Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Going Back To The Beginning ( Chapter 51 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fic title: Wild Blue Yonder
Author: DBZ Vegeta
Summary: US Air Force security police officer gets pulled into Middle Earth. What happens when she meets the man, opps elf, of her fantasies? Leg/OFC
Rating: R
Chapter: 51 /
Word Count: 1,099
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Tolkien Enterprises, various publishers including but not limited to Ballantine, Del Ray, Fawcett, and Ivy Publishing and New Line Cinema. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
Chapter 51 - Going Back to the Beginning
Harsh, loud voices were what brought her back to awareness. She felt a softness beneath her back and realized that she must have been moved from the chamber back to their rooms. Her head pounded, her mouth felt dry and parched and her body ached all over. In addition to these internal complaints, the external ones were beginning to drive her crazy.
What do you mean that you don't know when she will wake up! came Legolas' voice, distraught and agitated at the same time, she winced at the loud reply from the other individual in the room.
What do you want me to do about it! It's not like I know how to wake her up! She identified the speaker as Elrohir, and she almost grinned at the exasperation she heard in his voice.
Now children, Gandalf said, his voice more soothing to her ear, I do believe that you don't have to worry about that any longer. Good evening, my dear,”
She opened her eyes to look into the twinkling eyes of the bearded-wizard, smiling softly before she was pounced on by not only Legolas, but Nanook.
Geez guys, get off before you squish me! she croaked hoarsely, pushing at both heavy bodies, before giving up and wrapping her arms around them both. “I'm alright, you know,”
“What happened it you! One minute you were there and the next you were gone!” Legolas cried, leaning back to look down at her.
“I don't really know what happened. One minute I was standing outside of the room, the next I was in a glade with a stone monument,” she replied, her eyes drifting off to stare across the room. Legolas looked worriedly down at her, before lifting his eyes to meet with Gandalf's in concern.
“It was weird,” she started, her voice dropping in register enough to startle everyone, the monotone so unlike Rain's usual animated voice.
“It was a test, you know. To see if I was the one they wanted. Others came before me, others who came and failed. I don't even know if I passed their test,”
“Test? What test?” Legolas insisted, one hand coming up to cup her face and turn it towards his. He shivered at the blank stare that greeted his, before she blinked and life came back into her eyes.
“Legolas?” she said, “Why are you sitting on me?”
Legolas gave a bit of a half-laugh, half-sob and clutched her tight against him. She looked puzzled over his shoulder at Elrohir and Gandalf, who both had concerned expressions on their faces.
“Come on guys, its not like I'm dead or anything. Get off of me, would ya,” she complained, pushing at Legolas' shoulders until she could dislodge him enough so that she could sit up.
“Now what in the hell is going on and why are we back up in the caverns? I thought we were going to head down to the key room that Gimli said he knew of,” she said, looking a bit confused by the sudden concern that crossed the others faces. “What?”
“Umm, Rain,” Elrohir started hesitantly, “we've been back from the rooms for nearly three days. Of which you have been unconscious,”
She sat up further in the bed, looking first at Elrohir, then Gandalf and finally Legolas, who all had the same concerned expressions. “You are telling me that we have already been down to the key room and in that time, I was rendered insensible and it has been three days since that time,”
“Yes, my dear. When we arrived, you disappeared for a short period of time and then reappeared, unconscious,” Gandalf said, leaning heavily forward on his staff. “However, what does concern me is that you appear to not consciously remember what happened, but you also just told us a bit of what may have happened.”
“Yeah, you said something about it being a test?” Elrohir chirped in, before he drew back away from the glares of the other two.
“A test… wait a minute, damn it,” she said, throwing back the covers and sliding out of bed. She staggered slightly, shaking off the hand Legolas threw up to steady her. She paced back and forth, agitatedly, hands fisting in her hair.
“That's it… that blond haired witch,” she cried suddenly, stopping and turning to look at Gandalf. He nodded back to her, understanding her meaning.
“What witch, I didn't see any witch,” Elrohir said, confusion darting across his face.
“We have to go back,” Rain said, still looking at Gandalf, “back to the beginning,”
“Back where?” Legolas asked, coming around to stand in front of her. Rain's eyes looked up into his and he could see a sudden sadness that took him completely by surprise.
“Back to Rivendell,” Rain said.
They left early the next morning, Gimli loudly saying that he wouldn't be left behind while Legolas went of on another `adventure'.
Legolas was worried about Rain, for the past two days, she hadn't said anything else since her declaration that night and she appeared to be deep in thought. Riding next to her, he looked over and sighed softly. She was still staring straight ahead, lost in her thoughts. He heard someone come up next to him and he looked over to find Gandalf had ridden up. With a short gesture, Gandalf indicated that he slow down. As he did, Elrohir and Gimli rode up on either side of Rain as they fell back.
“Are you all right, Legolas?” Gandalf asked gently, swaying slightly with the steps of his mount.
Legolas sighed again, his eyes taking in the figures ahead of him before he turned his gaze to the old wizard next to him.
“I don't know what to do, Gandalf. Rain hasn't said a word in two days and I am worried as to what will happen when we return to Rivendell. We are going back to where it all started, yet I am not sure if this is the right thing to do. What happens when we return? Is she going to leave me forever?” Legolas confessed his deepest, most dreaded fear to the old wizard.
“I cannot guarantee what will happen upon our return, but know this Legolas, the love that the two of you share is strong and no matter what happens, you must be true to your heart. It may be the only thing that can stand the strength of fate and destiny.” Gandalf said, before placing his heels to his mount and riding forward to join the others, leaving Legolas to his thoughts.