Fan Fiction ❯ Wierd Days ❯ The Day Of No Love ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
eird Days at SHHS
The day of no love

I sat on the floor of the hallway and dug my face into my knees. Tears rolling down my face I notice that Brooke was sitting next to me. I looked at her and lowered my head. She smiled and put her hand in my hair. I pulled away and groaned.

She looked at my in disappointment and said “I know David’s lying!” Smiling

“The other’s………. Why are they so mad? I mean….. They don’t even care about what I have to say!” I said standing up.

Then Sarah walked up saying “Don’t worry about them! They’re just confused” Smiling.

“God now calls upon her servant!” Jazmin said walking up not knowing what happened.

“There is no Fucking God! Not here! Not anywhere. Maybe it’s because he hates me! Or, There’s just not a God!” I said getting up to walk away.

But Sarah pushed me down. I just stayed where I fell and pulled out the Swiss-army knife I had in my pocket the day of the accident. They knew what I was gonna do so they grabbed me and held me down. I let go of the knife and relaxed my body. They got off of me and Brooke took my knife.

“What’s wrong now?” Jazmin asked shaking her head.

“David was misunderstood the reason Papercutt had a syringe……” Brooke paused.

“And so where is everyone?” Daniela asked.

“They believed him. They all just left and didn’t even care to listen to my explanation” I said fighting back my frustration.
Jazmin and Daniela just stared at me as I laid back against the wall. They thought for a few seconds before realizing what all happened. I had told only Jazmin and Brooke about the syringe and the drug inside that restores strength to my arm. Then shortly after that Crystal and the others came back. I just curled up my legs and dug my face into my knees. They all gathered around I figured they were there to
Bitch-Me-Out! But they didn’t. They came to hear me out. I explained myself to them but they were confused. They wondered why I was taking it after I explained to them about it being a new drug. They came to the conclusion that I was some guinea pig For some new steroid. Hearing them say that made me chuckle. Hoping that no one heard me I continued to giggle. But Sarah heard me. She had to say something about it too. I tried change the subject but they wouldn’t let me. They pestered me so much that I finally got up and walked away.

“What’s his fuck’n problem?” David asked.

“Ya’ll hurt his feelings. He doesn’t understand why ya’ll didn’t want to talk about it at the point of action. But ya’ll came back all happy and hyper” Brooke said sitting down.

“He tried to kill himself!” Sarah said shaking her head.

Jazmin sighed and said “I better go talk to him!” Walking outside.

Daniela followed her and they came over to me. They sat next to me and we started talking.

“People can be such dick-wads!” I said looking at her.

“That’s life!” Jazmin replied.

“Are you fuck’n here to talk to me about life because if you are I don’t care to fucking listen!” I screamed glaring at her evilly.

She looked at me in shock. She had never been snapped at by me. She responded with a slap but I caught it. I squeezed her wrist. She screamed in pain but I couldn’t stop myself. She started to whimper and that’s when I stopped. I realized what I did and fell to the ground. I sat there as Jazmin walked away. I felt emptiness in my heart knowing that I just hurt my best friend and that she’ll probably never forgive me. I pulled out another knife and was about to slit my throat as she turned around seeing her expression as she ran toward me I cut the number 666 on my chest. The cuts were deep and blood dripped all over me. She fell at my knees and slapped me.

“You Dumb Ass! You had another knife!” Jazmin said noticing the blood running all over me.

“Take care of yourself!” I said.

“Why are you doing this?” She asked.

“You were right! It is a steroid. But once I take it I can’t control myself!” I said wiping away her tears.

“The world doesn’t need a steroid addict like me! So goodbye!” I said backing up.

The others ran over to me as I slit my throat. Blood shot all over Jazmin as I fell to ground. The sky turned from blue, to red, to black as I was sent to the place all suicidal people go. None other then Hell.

The world was in fact different after I passed on. Everyone was always sad and depressed. Daniela went Goth along with Brooke and Sarah! They hated going to school. They stopped laughing and smiling completely. Kasey wound up being Brooke’s boyfriend. Sarah started cutting herself and smoking more often. Daniela was a spitting image of Jazmin. Jazmin…….. Ahh! Jazmin………. I’m Sorry!……….
