Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ A Challenge Issued and Rewarded ( Chapter 43 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, I want to thank my co-author who helped me over my bind with this chapter. I hate writers block.

Disclaimer: I don't own nothing, other than my own characters.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 43 - A Challenge Issued and Rewarded


"Are you sure you want to get involved in this, my friend?" Gandalf said to Mithiand as they watched the trio argue heatedly back and forth.

"Why not, old friend? I haven't had this much fun in ages." Mithiand replied as his eyes lingered on Rain's strange outfit. It was quite bold, yet enticing. "This may prove to be a very interesting evening."

Looking over at the bickering trio, he leaned closer to Gandalf. "Are they always like that?"

"Yes," Gandalf answered, turning toward the large burly man than approached the table carrying a heavily laden tray.

Rain glanced up as the bartender slid his tray upon the table. Several small glasses along with two more bottles identical to the one Mithiand brought were placed in the center of the table.

"So, are we going to get on with this?" she asked, her voice echoing her annoyance.

"Rain, we don't have to do this, you know," Legolas said softly. He sighed in resignation when he looked at her and saw that stubborn look which was becoming oddly familiar and endearing.

"Of course she does," piped up Elrohir, peering mischievously over the rim of his mug. "She wouldn't have it any other way."

"Can it, Elrohir. Unless you sincerely want my boot in your butt," Rain growled as she reached for the glasses and bottles. "Less talking and more drinking."

She ignored their dubious glances, fighting to conceal her grin as she turned to their guest. "So, Captain. Would you care to pour since you were kind enough to supply us with this drink?"

"Please, Lady Rain, call me Mithiand. Captain just makes me feel old," he replied, grinning as he reached over and took the bottle she offered him. Uncapping it, he began to pour the amber liquid in each of their glasses.

Rain grinned back as she picked up her glass. "I'll call you that, only if you call me Rain." She ignored the frown that creased Legolas' lips as she brought the glass to her nose, inhaling the fragrant aroma deeply. "Mmm, I have a feeling that I am going to like this Elenstran."

The aroma carried tones of both the land and the sea. She could smell a type of fruit that had been used, however a slightly salty, woody smell permeated the liquid. Bringing the glass to her lips, she gently sipped the first drops from the edge of the glass, swirling the flavor around her mouth. Its flavor almost reminded her of a fine Amaretto, however as she swallowed the rest, she found that it burned like a good whiskey.

"Damn, that is good! I could definitely get to like this stuff," she said, licking her lips to catch any stray flavor that remained. Legolas' blue eyes hungrily followed the path of her pink tongue, wincing slightly when he felt his breech lacings tighten.

"Well? Aren't you all going to drink yours? We have to keep this honest, now don't we?" Rain looked over at the two stunned elves, who quickly picked up their glasses and threw back the contents. She chuckled at the pained expression on Elrohir's face and the watering eyes of Legolas as they both thumped their glasses back down onto the table.

"Fill `er up, my good man," Rain chortled, hand outstretched with her empty glass. Gandalf grinning back at her as he topped off the group's glasses.

Elrohir tried to talk, but had to clear his throat several times. His voice was husky when he spoke. "You realize that we've been drinking this stuff for centuries?"

"Oh, yes. I can tell," Rain replied dryly, smirking at their slight green hue as Mithiand this time topped up their glasses yet again.

"Bottoms up!" she chuckled as she raised her glass in salute before tipping her head and tossing back the liquid.

Mithiand hid his grin in his glass as he swallowed the drink, his regard for this intriguing newcomer increasing every time she downed yet another glass, thumping the tumbler on the table when she was done.

Gandalf remained silent, drawing on his pipe as his sharp eyes took in the scene before him. The other patrons of the pub also took notice as the first bottle was emptied and the second opened, leaving their tables to gather around the group, cheering as each round was finished.

"Ya know," Elrohir said, his hand wavering as he pointed an accusing finger at Rain, "you dond drink lika girl."

"Wish I could say the same about you," Rain replied with a slight slur. Legolas and Mithiand shared an aghast look before turning wide eyes to Elrohir.

Elrohir's jaw dropped. Then he clamped it shut and reached for the bottle, topping off the half glass Mithiand had poured. "Oh, yeah?!" he snapped in outrage, raising his glass. He watched her defiantly as he proceeded to toss the liquid into his mouth.

The crowd fell silent, their rapt gazes focused intently on Elrohir's liquid filled cheeks. His eyes began to water as he fought to swallow the fiery brew. His Adam's apple quivered violent as he slammed the empty glass onto the table.

Everyone watched with morbid curiosity as he slowly began turning a lovely shade of red. Gandalf removed the pipe from his mouth, an eyebrow cocked. `He's going to have to breathe sooner or later,' he thought to himself.

Sure enough, Elrohir gasped and then began choking and coughing. A helpful brawny observer reached out and patted him generously on the back. The force of the aid rammed Elrohir forward, his ribs mashing into the table edge. It worked, however, as the instant and almost overwhelming pain quelled the coughing fit.

As Elrohir sat back gingerly in his chair with a weak smile, all eyes turned to Rain. Shrugging nonchalantly, she reached for the bottle and filled her glass to the brim. Once again the crowd fell silent as she raised it and chugged back the drink. The women in the crowd crowed loudly as Rain flipped the empty glass over and returned it to the table with a satisfied sigh.

Elrohir snorted with disgust before turning his attention to Mithiand. Chuckling heartily, Mithiand raised his brimming glass in a toast before polishing off his drink in a single gulp.

Legolas paled visibly as he realized he was the last one left. Rain grinned wickedly as she filled his glass and pushed it towards him. Looking like a man bound for the gallows, he lifted it to his mouth.

Rain's gaze focused on his long, corded throat as he swallowed the liquid. `Very sexy,' she mused, the tip of her finger idly tracing the lip of her glass.

Legolas dropped his glass to the table as he finished. Then he belched loudly.

"Oh, very princely, `Las!" Elrohir cackled. Legolas' pale complexion blushed furiously.

Round upon round continued as the four drank down drink after drink. Mithiand wove in his seat for a brief moment before he pitched forward, spared from smacking face first into the table by the cushion of his arms.

Elrohir stared morosely at the last bottle, searching frantically for a way out. Then his bleary eyes caught sight of a lady sitting alone at the bar. His lips parted in a predatory grin as he stumbled to his feet and staggered across the room.

Upon reaching his target, he reached out an unsteady hand and caressed the long, golden tresses before him. "You are the most boo ... buh ... beeyouteeful creature I've ever sheen," he slurred, "and I'm gunna take you up to my room, an' make mad, passionate love to you."

"Oh, dear," Gandalf murmured with amusement as Elrohir's object of lust rose from the bar stool and turned. The golden waves continued in the front in the form of a long moustache and beard.

"Uh-oh," Elrohir whimpered moments before a large fist connected solidly with his face. Rain and Legolas watched in shock as his head whipped back from the impact. Then as if in slow motion, he keeled over.

"Guess it's just you and me now," Rain replied unsteadily, pouring the last of the second bottle into their glasses.

Legolas felt his stomach heave as he looked at his glass. "We can stop now, if you want, " he said, hiccuping loudly, his voice rough and hoarse from the burn of the liquid.

"Do you concede to me then?" Rain asked, her words lightly slurred. "Is it hot in here, or is it just me?"

Legolas gulped as Rain loosened the neck of her blouse, giving him a brief but tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage. Again his breeches tightened painfully, causing him to squirm.

"Hey, told still, will ya!" Rain frowned, her voice slurring her words, pouting as he swayed before her vision.

Legolas' breath sped up as his gaze dropped from her delicate brows to her full, pouty lips. His own tingling in anticipation, he leaned forward.

Rain's eyes widened in disbelief as Legolas' rear slid backward off the bench, sending him crashing to the floor hard, his feet flailing in the air.

"I think we definitely have had enough," he said ruefully, looking up through the tangle of braids that had flopped over his face from the fall. Reaching up he batted at them with annoyance for blocking his blurred vision, blissfully ignoring the laughter that rained around them.

"I think so too," Rain said as she swung her legs over the bench and placed her feet on either side of his legs. "Want a hand up?"

"Nope, don't need it," he replied stubbornly as he struggled to untangle his legs and stand. He just couldn't seem to get them to cooperate with him at the moment. Legolas huffed wearily and looked up imploringly at her. "Umm. Looks like I do need it.. The crowd, seeing that the entertainment was done for the night, drifted off back to their own tables.

Rain smiled crookedly as she stuck out her hand, prepared to pull him to his feet. But the combination of too much drink and his inhuman strength caused her to tumble forward, sprawling on top of him.

She gasped when she felt his arousal press against her intimately. Heart suddenly racing, she turned her head and found him gazing at her heatedly.

"We need to get out of here. Now," Legolas growled huskily. Rain merely nodded mutely before struggling to her feet. With amazing agility, Legolas leapt to his feet, and grabbing her hand, pulled her across the room and up the stairs.

Gandalf watched, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, as the pair disappeared from sight. He turned to look down at his sleeping friend. "Alright, you can cut out the act, they're all gone."

Mithiand's head came up from his crossed arms to grin roguishly up at his old friend. "I didn't think it would be nice to out do them on their first meeting with me," he said, sitting up straighter in his seat, his hands brushing away the wrinkles from his shirt. "Although they're opinions might change by morning."

Gandalf chuckled wickedly. "I would say that hangovers will be the furthest from their minds."

Mithiand's grin widened. "And what about our young friend over there?"

Gandalf followed his gaze to where Elrohir still lay on the floor, snoring loudly as patrons stepped over him.

"I think he'll be safe enough." Gandalf's moustache twitched.

"Well, in that case!" Mithiand hefted the remaining bottle and waved it back and forth enticingly. "Would you care to join me in a toast to young love and foolishness?"

"I'd be glad to."


Rain's back thumped hard as Legolas pushed her against the unopened door to their room. His face swooped down to capture her lips in a soul-searing kiss that ran all the way down to her toes. She twined her arms up around his neck, pulling his body roughly against hers, groaning at the contact of his highly aroused form against hers. She tangled her fingers in his silky hair as she fought to keep up with his demanding kiss. Her breasts were pressed to his chest and she felt them harden, straining to be noticed as she opened her mouth wider beneath his onslaught and the kiss moved into a new, deeper more wild level.

A loud laugh and the sound of boot heels on the stairs brought them back abruptly from their passionate kiss. Suddenly Rain wanted nothing more than to drag him into their room and to the bed that was just a short distance away. She thought of making love with him though out the night and waking up in his warm embrace in the morning.

"Legolas," she said huskily, looking up into his dazed and lust-filled blue eyes.

"Yes," he whispered, leaning forward to drop a soft kiss on her nose.

"We should go inside, the hallway isn't exactly a private place," she said softly, leaning forward to nuzzle into his neck, nipping lightly at the skin exposed by his open necked shirt. His moan echoed loudly down that hallway as he reached behind her to fumble with the door, finally pushing it open and allowing them to stumble into the room.

Reaching behind him, he closed and locked the door ensuring that there would be no untimely interruptions for them. He brought his hand up to touch her chin, his fingers moving to caress the soft skin of her jaw and the side of her face. He had wanted to touch that luminous skin all night since she had walked into the bar. Tilting her head up, his mouth came over hers again in a soft loving kiss.

Rain leaned forward into his embrace, struggling to deepen the kiss even as he playfully nipped at her lips causing them to tingle. She moaned in frustration as he continued to lightly stroke her lips with his, his teeth nipping at hers, his tongue lightly teasing the trembling flesh. Suddenly, he deepened the kiss, when his lips parted over her and urged her to open hers by teasing against the slip of her mouth. His hands massaged her back, gently tugging at the shirt tucked into her pants, pulling it upwards until his hands could slide beneath and caress the velvety skin of her back.

Between his kisses and touch the sparks dancing along her veins turned into a raging fire that made her answer his teasing tongue thrust for thrust, taunt for taunt. Her hands, of their own violation, slipped up under his arms and began kneading the muscled of his shoulders. She loved the feel of the flex and roll of his honed muscles and shoulders.

One of his hands, though reluctant to leave the creamy skin of her back, began to slide slowly down to her side and then back along the front until he cupped her breast in his hand. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips with the initial contact, and she instantly wished that her shirt and his would disappear so she could feel his hot skin against hers.

Their mouths were open wide, devouring each other as Rain's hands slipped down from his back to tug at the lacings holding his shirt together. Unlacing the top, she broke away their panting breathing filling the room and she tugged impatiently at his shirt, urging him to pull it over his head. He chuckled softly as he stepped back slightly and tugged away the offending garment, before reaching over and pulling her shirt up over her head. He stared down at her, taking in her creamy colored skin with her breasts encased in a pale yellow bra. Reaching forward, he lightly slipped both straps downward until her bare breasts came into view.

"Beautiful," he whispered huskily, before leaning forward to take one rosy tip between his teeth.

A hiss escaped her clenched teeth as her legs suddenly wobbled from the pleasure coursing though her body. His arms came up and supported her as he guided her back towards the bed. Her knees hit the edge of the bed and they both fell in a tangle of arms and legs across the comforter. His lips worked their way back up from her breast to her neck where be began to nip and suckle on the soft skin.

"Humm, Legolas," she groaned, her hands coming up to tangle in his hair, enjoying the feel of his lips on her neck. His kisses became softer and softer until he was nestled against her neck. She looked down at his head, wondering at the lack of movement on his part.

"Legolas," she said softly, brushing away his hair to peer down at his face.

"Legolas," she queried again as she got no response and no movement from him. Suddenly a loud snore ripped its way through the room and she look stunned down at the now passed out, half naked elf cradled against her neck.

"Damn, just when it was getting good," she huffed.


A/N: Ain't I a meannie? (Author ducking chairs from the masses) Sorry, but it isn't time for them yet. Well, looks like Rain won by default, and I can imagine the hangovers in the morning. Stay tuned, the next day is going to be fun...

Thanks for reading ~DBZ Vegeta