Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ A Flash and Your Gone ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: I do not own and will never own (darn) any of the Tolkien characters.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter One - A Flash and Your Gone


Her obsession with fanfiction was horrible. Every morning before she even changed out of her nightwear, she booted up her computer to check her emails to see if she had gotten anymore reviews on her latest story she had been writing, and every evening after work she came home and spent several hours reading, writing and browsing for new stories. Not very becoming of a Senior NCO in the United States Air Force, was it.

'Well.' she thought. 'As long as I don't let it interfere with my work it's alright.'

Currently her obsession was with the Lord of the Rings fanfictions. She was totally head over heals for Tolkien's character Legolas. 'Why can't more men be like him.' she mused. Tall, handsome, sensitive and a great body to boot. 'Damn, I need to stop thinking and get moving.' she thought, bouncing out of her chair in front of her computer and heading for the shower.

Quickly showering, she grabbed her towel and headed for the bedroom, tripping over the bulk lying in front of the bathroom door.

"Bup-pup, what are you doing! Move it!" she cried, hopping on one foot, nursing her now bruised toe, that had come in contact with the doorframe. Looking down at the dog, who was looking back up at her, tongue hanging out with his silly doggie grin firmly in-place and his tail going a mile a minute.

"No, you know that you have to wait until mommy gets dressed before you can have your cookie." with that the dog started bouncing excitedly around her feet, yipping playfully. "I swear, you have less common sense than a laboratory mouse." she grinned at the antics of her dog. He was her only companion, her best friend. Oh, she had human friends too, but he was her closest pal. Shaking her head at his antics, she quickly dried off before dropping her towel on the end of the bed. Snagging fresh underwear from the dresser drawer, she quickly put them on, opening the door to her closet as she did. She pulled out the dry cleaner bag that held her freshly press uniform. Turning back to the dresser, she took out a black t-shirt and a pair of black wool socks. Sitting on the end of the bed she proceeded to put her shirt, socks and pants on.

"Man, where did I put my blousing bands?" she groaned aloud, looking for the black bands that bloused her pants over the top of her combat boots. Spying them on the headboard, she snatched them and taped off her pants over her boots. Seizing her outer shirt, she quickly headed for the kitchen, dropping the shirt across the back of a chair. Taking a cookie from the container on the counter, she tossed it over her shoulder hearing a sharp snap and crunch as Nanook caught it and happily munched it down.

Opening the cupboards, she took a box of cereal out and poured a bowl. Turning towards the fridge, she went to grab the milk and to her dismay discovered none. 'Oh, yeah. I used the last of it making dinner last night.' she sighed thoughtfully as she glanced at the clock. She would have to stop and grab something on the way; there was no way she was working a 12-hour shift without at least breakfast. Who knows when she would get lunch? Pouring the cereal back into the box, she put it away.

Grabbing her beret, she pulled it on over her tightly braided hair and reached for her shirt. Buttoning it up quickly and snapping her web gear belt into place, she checked to see if all of the lights where out before snagging her A3 kit bag and heading for the door. She was almost out the door when she remembered that she had left her internet connection running and turned quickly back to her den, Nanook following close at her heels.

"Sorry, Bup-pup you can't go with me today. Have to go to work." she said as she leaned over her desk to begin shutting her computer down. Feeling him leaning against her, she smiled as she reached down and stroked his nose gently. "We'll go for a ride to the park when I get home." she promised, turning back to her computer she reached out to flip the power supply switch when suddenly a bright light flashed from her screen and then plunged her into darkness.


"Are you sure this is going to work?" the dark haired elf asked cautiously.

"Yes," the other elf replied, her golden hair shimmering in the light of the torches. "I've done this many times myself."

There was a bright flash of light out of the midnight black onyx stone the elf was holding, then it slowly faded back to ebony.

"It is done," she said somberly.

The dark haired elf leaned in closer, a small frown creasing his brow as he gazed at the now quiet stone.

The blond elf smiled serenely, amusement glowing in her eyes. "You doubt me, Elrond?"

"Of course not, Galadriel."

"And what of your mission, Thranduil? Was it successful?" She carefully placed the stone into its golden case, locking it.

"He is on his way as we speak." Thranduil replied with pride.


The elves were silent as they left the chamber and walked out into the brilliant light of the clearing. It was Elrond who spoke first.

"She is of strong will." Once again his brow was marred by a frown.

"That is why I have chosen her." Galadriel spoke confidently.

"And if she refuses?" Thranduil stared at the ground, his mind focused on the repercussions should she do just that.

"We must not let that happen." Galadriel said softly, yet her voice held determination.

They walked a bit further, stopping only when they had come to their horses. Elrond took the reins of his steed. "We cannot hold her against her will."

"If my youngest succeeds, there will be no need." Thranduil stated, climbing onto his brilliant white horse.

"And if he fails? What then?" Elrond mounted his gleaming black stallion, one eyebrow arched.

Galadriel calmly stroked her golden mare. "Then we must stress to her the importance of her destiny."

The two lords nodded solemnly before turning their horses around and riding away swiftly. Galadriel felt the slightest twinge of guilt before she to rode away towards her home.
