" The floating ball of light flew around Link, showing that whatever it was, it was pretty damn happy. All Megan can do was stare at the bright light.

"What the hell is that?! An overgrown firefly?!" Megan asked, trying to catch the ball of light.

"Who's that, Link?! Who?! Who?!" The now annoying ball of light kept repeating. But all that came out of Link was a groan. Megan now irritated, grabbed the ball of fluff and started to examine it.

"AHHHHH! Link! The monster's trying to kill me!" The little ball of light screamed in Megan's face making her shut her eyes in pain. Damn. For having lungs so small, the little shrimp had a big voice.

"Who the fuck are you calling a monster?!" Megan shrieked at the little ball of light. "And what the hell are you?! An overcharged nightlight?!" Megan continued yelling at the bright ball.
"It's just a fairy, her name's Navi." Megan heard Link mutter behind her. "Just leave her alone or you'll regret it. Believe me." Turning around mumbling something about accursed things, Megan let the poor thing go. Now it was flying all over the place, giving everybody a headache.

"What do you mean Link? What? What?" Megan understood what Link meant but tried to ignore it but couldn't after hearing the shrimpy little voice over and over again repeating the same damn fuckin' word. Thinking about strangling the ball of light and make it look like an accident, she was interrupted by Sink's voice.

"Well, I must be going but before I do Link, I must teach you an important song." Sheik told Link as Megan's eyes widened when he pulled a harp out of nowhere. Blinking her eyes and listening to the music being played by Sheik, she felt better, like something in the music was soothing her soul. Like it was calming the rage in her heart and mind, all she wanted to do was close her eyes and smile. "This song will help you get back here when you need to."

With her eyes closed and moving to the song played by Shock. Megan was actually enjoying herself until she felt something coming towards her. Noticing the song end, she frowned a bit.

"Enjoying the music?" Interrupted by Shock's voice, Megan jumped out of her little dream world and was about fall back but was caught by Shock's arms then pulled close to his chest.

"I was until I saw you. Now let go." Megan threatened Sink. Smiling at her anger, Sheik was enjoying her every word. It seemed like the sirens of the oceans he heard stories about. He wanted her to talk, laugh, and yell at him. As long as she was using that lovely voice of hers. It also made him wonder if she could sing.

"But I saw how you looked when I played the music." Hearing Link ignore them and try to play the song he just played, he continued. "Just watching you smile was all I needed to know to see everything."

"What the fuck do you mean?" Megan threatened him again and attempted to push him away but no luck.

"Stop playing around, I know you want me. You want me to play for you. Hold you. Kiss you. Be one with you..."

"Okay! That is SO more than I needed to know!" Megan panicked, jumping out of his arms. This guy had no limits! But with him still smiling, she decided that it was time for him to leave.

"Well, it's been fun! Come back sometime! Like when Link grows another head! See ya!" Dragging Sink toward the maze, she pushed him down the stairs.
"AHHHHH!" Hearing him scream and hearing the freaky mutated dog yell, Megan was happy and turned back to Link and that pixie Nova, I think or was it Nival? Both were sweatdropping at her.

"What?!" Megan stated, dumbfound. After that, she turned around to hear the sweet song played by Sink. His screaming and the beautiful melody of the freaky mutated dog yelling and swinging of his axe and the last part, the pattering of feet trying to get out of there.

"That girl needs serious help..." Navi whispered to the nodding Link when the strange girl turned away. hour later...

"What do ya mean I can't come?!" Megan argued at Link. Who does he think he is? The hero of this world...oh wait, he is. Dumb, really dumb thought. Turning away from Link, Megan huffed. Why couldn't she go into the damn Woods temple? It's not like it's that dangerous or anything. Besides, she saw her brother's friend finish this dungeon, it looked easy enough.

"I mean it's dangerous because you don't have a weapon and can't defend yourself." Link told the stubborn girl in front of him. It's been an hour since that flirt Sheik was here and they been going on for how long that she couldn't go into the temple and must stay outside where it's safe. But she did mention a good point when she said that it's dangerous out here because of the 'freaky mutated dogs'.

"Look! I can defend myself pretty good! I bet I can even eat your sorry ass!" Megan tried to defend herself. Right now, they were still standing on the damn tri-forks symbol-thingy.

"No one can defeat Link! Especially not a little girl like you!" The damn light bulb squeaked at Megan, now getting tired of the girl's senseless rambling.

"Who the fuck are you calling a little girl?! You possessed flashlight!" Megan was glaring daggers at the floating nightlight but the fairy only glared right back, well that what Megan thought. It's pretty hard when you can't even see its face or the rest of its body.

"Why do you make everything so difficult?!" Link shouted at Megan. He was starting to get a headache from all this yelling, he just wasn't used to all the noise.

"Because I wanna go and once I make up my mind, I fuckin' stick to it!" She answered. 'Good point' Link thought. "And besides, every girl gets pissed off easy when they're hungry or cramping!"

"What the hell is 'cramping'?!" Link questioned. Maybe it was something to do in her world. Like Mac-din-alds, or Ka-bles.
"Like hell I'm giving you a lesson in that subject!" Megan was getting redder after finishing that last sentence. Link couldn't tell if it was from anger or embarrassment, he just knew that she was right. She wouldn't give up on this subject until she got what she wanted.

"Okay! Okay! But the moment you start whining and complaining about how dangerous or how hard, I'm not taking you into another temple." Link finally gave in, rubbing his temples.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Megan mumbled and turned back to Link. "Okay, how do we get in?" Megan asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"Hello? Unless you have an elevator hidden in your white tights, how do you suppose we get up there?" Megan stated, pointing towards the entrance of the damn temple.

"Ele-vat-or? Huh?" Link let out dumbfound but shook it off, "I mean we get in there by the Hookshot. But it can only pull one so we have a problem." Link looked at the entrance and then pulled out what looked like to Megan was a metal arrow with a something to hold on. 'Pretty strange, what the hell do you do with it?' Megan raised an eyebrow at the weird weapon Link was holding.

"What the hell is that? Seriously, because I have nothing to curse it with and compare it to." Megan sighed and watched Link walk over to the temple.

"It's a hookshot! Link will always know what to do! You're just a little girl! What would you know?" The little pixie screamed out loud, making Megan glare at the little fart.

"I am not a little girl! And what do you know?! Half the time you're just yelling and talking nonsense that Link and I already know! You little half-twit! You're just a little immature know-it-all pixie that spins all over the place giving people fuckin' migraines!" Megan screamed at the fairy. The fairy only turned red.

"Who are you calling immature! I'm over two hundred years old so I think I know a thing or two! And I'm a fairy, not a pixie!" The now supposedly fairy and not pixie screamed back at Megan. "Besides, who the heck are you?! And why are you with Link on this dangerous quest?! It's suppose to be his, not yours!"

"You want to know why I'm here?! I'm here for the food and how to get the hell home so I won't have to listen to you and follow a damn elf all day! I wanna go home to my soft bed, my type of food, and my own fuckin' kind! I wanna get back so I can kick Bradley's ass and then tell Chris that his house is on fire so I can laugh at him and make fun of him! Then after that, get into a fight! Then see Vixen and her cool agenda on meeting royalty and famous people! I wanna go home and eat honeycombs in hot chocolate with popcorn and watch movies with my friend Summer! I don't wanna go to the stupidest places here and do the whole damn role-playing game thing because I love movies! Not fuckin' video games!" Megan let out her breath, finally getting everything out of her system.

"I have NO idea what you just said there..." Link said flatly, watching the girl breath hard. The damn firefly was just hovering there with nothing to talk back to her about. Megan just screamed out loud and turned around, angry at them for even breathing.

"Fine then!" Turning around and rubbing her temples, she continued, "How do we get up there with that, that tookshot of yours?" Megan pointed to the strange weapon in Link's hands.

"Hookshot." Link said flatly again.

"Whatever." Megan glared at the green elf. After a few minutes went by, Link walked over to the damn temple and lifted up his hand with the weird weapon in his hands. Then suddenly like a gun, it shot out but this thing pulled him up, jumping up beside the temple entrance.

"What the hell just happened right now?!" Megan questioned quickly, running over to the bottom of the entrance. Link just grinned and watched Megan stare at him with awe in her green eyes. Her mouth was hanging a bit open with surprise. He kept grinning, knowing that he can now get the girl to do what he wanted now.

"That's what Hookshots are for, you use them to get you to places you normally can't reach." Link said all a matter of fact, acting as he knew everything. Megan just snorted and held out her hands when Link threw it down for her to use.

"Okay, first you left up your hand and aim. After that, press that little button on the side, no, your left side. Yeah that's it." Link instructed her.

Megan replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm, "It's not working." Link just sighed heavily and watched her but then came up with an idea.

"I guess that means you can't come into the temple. I guess you just have to stay out here and wait." Link smirked at his own idea. Megan just stared at the cute elf in disbelief. The little bastard just tricked her! And she didn't even see it coming! Boiling with rage, an idea popped in her head.

"I guess I just have to wait for you!" Shrugging her shoulders and playing with the strange object in her hands, what was it again, a tookbox? Link just glared at her, what was she playing at? He knew her for a whole two days to know that she wouldn't give up this easy. Something was wrong, then he thought that she might have one of her crazy ideas or something.

"I guess I'd just spend my time in your little village, telling all your little childhood friends about our relationship. Then if they don't get it, I guess I just have to tell them all about the birds and the bees. Then hey! Maybe selling your little tookshot to someone and actually getting some food." Smiling and turning around, she started to walk slowly away. Giving Link some time to think.

"Hey wait!" Link called out, she couldn't tell his friends that kind of things! What would they think about him after that! Hell, even after the birds and the bees talk?!? He didn't care about his Hookshot, he just had the stop the damn girl. So much for having control over her. Taking a step forward while he yelled out, he started to lose his balance. "Wooh! Yaah!"

Turning around after hearing Link mutter something, Megan turned around and watched with amazement when Link fell to the ground, face first. After standing there with a sweatdrop clearly seen on her forehead, she finally walked up to him.

"BWAHAHAHAHA! Link, that was so stupid! You should have seen your face! HAHAHAHa...ha... Link?" Megan finally noticed that he hasn't moved, she then started poke him with her foot then rolling him over to his back, she noticed that he was out cold. After realizing that she just killed Link, she hesitated and placed the tookshot slowly beside him and inched away, like she had nothing to do with it. Then the old geezer fairy came that was supposedly two hundred or something.

"What did you do to Link?! You killed him! He didn't do nothing to you! Why, oh why did it have to e you Link! You were too good for this world!" The little firefly started to cry, well, that's what Megan figured out so far. Freaking out that she just lost her trip home, Megan got an idea.

"I can still save him!" Megan panicked and jumped next to Link. "Okay, remember the CPR course Megan, You need to! Oh God, why can't I remember anything?" Megan muttered when she tiled Link's head up and placed his hands on top of his chest then realizing that it didn't go there because maybe her hands had to go there. After giving up on where his hands went, the fairy spoke up.

"What's CPR?!" The old fart asked, her voice making Megan's ears ring.

"I don't even remember the hell it stands for, okay?! Now shut up!" Megan roared at the flashlight. Remembering that her hands were supposed to be hard on his chest... Somewhere. Then, um, pushing against it or doing something else? She did remember the other way, the mouth to mouth part but Hell has to freeze over before she'd do that. "Come on, Link! On the game I made you die a hundred times and fall off taller places! This is nothing for you!"

"Now what?! Now what?!" The damn fairy kept repeating over and over again, making it harder for Megan to remember what to do.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Looking Link over again, she finally gave up and made up her own way of bringing Link back to life. "Sorry Link, but this is for your own good! Hell, your own life!" Megan yelled out and started to hit Link on the chest, yelling 'LIVE' over and over again.

"You're killing him!" The damn fairy kept yelling in her ears, making Megan hit harder. "Your kil..." But she stopped once Link took in a big breath of air and rolling over and coughing. After a few moments of coughing and hearing the damn fairy yell, 'He's alive!' again and again. Link finally spoke.

"Thanks..." It barely came out. After a few more minutes, Link rolled over and opened his eyes, watching Megan's pale face start to get its color back. But then suddenly feeling pain in his jaw. She had punched him.

"You bastard! You almost give ME the heart attack! You moron, what the hell did you jump off anyway?!" Megan yelled at him, veins showing on her forehead.

"I tried to stop you. So it's your fault." Link smirked at her.

"Shut up you!" Another punch.

...after getting over the shock....

"So why did you save me?" Link asked the girl in front of him. He just got over their little 'saving his life' thing and was ready to try the temple again.

"Huh? What did you say?" Megan questioned, rubbing her ear as he said nothing.

"I said, why did you bother to try save my life?" Link asked, kind of worried at her answer. But the answer he got, he expected no less.

"What do you mean why?! You're my ticket out of here, ya moron!" She hit him on the side of his head. "And besides, who's gonna feed me when you're gone, huh?!" She continued lecturing him.

Smirking, he replied, "At least I would get you out of this maze in this forest." She just hit him again on the forehead.

"Idiot. I could do that myself."

"How? If you don't mind me asking." Link grinned, wondering what was in that insane girl's head and what crazy idea would she try was what made him curious.

"Easy, I'd use your dead body as bait so I can just waltz right by." Megan grinned at her answer, satisfied it bit back at his answer earlier on. The one when he only wanted HER as bait and a distraction for the monsters.

"Ahh, you just love me." Link teased. Watching Megan twitch and turn around smiling making Link sweatdrop.

"Oh! How I love you!" Megan hugged him, and turned around. "And together, we'll run away on your donkey..."

"Uh-horse..." Link mumbled, sweatdropping.

"Whatever." Megan said flatly, already forgetting what she saying because Link interrupted her.

"Let's try this again the right way." Link grabbed his Hookshot and watched Megan smirk at him then look away. "Okay, now look." She did. "Alright, watch me. It's as simple as this, aim then push the trigger." He did and was again beside the temple entrance again with Megan watching him. Throwing down the Hookshot, Megan caught it and started to aim, ready.

"Like this...?" Megan asked, bored out of her mind. But the tension of waiting to see if this thing will work was pushing her.

"Yeah, like that now push.....AHHHHH! I said AIM!" Link shouted and barely missed her attempt to kill him again.

"I did aim..." Megan smirked. "You were just in the way." She said as if nothing serious happened. Link could only stare at her, 'What is with this girl?'.

"Okay..." Link spoke like he didn't believe crap about her excuses or anything. "Alright, this time aim and push the trigger. I'm just gonna step back." He said slowly and took three big long steps back.

"Like I said before, it's not work...AHHHHH!" Megan shrieked when the damn thing pulled her up. And instead of like Link's graceful jump, she didn't let go which made her bump her forehead against the branch that she aimed for and knocked herself out.

"That was unexpected." Link flatly let out, watching little birdies fly around Megan's head. She WAS up here now but kinda knocked out.

"Let's just hope you don't have to C-P-R her or anything." Navi whispered to Link.

"What's C-P-R?" Link asked, raising an eyebrow at his fairy.

"Long story." Navi sweatdropped.

"Well, while she's out. We can finish the temple without any distraction." Link said, turning around to the temple entrance. "She'll be safe out here."

"So does that mean we have to knock her out at every temple? If we have to, I'll volunteer to do it!" Navi laughed.



End Chapter.

Thank you for reading and please review!
Summer Maxwell
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