Fan Fiction ❯ Wings ❯ Legend ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

DISCLAIMER>>UG me no own kindom hearts


"Well, cummon Selphie, out with it. You've interrupted all of our battles, may as well tell us what's got you so hyped up." Riku shrugged rather bored and glanced at Sora, who was nursing another bruise on his arm. Riku tried to look apologetic, but Sora scowled at him and ceased rubbing the sore spot.

"Pft, battles, in your dreams! Well, anyway, are you ready for a history lesson on our beloved islands?" Selphie waved the book she was holding around in the air, nearly hitting Tidus in the head.

"Watch it!"

"Selphie," Sora was still scowling, still sulking at the fact that he could manage to stop the heartless with his keyblade, but not beat Riku with a bokken on Destiny Islands, "I was never any good at history, maybe I shouldn't-"

"Don't you dare Sora! You'll hear it like the rest of us! Besides, it's so cool, I just thought you'd want to hear it!"

"Oh fine." Sora pouted and plopped down on the sand between Riku and Kairi.

"I found this doing some research for school. Now it's told that once, a long time ago, this island had no humans on it whatsoever. There were these creatures who looked like humans, but had wings. Not feathered ones either, kinda like reptilian ones, dragon wings. Well, anyway, they protected these islands, they were those creatures homes.

"The creatures sort of feared the humans, stating that they were vulgar and deceptive and the creatures wanted to protect against all of the advancement and harm the humans did to the environment."

"So basically, those creatures got the whole crappy stereotype of the human race." Riku pipped up.

"Can we call them halflings or something, besides 'creatures'." Sora crossed his arms, his rough-sounding comment earning looks from everyone present.

"Fine, ok, well, the halflings outlawed any human contact, seeing it as the only way to keep humans from coming to these islands. But one of the cre-uh, halflings was restless. The legends say, this one was only a juvenille but he felt a need to see everything beyond this world, and once, he decided to. Once his escape was discovered, wards were set up around the islands, no one was to allow him anywhere near this place again. But he did come back, happier than he ever thought he could be. With him, was a human, the halfling had fallen in love with the human and evidentally missed his home, that, or wanted to show the human his home. Either way, everyone was enraged and betrayed, they stripped the young one of his wings, dignity, and social standing, for ten thousand years. The young halfling was exiled to the human world for what they thought would be the rest of its days.

This, however, turned out to be a possible mistake on the halfling's part. Eventually, the islands became populated by humankind. The halflings were so enraged, they fled this realm, cursing the couple by forever stranding them on this island, knowing both of their hearts were full of wanderlust. The former halfling was so depressed, that it'd lay on the shores and gaze up at the sky all of the time, they say its eyes became the sky. Everyday, it'd wish its life away, waiting for ten thousand years to be up. Eventually, the couple simply wished so much, that they forgot"

"Talk about degredation." Kairi's eyes were turned to the sand beneath her legs, "I feel kinda bad now for even being here."

"Ten thousand years? Harsh."

"How d'you just forget something like that ya?"

"Ah, I wouldn't let it get to ya'. It's just a story right?" Despite his solid demeanor, Riku's voice contained a small shake.

"Well, it was interesting Selphie, thanks for the break." Sora offered her a hand to help her up after dusting himself off.

Selphie grinned brightly and gave him a small hug before running to her boat, "I'm going to take this back now, you all can go about you 'battles' now!"

"So," Tidus stood eventually, a smirk on his face, "who do you think was his lover? Maybe another guy!"

"Don't be stupid Tidus!" Kairi turned pink at the thought, "besides, Selphie never said if the halfling was a male or female."

Sora shrugged and looked up at the sky, "Eh, ya never know." Riku eyed him curiously for a moment but banished the thought, just a story.

A/N: YAY LEGEND! The next chapter's really the plot, just needed this for background.