Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ Retribution ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Lira knew something was wrong before she even opened her eyes. Her ears twitched as she tried to figure out what it was that had woken her up. However she couldn’t hear anything but Aaron and Sunnie’s respective heartbeats and breathing.
It was a moment later that she realized that was the problem. They were in the middle of a thickly forested area and it was nearly dead silent. The local bugs, birds, and feral pokegirls were keeping quiet.
She slipped a hand over Aaron’s mouth and spoke directly in his ear. “ Aaron, wake up”
“ Whhmm?” His muffled voice asked.
“ Something’s wrong, wake up Sunnie, be quiet about it” Without waiting around, Lira slipped out of the tent. The sun was just starting to rise, though the surrounding trees kept the clearing in a heavy gloom. She glanced around, then ducked into Alex and Lulu’s tent. She roused the pink pokegirl just as she had Aaron.
“ What’s going on?” Alex sat up suddenly, apparently having heard her.
“ Trouble, not sure what though.” Lira didn’t wait around, she moved to wake up Selena as well. Outside the tent, she paused. She could hear something now. It took her a moment to place the steady rhythm; foot steps. At least two of them, approaching quickly.
She was nearly to Selena’s tent when the Titto stuck her head out.
“ I know, I hear it.” The shapeshifter said silently.
“ Think maybe we’re just being paranoid?” Lira asked.
“ Yes, but is that really a bad thing?” Selena glanced over as Aaron appeared, Sunnie following close behind him.
“ Alright, what’s the deal with the early wake up?” Alex asked as he climbed out of his tent with Lulu.
“ Get ready” Was the only answer Selena gave as her form shifted, reverting to Seth. A moment later, two people came strolling into view, a man and a pokegirl.
The human half of the pair was a tall man in his late twenties. He wore an aged syn-leather jacket and loose jeans. A black sunburst tattoo decorated his right eye and temple, stopping just short of his close cut black hair. He surveyed the group with a bored expression.
As tall as the man was, his pokegirl still easily topped him in height. She was very well proportioned for her size too; while not bulging, her arms and legs were very well muscled. Short brown fur covered much of her body, and her short, round ears sat high on her head.
“ Alright” the man started. “ Where is she?”
“ Where’s who?” Aaron shot back, settling into a mind set he’d not used in months. The man before him was of a familiar type. He thought highly of himself, lowly of everyone else, and had no problem letting everyone know it. Aaron had dealt with plenty such people in his time, even knocked quite few of them around.
“ Don’t get smart with me you little prick. Where is the Titto? Hmm?” His eyes searched the group, as if he could pick out his target by looks alone.
“ Calm down spazwad. There’s no Titto’s around here.”
“ He’s lying” The pokegirl claimed. “ I can smell her. She’s here.”
Aaron was about to deny it again, but Seth stepped forward. “ Forget it Aaron, it’s pointless.” She gestured at the pokegirl. “ She’s a Grizzlar. Their sense of smell is second only to a Growlie.”
The tattooed man smiled. “ And their combat skills are second to none.”
“ They’re also among the most expensive pokegirl’s to own.” Seth glared at the man. “ Which means you’re more then just some punk. What do you want with me?”
“ To settle. You cost me a very useful pokegirl.”
Seth took her time answering. “ You mean that Darklady Selena killed. She was yours?”
“ That’s right.” The man seemed slightly thrown off by Seth’s wording, but didn't let it faze him “ You owe me for her.”
“ Should have kept her under better control.”
“ Granted yes, trusting Miles to watch her wasn’t the best choice I’ve ever made, but I was rather busy. Miles already paid for his stupidity. All that’s left is you. Athena...”
The Grizzlar nearly vanished in a blur as she shot across the space between her and Seth, shoulder checking the Titto and sending her flying violently backwards. Bark and wood splinters exploded as she collided roughly with a tree on the far side of the clearing.
Seth however, landed on her feet as she bounced off the tree. A thick metal plate covered her chest and had taken the brunt of the impact, though it was now dented inward. There was a collect sigh as everyone let out the breath they had been holding. Even Lira hadn’t seen the Titto’s defense form, it had just happened too fast.
Seth’s features dropped away, Selena appearing as she concentrated. The dent in her armor popped out as the metal covering spread, becoming as suit of armor plates that covered her vitals. The silverish metal flowed down her arms and over her fingers, becoming razor edged claws.
The Grizzlar smiled smugly and held out her hand, egging Selena on with slight wave of her fingers. The Titto snarled and leapt, slashing with her claws. Athena however easily sidestepped the attack, not even bothering to block. Selena just as quickly reversed her swing as backward pointing blades sprung from her forearm, raking at the pokegirl.
The Grizzlar’s eyes went wide for a moment as she realized she couldn’t step back fast enough. Instead she brought her arm up under Selena’s, pressing against the underside of the Titto’s arm and forcing it the blades over her head. The smug smile returned as she saw her opponent’s other arm swinging around. She twisted out of the way, and then brought her fist down on Selena’s arm, hard.
The Titto gasped as she felt and heard the bone snap. She never even saw the punch coming until it had already laid her out. Her skin rolled and boiled as her nervous system tried to deal with the shock. She felt a swell of panic as she tried and failed to regain control of her body.
Forgetting about her opponent for the moment, Selena focused on herself. She had to regain proper control of her morphic centers, or they could rip her body apart. She put aside the pain, trying to view her condition as objectively as possible. She just had to focus on what she needed to do. Concentrating, she willed her body to relax, forcing the shifting flesh and bone to settle, to become solid and unchanging.
Relief washed over her as she felt her body responding, the erratic flow of her flesh slowing and coming into sync. Selena forced herself to stand up, ignoring the pain in her chest. Her arm however was still too painful to use. Gritting her teeth, Selena willed the nerves to shut down. It was not something she liked doing; if she didn’t do it just right she would not be able to bring them back on, and her arm would be useless. Still, she had little choice. She needed to fix the limb, and there was no way she could do so with pain interfering with her concentration. While rapid bone growth was an easy enough feat for her kind, properly aligning the two halves of the bone with the muscles in her arm so they would fuse straight was something different all together. She had done it before though, plenty of times. Luckily her opponent was far too arrogant, and was not pressing while she had the clear upper hand.
Flexing her renewed arm, Selena considered her opponent. The Grizzlar was faster, stronger, and the last exchanged had proved her to be more skilled in martial combat as well. The Titto considered the problem of beating her opponent for a moment, then realized she was being too stiff in her evaluation. She was a Titto, she was flexible, adaptable. If she couldn’t win with what she had, she simply needed to make a few changes.
As she adjusted her body in accordance with her new strategy her armor faded. She was going to need speed more then defense if her plan was going to work. The Titto’s arms and legs stretched, lengthening her reach. She moved straight in and punched right at the Grizzlar’s chest.
Athena quickly blocked the blow, her arm sweeping the punch to the outside. She was just gathering up for a counter attack when she realized her opponent was still stepping in, pressing her shoulder forward. Selena’s arm bent, not in the normal fashion, but backwards. The inside of her elbow thrust forward, all of her weight behind the surprise attack which impacted squarely in the shocked pokegirl’s solar plexus.
The air was suddenly and painfully driven out of her lungs. Athena staggered backward. Not giving her a chance to recover, Selena closed the gap, her hyper extended arm swinging back. As it did, her hand rotated one hundred eighty degrees around her wrist. She caught the Grizzlar with the reversed backfist right across the face, jerking her head to the side painfully.
Already lined up, the Titto pushed her arm forward, her shoulder extending from her body. The point of her elbow smashed into her opponent’s windpipe. Athena dropped, clutching her throat as she gasped painfully for air.
Above her, Selena raised her arm, claws forming and growing. Her finger joints fused, her digits becoming rapier like blades. She reached down and half hauled the Grizzlar up by her hair as she drew back to strike.
When someone grabbed her arm, Selena instantly dropped the stunned pokegirl, her free arm already starting to morph. Her head whipped around, eyes blazing. Lira stared back at her, clearly terrified, but she held on despite it.
“ Please, no more.” Lira pleaded. “ You won, isn’t that enough?”
“ No! It’s never enough!” Selena jerked her arm free. She turned on Lira. “ Don’t you get it? This isn’t just some grudge match, they came here to kill!” She glared over Athena’s tamer, who took a step back. “ They’re the worst kind of people. They don’t care about anyone. Just cause I beat her here and now, she’s not going to change. How many? How many do you think have lost their lives to these monsters? If I let her go, how many more will she kill? How many people will have to mourn for the loss of their loved ones?” She turned back to the gasping pokegirl. “ I don’t want anyone else to suffer the pain I had to...” The Titto’s voice dropped to a painful whisper as tears sudden swelled in her eyes. “ Nobody should have to go endure what I did...” She looked back at the Grizzlar, who was still on the ground fighting just to breath. “...nobody...should...goddamn it.” Selena closed her eyes. “ Get her out of here, and never, bother us, again.” Opening her eyes, she glanced over at the tattooed man. “ If I ever see you again...” She left the threat open, turning and walking away stiffly as Lira fell in beside her. There was the buzz snap of a capture beam followed by fleeing footsteps.
Silence fell on the small clearing. Selena just looked at the ground while everyone else stood around in stunned silence. The Titto quivered slightly as tears continued to flow silently down her face. When Lira hugged her she gasped slightly, then leaned into the embrace.
“’s okay.” The Wildcat tried her best to sound convincing. “ It’ll be okay.”
“ I...I just....I’m sorry.” Selena shuddered as her form shifted. She grew slightly as her skin darkened, gaining a greenish tint. Her hair transformed, becoming leaf shaped and growing tightly around her head. Tiny flowers sprouted between the leaves.
Lira let go and took a step back as the Titto finished her transformation into her harem sister. She looked over the plant girl, who stared right through her.
“ Selena?”
The plant type shook her head. “ Selena needs some time to herself. I am Casey.”
“ Oh....okay.” The plant girl didn’t give any indication that she was going to say anything else, or that she was even going to move. Lira finally just decided to let her be, and walked rather dejectedly back over to Aaron.

“ She’s good, she’s very good.” Aaron snapped his pokedex shut. “ This is the newest model, and even it can’t tell what she really is.”
“ What does it say?” Alex asked.
“ Flowergirl. She has it completely fooled.” Aaron looked glanced over at the Titto. She was still standing practically motionless, staring off into space.
" Do you really have to leave?" Lira blurted out.
Alex looked over at Lulu, who was busy cramming the last of the tent into it's case. " Yeah. This is just too weird for us. I hate to ditch you with her, but Lulu really isn't taking this whole thing very well."
The Wildcat sighed. " I guess I understand."
“ Alex, ready.” Lulu called out as she walked over and handed him his pack.
“ Alright, thanks.” He accepted and shoulder the bag. “ Well, best of luck to you.”
“ You too” Aaron nodded. “ Hope to see you both again sometime.”
“ Yeah, me too.”
“ I’m sure we will” Lulu added. She smiled slightly at Lira. “ After all, you owe me a rematch.”
Lira forced a smile. “ I look forward to it.”
Lulu nodded, then took Alex’s hand. “ Well, shall we?”
“ Right.” With a last round of goodbye’s, the young tamer and Wigglymuff headed off, soon lost from sight in the forest.
“ So...” Lira wrapped her arms around Aaron from behind. “ What are we going to do about Casey?”
“ What do you mean?”
“ Well she’s just standing there. Not very friendly. I like Selena and Seth better.”
“ Lira, they’re all the same person you know.”
“ You can’t tell that.”
Aaron signed. “ I know, I know. Just let her be.”
“ So then...I take it we’re not going anywhere today?”
“ Doesn’t look like...” Aaron cut off as he felt Lira’s hands start to roam.
“ Mmm...well then, if we’re not going to be doing anything else...” Lira nuzzled against his neck as her hands slide down the front of his pants.
“ Gods, nothing puts you off, does it?”
“ Not for long, no.” Lira answered before pressing her lips against his neck and sucking lightly. After a short moment she pulled back and whispered in his ear. “ Come on, it’ll help get your mind off things for a while.” Lira started to pull him, leading him back towards their tent. Sunnie hurried ahead of both of them, pulling the flap open.
The tiny pokegirl had been hiding behind Aaron during the morning’s events, and had been doing her best just to stay out of sight. Now that things seemed to have calmed down, she was trying to cover up her being frightened as best she could. As Lira dragged Aaron into the tent, she followed, forcing herself to smile. She understood what Lira was trying to do; she was trying to help Aaron feel better, and Sunnie was determined to do what she could to help as well.
As Lira dragged Aaron down into her lap, Sunnie started to undo her tamer’s pants. The Wildcat had Aaron’s full attention at the moment, her hands rubbing up under his shirt and across his chest as she nibbled on his ear. With a firm tug, Sunnie removed the pants and tossed them aside, giving Aaron a smirk and wink when he looked at her.
“ I swear, she’s starting to take after you.” Aaron commented.
“ I know, I’m so proud.” Lira smiled at the little bug girl. Aaron mumbled something and the Wildcat wrapped her arms around him. “ What was that?” She asked, squeezing.
“ Gah, nothing” Aaron wheezed slightly.
“ I hope not.” Lira giggled as she let up. She snatched his shirt off even as Sunnie rid him of his boxers. Aaron sighed and sank a bit lower in Lira’s embrace, his head resting on her generous chest. He looked up at her as she ran her hands down his chest, her claw tips brushing his skin. He gasped as Sunnie brought her mouth to the inside of his leg.
“ I think someone has something in mind” Lira smirked as she grabbed Aaron’s wrists and held him.
“ Hey, what are you...” Aaron’s question deteriorated into a groan as Sunnie’s tongue ran up the underside of his length. Lira held on tightly as his whole body tensed slightly. With her holding him, there was nothing Aaron could do but lay against the Wildcat as Sunnie opened her mouth and took the tip of his manhood between her lips.
“ Oh yeah, she taking after you.” Lira just laughed in response as she watched Sunnie take as much of Aaron as she could fit in her mouth. Aaron’s head rolled to the side and Lira felt his warm, gasping breath fall across her tit. She had a strong urge to take him then and there, but forced herself to wait. She’d get her chance, right now it was Sunnie’s turn to do as she pleased.
There was a pop as Sunnie pulled back, taking several deep breaths. She leaned back down and gave Aaron a gentle lick, then another, longer one, winding around the head of his shaft. Her tiny hand wrapped around him at the base, sliding slowly up and down..
Aaron pushed back against Lira, who easily held her position against him. The young man was squirming in her grasp as Sunnie continued on slowly, taking her time as she sucked him off. She dragged her lips up along his length before bringing him back in her mouth. The bug girl planted her hands on his hips and slowly started to bob her head back and forth.
Lira could feel Aaron’s body tensing as Sunnie sped up. She relished the sound of his ragged gasps. Sunnie brought one of her hands back into play, sliding up and down rapidly. That was end of Aaron’s restraint; he tensed and arched back into Lira as he came in Sunnie’s mouth, who happily swallowed all the he gave her, licking him clean as he collapsed into the Wildcat’s embrace.
Lira gently laid her tamer down as she slid out from under him. On her hands and knees she crawled over to Sunnie and pulled the tiny pokegirl to her, pressing their lips together. Her tongue pressed easily into her harem sister’s mouth, enjoying the lingering flavor of her tamer’s seed.
As the Wildcat pushed into the kiss harder, Sunnie was unable to hold against the much stronger pokegirl and was pushed down on her back. Lira smirked and brought her lips down around the Cutiepie’s breast, her rough tongue sliding across the sensitive nub of her tit. The tiny bug girl let out a chirping whine. Lira tried to take her time, but she was too worked up to maintain her unhurried pace long. Her mouth slid down Sunnie’s body as her hands pulled the Cutiepie’s legs apart. The Wildcat thrust her tongue into the tiny pokegirl, licking up inside her and dragging the rough surface of her tongue over the Cutiepie’s clitoris. Sunnie shrieked as her body locked up, shaking as rapid gasps of breath spilled past her lips. Lira smiled as she felt the bug girl’s insides tighten around her tongue.
Far from finished, she brought her lips against Sunnie’s sex, sucking lightly. She felt the pokegirl grab her hair, tugging on it. She wiggled the tip of her tongue back into Sunnie, then paused as she suddenly felt a hand sliding up her leg. She looked back over her shoulder to see Aaron had recovered some of his strength and had shuffled up behind her. She flashed him a smile and a wink before returning her attention back to Sunnie. The Wild cat propped herself up a bit, spreading her legs wider.
The anticipation was getting to Lira as Aaron took his time, his hands caressing her smooth bottom. He kept bringing his fingers so close, then pulled back before touching her where she wanted him to. The third time he did it she flicked her tail at him. She was getting ready to yell at him to just get to it when she felt his finger push into her. Her muffled moan was answered by another shriek from Sunnie. The Cutiepie was gasping for breath, her body covered in sweat that had plastered her hair down. She weakly brought her head up to see what Lira was moaning about, but quickly flopped back down.
Deciding that her harem sister had come enough times for now, Lira levered herself up, supporting her weight on her hands and knees as Aaron’s digits slid inside her. His other hand reached around her leg and rubbed down till he found the tiny nub of flesh just above her opening. His thumb and forefinger closed around it, rubbing gently and sending a shudder through the Wildcat. Lira purred and moaned her satisfaction.
Lira whined as Aaron’s hands pull back, but quickly shut up as she felt his manhood slide into her. His hips pressed against her bottom for a beat, then he pulled back, establishing a strong, steady rhythm. Purring with each breath, Lira laid her head down across her arms as Aaron pounded into her.
Aaron grasped Lira by the hips, pulling her back to meet his thrusts. The steady rhythm started to speed up, his hips smacking into her rear. Lira pushed herself back up; she glanced over her shoulder at her tamer. Aaron gave her a smile and redoubled his efforts. The steady pressure that had been building suddenly swelled inside her. Lira cried out as the pressure broke, flowing through her body.
She pushed and sat back, dropping herself in Aaron’s lap. She twisted around enough to kiss him, rocking her hips slightly. Aaron held her as her motions built up speed. Lira twisted back around, leaning into her tamer; she reached down and used her hand to press her clitoris against his manhood as she bounced in his lap. It didn’t take much at all to get herself off again, and she was tempted to try for a third, but she could feel Aaron’s vitality rapidly deflating.
Extracting herself from his grasp, Lira laid down, closing her eyes. She sighed happily as she felt Aaron lay down behind her, his arms pulling her in close and snuggling against her. After a moment or two, Sunnie managed to drag herself over to join them. Lira gathered the Cutiepie up, hugging her tightly to her chest as they rested up. Hopefully, the rest of the day would be much more relaxed then the morning had been.

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: Eh, what can I say about this one? No plot, just action and sex. Hopefully there'll be more story to the next one.

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.