Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ The Following Day ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lina made her way stiffly through the house, favoring her right leg. Her wounds had scabbed over during the night, and even the slightest movement stretched her skin and pulled at her cuts. She figured she should probably still be in bed, but she was hungry, and she’d be damned if she was going to let a few injuries stop her from being able to feed herself.
Entering the kitchen, she paused. Sitting at opposite sides of the table were Morgan and Lira, both of whom were practically scowling at each other. Morgan sat with both sets of arms crossed in front of her while Lira had her hands pressed firmly on the table. Between them sat a platter of fish filets, as well as a haphazard scattering of silver wear.
As if pouncing on prey, Lira snatched at the platter, but Morgan was ready and snagged the other side before the Wildcat could pull it out of reach.
“ Use, your fork” Morgan spoke slowly, picking up her own and showing it to the pokegirl.
“” Lira responded. Giving up trying to win the whole platter, she simply grabbed a hunk of fish off it.
“ Hey!” Lira just stuck her tongue out at Morgan’s protest and then bit a huge chuck out of the meat. “ You feral...just try to use the silver wear, would you?” Lira’s only reply was a loud crunch as she bit though a bone.
“ Having some trouble?” Lina asked with a smile.
“ She is impossible” Morgan replied. “ Fork!” she pointed the utensil at Lira, who swallowed loudly before replying.
“ Fuck”
“ Did she just say what I think she said?” Lina asked.
“ Well, you know how Wildcats are” Morgan answered. She looked back at Lira. “ It’s fork”
“ Fuck”
“ Fork, you use it to eat with. Fuck is...never mind what it is, it doesn’t matter...”
“ I think she would disagree with you there.”
Morgan chose to ignore Lina for the moment. “ Lira, you don’t use your hands to eat, you use a fork.”
“ Fuck fork” Lira replied, finishing off the fish and reaching for another piece. Morgan pulled the platter out of reach however, resulting in a hiss from the Wildcat.
With a slight chuckle, Lina hobbled up to the table and slowly and carefully sat down.
“ Since you’re obviously not using this...” She took the plate that was sitting in front of Lira. Picking up one of the many forks scattered about the table, she speared a hunk of fish and dropped it on her plate.
“ There you see?” Morgan spoke up. “ That is how it’s done.” Lira glanced over at Lina, then back at Morgan, then finally down at the closest fork. Her ears twitched once, and she slowly picked it up. “ That’s right.” Morgan slid the platter just close enough for her to be able to reach.
“, fuck fork.” Lira suddenly tossed the fork at Morgan, who easily caught it. However it gave Lira enough time to snatch another two fish filets off the platter with her hands. She sat back in her chair with a very content look on her face as she ate. Morgan took a very deep, slow breath, then released it.
“ Aw screw it, I’ll let Aaron deal with her.” She dropped the fork, which was now bent in a very close likeness to the inside of Morgan’s fist.
“ Sounds like a good idea” Lina commented between bites. “ Speaking of which, where is he?”
“ Applying for his licence. He left about an hour ago.”
“ Alone, or did...”
“ He went with him. Just us three here for now.” Morgan tented her lower arms and rested her chin in her hands. “ How are you feeling?”
“ Sore. Very sore. But no worse then I should feel I imagine.”
“ Yeah, you really got hit good.” Morgan pointed out.
Lina sighed. “ Yeah I know. Not one of my better fights. I had it coming though, I wasn’t taking that Ivywhore seriously enough.”
“ I think she didn’t take you seriously enough either. And I’d bet she's feeling a hell of a lot worse then you are right now.”
“ I sure hope so.”
“ Don’t feel sorry at all do you?”
“ Should I?”
“ I guess not. Still, you really did a number on her.”
“ She had it coming. Just wish I could have done that to Andy instead.”
“ I know what you mean. If only...hey, feet off the table!” Lira just yawned at Morgan and leaned back further in her chair.
“ I don’t think she’s going to listen to you Morgan.”
“ If we only had one extra pokeball in the house...”
“ Oh calm down.” She turned to look at the Wildcat. “ Lira, feet down, now.” The pokegirl glanced over at Lina. Something about the Oni’s tone and posture convinced her not to ignore the command and she took her feet off the table.
“ How do you do that?” Morgan asked. “ No one ever listens to me unless I hurt them first.”
“ I don’t know what to tell you.”
“ Oh well. Got any plans for the day?”
“ Sleep, lots of it. You?”
“ I got nothing. The yard and the front of the house need some work, but we don’t have any of the stuff we need for those jobs. All the stuff that needs to be done can’t be done, and all the stuff that can be done doesn’t need to be done. ”
“ It’s going to be a dull day then huh?”
“ Sure seems that way.” As if emphasizing the point, Lira chose that moment to stretch and yawn, a series of audible pops accompanying the motion. Standing up, she strolled out of the kitchen and headed off towards Aaron’s room. Trying her best to just ignore the Wildcat’s exit, Morgan started clearing the table.
“ Go get some rest, I’ll take care of this mess.”
“ Alright, I’ll see you later.” Lina yawned and started to stretch herself, but stopped as her cuts yelled at her for the movement. With a sigh she got up and started to hobble back for her room.

Morgan closed her eyes and bit down on the expletive before it could leave her mouth. With a heavy sigh she dropped the two halves of the plate into the trash and tried to calm herself before picking up the next one. Amachamps just weren’t meant to wash dishes, they were far too strong for the job. Morgan tried to be gentle, but her mind kept drifting, and as her thoughts wandered she stopped paying enough attention to her strength and...
“ Fuck!” Dumping yet another plate in the trash, she just dropped the remaining load in the sink to soak. She’d worry about it later. Right now, she needed to find something to do before she ended up putting a fist or two through a wall.
“....this is just going to be one of those days.” For what seemed like the first time ever, there was just nothing to be done. Morgan almost wanted to break something; then at least she’d have something to do.
Resisting that temptation, she headed outside. The front lawn was a sorry sight to behold. Half of the grass had been scorched off, and there were several deep holes in various locations. Her eye caught something lodged into the porch supports and she pulled it out. The leaf tore slightly as she did. The once steel hard weapon was starting to turn brown, and was returning to a much more natural state.
There were a few more of the razor leaves stuck in the side of the house. Morgan pulled out the ones she could reach and ignored the others; they would eventually rot and break down. Hopefully tomorrow or the next day there would be time to go get the necessary supplies to start fixing up the front of the house and the yard.
Sitting down on the front porch, Morgan’s mind started drifting back to her last two battles. The one with the spidergirl was hardly worth wasting time thinking about. The fight had been so one-sided that Morgan was almost ashamed at how badly she had hurt the pokegirl. Almost. No one messes with her family and gets away with it lightly.
The Galem however, was worth consideration. The fight had still been heavily one-sided, but at least it had taken an effort. Even with the type advantage, it had taken quite a beating to put the rockgirl down. Morgan clenched her fists and could feel a stiffness in the knuckles.
“ Just getting old I guess.” She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt any stiffness. Her type had been made to handle the bumps and bruises of hand to hand combat, and to recover from them rapidly. She did however, remember the first time, vividly.

She had just been an Amachop at the time. She was living in a cave, hollowed out centuries ago by the river that now flowed nearby. The entire area was uncovered bedrock, and rarely did anyone ever come by, save a few other feral pokegirls, but she had driven them off whenever they did. Other then that she’d lived a rather mundane if, at the time, satisfying life of eating, sleeping, and training, mostly by breaking rocks.
Martial arts were a part of her. Her entire species, just like all fighting types, had the basic knowledge encoded in their genes, along with the desire to use it and get better. As she later was told, it had been the sounds of her practicing that had lead her captors to her.
Morgan remembered her first impression of the two. A scrawny looking pokegirl and an even scrawnier looking human. She had not been impressed. At least not until the pokegirl had knocked her flat on her back from twenty yards away with a bolt of lightning.
The next thing she knew, she couldn’t feel her body anymore. Her first time inside a pokeball was very unsettling, and she never had quite gotten over it. She still had the occasional nightmare about it, being hurt and disoriented, her mind seemingly ripped from her body and stuffed in a small, dark place.
When she was let out she had been so relieved just to be free of the ball that she didn’t notice herself being tied down until it was too late to resist. The restraints held her firmly in place despite her best efforts to break free.
Her first taming was another memorable event. She could remember looking up at him, the first man she’d ever seen in her life. She knew that meant something, him being a man. Her heart was racing and she felt her stomach twisting. It wasn’t fear though, even as rarely as she’d experience that she knew what it was. It was something else, a need, a desire, she wanted something. She needed it, but she had no idea what it was. Nonetheless she strained against her bonds, trying to reach for him. Whatever it was her body wanted, somehow she knew he could give it to her.
When he first touched her it was like a whole need part of her mind opened up. She knew what she wanted, what she needed, what she was about to get. The more he touched her, the clearer her mind became. It was as if the whole of her thoughts and being had been trapped in a tiny little piece of her mind. Now she could see how her thoughts had been kept contained, narrowed down in their choices.
Exactly what all had gone on that first time was a blur in Morgan’s mind. She could remember the feelings though. Blissful sensations that even now, after so many years, could still send a shiver up her spine. Even as her mind found new ways of thinking, her body discover new feelings, and a new craving that begged to be satisfied.
When it was over, it was as if she had become someone entirely different. She felt better then she ever had before in her life. Her body was still aching from the jolt of electricity that had gone through her, but it was lessened by the general overall feeling of bliss she felt. Her two captors were busy talking at the moment. She had heard them talking before, while they were tying her down. Now though, she realized they were doing more then just making random sounds. Those sounds had a purpose. She still couldn’t understand them, but she could pick out the individual words if she paid attention.
That had been the start of her new life, a much more exciting life then living in a cave. She saw things she never imagined existed, learned things she never could have fathomed before, and best of all, was able to have her two greatest desires fulfilled; to fight, and to have sex. Her genes demanded it, and she was happy to comply.

Morgan smiled at the memory. She suddenly found herself not caring if it would be a dull day or not anymore. She stood up and looked around at her home, a real home, not some hole in the side of a giant chunk of rock. Her life now might be much more complicated then it was then, but it was worth it, a thousand times over. Feeling better then she had since the disaster that had been lunch, she turned and headed back inside. Maybe she’d find something to do, maybe not. Either way was fine with her.

Lina stared at the ceiling, feeling like she could scream out of sheer, unbearable boredom. Sleep wasn’t even a consideration anymore. She had gotten plenty of sleep, and was wide awake. Unfortunately while her mind was running just fine, her body was another story. It hurt to move, to breath, even just laying still hurt.
Pain was nothing new, she’d dealt with much worse then what she was feeling. Still it was annoying. Even worse was trying to deal with it while her mind raced with pent up energy. She felt like jumping out of bed and just running down the hall, but she knew she couldn’t do that. She’d just tear her wounds back open, and that would just make things worse; not that she could imagine things being much worse that this point.
Her only comforting thought was the fact that the bitch that had done this to her had to be feeling much worse. She'd pumped so much electricity into that Ivywhore that the pokegirl’s skin had burnt, second degree at least. Lina had gotten her share of burns in her life, and she knew how bad those hurt.
Then she had a troubling thought. The Ivywhore was at Henry’s ranch, being taken care of. No doubt she had been given medical attention. And that most likely would include soothing balms and painkillers. And that would mean much less suffering for the girl in question. She might actually be feeling better then Lina!
“ Aw goddammit! She had better be suffering right now, or I swear, I’ll zap her green ass again!” She winced as her body tensed up, pulling on her injuries. “ It’s not fucking fair...” With a disgusted sigh, she sat up, slowly dragging herself out of bed. Feeling grimy from laying in bed most of the day, Lina figured a shower might do her some good.

She gasped as the cold water hit her. Lina preferred cold showers; she loved the feeling of the icy water on her skin. The only thing that could make it better was to have a warm body to press up against. She loved getting tamed in the shower. The water was the perfect sex toy for her. It was like having dozens of silky hands running all over her body, and it let her do some fun tricks with her power.
Lina could send a very mild current through the water and over every part of her partner’s body that the liquid touched. It was great stimulation and had never failed her before. The trick could also work for her as well, for those times when she felt like getting right to the point.
Leaning back against the wall, Lina moaned slightly as she zapped herself, her skin flaring in goose bumps. Her cuts protested, but she ignored the pain. It was already being drowned out. Grabbing her breasts, she squeezed, sending a jolt from her hands into her tits, drawing out a gasp. She moaned long and hard as she kept zapping herself.
“ Aw shit, why’d he have to go with Aaron? I really need some attention right now” Lina twisted her nipples as she sent a good jolt through her breasts. There was pain, but it felt good, and as it faded it left behind a pleasant sensation that had her tits standing firm.
Reaching down, sliding her hand across her stomach, Lina slowly slide two fingers inside herself, inhaling deeply through her teeth as the cold digits entered her. A tiny spark flared inside her opening as she zapped herself. She whimpered at the feeling, drawing a gasping breath. Another jolt, stronger then the last caused her to scream in a mix of pain and pleasure.
Sending a gentler but constant current through her hand she started sliding her fingers in and out of herself, moaning loudly. She bit her bottom lip as she slid her fingers as deep inside herself as she could. Her other hand grabbed at her breast again, zapping again and again. She fingered herself faster, the current building with her pace. Lina pressed back against the wall for support as she felt her legs weakening. One more good zap between her legs and she cried out as the feelings peaked and raced through her body.
Lina slid slowly down the wall and sat on the shower floor. She brought her knees up and laid her arms across, resting her head on top. She was still feeling horny, and was half tempted to find Morgan and drag her into the shower, but she decided to wait. Just a bit longer and her love would be back. Then she’d have some real fun.

Lira slowly opened her eyes, yawned, and turned over. She bunched up the pillows under her head, inhaling deeply. She could smell him all over, his scent was heavy on the bed.
“ Mmm, Aaron...” Lira drew a deep breath. She missed him. She didn’t know where he was or what he was doing, and she really didn’t care. As long as he got back soon. Until then, she was going to stay in his room, laying on his bed, waiting. Unless she got hungry again, then she might go find something to eat. Hopefully without Morgan trying to make her use a useless fork instead of her two perfectly good hands.
She hoped Aaron would get back soon. She kept listening for him. She knew exactly what she was going to do when he got back too. First she would go greet him with a big hug, and maybe a nice quick kiss. Then she would take his hand and lead him back to his room, letting her tail tease and brush up against him. Then, she’d fuck him. That was the part of her plan she liked the most.
“ Heh, Lira fuck Aaron” She liked the sound of that. She just liked that word, and any chance she had to use it she did. She hoped there were other words like it, and if there were, she wanted to learn them, all of them.
Turning over again, she glanced at the clock on Aaron’s dresser. It was an old fashioned one, with rotating bars. Lira didn’t understand the numbers or how the two bars related to each other, but she did know that they both moved at set speeds. The shorter one was much slower then the big one, and yet it had moved a great deal since Aaron had left. She wondered how much further it would move before he got back.
Lira sat up suddenly as she heard the front door open, then close. Her ears twitched as she listened carefully. The last time it had just been Morgan coming back inside. She didn’t want to go running off again for no reason.
There, it was Aaron, that was his voice! He was shouting something, but it sounded more excited then angry. Lira could hear other voices now too, drowning his out. They all sounded excited.
Springing out of the bed, she fumbled with the door knob for a moment. She still hadn’t quite mastered it, but she got the door open and was down the hallway in an instant. There was Aaron, surrounded by his family. They were all smiling and talking with excited voices.
“ Aaron...” He turned to her as she called out his name. He smiled brightly at her and she couldn’t help smiling back. Remembering her plan, she walked over and gave him a big hug.
“ Good to see you too Lira. Great news, I got my license.” Lira cocked her head to the side. She had recognized her name and few other words, but she didn’t understand what he was trying to tell her. “ Yeah I know, you don’t understand. That’s okay. You will at some point. All that matters right now is I got it, and that means nothing can come between us now.”
“ Ahem...” Aaron glanced over at his father and sighed.
“ Alright, nothing but me breaking some stupid rules could, and even that will change eventually.”
“ We’re very happy for you” Lina spoke up.
“ Yeah, good work”
“ Thanks mom, Morgan.” Aaron nodded.
“ Now dear”, Lina said, shifting her attention to a new target. “ I’d like you to come with”
Seeing her chance, Lira started pulling Aaron along back towards his room. She managed to get him to follow her easily enough. Her tail brushed up against him and he glanced over at her.
“...what are you up to?” She just smiled back at him, her eyes shining. Reaching his room, she gave him a friendly push inside and then followed, closing the door slowly...

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: Well this wraps up the first chapter of this series. The next part will be set a few months in the furture as Aaron and Lira set out on the journey the title has been eluding to.

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.