Fan Fiction ❯ Wish ❯ School problems ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
group of friends are beginning to grow apart.
New relationships, loves revealed, and newly found attractions.
Also things begin that will break their once loyal friendship.
Murder, hate, lust, and lies plague the friendship of the once playful pranksters.
Will they still somehow manage to stay friends in the end?
Or will the end of high school be the end of their friendship?

Leon-17 codename Squally Squirrel
Cloud-17 codename Airhead
Sephiroth-17 codename One Wing
Ansem-18 codename Shadow Heart
Riku-15 codename The Outsider
Sora-14 codename Baby Blue Eyes
Cid- 23 codename Get High

He let his hand slip through my black jeans. His hand began groping me. It was like heaven. I moaned pleadingly. I needed him. He began whispering something in my ear. I couldn’t make out a word. It didn’t matter though. His hand began grope harder. I sighed loudly. He began kissing my neck and his other hand began feeling my chest. This was too good. He then began undoing my pants when…
“Leon! Time for school!” cried my little brother from outside of my room.
“Sora it’s barley…” I looked at my clock. “Oh, shit it’s 8:00! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier!?”
“I tried, but you were too late having a ‘pleasant’ dream to wake up!” Sora yelled from the hall.
“Shit.” this was the fourth time he’s caught me having a “pleasant” dream, as he calls it. I’m so lucky I don’t yell names in my sleep or I’d never hear the end of it from my brother or my sisters. The whole house knows about my dreams, but not who they’re about. For that I’m fortunate.
“Hurry up lazy bum! You’re almost as bad as Sora!” shouted my youngest sister, Kairi.
“Can it, Red! You’re no Sleeping Beauty yourself!” shouted my other sister Yuffie.
“Come on guys let’s stop yelling, we might wake our neighbors. Now let’s leave Leon alone so he can get ready.” that was the only sane one in the family, my older sister Aerith. Thank God for her. Without her we would’ve, well I would have, killed them all. Except Sora, he’s a good kid, but the other two are as good as dead.
“ ‘Bout time you got up!” Yuffie said looking over her mountain of pancakes.
“ Yeah, were beginning to think that you may never wake up from your wonderful dreams!” Kairi said with a big goofy smile.
“ Guys leave him alone, it’s not like it’s an odd thing for a guy to be having, it’s perfectly natural.” Aerith said writing down some last minutes notes for one of her classes.
“ Then why doesn’t Sora have them?” Kairi said pointing at our little brother.
“ Because he probably isn’t attracted to anyone. If he was then maybe.” Aerith said thinking.
“Are you attracted to anyone Sora?” Yuffie said, I began praying Sora didn’t say anything. If she got any information on anyone or anything, the whole world would know before the days end.
“No. And why would I tell you if I was? Just because you’re older then me doesn’t mean you have to know absolutely everything about me.” Sora said pouting.
I adore Sora to no end. He’s adorable, he’s cute, he’s kind, caring, pure, innocent, naive and he’s 14. But he’s not a lost cause, by far no. He is actually very mature, responsible, and a hell of a lot smarter then he gives off. I mean I didn’t even have to give him the “talk” because he already knew everything. He reads a lot. In fact, too much. In one week he’s already read about 12 books, all at least 200 pages long. At least. He’s such a dweeb. I guess that’s why he’s my favorite sibling right next to Aerith, but the other two, I’d prefer poisoned, mangled, decapitated, fried, and served to a tank of piranhas. I’ve been planning it for months; all I need is an axe and a tank of piranhas. Oh, and of course a video camera to catch every beautiful moment.
I accidentally laughed out loud from my evil thoughts, of course making everyone look at me.
“Just remembered a stupid joke my P.E. teacher Cid told us about gay guys and track.” I quickly covered up.
“Oh, ok. ‘Cause that laugh was kinda scary.” Yuffie said a little nervous.
“Let’s get going before we get to school late! Selphie was going to show me her pictures from when she went on vacation to Destiny Island!” Kairi said jumping up and down.
“Ok.” I sighed.
“Hey Leon!” shouted a voice I could recognize blind folded in the dark with a million Yuffies and Kairis shouting into a echo prone cave. My best friend Cloud. He and I have known each other since we were 5. We’ve done shit and a half together. He’s my partner in crime, my sidekick and my right hand man when it comes to about everything. Including my plot to destroy my sisters. He’s trying to supply the piranha tank. He’s my most trusted friend and my most reliable.
“What’s with the recent lateness? We haven’t had time to harass the pansy yell leaders anymore!” Cloud said. We don’t have problems with gay guys, or metro guys, or sissy guys, but the yell leaders, a.k.a. the male cheerleaders, started harassing us first. They called Cloud and I lovers and a lot of other really embarrassing things. So we began series of pranks and harassing schedules to get back at them. So far 3 out of 5 yell leaders have ceased taunting, I believe they’re finally getting the picture.
“Yeah, I know. I’ve just been…having a really good night’s sleep lately.” I stumbled on what to say. I did not want my best friend to know about my dreams. It’s just one of those thing that stay in the house, unless you‘re Yuffie and the whole world just has to know everything. She’s training to be a journalist.
“Riku!” Sora yelled and ran up to his life long friend, who’s brothers Sephiroth and Ansem are part of my…I guess it’s kind of a gang. Yeah, our gang that consist of Cloud, Sephiroth, Ansem, Riku, Sora, and myself. We basically love to torture teachers, administrators and students that just don’t know who they’re messing with. Now all we have to do is wait for the last member of our gang. The best teacher in the world, Cid. Believe it or not everything we do, he helps us with. Everything from planting several water balloons strategically in the football field so that as soon as the football players step on the field it hits every single one of them, to leaving threatening letters inside of corrupt teachers mailboxes. He’s the best teacher in the world. He also supplies us inside information on extracurricular information and staff information, so that we can begin planning several devious acts all at once. And as always our minion, Riku, will record the whole thing. Riku is both cunning and sneaky. So it works to our advantage, also since we always know where he is, most likely with Sora, we can always get a hold of him to do it for us.
Sora is the best brother ever, since he’s cute and innocent, he’s the last person you could ever think of being part of a fiendish plot to screw you over. So we usually send him in to set the bait or something of the sort, usually distracting or using cuteness to get something out of whomever we’re messing with. And because they can never imagine such sweetness involved, he’s scar free. Who says cute things suck? We seem to use the cuteness as an advantage. Just like guys buying puppies and kitties to pick up chicks. It works the same way. Kind of. To think he’s Kairi’s twin. How they were possibly born the same day is beyond me.
Anyway, since Cid’s on our side, he always has our back when we’re in trouble. Basically we’re set for life, or until we graduate. Sora and Riku still got a few years till they graduate, Ansem is graduating this year, and Cloud, Sephiroth and I will graduate next year. So we’ve still got this year and next year to perfect Sora and Riku’s skills, soon they will be the Kings of Cruelty. Well something like that, at least. We don’t want them to be like serial killers or something. We just want them to be like thieves, jokers, and stuff like that. Pranksters.
“Ah here you are! Cigarette break?” Ansem said sardonically to Cid.
“There breaks for those? Shoulda’ told me sooner! I’ve been takin’ a smoke every 2 minutes. You could get me into trouble.” Cid said mock surprise.
“Hehe. So what’s the plan for today? I’ve got my video camera set, and I’m ready to sneak into anything right now, I’ve had three cups of coffee this morning courtesy of Sephiroth.” Riku said, obviously a little buzzed from the caffeine.
“I was thinking of messing with Ms. Lockheart today. She’s been a little too friendly with a few students and I was planning on getting her fired, sound good?” I said with a cheek grin.
“Perfect, she’s been pissing me off lately and I think it is about time someone got her ass fired. She’s been pulling that shit for years now.” Cid said in approval.
“Ok then let’s get going, and as always…” Cloud said.
“I know, I know, I’m the bait.” Sora said rolling his eyes.
“Great we have plenty of time to pull this off.” Sephiroth said looking at his watch.
“Let’s move out!” I said as if we were in the army.
We all got into our positions. Sephiroth was waiting by the water fountains near Ms. Lockheart’s class. Ansem was sitting on the stairs by the Administrator’s Offices waiting for her to sign in. Cid was taking a smoke in the front of the school waiting for her arrival. Sora was waiting in front of her classroom. Riku was in the boy’s restroom getting ready to sneak through the vents to record everything. Cloud was with Sora with a headset to give Sora the single. I was making sure all went as plan. Which meant I didn’t have to do anything, but give orders, sweet job huh? We were all supplied with sophisticated “spy ware”. We are that dedicated with our employments.
“Get High to Squally Squirrel the slut has laid, I repeat the slut has laid.” Cid said through one of our communicators.
“Shadow Heart to Squally Squirrel the slut has reached checkpoint A, Shadow Heart out.” Ansem stated through his communicator.
“One Wing to Squally Squirrel the slut has reached checkpoint B, checkpoint B.” Sephiroth said.
“Airhead to Squally Squirrel the slut has made it to the Whore House.” Cloud said.“Squally Squirrel to The Outsider are you in position?” I said to Riku.
“The Outsider to Squally Squirrel, I’m in position.”
“Squally Squirrel to Airhead, send in Baby Blue Eyes.”
“That skank had no idea what was coming to her!” Riku laughed.
“Well you weren’t the one she tried to molest! That had to be one of the most mortifying things you guys ever made me do!” Sora said shaking himself as if to shake of dirt.
“Well we got her fired.” Ansem shrugged.
“Yeah and absolutely free of any counts of spying and things like that.” Sephiroth smirked.
“All we had to do was act innocent and say we had a feeling that she was doing that stuff and we’re safe.” I said, proudly.
“Yeah, just glad you guys said I wasn’t involved or I’d probably be booked too.” Cid said taking a drag from his cigarette.
“For what?” Sora asked.
“For what? For just helping. They’ll somehow find something on me to get me fired. Teacher’s wouldn’t trust me and trust me they’ve got lots of juicy little secrets.” Cid said.
“So’d they try anyway to get rid of you, just so you won’t spill their drama?” Sephiroth said.
“Teacher’s are very corrupt these days. Most don’t even care about teaching. They just got nothin’ else to do, so they resort to teaching a bunch of punks.” Cid said throwing his cigarette butt in a trashcan.
“Is that your excuse?” Riku said smirking.
“Yup. That and I knew I’d meet a bunch of brats that could actually create plenty of rich mischief.” Cid said with a grin.
“Yeah we seem to fit that description, minus the brat part. We’re more like…delinquent instigators.” Cloud said.
“True. You punks actually’ve got a head on your shoulders. Not like those wannabe troublemakers. You will leave this school in a blaze of glory. I’m already proud of you architects of pandemonium.” Cid said hugging us.
“You’re not gonna uh…pull a Lockheart on us…are you?” Cloud said nervously.
“Nah, I’m not into kids.”
“But you are into guys aren’t you?” Ansem said mocking.
“Not into guys either, sorry Ansem, I know how badly you want to get into my pants.” Cid said leaving to the Gym. Leaving Ansem fuming about how he easily fell into that one. We were spared from getting into our classes because of the cops that were interviewing us about Ms. Lockheart and we spilled names of the students who were her “favorite” students. Which of course made us less liked, but like we give a damn. They then let us leave home early because of the “trauma”. Cid called Cloud’s cell and said he’d meet up with us at our ‘base’. Which was actually this abandoned house in one of the districts. Yes, he actually does hang out with us. He really is part of our gang, without him we would’ve been screwed a long time ago. Plus, he’s got cash and awesome contacts that hook us up with cool gadgets and stuff.
“Hey Riku you made a copy right?” Sephiroth asked his brother.
“Of course I did, but why do you want to see it? You just want to see Sora almost getting molested don’t you! Sicko!” Riku said jokingly.
“Hahaha no, but I do wonder why you made a copy. You must be the one who wants to replay it, don’t you?” Sephiroth said slyly.
“No, but it’s awesome blackmail.” Riku said grinning at Sora.
“Why would you need to blackmail me? You do know I’d probably do anything you ask anyway, right?” Sora said defensively.
“Oooo he got you there!” Sephiroth said teasingly.
“How’s about we all say we want to see Sora get molested and watch the damn tape.” Ansem said snatching the tape from Riku’s backpack and putting it into a VCR.
“Umm…excuse me Ms. Lockheart. I was wondering how my brother, Leon, is doing in your class. I’m real worried about his grades. I really want him to pass Biology.” Sora said making an adorable pout.
“ Well sweetie, if you want your brother to pass, tell him to come in and I can probably help him fix his grade.” She said sweetly.
“But my brother doesn’t like going to tutoring or anything like that. He
is failing isn’t he? Ooh, mom and dad will be so angry! I wish I could do something to help raise his grade! Poor Leon!” Sora then began to cry.
“Oh poor baby. Maybe there is something you can do,” she said wrapping her arm around Sora.
“Yeah? What? I’ll do anything for my brother!” Sora said giving a big cute smile.
“Anything? Well then, how’s this?” She said and kissed Sora, to which he pushed her.
“What are you dong!?” he said making a terrified face.
“You said you’d do anything for your brother. You want him to pass don’t you?” She said sitting on her desk.
“Yeah, but not that!”
“Too bad. Sleeping with me is the only way he’d ever pass. Others have done it. So it’s not all that bad, if they pass.” She said and got off her desk and walked toward Sora. He then began to back up against the wall.
“Uhh…HELP!” Sora yelled. Cloud ran in and pushed her away from Sora and grabbed him and they took off.
“What a freaking actress!” said a voice from the door.
“Cid! What about the punk-ass kids you’re forced to teach?” Riku said.
“I told the bastards in the office I had a Drug Check.” Cid shrugged and pulled out a new pack of cigarettes.
“Man Sora. I never get tired of seeing you work your acting magic.” Sephiroth said messing up Sora’s hair more.
“Fuck yeah. You are even more convincing then my ex-girlfriend was in bed.” Cid said chuckling.
“We really don’t want to know about your sex-life.” I said.
“When you started crying, that was such a convincing performance, I actually thought you cared about Leon’s grades.” Ansem said smiling. I looked at Riku who was shooting daggers at Ansem. Wait; was he jealous that Ansem was complementing Sora? This might get interesting better see what happens if I add fuel to the flame.
“Hey Ansem wasn’t it cool when Sora was acting all scared?”
“Yeah! He was so cute backing up against the wall. His eyes were so gorgeous and full of fear. He was so luscious.” He said in an almost flirtatious manner. Ok? Should I be freaked out that one of my OLDER friends might have a thing for my LITTLE brother? I quickly looked at Riku who looked like he was gonna slaughter Ansem, why hasn’t anyone noticed Riku obviously has a thing for Sora? Or did they and I’m just oblivious? He looked like he was going to beat the living hell out of Ansem. Seriously, I have never ever seen Riku look this hostile. I’ve seen him angry, I’ve seen him furious, but I have never seen him this violent looking. He must really like Sora. Why not add more fuel? This might turn out to be entertaining.
“Wasn’t he so adorable when he said he’d do anything for me?”
“Oh yes! His lips became all pouty and his eyes went all puppy dog, I wish I could of held him! He was so deliciously flawless.” His eyes slitting a little. Then, POUNCE!
“Would you stop saying shit like that about Sora!!!!???” Riku yelled at Ansem while on top of him grabbing him by the collar.
“It’s not my fault he’s so appealing!” Then Riku punched him. I looked at Sora, who by the way he looked it looked like it wasn’t a big deal. Did they fight over him all the time? Or did he just not care? Am I really that unaware?
Then things really started to pick up. Ansem pushed Riku really hard off of him and punched Riku on the stomach. Then Riku collapsed to the floor holding his stomach, but then Riku tackled Ansem onto a wall. Riku then kneed Ansem in the groin. Ansem fell to the floor, but then tripped Riku. He then pinned Riku down and was about to punch him real hard when. Sora pushed Ansem hard.
“Knock it off! I hate it when you two fight! Riku come on let’s go,” he said softly to Riku. Did they have something going on between them? Riku shot a death glare at Ansem and followed Sora.
“I almost pissed my pants. What the fuck just happened?” Cid said his face in shock, ash from his cigarette falling on his pants.
“Tsk tsk tsk. Ansem got all worked up over a lil’ boy. Not good. Bad Ansem.” Sephiroth taunted in a baby voice.
“Can it! It’s between Riku and me!!” Ansem shouted and took off.
“Do not tell me our little group is gonna break up because your little brother and big brother happen to like the same person, who might I remind you is 14, a guy, and Leon’s little brother. See keyword: LITTLE.” Cid said taking a drag from his cigarette.
“Come on it’s Ansem. Twisted, cruel, and all around screwed up. The law and sanity have nothing to do with him. Riku well I actually think he’s had a thing for Sora for years and you know how clingy, possessive, and passionate he is. Ansem was bound to torment Riku.” Sephiroth said shrugging and snatched Cid’s cigarette and took a drag.
“So you all have noticed? Was I the only one who didn’t notice?!” I said.
“Wait let me think…yeah you’re the only one.” Cloud said laughing.
“And does Ansem actually think I’d let him do anything with or to my brother? Does he even know how protective I am of the runt? Riku no problem cause he and Sora are like freakin’ lovers anyway, and if they are more power to them for not letting anyone in our house know, but Ansem? I know how sick he is but…that’s just sick!” I shouted.
“Down Simba!” Cloud said pulling me into a sitting position, because I was getting worked up.
“You’re the one who brought this on.” Sephiroth said passing the cigarette back to Cid.
“What?” I asked in mock offense. Sora’s not the only one the group who can act.
“Well yeah, I mean, it’s obvious you wanted to see how worked up Riku would get, well look at the result. I’m probably gonna have to play Mr. Mom cause our parents decided to take off! And I’m apparently the only level headed one in that house right now, unless…” he smiled at me. He then began crawling toward me.
“What?” I asked when he was practically on me.
“You do know how much I respect you right?” he said trying to give a baby face. “Well I really do, and I know how responsible you are, and I have been very loyal to you for years all ready, and…”
“Could Riku stay with you for a few weeks?! I mean he already practically lives with you. Why not make it permanent for a while? I mean, hell! Sora would be real happy and I’m sure Riku would be too!”
“You do know Kairi likes him right?” Cloud said pulling Sephiroth by the collar to pull him off of me.
“She does?” Sephiroth asked.
“Yeah.” Cloud said.
“Well sucks for her he’s gay.” Sephiroth shrugged.
“Wait am I the only one who likes chicks here?” Cid said standing up.
“No.” Cloud and I answered.
“Good then I’m not only the straight one.” Cid said sitting back down.
“Who said anything about straight? You asked if any of us liked chicks, not if we were straight or not.” Cloud said. So he does like guys?
“What?!” Cid said.
“Yes, there is a word for that. It’s called bi. Learn it.” Cloud said.
“What about you Leon.” Sephiroth asked.
“I guess I swing both ways too, but I kinda swing one way more than the other.” I answered honestly.
“Which way?” Sephiroth asked. Should I tell him? How’s about I surprise them all and make my dreams a little bit more real?
I quickly grabbed the one sitting closest to me and kissed him. His eyes went wide and he loosened quickly and let me kiss him.
“Lucky FUCK!” Sephiroth shouted.
“You know since he has long hair, I can change him easily to a girl in my mind. Let me try…nope. Can one of you get a sex change so I can at least keep a little bit of my straightness?” Cid said. I broke the kiss.
“Uhhh……….wow.” Cloud said obviously in shock and breath loss.
“That answer you question Seph?” I asked turning to Sephiroth.
“Yup, I also have lots of gossip to spread to Ansem when I get home. Damnit if only Riku left his camera!” Sephiroth cried. “That was like one of the hottest things I have seen, in years!”
“You don’t get much action do you?” Cid said lighting another cigarette and handing it to Sephiroth who took a drag and handed it back to Cid.
“I get too much action is the problem nothing is hot to me anymore, but that, that was a wet dream come true.”
“You have wet dreams about Leon and Me!?” Cloud shouted. I now felt weird. I mean who wouldn’t? A friend having wet dreams about you is just plain creepy.
“Of course, any bi or gay man that have seen you or met you has had one. Maybe even a few chicks.” Sephiroth said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Too much info didn’t wanna know that.” Cid said producing a beer bottle from his teacher’s bag.
“I bet you guys have wet dreams about each other.” Sephiroth said snatching Cid’s beer away and taking a gulp.
“What makes you so sure!?” Cloud said his face a fierce pink.
“Don’t think I don’t notice how you guys look at each other. I bet you guys would fuck like rabbits in heat, if you guys had enough balls to tell each other how you feel about the other.” Sephiroth said handing Cid back his beer.
That had to be one of the most kindest things he has ever said. I know it sounded fucked up, but believe it or not, he said it with heart. I actually think that silver haired, goth-rocker; freak wants Cloud and me to be together. Plus he actually noticed how I feel about Cloud. I’m not sure he feels the same way, but he sure doesn’t hate me, I’m positive about that much. I mean he let me kiss him. Which by the way, made me feel like I had fell into a blissful paradise. Seriously, I really, really have feelings for Cloud. I have for probably 5 years. Yes, I have realized, not began, that I had feelings for Cloud since I was 13. Notice, I realized I had feelings for him. I actually think I’ve always thought of him as more than a friend even before that, but I was 13 when I let myself comprehend how I felt for him. Damn I’m miserable. 5 years not saying a word. Just the fact that it’s been 5 years is pathetic. You’d actually think I would have said something sooner, but no. I actually waited 5 years before I actually made something that was remotely a come on. It still wasn’t such a hint though. It was just…extraordinary.
“Well…uh…just to break this tense atmosphere that was created out of the obvious fact that Cloud and Leon want to fuck each other senseless, you gonna let Riku kick back at your place to get away from his horrifying and menacing older sibling?” Cid said taking a long gulp of his bottle of Guinness and handed it to Sephiroth who also took a big drink.
“Yeah. I mean I actually want to see if him and Sora got a thing. Even if it might mean me walking in on them screwing or making out or something. Also I owe it to the twerp for running errands for me and stuff.” I said.
“Thank you, Squally Squirrel.” Sephiroth and kissed my cheek. I rolled my eyes. I mean how obvious can you be? He always hits on me. It’s bleedingly apparent he wants to get into my pants! I turned to Cloud who appeared fairly betrayed. I smirked and kissed him on his cheek which made him blush and turn. Yup, he likes me well enough! I did my mental happy dance.
“What time is it?” Cid said chugging the rest of his beer.
“Umm…according to the watch I stole from one of my girlfriend’s father, it’s 7:53.” Sephiroth said pulling out a very expensive watch.
“One of your girlfriends?” Cid said.
“Yes. I have 5 girlfriends, 3 fuck girlfriends, 5 guy fuck boyfriends, 4 boyfriends, and 6 fuck friends.” Sephiroth said very precise.
“Wait that would mean…3...carry the…add the 2...23!!! What a slut!! And that’s just this year huh?!” Cloud said, well shouted.
“No.” Sephiroth said.
“No?” Cid said.
“No. That’s just this week. I’ll probably get a few more next week. I barley began picking victims, I mean lovers yesterday. Which by the way was Tuesday.” Sephiroth said as if nothing.
“Shit, and I thought Lockheart was a tramp.” Cid said grabbing another beer from his bag.
“What is that a freaking fridge?” Cloud asked pointing to Cid’s bag.
“No. It’s my teacher’s pouch.” Cid said opening his bottle.
“Why do you have beer in your teacher’s pouch?” Cloud asked.
“It’s what I use to teach.”
“How do you use beer to teach?” Sephiroth asked.
“Get lots of students drunk and ask them to run around. Believe it or not they run better than most of the sober kids.” Cid said laughing.
“That’s illegal.” Cloud said.
“I know I’m just fucking with you. I actually drink three bottles before class. So I can concentrate better.” Cid said handing the bottle to Sephiroth.
“You get drunk to concentrate?” I asked.
“Trust me getting drunk is the only way to teach P.E.” Cid laughed.
“Haha! That’s rich!” Sephiroth said chugging more than half of the bottle.
“You are aware you’re letting a minor drink and smoke right?” Cloud said pointing at Sephiroth.
“Since when do I think of you punks as minors?” Cid laughed.
“True.” Cloud laughed and reached into Cid’s bag and pulled out a bottle. “Care to share?” Cloud said opening the bottle and looking at me.
“Sure.” we drank till about our third bottle and Cid and Sephiroth’s seventh. Then we all took off. Cloud left with me and Cid and Sephiroth took off together, most likely to get even more plastered.
“Hey, Leon. Is what Seph said about us, true? That you want me?” Cloud said a little nervous.
“Depends what part. The part about us wanting to fuck each other like rabbits or the part that we won’t tell each other how we feel about each other?” I asked.
“Yo u won’t answer will you?”
“Why not?”
“Please!?&# 8221; he begged, damn he looks so hot and cute begging!
“Come on Leon! Since when do you keep anything from me?”
“Just shut up.” I said and grabbed and kissed him passionately. He quickly kissed me back and held me. I then began letting my tongue run over his beautiful lips. He gently gave me entrance. Damn I wanted him! I then pinned him to a wall. I’m not sure if it was Cid’s alcohol doing this, but what ever it was, I was thankful for this opportunity to kiss Cloud like this. We made out for what seemed like a millennia.
“So, um…does this make us…” Cloud asked nervously when we broke the kiss.
“An item? Only if you won’t mind me being possessive and not letting you leave me ever, then yes.”
“Ok then. We are.” He then kissed my cheek.
“So what Seph said about us was true?” I asked.
“Guess so.”
“How long?”
“5 years. You?”
“That sucks. We’ve liked each other for the same amount of time and we barely tell the other, just because a whore happens to be smarter than we give him credit for. We’re sad.” Cloud laughed.
“Yeah.” I said and hugged Cloud and we walked off toward my house.
When we got to my house Kairi was, as always, crying about something. Aerith was trying to calm her down and Yuffie was laughing like a banshee on happy pills.
“What’s up?” I asked Aerith.
“Oh, Leon! Thank God your home!” Aerith said and hugged me.
“What’s wrong?” Cloud asked looking at the crying red head and uproarious brunet.
“Kairi and me walked in on Sora and Riku making out!! They were practically swallowing each other! I could have sworn Riku had his hand down Sora‘s pants!!” Yuffie cried out, of course, making Kairi cry more.
“Well she’s gonna have to suck it up. Riku’s gonna be staying here for a few weeks, on the count of Ansem wanting to kill him, literally.” I said.
“Really?!” Yuffie said excited.
“Yup.” I said .
“So Riku really is with Sora?” Aerith asked kindly.
“Pretty sure so. Sora was the reason Ansem and Riku were fighting in the first place.” Cloud said shrugging.
“Really? What happened?” Aerith asked.
“Well we were looking at a video of Sora acting. Ansem began giving Sora lot’s of…compliments, I guess that‘s a decent word to use for what he was saying.”
“More like come ons” I snorted.
Cloud continued smiling
“Riku got really jealous and Ansem kept on. Then Riku attacked Ansem and they started to fight. Then Sora stopped the fight and I guess they came here.” Cloud replayed the whole thing, except of course the part where I made Ansem keep it up and what the video exactly was about. Isn’t he wonderful?
“So they were fighting over Sora?” Yuffie asked.
“Yup.” I said and grabbed Cloud’s arm and led him to Sora’s room.
“Sora, open up it’s the guy who lives with you. Not the chicks.” I said when we were in front of Sora’s room.
“Uh…hi.” Riku said when Sora opened the door, obviously embarrassed about getting caught.
“Hey. So…fill us in?” Cloud said smiling.
“Well…uh…” Sora said, I think that’s talking right?
“Cloud and me are an item.” I said.
“What?! Seriously?!” Sora said jumping up and down.
“Yup.” Cloud said with a cute smile.
“Wow!” Riku said smiling.
“What about you two?” Cloud said, he knew what I was planning! It’s like he can read my mind. I love him, duh.
“Well…yeah. We are.” Riku said looking at Sora. He wasn’t sure? Ok…
“How long?” I asked.
“About 7 months, right?” Sora said.
“Yeah.” Riku confirmed.
“How cute!” Cloud said and hugged them.
“Question, how the hell can you live with that malicious, maniacal, perverse, vile, repugnant, repulsive, horrendous, pervert?” I asked.
“I dunno.” Riku said shrugging.
“So Kairi caught you two making out?” Cloud asked.
“Uh…yeah.” Sora said blushing.
“How cute!” Cloud said and hugged them again.
“Well now that all that drama is cleared up. I’m up for something to eat!” I said. So I ordered pizza, because no one was willing enough to cook tonight.
“Hey!” Ansem called us the next day at school.
“What’s up?” I said.
“So you and Cloud are together?” he asked and I nodded. “About time! I was beginning to think we were going to have to lock you two up in cell just to get you two together!” Ansem said…very creepily. “And Riku’s staying at your place?”
“Yeah, it was suggested by Seph. He thinks it’ll be better if I took care of him for a while, until you to simmer down at least.” I said.
“Oh, I see. Oh you will not believe this!!” Ansem shouted suddenly.
“What?” Cloud said walking up behind me and holding me.
“You know how Sephiroth and Cid were drinking yesterday?”
“Yeah.” Cloud said. Ansem began cracking up.
“Well?” I said.
“When I got home last night around 12:45, Cid and *laugh* Cid and *laugh laugh*”
“Let’s just say neither of them will show up today and probably won’t be able to walk for a while.” Ansem sputtered and laughed loud.
“What’s his problem?” Riku said looking at his big brother and holding Sora by his waist.
“Uh…from what I understand…Cid and Sephiroth fucked, and Ansem was witness, or at least saw something.”
“Wait, but Cid’s not gay.” Sora said.
“Alcohol does wonderful things to people. It actually got my parents out of the house!” Cloud said smiling.
“So you’re home alone?” I asked my boyfriend.
“No. Vincent comes by sometimes.” he said, but I cringed at that name. Vincent. He’s been trying to take Cloud away from me for the longest time. Even if we weren’t together at the time, he still has been trying to break up what we formed. That bastard.
Cloud noticed my slight change in mood and hugged me. “Don’t worry. He can never take me away from you. You and I will be together always. Even when we’re six feet under ground.” then he kissed me gently.
“And you say I’m creepy.” Ansem said and rolled his eyes.
“There’s a difference between creepy and morbid.” said a slightly gruff voice behind us.
“Cid? Whoa you look like shit!” Riku said eyes wide.
“No shit punk! I’m trying to stay as crappy looking as humanly possible, so the bastards in the office can tell me to go home. Shit I’m so fucking hung over! Cloud I know you have aspirins, give me one.” Cid said holding out his hand.
“You shouldn’t have drunken so much!” Cloud said and handed him some aspirins. Cid flung them in his mouth and swallowed.
“So what was it like fucking my brother senseless?” Ansem said maliciously. Cid choked on absolutely nothing and looked at Ansem coldly.
“Shut the fuck up about that you little shit!” Cid said in a very pissed off voice.
“I’m not the one who fucked him.” Ansem said superiorly.
“I was drunk, he was drunk, we both were drunk! I can’t even remember half the shit that went on!” Cid yelled.
“Cool it Cid.” I said holding Cid’s shoulder.
“Yeah it’s not Ansem’s fault he’s an ass.” Riku said as if Ansem wasn’t even there. Then Cloud’s cell phone rang, with a Rebel Yell-Billy Idol ringer. Which meant Sephiroth was calling. The ringer that Cloud gave me was Behind Blue Eyes-Limp Bizkit, Riku The Outsider- A Perfect Circle, Sora has Float On- Modest Mouse, Cid has She Fuckin’ Hates Me- Puddle of Mudd, Ansem has Bat Country- Avenged Sevenfold, but the song fit him and Cloud’s family had Just Like You by Three Days Grace.
“Hello?” Cloud said into his phone.
“I know.”
“Ansem couldn’t help, but blab.”
“I know. Cid’s royally freaked by it too.”
“Yeah he is, wanna talk to him?”
“Ok. So what are you gonna do?”
“Well hope you two work it out cause we are all really weirded about this whole thing.”
“Ok call me back later. Bye”
Then he hung up.
“Well?” Ansem said.
“None of your business.”
“He’s by brother.” Ansem said.
“We spoke on my phone.” Cloud retorted.
“We’re blood.”
“My phone bill.”
“He’s family.”
“He called on my cell.”
“He wants to fuck your boyfriend.”
“To late he already slept with Cid. No offense Cid.” Cloud said.
“None taken. Just try not to talk about it too loud. Don’t wanna attract the wrong sort of attention. Especially when they know I hang around you punks, but why the slutty one?! Why did I have to get wasted and screw him!? And worst yet let him fuck me!” he yelled loud enough so only we heard him.
“You know you liked it.” Ansem said smugly.
“Never said I didn’t and never said I did. Well I’m not taking anymore shit, I’m gonna leave. Ansem’s pissing me off, Riku don’t know how you or…your brother do it. Later.” he said and walked off. More like limped off. He was limping. Damn they must have banged hard. No!! Do not want to think of Sephiroth and Cid screwing! No! NO! NO!!
“Uh…okay now that very awkward information is out in the open, I just feel like saying a couple of things about alcohol to you two little punks. One, alcohol is never necessary, two people only drown themselves in alcohol when there’s something they want to forget, three never drink it when there’s lot of people around, four alcohol has a tendency to bring out inner thoughts and feelings, and five I’ll never let you two drink so there really is no point in me explaining it to you two.” I said and Sora and Riku pouted simultaneously.
“So from what I understand about what you told us, Cid probably wanted to fuck Seph?” Riku asked.
“More than likely I think we were beginning to really screw with his orientation and Seph’s a slut so it was like a ready offer.” I said.
“True.” Sora said thinking about it.
“Well I’m off, so long little brother.” Ansem said spitefully.
“Later Asshole.” Riku said with equal spite.
“How you all are related is beyond me. All of you guys are so different. Ansem’s fucking evil hardcore, Sephiroth’s a slut and a hidden brain child, and you’re protective and sorta clingy.” Cloud said laughing slightly.
“Yeah, I guess cause we were all raised differently. Ansem was raised by our equally asshole dad, I was raised by our defensive mom, and Seph was raised by our skanky aunt. It was bound to happen. Also we weren’t actually ‘raised’ so to speak. We just were with them most of the time when they actually were there. Other than that we just kinda got stuck with them. Ansem wanted attention from our dad, and well since our dad’s an ass, he never gave Ansem that attention he wanted and Ansem just became psychotic. I wanted my mom cause I personally thought she was a kind, caring mom for some reason and I thought by being defensive she’d pay attention to me, well she did, sometimes. Seph wanted attention from anyone, he’s the middle child so he kind of got the least attention. He got influenced by our slutty aunt and started to sleep around to satisfy his need for attention that he just wasn’t getting. So yeah we all winded screwed up in some way or another.” Riku said hugging Sora tight.
“You’re not screwed up. I think it’s cute that you’re protective and clingy to me. Makes me feel safe.” Sora said with a big smile and kissed Riku on his cheek.
“Awww! That’s so cute!” Cloud squealed and hugged them tight. “Awww! You guys are the cutest thing I have ever seen! I’m gonna hug you and squeeze you guys till your little freshman brains pop out!”
“Down babe. I don’t want to be a witness to murder. I don’t think my mom wants to deal with court and stuff afterward.” I said putting a hand on Cloud’s shoulder. Who quickly let go of Sora and Riku who were gasping for air. Then Cloud practically tackled me to the ground and held me tight.
“I love you Squally Squirrel!” he said and kissed me lovingly.
“Awww!” Sora and Riku said at the same time. Of course teasingly.
“You’re just jealous cause I got a blonde!” I said and Cloud laughed.
“Yes blondes are so much better in bed.” said a voice flirtatiously behind us.
“Oh it’s you I thought is was our MIA slut friend. Not a boyfriend stealing freak that stalks my boyfriend and bothers him at random hours of night and am planning on forming a restraining order against soon. Did I mention that he’s my boyfriend now?” I said when I saw who it was.
“Cloud, I never thought that you actually went for a scarred punk like him. I always thought you’d do so much better.” Vincent said.
“You better can it Vincent! I will not allow you to speak that way about him! If I ever hear you say something that disrespectful about my Squally, there will be so much hell to pay! Meaning I’ll sick Ansem on you and possibly kick your ass myself!” Cloud said looking extremely pissed off. ‘Yeah!! My boyfriend’s sticking up for me! My boyfriend’s sticking up for me!’ I sang in my head.
“Hn. I really thought you’d do better.” Vincent snorted as he turned, then something unexpected happened and it happened almost too fast. Sora grabbed Vincent by his jacket and punched Vincent so hard that he literally flew like three feet!
“You heard Cloud, stop saying shit about my brother! He must be a million times better than you, for you to be exerting yourself so much just to piss him off!” Sora spat at him. Wow. My-brother-ROCKS!!
Vincent snarled and attempted to punch my brother, but Riku was too fast and lunged a fist into Vincent’s abdomen. Making Vincent cough and gasp for air. “You little assholes!” he gasped.
“Man this is so sad, you’re getting your ass kicked by two freshman. This will not bode well on your reputation, that is, if you have one.” Riku said mockingly. Vincent just growled and walked of holding his stomach.
“Whoa. Where did that come from?” Cloud said looking at Sora and Riku.
“Well I couldn’t just let that fuck worth shit talk smack about my brother, and he’s trying to break you two up. No way in hell am I gonna let that happen.” Sora said sheepishly.
“I did it partially for those reasons, but mostly to protect my Blue Eyes.” Riku said wrapping his arms around Sora’s waist.
“You think he’ll tell on us?” Sora asked.
“No. He knows when not to do something. You two just proved to be threat. Like a shark it can be deadly, but when something has demonstrated to be a threat, it backs up.” Cloud said smiling.
“Of course, a shark is so much more beautiful than that dead-looking freak.” I said rolling my eyes. Cloud just chuckled and kissed my cheek.
“Hey we still got twenty minutes before that shit bell rings, wanna go and put grasshoppers and roaches in the locker room?” Riku said extracting a box of grasshoppers and roaches from his bag.
“Sure. It’s always funny to see big jock boys cry and scream over bugs, always turns a good day awesome.” I said.
“How’s is today a good day?” Sora asked.
“I found out that Seph and Cid fucked, funny, I got to see my little brother and his boyfriend beat up an asshole I loathe, hilarious and cool, now I get to see a bunch of jocks scream because a bunch of bugs, a riot. My day’s set, now all I need is to make out with Cloud in front of the homophobes and then it’s complete.” I said and held Cloud close.
“What a Machiavellian plan love. I’m in.” Cloud said nipping on my ear. “I think they hang out near the gym.”
“What about the bugs?” Sora said picking up a big grasshopper.
“You two do that while we make out in front of the homophobes. So it’s like double time torture. Also since some of the jocks are homophobes, when they run out and see us making out, they of course will be even more freaked. Double our pleasure.” I said kissing Cloud’s neck.
“Alright then! Let’s get going!” Riku said cuddling Sora.
So naturally we had our walkie-talkies and headsets set and ready.
“Squally Squirrel to Baby Blue Eyes, are you and The Outsider in position?” I said into my system.
“Baby Blue Eyes to Squally Squirrel, The Outsider and I are in position and ready to execute operation #14-03MD.” my brother replied.
“The Outsider to Squally Squirrel, are you and Airhead in position?” Riku asked.
“We are in position and ready to execute the plan.” I answered.
“Airhead to company, let us begin in: 5---4---3---2---1---move out!!” Cloud said and pinned me down and attacked my neck and groped me. I could have cum right there with just that touch! I grabbed him back and grabbed his ass and sucked his neck. He then pushed me more down and kissed me heatedly. I almost forgot that this was a mission. We were virtually fucking the way we were moving against each other. Our erections rubbing against the each other with so much force I had to moan and beg. I was like a kid being teased with candy and toys, and right now I wanted to play with Cloud’s toys and suck on his candy. I soon began to hear sounds from around us. Gasp, disgusted sounds, sounds of approval, and lots of guys and girls whooping and hollering.
Then I heard another sound I couldn’t help but shoot up and see what it was. A locker room of half naked jocks storming out screaming and trying to brush themselves off. I heard screams of: “It’s the plague!”, “I think I swallowed one!”, “One went down my pads!!”, “Get it off my hair! Get it off my hair!”, and a real funny one, “Gross! Gross! Gross! Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!!!”. Five dollars for a bunch of bugs, two dollars for a box to put them in, fifteen dollars for a special bag that won’t kill them, seeing a bunch of jocks running around screaming because of the bug; Priceless, for everything else there’s Riku’s infinite amount of cash.
I then saw Sora and Riku emerge from behind the locker room and running up to us, and sitting beside us and they began to make out. Obviously to relieve themselves of the excitement of destroying many jock reputations. I know that cause I always feel the need to do it too every time I do something crazy. Then some people turned their attention to us. Cloud still on top of me with his hand down my pant and me holding the waist of his pant, and Sora and Riku in a frantic tongue fight. Somehow us practically fucking was a lot more interesting than the jocks distress cause the principal had to pull us out and into his office.
“I swear Mr. Marquis, we didn’t intend on things going the way they did!” Cloud said trying to play innocent, which by the way, he didn’t. He looked like he had just been fucked, sweaty, hair a mess, clothes wrinkled and practically off his body. Fuck I wish I had fucked him. He looks so hot when he’s all disoriented.
“Even so Mr. Strife. We have to take into consideration that things of that nature are not allowed on this campus. Or any other if I am correct. I let you off easy, considering the fact that it was a first offense, but if I or anybody else catches you doing anything else of that nature, I will be forced to take drastic measures. Do I make my self clear?” Mr. Marquis said with his husky voice, pushing his ridiculously long platinum blonde hair out of his face. I maybe head over heels in love with Cloud, but I have to be entirely honest and blunt here, our principal is fucking hot!!!! This fuck had absolutely no appearance of a damn principal. He had the attitude pretty well, but his looks reminded me of a fucking painting of Apollo, or a guy from a Playgirl Magazine. Even his voice is fucking hot. And he has such an awesome body. Yes I’ve seen it. We go to the same gym. It’s gorgeous. Even his name is hot. Zechs Marquis. That’s not even his real name, I found out from Cid that his real name is Milliardo Peacecraft. Tell me that name isn’t even remotely hot! This guy was made to a fucking model not a damn principal. His parents must have really fucked him up for him to want to be a principal!
Anyway back to our present situation. “Noin get me through to the parents of Leon Squall Kisaragi, Sora Kisaragi, Riku Kadaj, and Cloud Strife.” Mr. Marquis said into his phone thing. “I am letting you off, but it’s still in the rules that I have to contact your parents and tell them about this so that it doesn’t happen again.”
“My parents are out of town.” Riku said.
“And mine are too.” Cloud said.
“Who knows where the hell ours are.” I said rolling my eyes.
“I see. So your parents are all irresponsible, neglecting, and this might have led you to do that.”
“You’re assuming we did it for attention aren’t you?” Riku said with a face saying “typical adult.”
“I am obviously led to assume that. Do you have any adult figures that take care of you?”
“Cid.” Sora blurted. I had to laugh because it’s true. He does take care of us. He does more, than our shit for parents.
“Cid? As in the Physical Education teacher Cid? Cid Highwind takes care of you?” Mr. Marquis said with obvious shock written all over his face.
“Yeah. He’s the only parental figure we’ve had in a while. He always visits us and makes us laugh he even buys us stuff and takes us all out to eat and he makes sure we don’t get into trouble. He’s more of a parent than out real parents are. He’s the closet thing we’ve got to a parent.” Sora said pulling some his acting that made Riku pull him onto his lap and cuddle him, which made the whole thing more convincing.
“I see. I am correct to assume that your older brothers are also part of your group?”
“Yes sir.” Riku said holding Sora tight.
“I see, Noin can you call in Sephiroth Kadaj and Ansem Kadaj to my office? Oh and can you also call in Yuffie Kisaragi, Aerith Kisaragi, and Kairi Kisaragi?”
“This now has nothing to do with us making out does it?” Cloud said looking at Mr. Marquis confused.
“Yes. I have reason to believe that all of you probably would be better off with different parental figures then Cid Highwind.” He said opening a file cabinet and sitting down and began writing something.
“Excuse me, Mr. Marquis, but I think you were taking the whole ‘a bunch of guys almost fucking’ thing a little too lightly. I mean I think you are the first administrator I’ve ever met that doesn’t give a shit about guy on guy action.” I said smirking.
“I don’t think my boyfriend would like it if I were too strict on you.” he said smirking over his papers. I could swear my eyes popped out and my jaw hit the floor. I looked at Cloud, Sora, and Riku who were all in severe shock.
“B-Boyfriend? Wow. They actually let a gay guy be principal?” Sora sputtered.
“Yes, but of course I had to leave out that crucial detail. No matter how important it is to me.” he said and kept writing.
“Who’s the boyfriend?” said an almost cynical voice behind me. Wait, did I say ‘almost’ cynical voice? I meant utterly cynical voice behind me.
“I’ll trust you all. My boyfriend is the judge.”
“Your boyfriend is Treize Khushrenada!?” Riku said almost dropping Sora from his lap. He would have if Sora wasn’t clinging to him and he was holding Sora tight.
“Yes.” he said and looked up at Ansem. “Please take a seat. Where’s your other brother?”
“He’s not well. He stayed home.” Ansem said almost snickering.
“I see.”
“You called us Mr. Marquis?” Aerith said with Yuffie and Kairi at her heels.
“Yes, please take a seat. I have just been informed that all your parents are currently not available. Is this correct?”
“Yes sir.” we all said in unison.
“Good. Now that that has been confirmed. I don’t want to put you all under any form of foster care, but if I don’t see that you all are doing well in classes, or that certain behavior continues, I’ll have to call Child Protective Services.”
“What do you mean certain behavior?” Yuffie asked.
“Any behavior, particularly behavior that is asking for attention.”
“Ok.” Kairi said.
“Now will you ladies please wait outside? I have to discuss something with these gentlemen.”
“Yes sir.” Aerith said.
“Now I have to say something, I haven’t done anything about since I have been principal, I should have done it along time ago, but have dismissed it. Leon, Sora, Riku, Ansem, and if Cid and Sephiroth were here they would have been addressed as well, I have seen much of your work, your pranks. From the water balloons in the field, the letters in the mailboxes, the buckets of neon paint, porn magazines in the teacher’s lounge, condoms in the cheerleaders lockers, the whole Lockheart incident, the bugs in the locker room, I have seen so much of your pranks, but have dismissed them. I have dismissed them, because all the people you have done it to, have deserved every bit of it.
“I have always acted unaware when Cid has spoke to me about them, but I have actually known all along he was involved and that you all weren’t innocent. I have known the whole time. I don’t care if you continue them, but I can’t ignore many of it. You all will eventually be caught. So I ask you boys, please try to make them a little bit more low key. If the cops got word from the faculty or the students that you all were behind them and will be tried for harassment and abuse. Do I make myself clear? I don’t want you all in trouble and I have known that Cid is with you a lot, but I have never thought that you’d actually pull that Drama stuff and say that about him, it was extremely convincing. Now I also know what happened between Cid and Sephiroth, I know why neither came today. I know everything that goes on with my faculty and students. Just be sure no one else finds out, because that is far from my jurisdiction. Ok?”
“You knew this whole time!?” I said in complete disbelief.
“Why have you let us off?” Cloud said confused.
“I don’t know, I guess because you all were everything I wish I was in high school. Open, free, and with a lot of friends. Also I think I’ve already partially explained that.”
“Well now isn’t that sweet?” Ansem said.
“Don’t push it. I can just as easily turn around and have you all arrested.” Mr. Marquis said.
“It’s understood sir.” I said.
“Good, call in your sisters.” he said sorting the papers he was writing on.
“Yes sir?” Aerith said entering.
“Even though you all are old enough to take care of yourselves, you all are still minors, and until I have spoken to a proper adult, I am going to have to place you all into the care of a responsible adult.” he said flipping through a number thing.
“What?! Are you really allowed to do that sir? I mean isn’t that a little much?” Aerith said sounding aghast.
“Yes Ms. Kisaragi, I do. I think I’ll place you in the care of…” then he smiled and looked up at us. I think the best person I can leave you with, is someone very rule abiding, and I know will take good care of you all, and I know your parents could not protest against.” he said and picked up his phone, and without looking at a number he dialed. “Hello Trei? I need a favor, I’m taking some actions to help some students of mine.”
“I need you to take care of them until their parents arrive from wherever they are.”
“Yes, they just up and left.”
“I know I should, but these students have enough to worry about.”
“There are nine of them.”
“Don’t worry, they’re all good kids. Well once you get basic ground with some of them they are entirely tolerable.”
“I’ll go and check up on them, you know I’ll go to your place anyway, and one of my teachers will for sure visit them, he’ll probably even take six of them off your hands for most of the time.”
“They’re all girls and one of them is about to graduate this year. She’s a top student and has never gotten in trouble, and she’s the one in charge of her household, she’s very responsible, she’ll help keep things in order.”
“Thank you, I knew I could count on you.”
“I can’t say that back right now, but like wise. Good bye and thank you again.” Zechs said and hung up. “Well I got off the phone with Judge Treize Khushrenada. He has agreed to take you all in until your parents have returned and I have spoken to them.” Automatically we looked at each other. That explained a lot. He’s dumping us on his boyfriend! I now had a million times more respect for him now, and I already had immense respect for him.
“But-” Aerith was going to say, but Sora cut her off.
“Understood Sir, but it is going to take us awhile to get all our belongings together, may we please leave early to pack our stuff? We are also going to need a ride, none of us have a car.” Sora said with a big innocent smile.
“Of course, all that will be arranged. Noin can you please call my sister, and tell her if her, Lady Une, and Hilde can come over with their cars to help me with something?” he said into his little machine thing.
“Yes sir.” came the reply.
“Did you know she has a thing for you?” Yuffie said to Mr. Marquis, swinging her legs back and fourth in her chair.
“Yes.” he answered.
“Why don’t you go out with her?” she asked.
“To be entirely honest, I can’t stand her. She’s to possessive, clingy, and if I were ever to be in a relationship with her I’d probably be the female and she the male. Also, my personal life shouldn’t be of any concern of yours.” he said. I was so close to laughing my ass off! Mostly, because I know he’s gay. I turned to the others, who were also suppressing a laugh. Sora’s face was buried in Riku’s shoulder and was biting Riku’s shirt, so he could keep himself from laughing out loud.