Fan Fiction ❯ Wishful Hallucinations ❯ Chap. 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Deep amber eyes stared back into his own, as fingertips grazed his skin. He closed his eyes, enjoying the blossoms of pleasure the knowing fingers sent through his body.

Surroundings fell from around the pair, leaving them to focus completely on each other. He opened his eyes once more to take in his partner. Only two features were visible in the twighlight. The man's blonde hair lay carelessly, enticing Link to run fingers through it. And his eyes were following his hands, absorbing every part of Link's body.

The Hylian's hands reached up and stroked the bare, muscled torso above him. Felt it quiver beneath his touch. The reaction excited Link, making him crave for more.

Lips came down upon his own, lingered and moved to his neck. When they came to his collar, Link gasped. He leaned into the kiss and felt a smile as they touched him again.

The Shiekah continued down, not missing a spot on Link's milky body, his blonde hair twirled in Link's fingers. He finally made the journey to the Hylian's stiff erection. As he worked his tongue around the tip, Link's eyes began to water, his body tense.

* * *

Link jolted awake. Lifted up his thick covering. Damnit. The sticky substance clung to his stomach. Good thing I'm near the river. Link cast away his clothes, which happened to only be a green tunic and under clothes, and jumped into the icy river.

Impa had offered him a place to rest for a couple of days, but he had turned her down. He liked the stars, he'd told her. But the night sky was not the sole reason; he hoped to see Shokin again. And about the first encounter, had it been chance, or had he been followed?

But that dream, it had been Shiek, not Shokin, of this he was certain, he had seen Zelda's alter ego too many times. Although, something in the dream had been different from the rest, he just couldn't quite put his finger on it.

Link stopped his train of thought to study a silver fish that had swept by his bare leg. It struggled against the current and was soon out of the boy's sight.

He scooted up onto the bank and fell asleep, half his naked body still in the water.

* * *

When he woke, violet eyes peered down at him. He started, and jumped to an almost upright position, but in the process his forehead knocked into that to which the eyes belonged. They both fell back, clutching their heads.

"Who the.." But Link opened his eyes at that moment, and his heart stopped. "You!"

The boy looked startled and jumped to his feet.

"No. Don't go." Link's voice pleaded. Don't leave me. And to his surprise, the young man lowered his arm and placed an object back into a pouch tied around his waist.

In addition to the pouch, he wore a deep purple tunic, much the color of his eyes, which clung to his chest. He was dressed much like Link, which meant he probably just threw on whatever clothes he could manage to scrape together. His golden hair lay carelessly on top of his head. A torn left sleeve and a bloodstained bandage was carelessly wrapped around the bare arm. Blue arcs under his eyes gave one the impression that he hadn't rested for weeks.

Shokin stared at Link, but never loosing his alertness. Motionless, his eyes never left the Hylian's, until he seemed to realize something. He glanced down at the boy's naked body, still wet from his nap in the water. His glazed cheek turned a bright crimson and he turned away.

Link looked down at himself, suddenly recalling he had fallen asleep nude. He turned the same shade as the Shiekah and plunged into river. Unnerved by the awkward silence, the Hylian decided to break it. "Why are you following me?"

The young man gracefully turned around and continued to stare at Link. He smiled and said, "I simply find you fascinating." He came closer and crouched near Link. "The dreams Impa has had, I've have also had. I'm curious as to your adventures and what part I might have played in them, or rather, Zelda." The sun reflecting in Shokin's eyes gave the look of mischief, which Impa also had if she tilted her head to the sun.

To Link's surprise, the man bore hardly any resemblance to Shiek. First, the eyes were of a different color and nature. Shiek's had been soft, almost feminine. Shokin's were hard, as if daring you to try and see his soul and if you should succeed, you would be knocked flat on your ass. Link had always pictured himself dominating Shiek…That's it! His dream, he had been dominated, unlike the other dreams. This man looked as if he had never been dominated and had no wish ever to be.

Shokin smiled broadly, "My name's Shokin, although you already knew that since you have spoken to my aunt. Very intelligent and caring woman, she is. She doesn't come off as caring, yes I know, she's very gentle, although I don't think she herself realizes it." He closed his mouth and looked at Link, as if expecting a reply or argument. The Hylian simply nodded. "So yes, as to why I've been stalking you." The Shiekah rolled over and sat down, very close to Link's face, his own was resting on his hands and the bank, his whole body a bit tense.

"Yes, why are you here, where do you come from?" Link was suddenly bombarded with questions he had unconsciously thought of since the moment he left the castle.

"But Link, you already know where I come from, although I'd care not to." Shokin cast his eyes down, tears beginning to swell. "But yes, you do know, my father bedded a Hylian woman, nameless to me forever for all I care. And he died a few months before I was born, the day after I was conceived, if I'm not mistaken. But Impa has told you the same story, and as much as you know, is the extent of my knowledge also."

Neither of us know much about our past.. Link perked up a little at this realization.

Shokin looked up at the sky, pondered the sun for a moment, "I must be going, beautiful, but I shall hunt you down again soon." He leaned down and kissed Link's cheek. The Shiekah backed away, reached into his pouch and, with a loud crack, disappeared in a haze of smoke.

Link sighed and put his head down upon his arms. Beautiful.. Shokin's words echoed through his mind. He stayed for countless minutes, maybe hours. Finally he got up, washed and dried his rags he called clothes, and walked dreamily to the ranch.

* * *

The sun was directly overhead and beating down on the Hylian's back. Sweat was rolling down is forehead bye the time he reached the ranch.

Epona was in the field with Malon. She had her ocarina and was playing the song Link knew all too well. The horse was galloping joyfully around, to sort of a rhythm to Malon's playing. Link stood watching them both, Malon, belting out a melody and Epona jumping to the beat. He started humming along with Malon's ocarina.

He suddenly realized how hot he was and that he needed wind to cool him before he passed out. He walked slowly up to the pair, not wanting to disturb their dance.

"Malon?" The girl started, and realizing whom it was, smiled.

"Hey! How did things go at the castle?" She waved him over and sat on the grass, inviting him to do the same. He eased calmly on the grass, and told her everything Impa had said, leaving out the details of him wanting Shokin and meeting him that morning. When he finished he looked up at her, and she was smiling mischievously.


She giggled. "You're leaving something out, Link." She continued to giggle, looking at Link with that glow in her eye that told him she knew.

"Oh yea? What's that?" Link tried to sound nonchalant, but he didn't think it was working.

Malon continued to stare at him, a smile spreading slowly across her face. "Oh, you already know what you're leaving out, and you know I know, so why try to lie to me? Remember, I'm a woman and I've got a little thing called intuition." She tapped her temple and winked at him. "You like him, don't you?"

"Well if you already know, then why are you asking!" Link jumped to his feet, shouting at her. Malon looked slightly taken aback by the little explosion from the normally calm boy, but Link instantly regained his composure. "Sorry…I just…"

"Yea, it's alright. You know there's nothing wrong with feeling that way, don't you?" She looked at him compassionately.

"So Impa's told me." He sat back down, this time a little further away from her then before. "Look, I don't like him anyway, he's the one called me beautiful."

At this last statement, Malon's eyebrows raised. "So you have talked to him?"

Link sighed. He couldn't see a way of avoiding the subject of this morning any longer. He told her, very sketchily, the details of that morning.

"Wow. I bet that was embarrassing."

Gee, she sure knows how to comfort people, doesn't she? "Yea, it was." He blushed, remembering the fine points of that morning.

"So, I take it you want to steal my horse again?" Malon hastily changed the subject.

"Umm, yea that was the basic reason I stopped by." They both got up, brushing grass off of themselves. "Can I? Or are you still mad at me for stealing her?"

"Yea, I'm still mad, but it is hot and we could both use a ride. I'll let you take her, only if I can come." Link wasn't sure he wanted her to come along, but he was now in desperate need of some cool wind.

"Alright, but I call Epona!" They ran off, Link to Epona, Malon to an almost equally beautiful stallion.