Fan Fiction ❯ With Wings Upon an Alter ❯ Part One Of Six ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Title- With Wings Upon an Alter- Part One of Six
Author- Locura barrowing charas from Sword Slinger (with permeation)
Pairings- Loki+Morgan/Morgan+Loki, Sie+Morgan/Morgan+Sie, ArynxLoki/Loki+Aryn, Lola+Loki/Loki+Lola, (kinda future/past) Ebony+Sie/Sie+Ebony
Warnings- Yaoi/slash/shounen ai/mxm, implied noncon, slavory, Twincest
Notes-(please glance at the warnings) Enjoy? (and sorry for those of you who have been watching this story sporadically jump into pieces and move about. I think I have it right this time and am very sorry for the annoyance.)



People with feathered wings, generally white. Neither all good nor all evil. May or may not hold ‘God’(or what would be considered God) in high esteem. Could also be a term for a god depending.


Dark colored wings perhaps leather or made up of something other than feathers. Though dark colored feathered wings may occasionally be scene. Considered evil but not all technically are. As with angels and humans- depends.

The Dark man in the wood-

Or other such phrases: The devil. The highest evil generally, occasionally just for plan demons as well.

Nifty Key for helpful purposes:

~*~ = Beginning or end

*~*= Something extra not technically part of the story.

*** = Set in Modern Times (seen at the end of one piece and the starting of that time/piece)

~~~ = Set in Past (seen at the end of one piece and the starting of that time/piece)


He found it funny that Sie thought hat if he set him up with someone it'd end up being nothing short of painful. Well, maybe, Sie didn't think that exactly but with his disposition and past Loki wouldn’t keep it against him.

Loki found it all very amusing as he sat on a branch, legs swinging idly towards the ground in what he had long dubbed ‘his tree’, which had been found in the center of along forgotten section of a park. If he ever felt the desire to explain a few things he may have cracked a few of the problems they had with each other but he doubted he ever would. The things he kept private were his personal business and not even Morgan or if somehow, Lola ever came back were going to be told.

Though, if he were honest with himself he could figure that both of them probably already knew, because both were like that. Morgan was too smart under the naivety he wore and Lola was home where they probably all found his predicament some funny joke to be shared amongst giggles. He didn’t think Sie knew though, and that was good enough for him. He would really rather not have the demon-like twin of Morgan know, far more past wishing and hoping the others didn’t.

The four of them had actually met on earth for the first time hundreds, maybe thousands of years ago. If Loki’s somewhat faded memory served him right. When his hair had been longer and eyes less old then they were this day. That time, out of all the others he could recall, was his favorite.

It was true that even then he and Sie had fought but it hadn’t been so bad then, and he often egged him on with an off comment or a prank of some sort. He had also been not quite so alone as he now was, sharing Morgan with his brother. Then he had found Lola, the serene Angel of Sorrow, a prominent figure in their society and the one he had dubbed beautiful and pursed wildly throughout that time and eventually won, only to abandon his spoils when the other two disappeared. That had been what ended that time, delirious in its simplicity, and began one that would destroy him. The marker was the twins leaving without a trace or a whisper to the fact that they had once existed in the plane known as earth.

Now he had found them again and the time was starting again, though not quite as delirious as the last. It was more filled with sorrow and underlining loathing then anything had been in the time before. For Lola was gone, probably home and never coming back.

Before he had met up with them again he had assumed they’d run off together, perhaps in each others arms but he never let himself dwell on such thoughts too much, that is until he happened upon the ‘new’ Morgan depressed amongst the dreary winter trees and snow filled clouds.

At first he thought that sense he had found these two that Lola wouldn’t be too far behind, but weeks turned into months and the final angel was no where to be seen. So Loki finally wrote himself off to be forgotten by the other and then turned to Morgan. And, as he thought he would, the bighearted Angel of Healing hadn’t needed to be woed too much. Sie, however, was not to be charmed in any way and often threw the bible at him, the Angel of Vengeance most hated book.

That was how it ended so far. So much had changed and so little was going to. Love mingled with hate and happiness smothered with sadness. He was glad to have found the twins, they being the reason most of all of this had begun in the first place, but even with their altered looks, much different from both Lola and what they had been, Loki could not get rose tented eyes and violet hair out of his vision.

Everything had changed, too much perhaps, to ever go back. And this angel knew that and accepted it. Because where the twins had changed, he too had. Where Sie found more loathing, Loki found naught but bitterness and yearning. Yearning for a past that wasn’t to be found.

Before he had never killed, not for food and not outside of a fight or a must situation. Sure a few disasters had been started by his hand, perhaps a massacre or two but he had never stared into someone’s eyes as their soul was swept from its flesh cavity. Before he had been just as bad as Morgan always was.

Now he knew a man’s true self. Knew the thoughts behind the charming smile. The dark gentleman in the wood could no longer fool him behind dirty blond hair and dark eyes. Now he could see their taint and plotting behind every cheerful grin.

Yes, he had learned a good deal sense he had last seen the twins and Lola, and given up quite bit more. And now because of that he had to keep the said twins, and Lola if he ever turned up, from knowing. It was probably futile, if one of them didn’t weed it out they’d find out from someone eventually but he could try.

Loki stretched luxuriously from his perch, letting his wings slide out from under his skin momentarily as he did to stretch them as well. It felt like ages sense he had last done this simple motion and so he did it with care this time, working slowly at all the kinks in the muscles as the graying mess reached away for the optimal wingspan of fifteen feet that he had just barely gained before all growth had stopped. It hurt to have them out. Like white-hot fire crawling slowly up from mid-spine and down again. However, if he didn’t it would hurt much worse if he were ever forced to reveal them.

He turned slowly, flexing his wings slightly as he did and watched the graying mess of feathers shift as he let them. They had at one time been white, pure as crystal and just as beautiful, but that wasn’t why he hid them from everyone.

Hissing slightly, Loki looked with pupiless gold eyes at the bottom tips of his wings, a place that had once held a great plume of feathers- dusty soft and smooth. Now, the tips ooze gore, half congealed blood and showed off the protruding bone that never healed. The ends had been hacked off by purposely-dulled swords years upon years ago, efficiently grounding him for good and now all that remained of the great plume of feathers was gore. Thick bloody gore that wouldn’t ever heal and always bleed, he knew he could never show them knowingly to anyone with wings. They would be disgusted or pity and he couldn’t decide which would be worse.

He sighed, closing his eyes in relief as he let his wings slide back into his back. It felt so much better to have those nerves dulled by the rest of his flesh. The angel lay back against the tree, eyes closed as he smiled slightly. He was going to be late for dinner with Morgan. He knew it but couldn’t quite seem to make himself leave the tree. He was just too tired to try and run all the way back to the city and thus the crowded apartment.

Loki just wanted to stay out in the chilly winter air and relax for a while. Remember, perhaps, and let go so it wouldn’t bother him later or at least for as long as he stayed with Morgan and Sie before they parted ways again.

Morgan would understand, Loki decided as he let his hands rest limply in his lap, Morgan almost always understood. Sie may bitch at him if Morgan was upset, and the other angel probably was, but then again Sie always found something to be angry with him for so Loki figured as long as he didn’t get a concussion from the bible hitting his head it wouldn’t be too bad.

He’d even congratulate Sie on a wonderful rant later, the teal-haired angel mused to himself as he let his body roll off the branch and land on the partially frozen ground with a thump. His wings sliding out from hiding again and dusting the grass with a light spray of blood as he turned to his side and tried to make himself comfortable as his mind reached for the memories he normally ran from. They always came out as dreams if he let them fester too long so now he would go to them.

Loki closed his eyes, gold eyes dimming as he cut ties with reality. Nothing could wake him now, not until everything ended. If it ever ended. He could only hope Morgan wouldn’t go searching for him. Sie wasn’t a concern as he was likely to just curse at him from the apartment but Morgan was, the small angel would either get depressed or worried and depending on that it was hard to tell which would be worse.


It had been only a few months sense the twins had disappeared and Loki himself had fled Lola, that the angel found himself on a dusty road on his way to a city that was now nothing more the a stretch of desert. Then, though, it had been a wonderful place of golden temples and white towers, glittering in the powerful sunlight that plagued the land. Roads of turquoise had been a rumor but the dusty path almost seemed like bronze in the evening light, at least to Loki's eyes.

He could have flown to the city. Save almost three weeks worth of walking to about a day or two's flight but he wanted to see it this way. See it from his feet and in plain view of others who shared his journey. This was one of the few places he wanted to see but had never done so until now. It was careless of him to have forgotten to go before but now he was nearly there. The angel could see the glittering and flickering of light bouncing off the walls of the massive buildings, the likes he had never seen amongst humans before. It was almost awe-inspiring. Almost…

At the time Loki had, in body, been tiny just barely five three with pale milky skin. He wore see threw silks, cast in blue an gold to almost match his hair and eyes, perhaps clashing a little and dainty slippers. He never guessed that he looked quite odd in his surroundings before, wearing clothing that would cost a bundle to any human and staring openly with odd shimmering gold eyes as he traveled like a commoner. Together with his natural but unnatural looking dark blue-green hair he was like a raised splinter in smooth wood, sure to be noticed.

The city itself had been all he had heard and more. Merchants were everywhere and people were rushing about almost nonstop. It was a flurry of colors and faces from dawn until dusk and in some places even after. It took his breath away and kept his mind from mulling over his companions sudden abandonment and his guilt over Lola, without so much of a word. People danced in the street while others did tricks or played music. Some told the future with cards or stones while others asked for your hand to use. He knew such things were phony but all the same he paid each of them a visit and listened intently.

One never knew when such tricks could be of use.

Loki had been there three days before anything really happened. Three days of nonstop partying and tricks, for he never took the name he had chosen lightly, Loki coming from a human god of mischief.

He had played with the merchants by the river and the merchants facing the desert, the storytellers and soothsayers, the barmen and stable keepers. He had his own sort of fun with almost everyone in the grand city, all but one or two of the top houses and perhaps the king if there was one at the time.

It really was no surprise to him, though, when one of those noble houses called him to dinner. His name and face had turned up almost everywhere and his odd tastes had been strewn in rumors around the city. If anything was a secret here, it was known to all by midday. Some had even talked of his wings, which he had never released sense he entered the city. Nonetheless he had believed these nobles, rumored to have a taste for young boys, wouldn’t be any threat to his entertainment. In fact the teal haired boy wagered they’d be a fare bit of entertainment themselves for human games and meager weapons were of no consequence to him. He was just here to have fun.

At least that’s what Loki thought at the time, he never even considered the possibility that he was wrong. And for an angel or a god without anyone to miss him if he were to disappear it was a grave mistake to misjudge ones company.

Perhaps it was because he was lonely and didn’t care if he was wrong that he let himself make this mistake. But it would be one that would twist his delusions and tricks with tears and not the sort Sie seemed to try and provoke.


It had been an hour, one long obnoxious hour where an idiot had once again broken a promise. His twin had long ago lay his head down sadly, arms folded underneath his chin as he watched the candle in the center of the table flicker in the half light of the room, casting shadows against the light blue walls.

Sie himself sat up straight, arms folded angrily, and staring to the window as Morgan sighed heavily. “I told you.” The frustrated words slid out almost against his will and Sie scowled anew. People just kept letting down his brother and this time it was one time too many.

“No, you didn’t.” Morgan’s sad blue eyes locked on his twins unforgiving ones before he closed them off behind the slightly bruised petals of his eyelids sufficiently blocking the candle and what he thought it stood for from his sight and almost his mind.

“I told you he wouldn’t show.” Sie growled slightly, mumbling not the nicest sayings to the one who had caused this in the first place. He could feel what Morgan felt and they didn’t share the same sentiment now. Sie wanted to get him back for playing the idiot again while Morgan only wanted to make sure it wasn’t his fault that Loki hadn’t turned up.

‘Why didn’t he show?’ Morgan wondered, poking at the food that had long gone cold as silent tears traced his cheeks. ‘Is it because he really hates me?’

Another hour ticked by and their guest still didn’t arrive and it didn’t seem as though he was going to. Despite that, however, they still sat across from each other. Glancing over at the clock periodically or watching the little ticks on the candle slowly melt away.

‘Bastard,’ Sie thought to himself venomously. ‘You’re such an idiot, you know? You make him sad and send him into a world of blue.’ He scowled, the candle flinging bits of light onto his blond hair and chasing the shadows around his face eerily. ‘You make him cry when you don’t show up, and who has to deal with it? I do. You aren’t a child, why don’t you keep your promises, your responsibilities?’

The angrier twin looked over to his brother, whose tears had almost ceased to fall before starting up again, and muttered to himself, thoughts turning back on themselves before spiraling into self hate.

‘He misses you. He was all excited and then you just go and ruin it.’
