Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Hate Turns To Confusion ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Disclaimer: Okay, I give up. . .why can't winter just give up gracefully and go away instead of dumping more snow on us, huh. . .Oh well, I don't own the Lord of the Rings, nor its characters.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 17 - Hate Turns To Confusion


Legolas hesitated outside of Lord Elrond's study, a thin sliver of light peeking out from under the door. He raised his hand to knock, but before he could a voice called out from the other side.

"Come in Prince Legolas." Startled, he reached forward and opened the door to find Lord Elrond standing in front of the tall windows overlooking the valley, his back to the door. "I knew that you would be coming to visit me tonight, Legolas. You are wondering about Rain's journey."

"Yes, sir. I was curious about it. Who will be accompanying her?" he asked quietly.

"Ah yes, her travel party. I was certain that you where going to approach me about it. I had planned on sending Elrohir and a small troop of warriors with her, but if you are willing to go, then I could dispense with the troops." Elrond said as he turned around to gaze at Legolas, curiosity filling his gaze. "I have noticed that you seem to be fond of my grand-niece."

"Yes, Lord Elrond. I am in love with her." Legolas confessed, wanting to lay all of his card on the table now.

Elrond turned back to the window to hide his grin. 'This is going to be very interesting.' he thought.

"Has Rain told you about the nature of her quest?" he asked, his voice filled with amusement.

"No, sir. I was hoping that you would enlighten me on it. I would sincerely appreciate knowing so that I can help her achieve her goal." Legolas said, anticipation filling him. 'Maybe now I can figure out what she was talking about.' he thought.

"She hasn't told you?" Elrond questioned as he turned back around to face him, a puzzled look fleeting across his features before clearing. "I am sorry, but it is Rain's quest. If you wish to know the nature of it, you must ask her."

"Oh, I will have to speak with her then. If you will excuse me, I need to prepare to depart in the morning. Thank you for your time." Legolas said, frustration creeping wearily over him, as he turned to leave.

"Legolas." Elrond's voice stopped him before he could get to the door. He turned to see Lord Elrond's gray eyes brimming with compassion. "She will forgive you eventually, if you give her time."

Legolas's eyes widened, "You heard her this evening." he stammered, the tips of his ears turning red with his embarrassment.

"It would have been impossible not to have," Lord Elrond commented wryly, reminding Legolas of the elves keen sense of hearing. Legolas' embarrassment grew as he realized that most of the guests would have heard the heated conversation.

Elrond's smile gentled as he watched the emotions play across the young warriors face. "Do not worry so, young prince, for I had the upper hand. Arwen told me what happened." Elrond chuckled at the memory. "She was quite distraught that she had caused you further pain. Rest assured, you will have plenty of opportunities to make it up to Rain on this journey." His grin spreading further across his face, as he teased. "You had better get packing, Rain has expressed a desire to leave quite early in the morning."

"Thank you Lord Elrond, I appreciate your assistance." Legolas said, his heart lighter than it had been since the incident in the garden. He would have a chance to get Rain back and to make her understand how he felt.

Turning he strode from the study to return to his room and prepare for the battle of his life. He knew that she was going to be furious in the morning when he joined the group for departure. Letting out a slightly wicked chuckle, 'She was going to be in for the fight of her life.' he thought. Because he was determined to get her back, no matter the cost.


Lord Elrond returned to his desk, both amused and concerned about this most interesting turn of events.

Tonight, Legolas had declared his love for Rain, and as he remembered the emotional words spoken by her at dinner, Elrond felt certain the feeling was mutual. 'However grudgingly', he mused. This could help their plan in a way none of the royal elves had imagined.

Elrond's grin of triumph faded slowly. While it could help their cause, if Rain did not let her guard down, and Legolas failed to make her understand his intentions, it could drive her back to her time, irregardless of the consequences of kin she barely knew.

It was with a heavy heart and a troubled mind that he picked up his quill and wrote two letters. One to go to the land of Mirkwood. The other to the Lady of the Light.


"What is wrong with this one?" Elladan frowned, pointing to the pale brown mare standing in her pen.

"Not good enough." Elrohir dismissed the mare easily.

Lord Elrond had called Elrohir to his study just after dinner. There, he had asked him if he would accompany Lady Rain and make any preparations necessary for the journey. The elf had readily agreed, and was now in the royal stables, along with his twin, preparing a mount for her.

"It has four legs, Elrohir," Elladan replied dryly, one delicate brow arched. "How is that not good enough for Rain?"

Elrohir straightened up from inspecting yet another mare, a look of frustration on his face. "Rain is a special woman. She needs a special horse."

Elladan regarded his brother for a long time, a look of concern on his face. "You are aware of Legolas' feelings."

"Of course! That's not what I meant." Elrohir looked across the mare, his arms propped up on its back.

"Can you not feel it?! We are on the verge of something momentous, and Rain is at the center of it all. Somehow she has it within her to change our very existence! I feel privileged to be a part of it, no matter how small, and I want to giver her my best."

Elladan saw the passion in his brother's eyes and felt a moment of pride over his grasp of the circumstances. A smile curved his lips. "Father DID say we had full access to ALL of the resources at hand."

"What do you mean?" A spark of excitement began to grown in Elrohir's heart.

"What about Nayowyn?"

"Father's horse?!" Elrohir's eyes widened.

"She is the swiftest and fleetest of foot." Elladan's grin widened.

Soon, Elrohir's grin matched his brother's.

The figure watched from the shadows of the stable as the two brothers exchanged words. He chuckled at their choice of steeds. Indeed, Nayowyn was the best horse for the journey, but unfortunately, she would not be able to join them.

After waiting several minutes in the silence, Lord Elrond quietly slipped out of the shadows. Nayowyn whinnied softly in greeting to her master.

"I am sorry," Elrond said to her softly, laying a gentle hand upon her neck.

The replies from the King and Queen had come swiftly on the wings of the falcons. Elrond knew what he must do.


Rain stood next to Lord Elrond, watching as the sun began its slow ascent into the sky. Its golden rays lightly brushing the tips of the trees, turning the forest a gleaming golden color for a matter of moments before the light crept higher. Rain sighed, in the short time that she had been in Rivendell, she had fallen in love with the place. She would miss it. Hearing the clatter of hooves, she turned to see Elrohir and Elladan leading several horses.

"I hope you don't mind Rain, but I took the liberty of choosing your horse." Elrohir said as he led a docile mare over to her. She eyed the horse thoughtfully, stepping around her appraisingly. She ran a soft hand down the mare's flank, watching as the skin quivered beneath her touch as she reached the fetlock. Frowning, she knelt down on one knee next and gently stroked the foot, picking up the hoof easily. Grunting, she gently placed the mare's hoof back onto the ground before standing, turning to pat the mare's neck softly.

"Elrohir, she's a beautiful mare, but she won't make it one day on the trail." Rain said, as ran light fingers through the mane.

"What do you mean, she won't make it. Elvin horses are strong and fleet of foot." he protested.

"She's right, Elrohir." came a familiar male voice from behind Rain. She shuddered and her eyes drifted shut as his hand came to rest upon her shoulder. Steeling herself, she turned and glared frostily up at Legolas. His face had a gentle smile, but his eyes looked sad she noted. His fingers squeezed her shoulder lightly before he removed his hand and took a step forward to be even with her, his hair brushing against her cheek.

"The mare is lame, Elrohir. Look for yourself." Legolas said as he gestured to the mare's hind leg. He stepped aside as Elrohir stormed forward and knelt down next to the mare's leg. His head snapped up as he found that they were correct. "But. . .she was fine last night."

"Elrohir, I will take her back to the stable and get a replacement. Meanwhile, Rain can use my horse, Arod." Legolas said as he whistled softly and a feisty bay stallion trotted playfully over to him. Rubbing his nose gently he turned to Rain. "I can have him saddled for you."

She looked up at him, an angry expression flittering across her face, but her eyes were questioning his motives. "Why is your horse here anyways?" she growled.

"I am joining your group." he answered confidently as he turned away leading the lame mare. "I will be back soon so we can leave." A wicked grin spread across his face at her angry shout behind him.

"You are not going with me!" she yelled at his back, Arod throwing his head up, startled at her loud voice.

Automatically she put a gentling hand on his neck, stroking softly. She heard soft laughter behind her and whirling she found Aragorn and a woman had joined their group. Startled, she realized that the woman was the one she had seen Legolas with in the gardens. Her eyes turned frosty and cold as she appraised the woman. She was very beautiful and she could understand why Legolas could fall for her. Her long black hair drifted lightly in the soft breeze and her gray eyes twinkled merrily in the early morning light.

Squaring her shoulders against the sudden pain lancing through her heart, she strode quickly over to join Lord Elrond and Aragorn.

"Rain dear, may I introduce you to my daughter Arwen." Elrond said as she came even with them. Rain tripped slightly over her feet, shocked by his words. 'This woman was Arwen Evenstar.' she thought dumbfounded, 'But wasn't Arwen married to Aragorn.' her thoughts echoed in her head. She looked closely at the woman in front of her and noticed that Aragorn had his hand draped possessively about her waist and she was leaning comfortably against his side.

Realizing that her mouth was gaping widely, she shut it with a loud snap, grinding her teeth unconsciously. Turning rudely away from Arwen and Aragorn towards Lord Elrond, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"When were you going to tell me that Legolas would be accompanying me?" she asked through gritted teeth.

"I was going to suggest that he accompany you even if he hadn't asked. He has traveled the route you are going to be taking many times and is an excellent warrior. You will need his skills during your journey, plus he knows Mirkwood better than Elrohir." Elrond said gently as he smiled down at her.

"Little sister," Aragorn said. "Legolas will ensure that you are able to complete your journey safely. He will not let anything happen to you." He stepped forward to place a gentle hand on her shoulder as he leaned over to whisper in her ear. "He loves you a great deal and will do anything for you."

She gasped at his words, her eyes widening considerably before confusion began to seep into her heart.

'Maybe she had been wrong about what had happened in the garden.' she thought as she caught Arwen's eyes over Aragorn's shoulder. She glided forward silently as Aragorn straightened and placed a soft hand on Rain's face.

"Cousin, remember that not everything is always as it seems." she said before she leaned forward and gently kissed Rain on the forehead. "Good luck on your journey and may Valar protect you."

Rain turned and blindly mounted Arod, ignoring the fact that he had no saddle or bridle. As her knees guided him to turn, she leaned forward and whispered quietly into his soft ear. Arod whinnied softly before dashing forward into an all out gallop, swerving lightly around a startled Legolas and his horse.


A/N: The journey has started and its seems that the tables have been turned on Rain and she is going to have to work out what is going on between her and Legolas. Well, let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading. ~ DBZ Vegeta