Fan Fiction ❯ Wishful Hallucinations ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"That's it! I need him now!" Shokin paced back and forth in front of Rin, who was polishing the newly found ring. "Would you put that damn thing down and listen to me?" Over the past few days, the stress of just watching Link had begun to wear on the half-breed, and it was beginning to show. A little over a week had passed since he last talked to him, he was always with someone or unable to be found.

"So you have no idea where he goes at night?" Rin put the ring in his lap but had kept polishing it.

At least he sounds interested. "I told you. He used to go to an in or sleep by the river, but now he's utterly disappeared. The inn-keeper says he hasn't checked in in over two weeks, and I wait every night by the river or lake."

"But sometimes you see him in the day?" Now the owner had leaned over to put the ring in its box to fully focus on his friend. He had known Shokin since he was just a baby. His mother had left him in his care, telling him vaguely of the baby's past. Rin was not a very caring man, but when he saw this dirty child he knew he had to bring him in. Of course, he wasn't too thrilled that his adoptive son had taken a special interest in a male, but at least he had something else to strive for, besides lust, if he was lucky.

Shokin sighed. "Yes, but he's always with that dreadfully simple Malon girl." He began to gnaw at his nails, which had begun to bleed in past week from their frequent abuse.

"So, why don't you just follow him?" The owner had said it as if it was the easiest thing on this planet.

"Of course! Why didn't I think of that?" Shokin looked at him as if it was the easiest thing. "Oh yeah! Because it's an extremely open field, there'd be no way that I could without him detecting me." He rolled his eyes and went back to his nails.

"Well, if what you've told me is true, I would imagine that this boy wants you too, right? So he wouldn't say anything if he knew, in fact he might even try to get away from her to be with you. And if the girl's as dumb as you say she is, she probably won't notice." Rin smiled this time, not wishing to be ridiculed again, and thinking that the last statement was pretty clever for spur of the moment.

Shokin paused, realization coming into him. "See Rin? This is why I love you." He smiled. "But it's too late to go now, it's hours past dusk." Seeing the ring's box he added, "Got any perspective buyers for that thing in mind?"

Yep, I raised him, alright. "I've got a few I'm thinking of. But I havn't said anything to them yet, it's too early. Speaking of it, have you seen Zelda recently?"

Again Shokin paused, but this time it was more stunned. "Nah, I've kind of been busy, with Link and all." He looked at his shuffling feet, studying them intensely.

Chuckling, Rin said, "Is that really the reason?"

"What do you mean?" Looking offended, Shokin's eyes were slit.

"Take it easy boy. I'm just going to tell you what I think." Shokin rolled his eyes, but Rin didn't seem to notice. "I think you like Link too much for him to find out about you and her, I also think that this boy has brought something out in you, a little thing called compassion, that you obviously havn't learned from me."

What Shokin didn't want to reveal was that in the dreams he had, Zelda had been a steady lover. From what he knew, Link hadn't even played a part in his life. But he didn't want that; he was waiting for Link, not Zelda, the sheltered girl who only used him as preparation for her future husband from a neighboring kingdom. She was afraid of embarrassing herself with him, so Shokin had shared his secrets of what men like and don't. And, in return, she had paid him. The payment was small for a princess, comfortable for a semi-homeless boy; 150 rupees a time, 200 if she had especially "learned a lot".

But Rin was partly right; he didn't want Link to know. Of course Impa had known, but had she told him? Shokin could care less if he hurt Zelda. The only reason he didn't want Link to know was he'd be harder to get, or he thought that was the only reason, now he wasn't so sure. Watching him and his wonderful habits, such as bathing in the river and making sure what was left of his clothes were as clean as they could get. The more he watched and discovered, the more Shokin felt as though the Hylian wasn't as naïve as he once thought. Link had shown wonderful genius in thinking of new ways to get money, and none had anything to do with tricking anyone or stealing. This proved to Shokin that Link was above him, it gave him something to strive to be.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Just don't tell anyone, they may think I'm becoming soft." Shokin grinned, and Rin guffawed at the statement.

"You know? I'm surprised that with all you're "errands" you havn't developed a reputation." Of course it was a question. What Rin had really wanted to say was how.

"I use different names, change my appearance quite frequently, and I clean up sometimes. You'd be surprised at what a little soap and water can do to your face." They both snickered.

* * *

Saria had kept her promise and had a bed made for Link. She had said that hers had been splitting. The bed was small, made to suit only a child, but it was comfortable for the time being.

But no matter how comforting having a warm fire and bed was, Link was still uneasy. Nightmares still plagued him, seemingly desperate for him to understand what they were trying to tell him. Saria had refrained from any more hints at what she wanted, but there was still a tension. This was odd; forest children were not supposed to have feelings for each other other than friendship. Link feared that he had brought too much of the Outside in, and knew he must take his leave within a couple of days, maybe never to return.

A couple of days after he had arrived, Mido spotted him. He seemed to recognize him, but kept his mouth shut, choosing to stare instead. As soon as he realized the older boy had saw him and his expression of horror, Mido ran. Apparently he had not said anything, for no others said anything to Saria, Link just now made more cautious trips Outside and to the Lost Woods. He left early in the morning and didn't return until late at night. Saria was always waiting for him with a bowl of her stew, although she was obviously tired.

In the day, he spent his time with Malon, Talon, or the various people he knew in Castle Town or Kakariko Village. While in Castle Town, he sometimes visited the Bazaar, if only to look since his wallet was almost empty and rupees were becoming scarce in the fields and behind bushes. The Bazaar's owner, a man named Rin, had suddenly started talking to Link more than he usually did. Of course, he had to be polite to his customers, but it was cold and impersonal. Now, he took more notice of Link, sometimes even sharpening his sword or giving him a new bowstring free of charge.

Link also had not seen his stalker in quite a while, though Shokin was still frequenting his dreams and thoughts. Sometimes he would feel as if someone was watching him as he did miscellaneous tasks for Talon on the ranch or as he walked around Kakariko Village. But when he looked, it was always the usual people going on about there own business.

Malon had gotten him work as a ranch hand for Lon Lon Ranch, and Talon seemed happy to have him, even though the work was minimal, along with the pay. The ranch took most of his time, though he still had hours to spare until night. Malon would follow him to the market or wherever he had been going, pestering him with questions about where he was staying. Link thought it best to not tell her. He had already put to much influence on Saria; he'd prefer if it Malon forgot about the Kokiri.

Now he sat in a corner outside of Impa's house. He was alone and it felt to him like the first time in weeks. He knew Malon was trying to help him, but it did get quite annoying after a while. He had sent her on an errand to Castle Town to look for a new bridle for her stallion, since one of the ranch's dog had hid his old one. Link said that he was going to look in this shop while she looked in the bazaar. Looking for a bridle was the last thing on his mind, though, as he sat gazing up at the clouds.

A series of shivers came over him again as he sat. Glancing around so as not to bring attention that he knew, he saw no one. Damnit. Resisting the urge to shout out, he shook himself of grass and walked to the store.

* * *

He was right there! I could have gone, why didn't I go? Damnit. Shokin was at a complete loss. He had let his goal slip through his fingers. Crouching on the roof of Impa's house, he rested his elbows on his knees and put his face in his hands. Well, he's getting away. I better not loose him. He got up, not wanting to admit that he was curious about how Link was living, if he was getting on all right. That had been the reason why he hadn't said anything. Link knew he was there, and he looked frustrated. Next time. He promised himself.

* * *

Link met up with Malon at the drawbridge. After buying the bridle they rode back to the ranch. The boy knew he had to leave Malon or she would be forced to face the consequences for her ditziness.

Talon gladly gave him the rest the day off and let him take Epona where he wanted, as long as he brought her back. Link had decided a few days ago that he would make his way to Zora's River, near the entrance to the Domain, although he wouldn't be able to get in. The fountain was a source of leisure for him.

On his way out, he didn't notice another figure looking from behind the stone wall.

* * *

The path from Lon Lon Ranch to Zora's River was relatively short. Shokin trotted after Link, already knowing to where he was heading. Going slow also gave him time to think, think about what he was actually going to do once he found the boy he had been following for weeks, the boy from whom he had tried to make himself invisible. Simply watching Link had satisfied him, but that day when he had slipped and crunched that branch had happened and Link had heard it.

So now that he knew there was no other way for him to find contentment, to leave behind the past that had been handed him, unasked-for, he was forced to track out the Hylian and, well, do something. Link had booted out all the dependency that Shokin didn't even know he had on Zelda. He had realized early that she meant nothing, but she did listen, tried to understand, no matter how sheltered and dull-witted she was. Staring off into the direction Link had gone, he began to run faster, debating on whether or not to use a magic stone to teleport himself there. No, that's too… too something.

* * *

Sitting cross-legged on the ledge above the ladder outside the entrance to Zora's Domain, Link felt a sudden tinge of sadness at never being able to see the Zoras again, but it was soon gone as he resumed his semi-meditation and waiting.

His instinct told him that Shokin was following; he had known it since he sat outside Impa's house. Not mentioning it to Malon had been easy. She no longer cared about Link's love life. As soon as he stopped sharing his secrets with her, she stopped wanting to know his gossip. Though she had not left him alone since the last time he had seen Shokin. The only reason Link could think of was her only company throughout her life had been her father. No friends played with her, she was always busy with the farm work and she was barely allowed to go into town.

A splash behind him snapped him from his thoughts and his heart simply quit beating. His breath caught as he began to shake. His body was unwilling to turn.

Shokin walked upright now, not wanting to hide any longer. Breath also caught in him, he landed himself next to the Hylian, his left hip touching Link's right. The air filled with tension as blue eyes continued to stare straight ahead.

They sat together uncounted minutes, and eventually the tension eased. Still no one talked, but the pair sat in the silence, enjoying the peace that radiated from the other.

The half-breed reached over and grabbed the Hylian's hand that lay carelessly in his lap. Link looked at the auburn eyes that stared directly at the waterfall. His heart was about to burst and he couldn't mouth the words to explain it. Instead, Shokin snapped out of his trance and kissed Link squarely on the same inarticulate mouth. It was sweet, not forced and they both sat until Shokin broke them apart. He had to talk to him before passion consumed them both.

"Link, you're so wonderfully beautiful, I don't see how I went without touching you for so long." Wrong thing to say.

The Hylian's eyes lit up then his eyebrows knitted together as if concentrating on something. Finally link smiled and bent to kiss the half-breed once more. Shokin put his hand on Link's lips.

"No, sweets. We're going to go slow. I'm not used to this." Shokin pulled his brown eyes away, hand still on Link's mouth, as his face grew slightly crimson.

Nodding, Link smiled. He took Shokin's hand in his and kissed the knuckles as they went back to their previous state of serenity.