Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Blue Yonder ❯ Deep Dark Forest ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Tolkien owns the characters/places from LOTR, but I own the original story-line and my characters.

Wild Blue Yonder


Chapter 29 - Deep Dark Forest


The days crept by slowly, though while Rain did not avoid contact with Legolas, she did avoid his questions. Each time he brought up the questions about Feadúril or the secret behind her destiny, she would either clam completely up or disappear. Frustrated, Legolas decided that he would have to corner her once they got to Mirkwood. It was the only way he could see getting any answers to his questions.

"How much farther would you say we have until we get to your home?" Rain asked, looking up from the fire that illuminated the small camp.

"As soon as we cross the river in the morning we shall be within Mirkwood, but the palace is still another two days away." Legolas said, leaning up on one elbow from where he was sprawled out next to her. "Tired of traveling already?"

"No, its not that." she sighed, "It's just that this is taking so long to complete. At times I wonder if I am dreaming all of this."

"Does this feel like a dream?" he said as his picked up her hand and brought it to his lips. He then pulled her down onto the blanket next to him, wrapping his arms about her waist as he bent his head forward to claim her lips.

"Eww, could you two please do that somewhere else." Elrohir said as he stepped back into the clearing, a bundle of wood in his arms.

"You're just jealous." Legolas chuckled as he released a struggling Rain. She bounced back up and moved away from him, a flush highlighting her cheeks. Nanook bounded into the clearing from behind Elrohir and seeing Legolas, pounced on him.

"Umph, hey get off you great furry beast." he shouted, trying to dodge the fury of licks the dog was trying to place upon him. Rain and Elrohir both laughed as they watched Nanook and Legolas wrestle across the ground, until they both broke apart panting.

"If you are finished, we should get some rest before we continue on in the morning. You know we have to be on guard when crossing through Mirkwood." Elrohir said as he laid down on his blanket.

"Because of the spiders, right?" Rain commented behind her hand as she yawned loudly.

"Yes, since we are traveling in such a small group, they will be more inclined to find us appetizing." Elrohir said, his eyes already closed.

"That's right, Nanook should ride with one of us for the next couple of days. He would be their first likely target." Legolas said, gesturing for Nanook to lay down next to him.

"Why wouldn't they go for something larger, like one of us or the horses?" Rain asked, worried about taking Nanook into the forest, where something might grab him.

"They normally will go for the weaker of the group. I know, Nanook is not weak." Legolas held up a hand to forestall the comments about to pour from Rain's mouth. "But, since he his smaller, they will see this as a weak individual."

"Nanook will be able to take care of himself. I have seen him face down a fully grown grizzly bear before, I think that he will be able to handle a spider, if it comes to that." Rain said sadistically.

"Let's just hope it doesn't come to that. I have no desire to tangle with any spiders." Elrohir snorted, "Let's get some sleep, please."


Mirkwood forest was just like she had imagined it would be. Dark, mysterious, creepy and yet strangely beautiful all in one. Tangled trees blocked a majority of the light that filtered down, casting deep shadows across the trail. She remembered once reading that this forest had been bright and beautiful, before the spiders had descended upon it. She could still see remnants of that beauty, faded yet still visible.

They traveled quietly, all laughter and talk stopped by the threat of danger. Nanook currently rode behind her on Arod's rump, it had taken about five minutes for the horse to adjust to the extra passenger, and especially one with claws that needed trimming. Nanook, had at first whined incessantly about having to ride, but eventually started enjoying it. He had even perfected the balance to lay down, somewhat. . .his head curled around her hip. It was uncomfortable for her, but if it kept him happy, she tolerated the discomfort.

They were well into the second day of travel through the forest when it happened. Legolas had turned to tell Rain that they would soon be at the palace when he spotted a flash of light behind her. Suddenly, they were surrounded by three large spiders. Arod, who had encountered them before, stopped still and stood his ground, however Hasufel had never seen such monsters began to prance nervously. The Rohan war horse was trained for battle, but this was different.

With Hasufel prancing nervously under him, Legolas knew that he would have to dismount and calm the animal. Guiding him closer to Arod, Legolas jumped down pulling his bow off his back before he hit the ground.

"Legolas." Rain asked questioningly, her eyes taking in their enemy. She was turned sideways on Arod, one hand wrapped firmly in Nanook's ruff and the other holding her weapon ready. Seeing that she could not keep Nanook still on Arod's back, she slid off pulling the dog down with her. Nanook growled and tried to lung away from her.

"Down." Rain snapped at him. Nanook subsided slightly, he no longer tried to move, but his growls increased in volume.

Elrohir slid in behind the two of them, his bow also removed from his back. With their backs to each other they faced their adversaries.

"Elrohir, you know the situation. Rain, don't let them separate you from us. Can you keep Nanook in between us?" Legolas said softly.

"Yes, once I command him down, he won't move unless absolutely necessary." she responded, glancing quickly over her shoulder at him. "Legolas, what are we going to do now?"

"We are going to wait and see what happens. If they attack, aim for the center of the head." he said, without turning his attention from his opponent in front of him. "Please, just be careful Rain."

She nodded absently as she turned her head back towards the spider, adrenaline beginning to surge through her veins. She watched with a detached objectiveness that came with the calm before the battle, evaluating the creature in front of her.

It stood well over eight feet tall and was at least six feet wide. Midnight black in color, it's multifaceted eyes gazed unwaveringly at them. Long legs sprawled out from the main body, covered in stiff hair that stood straight out from the limbs. The overall picture reminded her of a pure black tarantula, only much bigger and much nastier looking.

Suddenly, as if unleashed from a spring, the three spiders simultaneously sprang forward, all reaching for the same objective. Rain started at the movement, but swiftly brought up her pistol to aim at the advancing creature. When the spiders were almost within fifteen feet of them, she prepared to fire.

Without warning, a bolt of lightning flashed brightly though the air in front of them. The thunderous boom echoing loudly over the piercing shrieks coming from the spiders. The stench of burnt flesh and blood permeated the air surrounding them. Shrieks and howls of anguish became fainter as they blinked away the spots dancing in front of their eyes.

Clearing their vision, the trio looked around astonished by the destruction. Two of the three spiders were splattered and smoking all over the ground and a trail of dark blue blood could be seen heading back into the depths of the forest.

"What happened?" Rain questioned as she broke her grip from around Nanook's ruff. Nanook stood and shook himself sharply, before trotting over to sniff at the dead carcasses.

"I'd say luck." Elrohir commented as he straightened and replaced the arrow from his bow into his quiver.

"I'd say intervention." Legolas said as he looked at the hooded figure standing in the trees not far from them.

"You're welcome, Prince Legolas." came the muffled reply, the voice filled with the sound of suppressed laughter.

Rain and Elrohir both turned quickly at the sound of the voice, Rain automatically bringing her pistol up, trained of the form. A hearty chuckle followed their action as the man stepped out of the trees and walked slowly towards them.

"My lady Rain, I am of no threat to you." he said gently, his features covered by the deep hood.

"How do you know who I am?" she questioned cautiously, but did lower her weapon and slid it back into her holster.

"Ah, but I know a great many things about you, my dear." he said as he stopped in front of them. His hands came up and lowered the hood from around his face. Elrohir and Legolas both exchanged surprised looks as the exclaimed,



A/N: Ahhh, the master of cliffhangers is back!!! That was a close one, but again if you travel in Mirkwood, you must be ready for the unexpected. Stay tuned the adventure is only going to get better.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to review ~ DBZ Vegeta