Fan Fiction ❯ Wildcat Journey ❯ Wild War ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Her head hurt. In fact, everything hurt, but the sharp, throbbing pain in her temples was by far the worst. She had tried sitting up once, but the whole world had tilted on her when she had tried, hammering her head and forcing her back down.
Staring up, Lira could just see a bit of sky through the intertwining tree branches above. That little patch of blue set in an endless mess of green and brown held her attention, helping bring the lazy spin of the world around her to a halt.
Her ears twitched as she heard something moving nearby, very nearby. She tried to focus on it but she couldn’t get her ears to work like she wanted them to. Finally, she just turned her head, ignoring the pain.
A pair of yellow eyes, not unlike her own, stared at Lira. Pushing back slightly, Lira took in the face before her; bright yellow eyes, purple striped cheeks, a pair of ears sticking up from under orange hair.
The Catgirl tilted her head, examining the injured Wildcat. The feral pokegirl leaned in closer, taking a cautious sniff. Lira remained still, watching closely. The Catgirl nudged her, sniffed, and nudged again. Her attention focused down to Lira’s leg, to the open wound that cut across her thigh.
Lira gasped at the first touch of the Catgirl’s tongue across her thigh. The pokegirl lapped at the cut gently, cleaning the wound. Lira laid her head back, starting to enjoy to feeling of the Catgirl’s tongue against her skin. She had to admit, the feral girl was pretty cute too, the purple stripes of fur running across her body were very eye catching. She’d have some fun with her, hopefully even bring her home to Aaron so they could...
Aaron. Lira bolted upright, startling the Catgirl who jumped back. Lira felt her headache worsen, almost knocking her back down, but she fought through it, climbing to her feet. She didn’t have time to be playing with some feral pokegirl. Aaron, she had to find him, and save him.
She hobbled off, trying to get her bearings. The false calm her mind had been keeping her under shattered as she brought herself back to reality. Now that she was fully awake, she could smell them in the air. Aaron, and the bitch that had stolen him away.
When the Widow had caught up with them, she barely even gave the pokegirls a second glance. She had been after Aaron, and had knocked right through them to get him. Lira couldn’t even remember what had happened, only a black blur, and then she’d woken up alone.
She stumbled, nearly falling. It was hard to walk straight, with her leg burning and her head throbbing each step she took. She fell, got up, and pushed on. She had to keep moving, to save Aaron, if he was still alive. If he wasn’t...
Lira shut that thought out. He had to be alive, she wouldn’t accept it any other way. She couldn’t accept it any other way.
She caught the scent of blood nearby, though she didn’t recognize who it belonged to. Not Aaron at least, thankfully. The smell was becoming over powering, blocking out all others. Not that it mattered, Lira knew where to go, knew where to find Aaron. She stumbled along the very path she had lead him down just a little bit ago.
When she passed the source of the blood smell Lira paused for just a moment. Whatever it was laid dead under a bush, thankfully hidden in the shadows. Lira realized it was very likely she could end up just like that, in fact she was lucky she hadn’t already. Common sense told her she should turn right around, that if she continued on she would most likely be walking to her death.
She kept going. She wasn’t going to stop, even if all she had to look forward to was death. She’d rather be dead then live without Aaron, so either way her path was going to be the same. She was going to find the Widow, and she was going to do her best to kill the bitch.
Some time later, Lira couldn’t tell if it had been a few minutes or a few hours at this point, she caught another scent, again of blood. But this time, it was familiar, a smell she knew well. It was a bit off the trail she was following, and she was reluctant to head after it; she was going too slow as it was, however common sense told her to do it. This time, she decided to listen to sense.
Pushing through the brush, Lira made her way after the scent. It quickly grew stronger and Lira gave thanks that she did not have to go too far out of her way. In what she was sure was just a few minutes, she found what she was looking for.
Selena was leaning against a tree, her eyes closed as she rested. The Titto was covered in her own blood, though most of it wasn’t fresh. The pokegirl’s highly malleable flesh sealed most wounds within minutes; in fact the only source of freshly oozing blood was the hideous hole in her shoulder were the Widow’s spear like hand had punched through. Still, even that injury was closing, Lira could actually see the skin around it growing closer together.
The Titto’s eyes snapped open as Lira came closer, her hand half formed into claws before their eyes met. Selena relaxed a bit, though her hand remained as it was; she didn’t have the strength at the moment to change it back.
“ I’m glad to see you” Selena said.
“ I’m glad to see you too” Lira responded. “ We have to get moving”
Selena shook her head “ I don’t think I can”
“ You can” Lira told her. “ You have to”
“ Yeah?” Selena took a deep breath. “ If I have to...” Pushing off the tree, the Titto fell into step just behind the Wildcat.
It was slow, tough going. Both girls were using their reserves just to walk at a moderate pace. They tripped, stumbled, helped each other up when one fell. It felt like it took hours just to get over the next hill, or around a patch of trees, or across a swallow stream.
Selena finally just gave out, collapsing in the dirt and not even trying to get up. Lira grabbed the Titto’s arm and tried to pull her to her feet, but only succeeded in pulling herself off balance. Catching her footing before she fell, Lira just left Selena, pushing on alone.
Feeling like she might black out, Lira fell down on her knees. Her head was still throbbing, and her body was blazing from pushing herself with her injuries. She started crawling; she had to keep moving, keep on going.
When a sudden cool breeze passed over her, Lira nearly moaned in relief, it felt so good. Her vision was filled with a rush of color, and before she could bring herself to focus on it she felt tiny hands on her face.
“ Lira? Oh geez, you’re burning up, Lina! Morgan!” Sunnie cried out, cuddling against her harem sister. Lira blinked slowly, then looked back as a shadow fell over her. She looked up, and then up some more to take in the enormous form of the Amachamp. She almost missed Selena, tucked under Morgan’s arm.
“ We don’t have time to worry about her, we need to keep moving.” Lina pointed out, practically ordered.
“ Right” Morgan agreed, and Lira felt herself lifted by impossibly strong arms and then she was moving again. Thankful for a chance to rest without losing time, Lira closed her eyes a bit. She was out cold in an instant.

“ Aaron!” Lira bolted upright. She looked around, blinking to try and get her eyes to clear and focus.
“ You’re awake.” Sunnie’s soft voice brought her attention up, her eyes finally clearing to see the tiny pokegirl perched on a rock, the same rock she and Selena were resting against.
“ Where are we?” Lira asked. Sunnie just nodded over her shoulder, turning around. Lira tried to stand up, but her legs wouldn’t work right; they felt heavy and awkward. It took three tries before she managed to get upright, and only then by leaning on the rock. Looking over the top, she gasped.
She knew exactly where they were now, where this had all started. She could see the hill, and the cave up near the top, settled between an oak and a boulder. And already halfway there and making their way up cautiously, she could see Lina and Morgan. The pokewomen had left her and Selena hidden and under the care of Sunnie for the coming battle.
Lira pushed herself up, standing unsteadily, but she still maintained enough of her type's normally infallible sense of balance to keep upright. She started forward, but was stopped short as Sunnie fluttered in front of her.
“ Where do you think you’re going?” The Buttitsfree demanded.
“ Aaron needs me. I have to go help.”
“ No chance, you’re in no condition.”
“ Sunnie, move!”
“ No. Come on Lira, what are you going to do? You can barely stand.”
“ I don’t care, I’m going.” Lira tried to brush the tiny pokegirl aside, but she just ducked back a bit, and then sent a gust of wind out that knocked Lira flat.
“ I’m sorry Lira, but I can’t let you.” Sunnie declared as she landed just beside the Wildcat. “ Please Lira, I don’t want you getting hurt anymore then you are. We already had our shot at that thing, and it beat us, badly. We’re not fighters Lira, except for Selena none of us have any real training. Let Lina and Morgan handle this, they know what they’re doing. They do have the training, and the experience.”
Lira sat up, an act that required much more effort then she ever thought such a simple motion could. Look over at Sunnie, seeing the determined look on the Buttitsfree’s face, Lira realized she was stuck were she was.
“ She’s right you know” Selena spoke quietly, her eyes still shut. “ We got our asses kicked. And we barely even scratched that thing.”
“ I know” Lira admitted. “ But still...”
“ It’s starting” Sunnie called out. Looking up, Lira felt her skin crawl. The Widow was there, looking back and forth between her two challengers. Morgan and Lina stood a few steps away from the pokegirl on either side. There was a brief lull, as both sides sized the other up, then Lina started the fight.
The Oni’s thunderbolt smashed into the Widow, who shuddered and shrieked. She instantly turned on the pokewoman, covering the distance between them in a second and lashing out with her razor edged claws. Lina ducked, rolling under and past the Widow. The pokegirl quickly spun around to track her target, only to turn right into a double right hook from Morgan.
The blow sounded like an explosion, and the Widow was knocked sprawling, tumbling over across the ground. Lira cheered, suddenly feeling better. It looked like Sunnie was right, Lina and Morgan could handle this. With luck, it would be over soon and then they could get Aaron. He had to be in the cave, waiting for them. The mild euphoria she was feeling didn’t let Lira consider any other possibilities.
The Widow quickly got back up, seemingly unfazed despite the incredible blow she had just taken. She rushed Morgan, ignoring the trio of thunderbolts Lina struck her with, almost as if she couldn’t feel pain.
The Amachamp held her ground as the Widow rushed in, arms a blur as they struck. Four powerful arms lashed out, only to be caught by four even more powerful arms. Morgan took a slight step back as she brought the charging pokegirl to a halt. Holding the Widow’s arm’s firmly, she brought her leg up to kick the pokegirl, aiming for her face.
The Widow was faster however, ducking her head under the kick, showing incredible flexibility as she struck low, her head and neck darting out like a snake’s and sinking her teeth into Morgan’s support leg. Her teeth penetrated the pokewoman’s thick skin, though just barely. The Amachamp cried out in surprise as her leg was pulled out from under her, tossing her on her back.
The Widow jerked back, freeing most of her arms, though one remained trapped in her opponent’s titanium strong grip. Her freed limbs were a blur of motion as she lashed out at the arm imprisoning her. As with her teeth, her claws were able to punch through the Amachamp’s skin, if just barely. Still, it was enough to get her to let go, leaving dozens of bleeding holes all across the limb.
Rearing up, the Widow prepared to do the same to Morgan’s face and neck, but hesitated when she caught sight of Lina, who had been waiting for the right moment to step back in. The Oni was glowing with electrical power that she had been gathering. Thrusting her hands out in front of her, index fingers and thumbs touching to form a triangle, she lined up her target within that gap.
“ Zap” The surrounding woods lit up like the sun itself had landed on the hill top, an explosion of thunder going off that rattled windows over ten miles away. The Widow was hurled back, screaming in pain as the electrical energy coursed through her. She thrashed wildly, her nervous system completely out of control. A black, ichor like blood spurted from between various chitin plates as parts of her body were cooked, the heat pressure rupturing veins and arteries.
“ Ha, gotcha bitch” Lina smirked as she waived a bit on her feet, obviously drained from her own attack. Her smiled faded however when the Widow got back up, shakily, but she got up. The pokegirl glared absolute death at Lina; it was hard to tell if she was shaking more from the attack or from rage. With a growl, she spat at Lina, who brought her arm up instinctually to block the thick glob before it hit her.
“ OH FUCK!” Lina screamed, dropping to her knees, holding her arm out as smoke started to come off the limb. She drug her arm over the ground, trying to scrape the acidic spittle off. The Widow started to charge the pokewoman, but by then Morgan was back up, tackling the pokegirl, getting her four powerful arms around her. She began to squeeze as the Widow struggled to get free.
A deep creaking noise could be heard as the pokegirl’s exoskeleton started to flex and bend inward under the pressure. Screeching and failing, the Widow struck at Morgan, driving her claws into the Amachamp over and over again. The pokewoman grunted, but held tight. None of the strikes was deep enough to worry about, the odd angle robbing the blows of the power needed to puncture the Amachamp’s tough skin. The Widow reached around, trying to attack her face, but Morgan just ducked her head down, ignoring the pain as the pokegirl pulled at her hair.
Something cracked, and the Widow screamed louder. She threw herself back against Morgan, almost unbalancing the pokewoman. Before Morgan could regain her footing, the Widow lurched forward, pulling halfway out of the death grip around her. Morgan tried to reacquire her hold, only to have the pokegirl slam hard into her ribs. Gasping, her grip failed for a moment, and the Widow quickly pulled away. Just as quickly she turned around, striking out at the Amachamp in a flurry of slashing and stabbing blows. Blood flowed from dozens of fresh cuts along Morgan’s arms and body as she tried to fend off the attack.
The Widow pressed in, driving the pokewoman back. A quick flash of light announced Lina’s return to the fight, but her attack didn’t even faze the Widow. Clutching her wounded arm close to her side, the Oni tried to gather the energy for another attack, but the thunderbolt fizzled out. She’d already used up most of her power, and her injury was making it hard to focus what little amount she had left.
Morgan tired to fight back, but the Widow wasn’t going to give her the chance, pressing her attack, keeping the Amachamp on defense. The pokewoman was starting to slow down, the blood loss from now hundreds of cuts and gouges sapping her strength. Realizing she was going to lose if things continued as they were, Morgan gave up worrying about her opponent’s attack.
Letting her guard down, the Amachamp drove in, ignoring the blade like hands that ripped across her stomach, and slamming her fist right into the Widow’s face. Both girls reeled back from each other’s blows, the Widow shaky on her feet, Morgan slightly doubled over.
Then the Widow reached out and smashed Morgan across the face with a sweeping blow that knocked the Amachamp over. The pokegirl started to smile, only to howl in pain as a bolt of lightning seared into one of the deeper wounds in her chitin armor. She spun around, growling and glaring at Lina.
Screeching, the Widow charged, somewhat slower then normal, but still faster then the retreating Oni. Lina dug deep and managed to toss a final electrical attack at the Widow, but it was shrugged off. Reaching her target, the Widow struck, grazing Lina as the pokewoman shifted to the side. A low swung limb took the Oni off her feet, but the twin spear like blows that followed hit only earth as Lina quickly squirmed out of the way.
Towering over the fallen pokewoman, the Widow brought her arms back to strike when something hit her in the back of the head. It was barely a tap, but it got the pokegirl’s attention, jerking her head around. She saw a flash of color, just before a tiny foot kicked her right in the eye.

Her hopeful, happy feeling had been nearly euphoric during the first half of the fight, but now, Lira felt a deep, troubling sense of worry in the pit of stomach. Lina and Morgan had both hit the Widow with their strongest attacks, but the monster of a pokegirl had kept coming, wearing Morgan down, then moving in to finish off Lina. Only Sunnie’s timely distraction had saved the Oni, and now the tiny pokegirl was darting around the Widow, keeping her busy.
Lira felt completely useless, unable to do anything but watch. Her whole body was tense as her worry built up like a pressure inside her each time the Buttitsfree narrowly avoided another slash. She really wished Sunnie would back off, would get away, but neither Lina or Morgan had managed to get back up yet, leaving the tiny pokegirl with little other choice.
Lira just couldn’t take it anymore, just could not stand by doing nothing one second longer. She hobbled forward, not even knowing what she could do but not caring, just as long as it was something. As she got closer, she could see the Widow losing interest in Sunnie, ignoring the Buttitsfree. Her attention refocused on Lina.
Looking over at Morgon, Lira groaned when she saw the Amachamp just now getting shakily to her feet. There was no way she would get back in the fight in time. The Widow stalked towards the retreating Oni, paying no mind to Sunnie as the pokegirl tried desperately to get her attention. Each time she flew in closer and closer, and Lira was about to yell at her to keep her distance, when the Widow suddenly swatted at her.
Sunnie screamed as the Widow’s claws raked by her, missing her body by inches, and shredding right through her wing. The Buttitsfree tumbled in the air, trying to regain control, but her left wing had been slice almost completely off. She crashed, tumbling part way down the slanted terrain.
“ Sunnie!” Lira screamed as the Widow turned towards the grounded pokegirl. The Buttitsfree tried to get up, but her leg gave out on her. “ Sunnie, get up!” Lira panicked as the Widow started towards the tiny pokegirl. She tried to move faster, but her leg wouldn’t let her, and Lira realized the Widow would reach Sunnie long before she did.
Still, she wasn’t going to just give up, forcing her injured limb to work harder, pushing herself. The pain was incredible, but she kept going, kept moving. Her next steps seemed to come easier, the pain starting to lessen. There was a feeling, a tiny sensation of power that started to swell inside her, trickling out into her limbs. She started to run smoother, her steps falling with greater rhythm. The power coming from inside her grew steadily; she felt stronger, the aches and pains fading away. Her focus shifted, moving from Sunnie to the monster bearing down on her. The tiny power growing inside her suddenly blossomed, erupting, flowing out through her body in a rush. She felt strong, incredibly strong. She was running full out now, moving faster then she had thought herself capable of, charging at the Widow who was just a few steps away from Sunnie. Lira however, wasn’t going to let her take those final steps.
The Widow’s head came around towards Lira just before the catgirl slammed into her, bowling her over. She scrambled up, only to get knocked down again by a powerful blow across the face, claws cutting through her exoskeleton, peeling off chunks of chitin.
Lira leapt on the fallen Widow, slashing at her in a frenzy. The pokegirl tried to get up, to shake Lira off, but the feline pokegirl slammed her back down. Claws dug between armored plates, pulling and ripping. The Widow screamed as Lira tore off a large chunk of her exoskeleton. She tried to spear the pokegirl with her razor like hands, but Lira hopped out of the way.
A long arm swung out after her, and Lira easily leapt over it. She swatted aside the next strike, moving in closer and jamming her claws into the shoulder joint. She quickly ducked as the Widow tried to take off her head, the limb swinging back towards her, and Lira caught it, stopping the blow almost casually. The Widow tried to pull free, and failed. There was a loud snap as Lira bent the limb backwards, breaking it. The Widow’s scream of pain was cut off as Lira kicked her in the throat. Gasping for air, the pokegirl never saw Lira’s final attack coming.
Her claws ripped through the Widow’s eyes easily, digging deeper with just the slightest loss of power. The already badly damaged chitin on the pokegirl’s face split, shattered, and offered no more resistance. The Widow jerked as Lira’s claws cut into her brain, then fell limp, offering a final gurgle as her weight pressed her last breath out of her lungs.
Pulling her claws free, Lira stumbled back, breathing heavy. She sniffed at the thick mass of gore on her hand and made a face at the horrible smell. Doing her best to shake it off, she walked over towards Sunnie, feeling suddenly very heavy and awkward.
“ Sunnie?” Lira knelt by the tiny pokegirl, who was looking up at her in complete awe.
“ Lira? You’ changed...” Sunnie tried to stand, but her leg still wouldn't support her.
“ Changed?” Lira held out her arm, giving the Buttitsfree something to lean on and take the weight off her bad leg. The tiny pokegirl seemed even smaller and lighter then normal.
“ You evolved Lira, didn’t you feel it? Look at you, your...buff.”
“ Wha?” Looking over herself, Lira begin to see what Sunnie was talking about, and realized why she felt so heavy and awkward. While she’d always been fairly strong, her muscular build had been more toned then built, giving her a sleek but firm figure. Now, her muscles stood out noticeably, not in a bulky way, but it was easy to see the extra mass that had been gained by her evolution. Not only that, but her new body felt thicker, denser, as if there was more packed into the same amount of space, although when she stood up, Lira thought she seemed was taller as well.
She knew for sure that she was when Morgan limped over; standing beside the giant pokewoman, Lira did not have to tilt her head back as far as normal to look up at her. The Amachamp looked down at the newly evolved Warcat, impressed.
“ Morgan, can you look after Sunnie for me?” Lira glanced over at the cave, fighting down a feeling of dread. The Widow might have been dealt with, but there was still no sign of Aaron. Wether or not he was still alive was a question she was about to find the answer to, and she was scared of what it might be.
“ Of course.” The Amachamp nodded, then laid a hand on Lira’s shoulder. “ Just remember when you find him, be gentle. You’re a lot stronger now then you were before. You don’t want to accidently hurt him.”
“ I won’t, I promise.” Jogging up the hill, Lira found herself hesitating as she approached the tiny cave. She paused at the entrance, trying to see inside, but the contrast between the light and darkness was too much for even her eyes to peer through.
“ Well...what are you waiting for?” Lira glanced over her shoulder, surprised to see Lina had snuck up behind her. “ Well? Either get your ass in there or move out of the way!” Even knowing that the Oni was out of power and injuried, and that her new body was several times stronger then her old one, Lira felt a very strong urge to cringe at the pokewoman’s outburst. Not wanting to get yelled at again, she ducked down and stepped into what had, long ago, been her home.
As her eyes rapidly adjusted, Lira groaned nervously. The inside of the cave was covered with bones and discarded remains. There hardly seemed room for anything to actually live in such a mess.
“ Aaron?” A light wheeze caught her attention, directing her toward the back of the cave, to a small tunnel that had not been there when she had first dug the shelter out. “ Aaron!” She found him laying in a tangled mess, as if he had just been dropped carelessly. He was unconscious, and despite her efforts, Lira couldn’t get him to wake up. He was breathing at least, but it seemed labored. Not knowing what else to do, she scooped him up, careful to be extra gentle and carried him out of the cave.
“ Aaron!” Lina was fawning over her son almost before Lira had fully stepped out into the light. “ What’s wrong with him?”
“ I don’t know” Lira shook her head. “ He won’t wake up.”
“ He’s been poisoned” Lina suddenly announced.
“ What!?”
“ Look, here...” Turning the young man’s head to the side, Lina showed Lira the dark, discolored mark on his neck. The skin around the wound was badly swollen.
“ No...”
“ Hurry, you have to get him to the hospital!”
“ Hospital? I...I don’t know where that is!”
“ Ahh! Then just get him home! His father took Z-ko back there after we found her, he’ll show you where to go! Move!” Nodding, Lira turned and ran, quickly descending the hill.
“ Aaron, please just hold on...” Lira begged as she plunged into the woods. After everything she’d just gone through, all the pain and effort and suffering, she wasn’t about to give up hope yet. She pushed herself, hoping her new body was up for the long, hard run ahead.

Acknowledgments: Thanks go to bsmart for introducing me to pokegirls in the first place as well as for proofreading this work. If not for him, this story would not exist.

Notes: Props to anyone who can ID the catgirl at the beginning of the story.

Hopeful requests: Email me and let me know what you thought.( I’ll even take suggestions if there is a particular pokegirl you would like to make an appearance.