Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ The Pain Of Love ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Sunnie honestly couldn’t believe her own good luck. She had Aaron, alone, in his room, for at least the next hour. Lira and Selena had been recruited by Lina in helping with the pool project, helping add a bit more muscle to the job. While Morgan more then held up her end of the work, her former co-worker was only human.
So Lina had decided that since the two young and able pokegirls had nothing better to do, a view Sunnie was sure said pokegirls didn’t agree with, she had convinced them to lend a hand. Sunnie wished she’d been there to hear the arguement the Oni had used. She got the feeling it had been short, to the point, and largely threatening. Sunnie was glad she was on Lina’s good side.
As for Z-ko, the Shadowgirl was off pouting. She had been less then happy when Lira had come prancing into the living room, sporting her new collar. Z-ko had thrown a fit and stormed off outside. Aaron of course had gone after her and tried to calm her down, a quest of well over an hour that ended in partial success.
Truthfully though, Sunnie could care less, being far too happy for Lira to worry about Z-ko. She was also a bit jealous, but she forced it down. Lira and Aaron had always had a deeper affection for each other then either of them had realized until now, but Sunnie had known about it all along. She’d been able to see it clearly, and had been wondering how long it would take the two of them to notice as well.
Still, those were thoughts that could wait, Sunnie had a window of opportunity before her that she wasn’t going to miss. It was almost unheard of for her to have Aaron all to herself, and she knew exactly what she wanted to do now that she had him.
Aaron, for his part, was completely unaware of what his pokegirl was thinking, or even that she was focused so intently on him. He was busy at his desk, planning their next trip out. He had several maps, a scattering of pens and markers, a scrap of paper representing their past, present, and projected budget, and a calculator. He was so busy trying to decide what places they should go and which ones of those they could actually afford to get to or stay in, that he didn’t even notice her until she had literally climbed onto his desk.
“ Oh, Sunnie? Is there some...” The tiny pokegirl cut off his question by pressing her lips firm against his, leaning forward on her hands and knees to reach him. Her antennae brushed lightly over his face.
Slowly pulling back, Aaron blinked. For a moment he could have sworn he was looking at Lira instead; Sunnie had nearly perfectly mimicked her harem sister’s intense stare and was using it to great effect. Looking in her eyes, there was no doubt as to what was on her mind.
“ Uh Sunnie...I’m kinda busy...” Aaron once again was cut off, this time by a single finger held over his mouth.
“ No you’re not.” Sunnie informed him, smiling sweetly. She leaned over a bit more, purposefully showing off her relatively full cleavage. “ Not yet you’re not” Aaron couldn’t fathom a reply, too busy wondering when Sunnie had started acting in such a way, how she could look so cute and innocent while doing so, and just when had she started talking like Lira?
Sunnie took advantage of Aaron’s momentary shock to pull him out of his chair and urge him towards his bed. She hopped up on the bed, bringing her to a more equal height with her tamer, and kissed him again as she started unzipping his pants.
Aaron finally got over his surprise, considered the situation, and wisely decided that the planning could wait. His hands found their way down Sunnie’s body to the base of the tiny sundress she wore.
The clothing had been special made for her, the skirt of the dress was adjustable and could easily triple in size so there was room to pull it off over her wings. Aaron quickly released the knot holding the extra slack, and the dress expanded at the base, looking like a moomoo for a brief moment before he slipped it off over her head.
Sunnie giggled as Aaron became aware of the fact that she was wearing nothing under the dress, and he once again wondered how she could look so cute while being so naughty. He was brought back to the task at hand by the sound of his pants hitting the floor. Sunnie had finished unzipping him.
He bent over a bit to pull them from his legs, only to have Sunnie grab the collar of his shirt and yank it off him. He paused for a moment, then looked up at her. She smiled sweetly back at him.
“ I feel like I’m being maneuvered here...very skillfully I might add.”
“ Aw, you’re just imagining things” Sunnie giggled and fluttered her wings.
“ You’re playing with me, aren’t you?”
“ No, I won’t play with you.” The tiny pokegirl suddenly smirked. “ Not like that anyway.” Before Aaron could answer, Sunnie grabbed the arm he was using to support his bent over position and tugged, pulling him down and over her as she fell backwards on the bed. She squealed and giggled in delight, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“ Ah, you’re as bad as Lira, you just hide it better.” Aaron propped himself up on one arm to look at her.
“ What are you talking about? Lira doesn’t hide it at all”
“ Point, but that’s not...” Aaron was cut off for a third time as Sunnie kissed him, eagerly pressing her tongue passed his lips. She brought her leg up and gently rubbed it against the growing bulge in the front of Aaron’s boxers. Sunnie gasped happily as her tamer stopped trying to start a conversation and started trying to please her, his attention wandering towards her neck.
Sunnie moaned slightly as teased her with his mouth, tugging slightly at his hair as his hands slide up the front of her body and over her chest. She whined as he played with her breasts, rolling his thumbs across her tits.
“ Aaron, mmm...just hurry up and fuck me” Aaron nearly choked at Sunnie’s request, not sure what shocked him more; that she wanted to just get to the point or that she actually used such a vulgar word. They were both so out of character for her that he once again could have sworn he was with Lira instead.
“ You sure? I mean, we have plenty of time...”
“ I know, I just feel...I just want it, I want you, now!” The tiny pokegirl looked at him with unmasked lust. “ Please...”
“ Alright.” Aaron nodded, sliding off his boxers. Sunnie closed her eyes, willing her body to relax. She couldn’t afford to be tense for what was to come.
Sunnie groaned as she felt Aaron’s first, gentle probing. She spread her legs wider, gasping as he started to push into her. She could feel her face flush as he slowly slid inside her. It hurt, it always hurt to begin with. She was just too small, her body was just barely able to accommodate Aaron’s size.
Still, the pain felt good, as did the sensation of being completely filled up inside. Sunnie opened her eyes, looking up at Aaron’s face. She nodded, giving him the go ahead signal. He nodded back, and Sunnie’s eyes slammed shut as he pulled back. She felt empty inside after being so stretched out, but it lasted only a second before he pushed back into her, sending a jolt of pain and pleasure through her.
Before her final evolution, Sunnie had been rather envious of Lira for the fact that she didn’t have to rely on just fingers and tongues for her taming. As wonderful as both her tamer and harem sister were with those tools, every time she’d watched Lira ride Aaron, or witness him driving into the Wildcat, she’d found herself wishing she could take part.
After she evolved, the first thing she’d done was drag Aaron back to their tent and ask him to tame her. The pain had surprised her at first, but she had refused to let it get in the way. For Sunnie, that was her first real taming, and even with the pain, it had felt better then any taming before it. Manual and oral were nice, but in Sunnie’s opinion, getting screwed was the best.
The next thrust rocked her body as it slide home. Sunnie gasped, her tiny body voicing the sound as a squeak. She bit down hard as she rode out the worst of the pain, which soon faded away, leaving behind only a pleasant sensation of bliss as Aaron slid in and out of her. The pain would be back later, the price she paid for pushing her body the way she was, but she didn’t care.
Sunnie moaned, arching her back as her wings beat against the bed in time with Aaron’s motions, which were quickly taking on a rapid pace. As tight and snug as she was, it was all Aaron could do to last even a handful of minutes. The first time he’d tamed her after her evolution he hadn’t even lasted one. Luckily Lira had been on hand and had helped out by literally taking over the job of Aaron’s weakened legs, pushing and pulling on his hips till Sunnie was finished.
Lacking that fall back, Sunnie did her best to give in to the wonderful feelings shooting through her, building up into a sensation of pressure waiting to be released. She squirmed under the force, gasping and moaning as loud as her soft voice could. She tensed, her fingers pulling at the sheets, wings pressed firmly into the bed. Sweated beaded across her skin as her whole body flushed, her pale green skin darkening. Her eyes screwed shut as her antennae curled down.
She was dimly aware of Aaron’s sudden gasp as her already tight grip around his cock locked down even tighter. She was completely aware of the liquid warmth that shot into her though, provoking a whimpering moan that slowly trailed off.
Sunnie shuddered slightly as Aaron pulled out of her, half falling down on the bed beside her, just missing her left wing. She suddenly felt cold as the sweat on her skin sucked the heat from her body. Fighting exhaustion, she sat up, wishing she could just roll over; her wings however made that maneuver impossible. Sliding over, she turned and fell across Aaron, who automatically wrapped his arms around her.
Nuzzling against his chest, Sunnie closed her eyes, more then happy to spend whatever remaining time she had alone with him just as they were. Unlike Lira, she didn’t mind trading sex time for cuddling time.

“ Ahh! Get it off, get it off!” Sighing, Sunnie glanced over her shoulder, folding her wings back so she could see what had gotten Z-ko worked up this time.
“ Calm down, it’s just a spider web” Aaron informed the Shadowgirl, brushing the offending strands off her. Z-ko shuddered and clung to Aaron.
“ Lets go back, Z-ko hates this”
“ We’re almost there, just a little further” Lira spoke up. She pointed. “ See there, that’s the stream where me and Aaron first met.”
“ Ha, met...interesting choice of words.”
“ Aw come on, you had fun didn’t you?” Lira teased.
“ Yeah, after you stopped acting like you were going to eat me.”
Sunnie smiled as Aaron and Lira fell into a playful argument. She looked around, feeling very connected to the wilderness around her. This was where it had all started, where a chance encounter had started Aaron down the path of becoming a tamer. If not for that moment, both she and Lira would still be feral and on their own, Selena would be drifting aimlessly from place to place, and Z-ko would probably be at a ranch waiting to be sold.
“ Gah! Get away, get!” Though at the moment, Sunnie found herself wishing that was the case with the Shadowgirl, who was swatting at a harmless moth fluttering around her head.
“ Damn she’s noisy.” Sunnie had to agree with Selena, or at the moment, Seth. As soon as they had entered the woods, the Titto had switched forms, complaining about being cooped up for too long. “ A guy’s got to breath occasionally” had been all the explanation given.
Sunnie really didn’t mind, she liked Seth, much more then some of Selena’s other personas. Casey was the worst of them; she tended to just stand around, saying nothing to anyone, and tending to any plants in the area. Plants were all she seemed to care about. Luckily, she didn’t seem to need out much.
In fact, most of Selena’s other personas had been appearing less and less as of late. Sunnie hoped it was a good sign. Still, they saw almost as much of Seth as they did of Selena, which normally wasn’t a problem. There had been a few incidents when the Titto had fallen asleep as Selena and woken up clinging to Aaron as Seth, something that never failed to freak them both out when it happened. Other then that though, things were going well.
“ Come on, this way!” Lira exclaimed, grabbing Aaron by the wrist and pulling him along.
“ Hey wait, Lira! Let me take my shoes off before...” Smiling, Lira tugged Aaron into the stream, instantly soaking his shoes. “...wonderful.”
“ Hehe, oops?” Lira giggled. Aaron sighed, sloshing through the stream with Lira following close behind him. Sunnie opted to just float over the slow moving water, landing on the other side perfectly dry. Z-ko removed her shoes and reluctantly crossed. Seth just walked on through, uncaring.
Another ten minutes of walking brought them to their destination. The landscape climbed up steeply before them, the hill rising a good hundred or so feet above the surrounding land.
“ It’s right there” Lira pointed. Sunnie followed the line of her finger and could just barely see it, a tiny patch of dark, nestled between a sturdy oak and boulder. It was the swallow cave Lira had dug herself back when she was feral. It was her old home. “ Come on!” The Wildcat raced up the hill, clearly excited. When the rest of the group finally caught up with her, Lira had already climbed the tree by the cave, looking out across the woods. “ Hey Aaron, I think I can see your house from here”
“ Yeah, I’m sure.” Aaron turned around. “ Still, it is a nice view.” As Z-ko and Selena turned to take a look as well, Sunnie kept her focus on the hand made cave. It was too dark to see much of the inside, but it seemed fairly nice, for a hole in the ground. Sunnie wished she’d had something so nice when she was living wild.
When something inside moved, the tiny pokegirl froze. Her antennae twitched. Apparently, during her year long absence, something had decided to take over Lira’s old home, most likely a pokegirl given the size of the shadow. Sunnie was about to alert Aaron and ask if he brought any pokeballs when the shadow peeked out.
Sunnie froze again, though this time it wasn’t a just an instinctual survival reaction. This time it was out of pure shock and terror. The face peering at her wasn’t even close to human. Four red eyes stared at her, set in pairs above a mouthful of fangs and needle like teeth. The pokegirl took a silent step forward, a long chitin encased arm touching down softly on the ground, sharp claws piercing the soil. Its thick body was equally covered in black, bony armor.
“ A-a-aron...” Sunnie’s voice died in her throat. She had seen the creature in front of her before, but only in books or bad horror movies. Suddenly, the movies didn’t seem all so scary, now that she had a real, living Widow towering over her.
“ Hey Sunnie, where’d you...” Aaron’s voice trailed off. The Widow’s eyes snapped up away from the Buttitsfree. She grinned, a display of fangs and teeth that caused Sunnie to quiver. The deadly pokegirl bolted out of the cave. She was fast, crawling with her many arms and legs barely touching the ground. She brushed passed Sunnie, clipping her and knocking her down.
The tiny pokegirl quickly pushed herself up, just in time to see Z-ko and Seth batted aside, Aaron being seized and hauled off his feet. It would have seemed almost casual if not for the sheer speed of the attack. Sunnie felt her heart skip as the Widow pulled Aaron in close, mouth open in that wicked grin.
A roar like scream jerked Sunnie’s gaze up just in time to see Lira pounce from her position in the tree, landing square on the Widow’s back and trying to tear the creature open with her claws. She gasped as her attack just bounced off the Widow’s thick armor. A long arm reached around quickly, snagging the Wildcat by her hair and tossing her. Lira hit the oak hard, bark flying as she bounced off, landing roughly on the ground.
Sunnie scrambled to her feet, hands fumbling for the latches to her wing covers. She was helpless as long as they were on. A angry scream brought her attention back to the Widow as Selena ripped four straight lines in the pokegirl’s exoskeleton with steel formed claws. Still, while she had hurt her, the wounds were merely superficial. All they really did was piss the Widow off.
Forcing herself to look away, Sunnie managed to undo the latches, quickly sliding the plastic off her wings. The brightly colored weapons fluttered, launching her off the ground. Below, the Widow had pinned Selena down, her own claws having piercing her opponent’s skin easily, driven completely through the Titto’s shoulder. Another razor tipped hand raised up, ready to strike.
Panic gripped Sunnie as she realized she was too far away to help, though she doubted there was much she could do to stop the Widow’s attack even if she wasn’t. Before the death blow could land though, Lira charged back into the fight, slamming hard into the Widow.
Unbalanced, the spiderish pokegirl dropped Aaron as she brought her arms down to catch herself from falling. She growled, throwing her weight sideways and slamming her heavier body into the Wildcat, knocking her flat. Selena just managed to get free, only to get knocked sprawling by a heavy blow from two of the Widow’s arms.
Sunnie dove as the nightmare of a pokegirl refocused on Aaron, who was busy scrambling to get away. The Widow started after him, and Sunnie dropped right between them. Four red eyes locked onto her, a claw tipped hand starting to swing up.
As her wings came back, Sunnie oriented herself, making sure of her position. Millions of tiny scales along her wings opened, releasing the deadly powders that were stored within. She jerked her wings forward hard, blasting a gust of wind at the Widow that carried her powder right into the pokegirl’s face. The clawed hand missed her by inches as she was tossed back by her attack.
The Widow screamed, shaking her head and clawing at her face as the powder coated her eyes and burned down her throat. Sunnie had used all of her powder in one go, a tactic she wouldn’t normally consider. She actually carried a mix of powders, each having it’s own effects. Using all of them at once was dangerous. The stun and sleep powders could severely weaken most pokegirls well enough on their own, with the poison powder thrown in as well, there was a very good chance of killing the target. With the other two weakening the victim, the poison could easily overwhelm the heart or lungs.
Amazingly though, the Widow showed no signs of slowing down. She swung about blindly, her eyes burning. Aaron quickly skirted around the pokegirl. Lira limped to meet him, hugging him fiercely.
“ Save it for later, we need to go now” Aaron told her, keeping his voice low. She nodded, following him to where Selena lay face down in the dirt. The Titto groaned, the skin around her shoulder rippling as her body worked to close the wound.
Aaron started to help her up, but Lira pushed him aside. Even with a bad leg, she picked up Selena with far less effort. She managed a brisk skipping walk as she carried the Titto down the hill.
“ Sunnie, can you see where Z-ko is?” Aaron asked. The tiny pokegirl beat her wings, flying higher and trying to spot the Shadowgirl.
“ Over here!” Sunnie swooped down, landing on the pile of rocks Z-ko was cowering behind. The pokegirl was scared out of her mind, mumbling to herself with her arms covering her head.
“ Z-ko!”
“ Aaron!?” The Shadowgirl suddenly leapt to her feet. “ You’re alive! Z-ko thought...” Z-ko broke down, her voice cracking. She hugged him tightly.
“ Come on, we have to hurry.” Aaron grabbed Z-ko’s hand, pulling her along. Sunnie looked back at the Widow, who was clearly looking for them. Her head jerked around, scanning the area, but her eyesight was still too blurred.
Sunnie considered going back for her wing covers, but decided against it. They were too close to the Widow, even if her eyesight was poor at the moment. Hopping off the rocks, she glided down the hill, catching up with Aaron and the rest at the bottom.
The group made it’s way quickly through the woods, moving at a good pace even with Lira limping. Selena had recovered enough to walk, though her steps wavered a bit every now and then. Sunnie kept an eye on both girls, since Aaron was busy with Z-ko who was a complete emotional wreak. It was all he could do to keep her moving.
When Lira suddenly stopped, the group froze. The Wildcat’s ears twitched, and she turned to look back.
“ Something’s coming.” she announced.
“ I’ll check it out.” Sunnie volunteered.
“ No, Sunnie!” Aaron started, but the tiny pokegirl was already airborne and on the move.
“ Just keep on going, I can catch up easy.” Dodging through the trees, Sunnie scanned the area below her. She skimmed the underside of the tree tops, ducking under the occasional low hanging branch. She spotted movement, but it quickly ducked out of sight into a bush. Probably just a feral pokegirl, in any case it had been too small to be worried about. She was just about to turn back when the Widow stepped around a cluster of trees and into view.
Sunnie groaned. The pokegirl was following them, her head low to the ground, snuffing loudly. She crept forward steadily, and Sunnie knew she would catch up before they got home. Even if they did beat the pokegirl back, what then?
The Widow suddenly paused, cocked her head to the side, and waited. Sunnie found herself holding her breath, wondering if the pokegirl had noticed her. The Widow sprang, arms shooting forward like spears into the bush that Sunnie thought she’d seen something hide under.
There was a scream, shrill and painful to listen to. The struggle barely lasted a few seconds, the Widow’s arms striking in a series of rapid blows that were a blur of motion, shredding the bush and whatever had been unluckily enough to be inside.
Sunnie didn’t wait to find out what it was, she turned, flying as hard as she could. She just wanted the nightmare to end so she could lay down, cuddle with Aaron and Lira, and pretend that nothing bad had happened today.
True to her word, Sunnie was able to catch up with the group in short order, warning them of their stalker. That got them moving, pushing themselves harder. Sunnie kept doubling back, checking on the Widow’s progress, which was still outpacing them. It was getting alarmingly closer each time.
“ Aaron” Sunnie called out as she swooped in from her latest recon. “ You have to hurry up, it’s right behind you guys.” Aaron swore under his breath.
“ Sunnie, I want you to go on ahead. I know we’re getting close to home. I need you to tell my family what happened okay?”
“ But, what about...”
“ Just do it” he cut her off. “ None of us are going to be able to stop that thing, we need help now.”
“ Alright” Sunnie nodded. There was so much more she wanted to say, but there wasn’t time. She took off straight up, moving above the tree tops and into open air. She pushed herself hard, watching the woods pass under her. Aaron was right, this wasn’t a fight they could win without help.
The woods finally fell away behind her, grass replacing the trees. Her back ached, her flight muscles burning as she landed roughly in front of Aaron’s house. Stumbling a bit, she practically threw herself at the door.
“ Lina! Morgan!” Sunnie called out, pausing for a moment to catch her breath. She suddenly felt dizzy as she realized just how tired she was. Her body had been running on adrenaline and fear for most of the last hour. Sunnie felt her legs give out and she fell to the floor.
“ What the hell is going on out here?” Lina walked out of the kitchen, looking somewhat annoyed until she spotted her son’s pokegirl curled up on the floor. “ Sunnie? Hey, what are you doing there?”
“ Lina...Aaron’s in trouble.” Sunnie panted as the Oni helped her sit up. “ They’re being chased by a Widow!”
“ What!?” Lina blinked, then her eyes narrowed. “ Sunnie, did Aaron make you do this? I swear, sometimes that boy goes too far with his...”
“ It’s the truth, I swear it! Oh please Lina, you have to believe me!” Sunnie begged, feeling like she was going to start crying any second.
“...Alright, I’ll believe you.” Picking the tiny pokegirl up, Lina laid her down on the couch and quickly made her way out back. A few seconds later she came back, trailed by Morgan and Aaron’s father.
Sunnie forced herself up. “ Come on.” Hopping off the couch, she lead them out the door, turning for the woods. Her wings protested, but she made them work, lifting her off the ground.
The trip back seemed to take forever. Even as tired as she was, Sunnie had to slow down to keep from outpacing the trio following her. And every second that passed in which they didn’t meet up with Aaron or the girls was a second filled with worry. What if the Widow had caught up with them already? Lira and Selena were in no condition to try and fight that monster, and Z-ko and Aaron didn’t stand a chance even in perfect health.
Sunnie forced the thoughts down, trying not to think about. No matter how she tried though, she couldn’t get the image of the Widow slaughtering that pokegirl in the bush out of her mind. The thought of something similar happening to her tamer or sisters made her stomach clench and she had to blink tears out of her eyes.
At the sounds of something crashing through the brush ahead, Sunnie halted, fluttering to the ground. She waited, ready to take off in an instant if needed. A dark form shoved it’s way through the brush and Sunnie almost did take flight before she realized it was just Z-ko. Her relief died however when no one else followed the Shadowgirl out.
Spotting them, Z-ko wailed, stumbling over, clearly exhausted. Morgan caught her as she half fell, her body giving out.
“ Z-ko, what happened? Where’s the others? Where’s Aaron?” Lina demanded. The Shadowgirl started sobbing.
“ She took him. Selena and Lira tried to stop her, but she just knocked them away.” Z-ko cried. “ Z-ko couldn’t do anything but watch. She just grabbed Aaron and walked off with him.”
Sunnie tuned out the rest of the Shadowgirl’s words as her body went numb, the only sensation being an icy chill that gripped her. She felt like she should be crying, but she was just too stunned. She’d failed, failed to protect Aaron, to save her tamer. He was gone. be continued

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: The first Wildcat two part story. Dun dun dun…

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.