Fan Fiction ❯ Wishful Hallucinations ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The tall Shiekah leaned against the rough bark. Her face held a look of knowing, yet trepidation. As the moon beamed toward the earth, its rays seemed to become caught in the silvery locks, which were pulled into a loose ponytail. Even though her strong arms were crossed tightly over her chest, her posture was lack and at ease against the tree.

She gazed contemptuously at the two boys standing side by side in front of her. The one in purple had been quiet since she had met them at the castle gates, except to remind the other of a lost word, yet he was constantly staring into the woman's eyes. His had the same deep violet undertone as the Shiekah's and it was evident, if not by the eyes, then the posture that the two were related.

The other, clad in green, forest clothes maybe, was rapidly explaining the plan. He wrung his hands nervously, awed by the presence of the woman. He tensely brushed his blonde hair behind his ears as the wind blew it out of place. Shokin's hand gave his shoulder a quick squeeze, giving him the courage to continue.

"And since you're always in the castle and have access to nearly every room, would you mind returning it? To a discreet place, but one that she hasn't thought of to look yet." He broke off, relieved to be through. Even though he had seen Impa before, her stern face still intimidated him, but not in the usual way. Her eyes looked as though they could pierce your heart and let everything flow from the wound.

After Link's speech, Impa was quiet, perhaps going over the plan, perhaps not. Just as soon as the silence had begun to grow uncomfortable, she spoke. "How are things, Shokin?"

The question caught them off-guard and Shokin's eye brows knitted in confusion. Nevertheless, he answered. "They couldn't be better." He stole a quick glance at the Hylian next to him.

"I am sorry we had not been in contact over your years. They must have been tough." She didn't mention it was Shokin's fault they hadn't spoken, although all three knew it.

"Rin has taken very good care of me, and what he could not do I have been able to myself." A worried look overcame his face and he struggled to not show it. "It was my doing that we have not talked, I wanted nothing to do with my father or mother." At this, his eyes finally left hers to stare blankly at his tattered boots. He bit his lip, hoping the pain would drive the tears away.

Impa sighed. "If you had come to me, you would know that you were to be your father's joy. Yes he loved your mother but she did not want a child, nor did she want people to know to whom she was wed. All the while she was pregnant, she would cry but he couldn't bring himself to hate you, the proof of his love. She cared nothing for your father and when he was gone she found her chance to be rid once and for all of all remaining proof. She gave you to Rin and left for unknown lands to the east, perhaps the desert."

Link was shocked to have heard the story of Shokin so simply and nonchalantly that he couldn't help but stare at his friend. The half-breed's eyes were hidden, but it was obvious he was choking back tears.

"Is she alive?" His voice was thick, but he lifted his head to meet Impa's eyes as his glistened with wetness. His tone held no hope, but dreadful wishing. Shokin hoped she had died, maybe not the horrible death he had once wished upon his parents, but a death nonetheless.

"No friends know of her whereabouts." Impa shook her head, apparently not caring.

Shokin nodded, he realized that he didn't care. She could have been with the great Nayru and he still wouldn't care. He had Rin and Link and now he had Impa, all the family he would need.

Link moved towards the half-breed and gripped his hand with both of his. The Hylian's thumb absently stroked Shokin's.

A respectable silence followed and Impa decided to break it. "In regards to your ring, I will return it and speak of it to no one." Her mouth twitched to as close to a smile as she had come all night.

The boys turned to leave when the Shiekah stopped them. "Do behave, won't you?" she said with a wink. "And do stop by anytime. You both are welcome to stay in my old home in Kakiriko, the papers have already been arranged."

Link was about to protest but Shokin beat him. "Thank you. I won't ever be able to repay you." He bowed deeply to his aunt as a sharp click and a flash of light made her disappear into the forest behind her.

* * *

The two walked aimlessly around as the stars lit the field. Shokin's right arm was hooked around Link's slimmer waist. The silence was welcome and the Hylian shut his eyes, smelling the night and feeling the cool wind brush his hair while letting Shokin guide him.

Shokin was restless, however. Link's lithe waist beneath his touch was making his breath haggard. Impa's comment about behaving kept running through his mind and he needed to distract his thoughts.

"Thanks, Link." For a fleeting second, he felt an impulse to kiss him, but he quickly dismissed it, not knowing if that would be all he would do.

Ocean blue eyes wearily unveiled themselves to look at the half-breed. He looked agitated at being disrupted from his meditation. He stopped, pulling free from Shokin.

Suddenly, Shokin was nervous, afraid that he had done something wrong and he desperately tried to explain. "F-for everything from the ring and staying with me to…"

Link cut off the rest of his sentence with a kiss. Pulling back, he said with a coy smile, "Shut up."

The half-breed's violet eyes were still closed, trying to shake the butterflies that had crept from his sides. His breath was short, but he vainly tried to breathe deeply. Link watched Shokin's composure break with great amusement. But he was startled when violet eyes snapped open and Shokin rushed towards him. The Hylian put his hands out, but the were batted away like twigs as he was tackled to the ground.

Soon, Link was covered with kisses as anxious hands tore at his tunic. He let it happen until he realized where they had ended up. The fences of Lon-lon Ranch peered down at them and each post seemed to have Malon's brown eyes set into it.

"Shokin. He gasped through the kisses and gropes. "Shokin!"

"Shut up." The half-breed mocked from above him. He mouth kissed at Link's nape.

"I'm serious!" Futilely, Link tried to push him off, but Shokin was desperate to achieve his goal.

"So am I." Link felt his sash being untied and that broke him. He flipped Shokin onto his back and drew his dagger to Shokin's sweaty throat, but the half-breed had also drawn his and Link felt the cold blade against his neck. The passion had left the violet eyes and was replaced by anger. "Since when do you carry a dagger?"

Link smiled slyly down at him without answering. "When I say something, I mean it."

"Understood." Shokin withdrew and Link followed. "I'm sorry, I never should have…"

Link rolled off and stood, re-tying his sash. "No, Shokin. Look where we are."

Sitting up, the half-breed gazed in the direction of Link's hand. He knew right away. "Shit." He whispered. "Alright, let's go."

* * *

Did they see me? Malon stood on top of the lean-to, angrily wiping tears from her cheeks. Link had been the object of her affection and lonely dreams for years. But she had missed her chance, if she had ever had one.

She finished staking the wood and ran to the front entrance.

* * *

They slipped around the ranch, but as they went by the entrance, Shokin stopped cold. He whirled around, drawing his dagger once more. A second later and Link had done the same.

"Show yourself." Shokin shouted at the shadows guarding the gate. A moment passed and just as he was about to yell again, a girl stepped forward. She wore a simple dress and her straight orange hair whispered slightly in the night wind.

Link sighed and sheathed his dagger, but Shokin kept his stance.

"Hey, Link." Her voice was shaking and her hands were clasped tightly in front of her as she stared at Shokin's glinting blade.

"Shokin, it's only Malon." The half-breed hesitated before doing as he was told, but his eyes never left the girl.

"Hello Shokin." She stepped further towards them and Shokin nodded in reply. The she whirled unexpectedly on Link.

"When were you planning on telling me?" She was whispering, but it was a harsh sound, making Shokin twitch and Link back up a step. "And where's my horse?"

The second question was easier. "She's near the desert, I think. The Gerudos practically worship her."

Malon nodded, satisfied. "First question now."

Link was stumped, but Shokin drew her attention.

"Malon, your hair is lovely. No doubt from your mother." He smiled at her as she blushed profusely and gave a slight nod. "I knew it. I hate to meet you and run, but it looks as though we've wakened you and it is very late. Good night." His voice held a rough sarcasm and hint of contempt, but it went unnoticed by the girl.

The two turned, not waiting for a reply. Before long, Shokin's longing had begun to creep back.

"Where exactly are we headed?"

"I was going to Kakiriko, I guess. I'm so tired, and no offence, but I'd like to sleep on a bed, not a pallet tonight."

"Great! I'd like a bed also." Link gazed at Shokin as he smiled seductively and for a moment the Hylian nearly complied. But without warning, the half-breed's mouth was upon his again as his hands tangled in blonde hair.

Link pushed him away and this time Shokin acceded. "Alright. But you're going to have to answer to me soon." He sighed. " I'll wait for sunrise and go back to the bazaar. Will you be staying at Impa's permanently then?"

"I don't know. For the time being at least."

Shokin pecked the Hylian's cheek. "Good night."

Link smiled and walked towards the village, leaving Shokin with his passion unfulfilled, but lessening.

He arrived in the quiet village, stopping to talk with the man beneath the tree. The man hated everyone, but Link was determined to break him someday.

Impa's house was unlocked, just as she had promised. After lighting the sconces, he discovered the hearth was prepared with wood pre-stacked. Link did not want to build a fire, he only wanted to go to sleep and be done with the day.

Peeling off his pants and untying the sash around his tunic, he heard Malon. She seemed to understand simply enough, but there was more under her façade. They had come close to becoming a couple more than once, but Link had prevented it. She was supportive, believing Link to have other things on his mind, which, in reality, he did. Just not about relationships. He knew that she thought Shokin would use him, but he knew different. He wasn't quite sure how he knew, but he did and that was enough.

The warm bed called soothingly to him and he hopped in, not bothering to blow out the sconces. Waiting for sleep to take him, he realized how unafraid of sleep he had become. The nightmares had ceased almost completely after meeting Shokin and were growing less common all the time.

* * *

The nest day, the signs had been taken down and a peaceful air had once again dawned upon the kingdom. The ring had been returned and Shokin gained more from it than Rin had ever hoped to.

Link had gone to target practice early that morning and now he aimlessly walked around Kakiriko, his bow and quiver slung on his back. The townspeople were curious at this newcomer, but they welcomed him. They stared and when he would meet their eyes, they would smile and maybe strike a conversation. Children his and watched him pass as young girls giggled at the blonde boy with the prideful step. Old women scoffed at the single gold hoop hanging from his left ear, but the girls continued to titter behind their hands.

The people made him smile; he was happy to be around them. They no longer saw him as the wandering vagabond, but instead, he was now the attractive Hylian in forest clothes who inhabited Impa's old house.

Link sat on the top of the stairs near the well. Looking up at the old Skulta house, he remembered the painful agony of collecting one hundred of those tokens. But only a peaceful family dwelled there now, a family of ten, but peaceful nonetheless. Children climbed the fence and played with a ball behind the house.

"Hey Shokin." Link said without turning.

"You're getting sharper." The half-breed laughed and jumped from the beam above the well to land gracefully beside Link. "Rin says hi."

The Hylian turned to his left and smiled up at the violet eyes. Shokin's purple-streaked blonde hair was pulled into his bobtail, but his bangs blew gently about his face.

Shokin felt the heat rise up in him again and he desperately tried to change the subject. "I have your hat." It was the only thing he could think of.

Link froze, squinting at the half-breed. "You?"

"I swear I didn't steal it. You left it near the entrance to the desert once and I picked it up, planning on returning it but I forgot and I found it this morning in the backroom. I thought you'd like it back." He grinned, bringing his knees to his chest to rest his arms on them.

"Great! Where is it?" Link relished in the thought of once again having his beloved hat set upon his blonde head, to feel the tail of it down his back. He stood up abruptly, looking down at Shokin, expecting him to whip it from behind his back.

"I stopped by Impa's to return it, but you weren't in so I left it on the table. I find it comforting you don't lock your door." He peered up at Link; his sly smile still pasted on his lips.

Link looked towards the house then back at Shokin. Suddenly he burst into a run and bounded up the steps into the cottage.

The hat sat on top of the table, as if it had been there all along and Link rushed to it and jammed it eagerly on his head. His hands clutched the rim and he rocked back and forth.

"Thought you'd be happy." Shokin leaned against the door's frame, arms crossed.

Link, interrupted from his ecstasy, started towards the half-breed, face red with fury. "How come you haven't given it to me before, and don't say you just forgot because I know…"

"Shut up." The fire had begun to build up again and was just strengthened by Link's furor. He spun the Hylian around and pinned him against the wall, kissing him feverishly. His hands found Link's sash once more and un-tied it. Running his hands up under the tunic, he could feel Link's skin break into goosebumps under his touch.

The Hylian remained unresponsive before him, shocked at Shokin's fervor. The butterflies had returned and were threatening to take complete control of him. "Stop," he panted. Shokin complied and looked questioningly at him. Link blushed and stuttered his explanation. "I-I don't know…"

The half-breed giggled and kissed Link lightly. "Don't worry, follow me." Link hesitated than slowly nodded.

Shokin picked up where he had left off, untying the string at the top of the Hylian's leggings. This time, Link followed, removing Shokin's tunic. But, lost in his passion, he got it stuck and Shokin laughed and backed away. Link, embarrassed by his clumsiness, colored to an enticing red.

The Hylian felt fingers beneath his chin and a gentle pressure pushing his head up. Violet eyes looked laughingly down at him.

"It'll be easier this way." Shokin lead Link to the bed and pushed Link onto it. The blonde realized he had at some point lost his leggings, but he didn't much care. He sat, peering at Shokin.

The half-breed bent and kissed him once more. Then he began to undress himself. He tossed his tunic carelessly to the floor and smiled when he noticed Link staring at his bronze skin.

Shokin sat on the bed next to Link and made to push the hat off his head. The Hylian resisted, though, clamping his hands tightly on it. "Alright." Shokin sighed. With one swift movement he pulled Link's tunic over his head, mindful of the hat.

Their lips met again and Shokin pushed the blonde's back against the bed. Link felt Shokin's lips run down his neck and chest, slowly making their way down. Suddenly he felt a warmth encase him. He bolted upright with surprise, knocking Shokin off of him. "Hey!" He hugged his knees and blushed at Shokin.

Shokin smiled. "Would you like me to stop?" he said mockingly. Link hesitated and shook his head. "Good." He pushed Link down once more and continued. Soon Link felt bold fingers exploring his crevices, and although he gasped, he did not ask Shokin to stop.

After endless moments, Shokin looked up into Link's flushed face. The hat had fallen off and lay, unminded, next to him on the bed. The Hylian's chest rose up and down as he panted and a small sheen had broken over his body. Blonde hair was strewn carelessly about on the pillow. Suddenly he realized Shokin had stopped and looked down to see what was wrong.

The half-breed's passion had been tugging at him and he felt he could no longer contain it. He needed consent and he needed it now.

"Can I?" He had pulled himself up, closer to Link.

"Can you what?" although Link had a pretty good idea.

But Shokin only laughed. "I'm going to take that as a yes, then."

Link was jerked upward and turned around to face the wall. Shokin's hands held him and he suddenly felt a hard penetration and he gasped in pain. The half-breed was gentle, though, and after a while, the pain had eased.

Shokin began to work up a rhythm, as his hand snaked around Link's delicate torso to grasp him. He noticed that tears had welled up in the blue eyes and he paused. "Are you alright?"

Link panted and nodded in reply. He turned his head back and kissed Shokin. "I love you." He managed to breathe this out between huffs.

The half-breed froze. Had he ever heard that before? He seriously doubted it. Of course a few drunks had blurted it out, but none had ever meant it. He didn't know what to reply with, so he said the first thing that came to his mind. "Really?"

"No, I'm lying." Link replied sarcastically. His face gleamed with sweat and he smiled. "Really, I do."

Shokin paused and then said, "I love you, too." He kissed the Hylian's neck and continued.

* * *

The two walked through the village and out the gates to the field. They stopped at the river, but closer to the entrance to Zora's domain. They bathed and the basked in the sun.

"Please come live with me. Don't leave me alone." Link randomly blurted out. The previous night had been spent inside with Shokin and he knew there was no way he was going to let him go back and live in that musty back room.

Shokin looked away. He was still weary of the idea of devoting himself completely to an individual. But he was more confident and willing to try.

"I'll never leave you alone. I will stay with you." Shokin rolled over and met his lips with the Hylian's, as if to emphasize his last sentence. And Link smiled.

There! Fin. Thanks for reading. ^^ love you all. -Bitta