Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Misunderstandings Can Cost You ( Chapter 15 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: <Author looking both ways and around the back of the computer.> Are they gone, whew. . . They came back again to check up on me to ensure that I wasn't claiming to own anything anymore. I don't own Tolkien's character, but I do own Rain <ouch, hey Rain that hurt. . ."Who say's you own me?" says Rain as she bounces a chair off the author's head.>

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 15 - Misunderstandings Can Cost You


She slowly became aware of warmth surrounding her and of a weight pressing against her back. Shifting slightly she heard a mumbled word in her ear and was pulled back tighter against the warmth. Opening her eyes, she looked down to see an arm tucked firmly about her waist. Her gaze traveled up the masculine arm to look over her shoulder at the head tucked against her shoulder. She could not see the face, but knew who it was by the long golden hair that spilled over the head and her shoulder.

Gently she rolled over to face Legolas, reaching out she softly tuck his hair back away from his face. Still soundly asleep, he murmured again as she moved and tightened his grip around her body, pulling her closer to his heat. Moaning softly as his hand brushed against her sore hip, she watched as his eyes suddenly snapped open, looking bewildered up into hers.

"Good morning." she said gently, leaning up on her elbow to look down at him.

Without saying a word, he reached up a hand to gently trace the bruise that trailed down from under the bandage across her forehead to her cheekbone, lightening his touch when he saw her wince from the pain he caused. His fingers slipped from her cheek to tangle in her loose black hair, before pulling her face down to his. Lightly he brushed his lips over the same path that his fingers had been tracing, before gently taking her lips with his.

The kiss was one of gentle concern and worry, not of passion, though a wonderful warmth began to flow through their bodies. Releasing her lips, he leaned back to look into her forest green eyes. Worry and sadness flashed through his eyes and she smiled softly down at him as she slid down into the bed and laid her head on his chest. She sighed as she felt his arms tighten around her as she listened to his rhythmic heartbeat beneath her ear, lulling her back into a contented sleep.


When Rain awoke again, she was alone. Had it been a dream or had Legolas really been there next to her earlier. Only the impression on the pillow next to hers even indicated that someone had been there with her. She wondered if he really had been there and if he had changed his mind about her. Sitting up gingerly, she felt the bandage on her forehead.

'At least that hadn't been a dream.' she thought, wincing at how clumsy she had been. Normally she wasn't so clumsy, and able to climb with no problem.

'Well, what's done is done and in the past. I need to get on with the future.' she thought as she threw back the covers of the bed and strode over to the closet. Swinging the doors open, she found that Elenna had returned her BDUs to the closet. At the sight of them, she stopped remembering that she had another life to think about.

Turning away from the closet she walked slowly to the balcony and stood leaning against the railing looking out over the forest. The decision that she had made last night weighing heavily on her mind. Gazing out she saw several figures walking through the gardens below, she recognized Legolas immediately from his bright hair. The other man was Aragorn, if she wasn't mistaken, but the woman with them, she didn't recognize.

Watching them, she saw Aragorn turn and leave Legolas and the woman, who continued to walk together through the gardens. They sat on a stone bench near as small bubbling brook, and appeared engrossed with each other. Her heart contracted painfully as she watched the woman place her hand upon Legolas's cheek and laugh merrily. She could hear her beautiful laugh from where she was standing, it floated like a soft caress across her. She closed her eyes, pain racing through her, causing her legs to falter. Sitting down heavily on the bench next to the railing, she looked up in time to see the woman standing up and bending over to kiss Legolas. With a hoarse cry she bolted up and ran back into her room.


"Thank you Arwen, I appreciate your help with this matter." Legolas said as he looked down at the hands he had clasped in his lap. Aragorn had explained what had been happening and Arwen had gladly shared her insight on loving a mortal. He looked up when she stood and placed her hand on his cheek, laughing lightly.

"Legolas, you mustn't let the fear of grief keep you from your destined love. Go to her and tell her what you feel." Arwen said as she bent forward to brush a kiss across his cheek. Hearing a sobbing cry ring out across the garden, they both turned to catch a glimpse of long black hair and a white dress, flash across one of the balconies. Legolas jumped to his feet, knowing that was Rain's room.

"Oh my, was that Rain." Arwen cried, her hands covering her mouth. Looking up at Legolas, she saw his stricken gaze locked on the now empty balcony.

"I may be to late now." he said, his voice cracking, she saw tears lingering in his eyes.

"It is never too late, Legolas. Go to her now, she will understand." Arwen said as she put a hand on his back and gave him a light nudge in the direction of the manor. Turning he nodded to her before leaving. Arwen smiled gently as Aragorn walked quietly past Legolas towards her.

"Is everything all right, beloved." he said, taking her hands in his and kissing them gently.

"I sincerely hope so, my love." she said as she smiled at him. "Shall we take a walk."


Rain fought the tight knot of nausea welling up her throat as she tore the silken nightgown off and tossed it to the floor.

'How could I have been such a fool?' she chastised herself, the film of teas in her eyes making it difficult for her to dress. He had told her she was just a diversion but she had chosen to ignore him, instead believing they had something special.

Anger quickly dried her tears. Anger at herself for allowing her emotions to misguide her, and anger at Legolas for using her to amuse himself until he could be with his true love.

She wrenched her loose curls into a tight braid, jamming the pins into the bun, ignoring the sharp stabs of pain from her scalp.

"I may have made a fool of myself once," she snarled between clenched teeth, "but it won't happen again."


Legolas burst into Rain's room to find her sitting on the edge of her bed lacing up her combat boots. She had once again donned her strange clothing. Her hair was braided tightly and pinned up on the back of her head, her hat lying next to her on the bed.

Looking up at the sound of the door slamming open, Rain gritted her teeth and ignored the panting elf in the doorway. Finishing lacing her boots up, she grabbed her hat and stuffed it into her cargo pant pocket.

"Rain, I'm. . ." Legolas started before Rain interrupted him.

"I'm sorry, Prince Legolas. You will have to excuse me as I have an appointment with Lord Elrond." she said, her voice clipped and professional. Without looking directly at him, she strode past him out the door, her back held stiff and her stride measured. She continued down the hall, ignoring his cries, trying her best from turning back and punching him for playing with her.

Legolas watched as she marched down the hallway and around the corner, his shoulders slumping against her doorframe, his face buried in his hand as he thought. 'I've lost her.'


A/N: Sorry for such a short chapter, but it is crucial for the upcoming chapter. Rain will be leaving Rivendell soon, but for where you ask. . .stay tuned and all shall be revealed.