Fan Fiction ❯ Will of One's Heart: Can it Bring You Home? ❯ Will you always doubt me? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The early morning sunlight shined down upon Sora's face. The sky still had the remains of the early morning pinkish blue in it. Sora stumbled over and dipped his hands in warm clear water of the ocean. The waves and wet sand kissed his knees as if they had missed him. Sora started laughing for nothing this good could be a dream. Sora ran up put the sandy wooden stairs and looked around his home looking for any flaw that would signal this to be a dream. This had to be it; this had to be what he wanted so much. It even smelled the same as his old home. Sora heard a crash and immediately looked around. He looked towards the buildings and a ball his him square in the face. As soon as her recovered from the impact he watched the blitz ball roll past his feet and down the steps.

"TIDUS! WAKKA!!!" a voices sounding like it belonged to an older female women wafted down from a house with a broken window.

"Uhh I'm very sorry mom!" a small squeaky child's voice followed shortly after. Sora smiled that was not one of the most memorable moments of his time back home but it had happened a lot. Sora could only think of one thing he wanted to do next. Sora kicked up the dirt on his way to Kairi's house. He noticed the small town cemetery had two spots where the dirt was stirred up and had small patches of grass on it. Curiosity overcame him and he opened the short cast iron gate to the small plot of land. In the back he saw the two graves side by side. Sora knelt down next to them and read the tombstone. To his surprise the tombstone had Riku's name on it, and the second one bore his.

"So they did lose hope…" Sora averted his eyes from the graves and got to his feet. He jumped off of one of the dirt paths and onto the beach in front of the mayor's house. Sora crept in threw the sliding door under the mayors deck. Kairi always had lived with the mayor and had the room that led straight out to the beach. Sora had noticed her sneaking out sometimes, he never really could figure out where she went. Sora silently slid the door open and quietly closed it behind him. He looked around at the light lavender walls he saw a bed scrunched into an inlet. The morning sun cast in threw the windows and made the room feel comfortable. The floors had a dark purple carpet that had clothes strewn about on it. Sora crept over to the bed he watched the small form of his friend sleep. She was so peaceful, so unruffled, so not like Sora. It was just at that moment that Sora realized something. He realized that he was in the bedroom of the person that he loved the most. He then started to panic.

"I've been gone so long…what do I say? What do I do? How do I explain being in her room?" Sora yelped quietly to himself as he frantically paced around the room.

"Sora…" Kairi's tired voice witch interrupted Sora's ramblings. Sora stopped, then stared, and then screamed. He jumped and fell back on his butt.

"Jeez! What was that for?" Kairi shouted at him for screaming so loud.

"I'm sorry I was…uh…surprised?" Sora said unsurely as he tried to find a more comforting place to lay his eyes.

"Sora…" Kairi said in a slightly dazed voice as she got out of her bed.

"Uh…Hi…nice to see you again?" Sora said nervously as he braced himself for a pummeling or at the very least a slap. Kairi knelt down and wrapped her arms around Sora's tense form. Sora let out a silent sigh of relief and returned the hug placing his hand behind her head. He ran his fingers through her soft red hair. He loved this warmth it had been along time since he had felt it. Sora leaned back so that he was laying on the floor and he brought her down with him.

"You have been gone so long. You're not the boy I remember, but your close enough." Kairi said in a muffled voice through Sora's shirt.

"Really so then I'm a big strong man then?" Sora said enthusiastically as he did a muscleman pose from where he was laying on the floor causing Kairi to let him go.

"Well…you can be a big strong man as soon as you stop screaming like a girl." Kairi said jokingly as she tried to suppress her giggles. Kairi noticed that she was straddling him, in clothes, and that he was staring. She quickly moved off of him and he sat up.

"Hey! I was just surprised!" Sora said defensively.

"Every time you say that does it become more true to you?" Kairi asked him in a not so serious voice.

"Is this anyway to treat a guy who hasn't been home for two years?" Sora asked with poise. At that Kairi grabbed his hand and yanked him up from the floor and pulled him outside.

"Hey! Whoa…jeez slow down will you!" Sora said as his big shoes stumbled through the sand. She pulled him until they got to the beach where their boat once was parked.

"Your right you have been gone along time and still nothing has changed." She said sadly to him as she stared out at the sea. Sora sighed and walked up next to her.

"I'm sorry that…I didn't find Riku…and that I haven't stopped the darkness." Sora said dejectedly as he bowed his head in shame.

"I am happy you came back, more than you know, but why?" Kairi asked Sora bluntly.

"I don't know…I'm not even sure how I got back, but I was just starting to doubt whether I could do it." Sora stated in a somewhat heartbroken daze. He would have thought that she would've been more excited about his return. Maybe it was not him that she loved anymore. Maybe she was using him to bring back Riku. No, that would never happen.

"Sora…SORA!" Kairi shouted at him irritated. Sora raised his eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm sorry I was just…Kairi I need to know something?" Sora asked timidly looking in the opposite direction of her.

"What is it Sora?" Kairi was slightly worried about that comment and about his withdrawn behavior.

"Do you…uh…love me?" Sora asked firmly forcing himself to stare into her eyes just to make sure he got an honest answer.

"Yes, yes Sora I do and I always will. What would make you doubt that?" she said pleadingly to his stern face.

"You…well this had not gone as I had imagined it to. I was starting to think that you might have been using me to get to Riku." Sora said in a less stressed voice.

"Sora, I used my heart to protect you from the darkness. If I had loved Riku I would have done the same for him." Kairi said weakly as if this were a great strain on her soul. Sora's shoulders lowered in relief.

"That was all to great to hear!" Sora exclaimed happily. Both of them laughed though it was somewhat lacking. Both knew to fill that void would take Riku laughing beside them. Sora and Kairi both walked around the island together. As Kairi had said, nothing had changed. Selphie still was a hopeless romantic, Tidus was still the hyper boy that strove to be the best, and Wakka was still the same old calm simple-minded Wakka. Somehow after three hours of walking around they ended up at the same place as they had started. Sora and Kairi both fell down to a sitting position in the soft hot sand.

"Hey Sora!" Kairi yelled at him as she pointed out to the ocean.

"What? I don't…" Sora was then pulled off his feet and into the ocean. Kairi pointed out in the clear blue water to a black lump floating towards the island.

"I'll go get it!" Sora exclaimed as he waded out a little further so that he could swim the rest of the way. Sora dragged the cloaked lump onto the beach. The person immediately spit up water. Kairi removed the cloak hood that was clinging to his face. When she removed the hood silver locks came flowing out it revealed a man in a black blindfold with his mouth agape. The two teens gasped at the sight of the man.

"Riku…" Sora in a voice choked full of emotion.