Fan Fiction ❯ Wishful Hallucinations ❯ Chap. 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The cool water swirled around his feet, like the empty thoughts moving in his head.

Four years had come and gone since being dropped back into his own time, four years of complete agony. And no one remembered anything, the burning of Kakiriko Village, the freezing of Zora's Domain, nothing. And everyone's happiness, thanks to him.

But not everyone's memory was blank. Fourteen year old Link remembered. He recalled every aspect with painful accuracy. The beasts, temples, people, Sheik…

And what of everyone's cheer? If anyone even deserved a little of the good cheer, it was Link himself right? So why had he had to endure for four years?

He stood up and shook the water from his feet. He gathered his boots, and started walking to the ranch, his one source of comfort.

* * *

It was dusk by the time he arrived. When he had climbed the steep incline, he realized that everyone had gone to bed.

"OH well." He sighed. The humans weren't the reason he came. He turned to his right and entered the stable. Many of the horses and cows had lied down, but one young mare caught his eye and a small grin lit his face.

"Hey girl!" He bounced over to the horse's stall. Epona, now about five years, looked up, her eyes pleading with Link to be let free. "Alright." He voice contained a hint of annoyance but inside he was brimming with joy.

Link led the mare outside and into Hyrule field. He climbed on her bare back and immediately they were off. The wind blew through his hair, drying his eyes and brushing past his cheeks.

Link knew Epona just loved to run so he let her go where she would. He closed his eyes, putting his full trust into the moving mass of muscle beneath him. He enjoyed the feeling that nothing mattered, that no worries could ever catch up.

But eventually, the mare had to stop and take a drink. He hopped off and tumbled onto on the bank of Hylian Lake, stopping at a resting position.

"Come on Epona, Malon's going to wring my neck if she finds out that I rode you after dark."

He went to mount her when a twig snapped from a bush over to his left, near the Lakeside Laboratory. Link drew his sword and spun to meet a shadowy outline of a young man. In the back of his mind, a memory was triggered. No…it couldn't be… But before Link could confirm his suspicions, the figure vanished in a snap of phosphorescent light.

He stared at the spot where the silhouette stood. Could it have possibly been? No…no way… Sheik wasn't real, just a figment of Zelda's imagination. But that man had no doubt been a Shiekah, the clothes and flyaway hair had confirmed that. But hadn't Impa been the last?

A light tug on his shirtsleeve brought him back to reality. Apparently, the mare had either not seen or had been unmoved by the figure. Nevertheless, she seemed to realize the trouble Link would be in with Malon if they got caught

"Alright girl. Let's go."

* * *

Link spent the rest of the night outside of Epona's stall. Thoughts, once again, racing through his mind.

Who what that? Had he just been a reminiscent from link's memory? He had been attracted to Sheik, no doubt, who wouldn't have been? The blonde hair carelessly poking through the bandages Zelda had worn as a mask. So if Zelda and Sheik were one in the same, why wasn't there any attraction to the princess? But of course, she remembered nothing of the foolish little fairy boy.

Impa. Surely she would know if there was another Shiekah, and who he was. But how am I going to talk to her? The security had been hyped up and it was now futile to even attempt sneaking into the palace.

The next morning he awoke with Malon staring down on him with the fakest smile he had seen.

"You took my horse last night, didn't you Link?" Link could have sworn he saw a muscle in the corner of her eye twitch. "Don't try to lie. She's sweaty and covered in mud. Besides I heard you ride out last night." Of course! Malon's window was right above the entrance to the ranch. He was stupid to forget.

"Listen Malon, I'm sor.." But before he could finish Malon had tackled him

"Oh it's ok! I forgive you!" Then she grabbed his collar and in a more menacing tone, added, "Just don't do it again."

"OK I promise!" Malon let go and Link scrambled to he feet. Malon would have been quite a catch.. But she had no interest whatsoever of becoming anything more than friends with Link.


"Yea?" She turned to face him, Face christened with a smile.

"I need a way to get inside the castle, but I have no idea how to go about it." Link stopped. He knew Malon was about as plain as a slice of bread, but he had to try

"Why not just ask the guard?"