Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Company by Accident ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: <Author in chains, shadowy figures perched behind> I, DBZ Vegeta do solemnly swear that I do not own, nor have I ever owned any of Tolkien's characters or the Lord of the Ring's series. <Author peeking over shoulder, "Ya happy now.">

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 6 - Company by Accident


Rain tried to ignore the thrill of excitement that coursed through her as Legolas settled his long frame beside her. She took his silent offering of the portion of rabbit he was holding out to her, careful not to brush against him, as his gaze settled on the other elf.

"So, Elladan. Where's that annoying brother of yours?" Legolas asked the glaring elf.

"Right behind you, Legolas." came Elrohir's voice. Legolas cocked an eyebrow at Rain and she just shrugged back, her eyes saying that he was the elf here, with the better hearing, not her.

"Oh, don't blame your young friend here, though it was quite funny watching her take down my brother." Elrohir smirked at his glaring brother. "Oh come now brother dear, cheer up. Maybe I won't tell father that you were captured by a human."

"Sure you won't." Elladan smirked back at his brother. "And maybe I won't tell him about your little escapade on his office desk." watching as a flush spread quickly over his brother's face.

Chuckling over the antics of the elves, Rain picked up her dinner and started eating. Legolas sitting next to her, was grinning like a loon, watching as the brothers continued to bicker back and forth with each other.

"Are they always like this?" Rain questioned softly from the side of her mouth. Legolas only grinned down at her as he nodded his head in affirmation, before standing up slowly, brushing the dirt and leaves off the back of his pants. Wrenching her gaze away, Rain ardently focused her attention on her food.

"Gentlemen, please. If you are quite through, may I ask what brings you away from Rivendell?" Legolas's voice cut through the brother's arguments. They both turned from where they stood nose to nose, to look questioningly back at him.

"Oh, sorry Legolas. Father sent us to meet you. The orcs have been picking up their raids lately and he wanted to ensure that you had sufficient help in case you ran into them." Elladan said as he glanced slyly across the fire at the two of them. "But if we had known that you had ample company, we would have waited to join you." chuckling sarcastically at the surprised expression on Legolas's face.

Rain hackled at the insinuation that the dark-haired elf was making, growling she shot up into a crouch, glaring angrily at the elf. Legolas's surprised expression was erased from his face as he swiftly stepped in between Elladan and Rain, facing her. "Don't Rain," he murmured soothingly, "it's not worth it."

"Don't tell me what to do Legolas. He just insulted my honor. He deserves to get his ass kicked." she snarled heavily at him, attempting to side step him to get at the startled elf behind him. She feinted to the left in an attempt to go around his right, but he anticipated her movement. Grasping her arm, he spun her around to come up against his body. Startled she looked up into his sky blue eyes, seeing the concern and a hint of laughter dancing in them. Her anger deflated as she became acutely aware of the length of his hard body pressed so intimately against hers. The brief moment of panic over the contact was quickly replace by the playful urge for revenge, as she peered back up at him.

Looking down at the woman in his arms his body tingling unexpectedly at the contact, he barely caught the mischievous twinkle in her eye, before he found himself lying on his back looking up at the stars. Bouncing up quickly, and ignoring the howling brothers, he watched as Rain sauntered back across the clearing towards her bag.

"Oh, Legolas. Where did you ever find a woman like that? And does she have a sister?" Elrohir said, wiping away the tears of laughter that were streaming down his face.


Rain watched as Legolas explained her situation to the two other elves. She sat on the ground next to her bag, debating whether or not she still wanted to be angry at the dark-haired elf, Elladan. Nanook bounded across the clearing to swipe a long wet tongue over her face. Laughing, she grabbed the large dog by the neck and they began to wrestle along the ground.

Still laughing, Rain sat up from her tussle with Nanook to see three pairs of elfin eyes watching her with amusement. Standing up, she brushed leaves and dirt off her pants and shirt, reaching up she took off her beret and smacked it hard against one leg, a small cloud of dust rising up from it. Sighing she rolled up the hat and stashed it in her right cargo pants pocket. Nanook seeing that she wasn't paying attention to him anymore, bounced happily across the clearing to Legolas, where he jumped up and placed his large paws on his chest. Staggering slightly against Nanook's weight, Legolas shifted his feet to brace the heavy dog as his hands came up and began scratching him behind the ears. Elladan took a small step backward, his wary gaze never leaving the strange creature.

Rain watched indulgently as Nanook swiped Legolas across the face with his wet tongue. She had never seen him take to anyone else as he had to the elf. Striding over to the pair, she reached out and scratched Nanook behind the ears as she gazed up at Legolas.

"What now?" she asked, a light grin passing over her face.

"We will leave in the morning for Rivendell. Elladan and Elrohir will accompany us. We should be there by noon." he said, watching as the firelight highlighted her black hair, which had fallen over one bright green eye after she had taken her hat off. Her braid was beginning to fall loose from her pins, reaching up she plucked the pins out of her hair and shook her braid down from the back of her head. It fell roughly and smacked her back solidly as it tumbled down to brush the top of her hip.

"All right then, I suppose we should get some rest before continuing in the morning." she yawned, her hand coming up to cover her mouth politely. Peering around his shoulder at the two other elves, glaring at Elladan, "You are welcome to stay, just behave yourselves." she said as she stared pointedly at Elladan.

Huffing and turning his back to her, Elladan stalked off across the clearing and into the woods. Elrohir, looking amused at his brother petulance, turned back to her. "Thank you Lady Rain, we are most appreciative."

"Your welcome, Lord Elrohir." she said courteously, grinning impishly up at the dark-haired elf. She liked this brother better than the other. Swinging her gaze back up at Legolas, she stifled another yawn and nodded goodnight to him, "Wake me when it is my turn for watch." Knowing that the elves would probably stay up for a while talking, she turned to get her gear.

"Rain, wait." came his voice, turning she watched as he pushed Nanook off and took several steps towards her. "Since the others are here, you won't have to take a turn tonight. Get some rest."

"It's all right, I still can take my turn. You don't have to worry about me." she growled annoyed, turning away as his mouth opened, "Wake me, I mean it." With that she walked away before he could say another word, Nanook close at her heels.


A/N: Yah Yah, I know, when are we getting to Rivendell. . . Next chapter I promise. So let me know, did you like it?

I think that Legolas is going to get in trouble, don't you?

Again, I would like to thank all of those people who have taken the time to hit the review button. All of your comments and suggestions are duly noted and appreciated. (Hint Hint: I even take your comments into consideration when writing. (~_^) Ooo, there may be some heat beginning to rise here. . .)