Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Time and Again ( Chapter 36 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor places created by Tolkien, but I do own my own

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters nor places created by Tolkien, but I do own my own.

Wild Blue Yonder

~~*~*~~ Chapter 36 - Time and Again ~~*~*~~

When the trio finally did return from the woods, they found Rain and Legolas speaking softly next to a small fire that had been built in the clearing. Rain looked up and then quickly away as they stepped out of the woods. Nanook bounded happily across the open space to pounce upon Legolas, his long wet tongue doing its best to bathe his face. As Legolas wrestled with the large dog, Elrohir silently crossed the open space and sat down on the other side of Rain.

"Rain." he started softly, looking down at her bowed head. Sighing gently, he reached out and took one of her tightly clenched hands into his, before reaching out with his other hand to tilt her head up to meet his gaze.

"Hey." she said softly as she looked up into his soft gaze, and before he could utter another word she threw herself into his arms and hugged him tight.

"Hey back." he said as he held her tight against him, glad that she was safe and back where she belonged within their group. He rocked her lightly as his free hand softly stroked her long hair. When Legolas finally disengaged himself from Nanook, he looked up to find Rain in Elrohir's arms. A small frown crossed his face until Elrohir looked up at him. His eyes held such relief and joy that he could not be upset at him.

Legolas stood up, brushing dirt and dead leaves off his clothing as he turned towards Gandalf.

"It is late, we should camp here for the night before continuing on towards Laketown. Will you be joining us for the journey, Gandalf?" Legolas said softly, as not to disturb the quiet pair behind him.

"So you have decided to help her in finishing this quest?" asked Gandalf quietly, stroking a long fingered hand down his white beard.

"Yes, I promised myself that no matter what I would always help her. I have too many feelings for her to just abandon her." Legolas said as he looked over his shoulder at the quietly talking pair. "Elrohir feels the same as I do."

"So, you have gotten over your anger at her." replied Gandalf, trying to hold back a smile.

"Well. . ." Legolas started but was interrupted by a soft hand on his arm. Looking down he smiled softly at Rain, who had come to stand next to him.

"Are we going to continue on today or are we going to camp for the night?" she asked.

"Camp, we can get an early start tomorrow morning." he said as he turned to face her and Elrohir.

Night came quickly for the group as they settled down into the small clearing. Rain had prepared a quick meal that they all shared and a watch had been established with Elrohir volunteering to take the first shift. Gandalf sat staring unblinkingly into the fire as Rain laid out her bed roll. Laying down, she stretched out fully sighing gratefully for the cushioning of the blankets although she wistfully thought of the large soft bed she had left in Mirkwood palace.

"Tired?" Legolas asked softly as he sat down quietly by her head, his blankets in his hand.

"Umm, yes." she murmured sleepily, raising her hand to cover the yawn that nearly split her face. She grinned softly up at him and patted the ground next to her invitingly. "Why don't you lay down and get some rest, you have the next watch."

He smiled softly as he spread out his blankets next to hers and slid down upon them. He was slightly startled when she shifted next to him and curled up against his side. He instinctively wrapped her tight in his arms and pulled her closer to his warmth. He felt the heat from her breath as she nuzzled into his chest.

"Legolas, why did you follow me?" she asked.

"Because I love you." he said, as he leaned down and dropped a soft kiss onto her head.

"Why?" she asked, her breathing beginning to even out, indicating that she was falling quickly asleep. He looked down at her, unable to answer her. Unsure of exactly why he felt the way he did, he laid there, holding her close in his arms, staring out into the starlit night while his mind actively ran rampant.


Elrohir yawned tiredly as he strode back towards the camp, running a hand through his thick dark hair. Massaging his neck, he looked forward to getting some well deserved sleep. He had been subjected to a long hard chase through Mirkwood forest, enduring endless hours in the saddle and even more endless hours of stressed silence. Legolas had been so intent on his goal, fuming the entire way that he had more than gratefully accepted the silence, not wanting to bring his wrath down upon him.

When they had arrived at the clearing, his relief over Rain's safety had overcome his concern over Legolas's anger. It wasn't until Gandalf had pulled him from the clearing and the had shouting started, he had been grateful not to be the one incurring Legolas's ire. Even though Gandalf had pulled them well away from the camp, he'd had no problem overhearing the entire conversation between the two. Of course, it had helped that they had been shouting at the top of their lungs.

However, one part of the conversation concerned him. The part about his father Elrond. He had wanted to ask Rain about it when they returned to camp, but as of yet, hadn't had the opportunity. He would have to wait until he had a better chance to talk to her alone. Had Legolas understood what she meant? he wondered to himself.

Stepping into the clearing he walked softly over to Legolas and Rain, grinning mischievously at her position, wrapped snuggly around his torso. Sitting down on the log next to the pair, he was startled to find that Legolas was wide awake and looking lost in thought.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" he asked, keeping his voice down so not to disturb Rain, who didn't have a watch until much later in the night.

"A question Rain asked me earlier." Legolas replied as he gently disentangled himself from Rain's arms. "Get some rest, we need to leave at sunrise."

Standing up, he looked down at Elrohir's tired face and felt a hint of guilt at his part in putting that there. He knew that he had been ruthless in their pursuit over the past few days, however the end justified the means. Placing a hand on Elrohir's shoulder, he squeezed softly before picking up his bow and quiver and striding from the clearing.

Elrohir watched as Legolas walked from the clearing, knowing what the touch had meant and was glad that he had silently apologized for the trouble he had put him through. Yawning again, he stood and walked a short distance away, dropping his bed roll and climbing exhaustedly beneath the blanket. A deep and peaceful sleep came quickly to his tired mind, not seeing the pair of dark eyes that twinkled merrily at him.


The attack came swiftly and silently, dark shapes pouring through the misty dawn to pounce upon unsuspecting prey. Eyes gleaming yellow and fangs glistening with blood lust, they quickly surrounded their preys location. As the largest of the group lunged forward to pounce upon the horizontal figure, a singing sound echoed through the clearing. A loud cry and thump was heard as the form shuddered and slumped to the ground, an arrow quivering in its furry body.

Elrohir, Gandalf and Rain jumped to their feet as the wolf skidded to a halt several feet from them. Legolas ran into the camp, sliding to a halt in between them and the glowing eyes.

Tossing his quiver and bow to Elrohir, he drew his twin short swords as he yelled over his shoulder.

"Rain, take Elrohir's bow and stay near Gandalf. Elrohir follow me."

Moments after he uttered his words, wolves poured into the clearing from every direction. Their snarls and yelps echoing loudly though the woods. Rain reached for Nanook, but missed his ruff as he dived into the oncoming wave of bodies. She lost her focus on him as she turned to shoot at several charging shapes. She dodged and rolled away from snapping jaws, coming up next to Gandalf.

"Can't you call the lightning down like you did for the spiders?" yelled Rain as she dodged another furry form that hurtled towards her.

"Unfortunately, I do not have the power of surprise here as I did then. We will just have to do this the old fashion way." Gandalf replied as he brought his staff down across the head of one of the wolves.

"Dammit, where did Nanook and the guys go off to?" she said, releasing her arrow into the form leaping at her. She barely was able to get out of the way of the collapsing body as it skidded to halt next to her legs.


A/N: Sorry for the long wait between chapters, I had a terrible case of writers block on this story. Know where I wanted to go but couldn't find the words. However, I have done it and the next chapter is nearly finished also. Thanks you for your patience. My co-author wanted to say a few words in this chapter to you all, so here she is:

A/N2: Hey, everyone! This is Stacey, Lori's writing buddy from Canada! I just had to let you know how much I'm enjoying working with Lori on this story and how much your reviews mean to me.

I'm a professional writer and had really been in a rut with writer's block when I stumbled across Lori's story. This is my first adventure in the world of Fanfiction and I'm having a blast.

I wanted you fans to know that your words of encouragement really inspired me to get past my block and thanks to you, my novel is now finished and in the process of being typed and polished for the publishers. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You!

A special note to mellonim - you're a sweetie and I luv ya ta death!

I'm glad you enjoy Lori's efforts as much as I do!